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Posts posted by maxter

  1. We will have to agree to disagree then.
    Sounds perfectly reasonable to me...My point still stands irrespective of what you read into the developers comments... The overwhelming tone by the so called "hard core" simmers was one that in any circumstance would have got any reasonable person's back up.It's interesting though that so many who previously bashed the product pre launch have turned around and have given their if not wholehearted support, a grudging acknowledgement of the possibilities of this title even at this early phase of it's development. Well done to those...Anyway, it's their product and they can do as they please. Regardless of the whining, carping and bleating still emanating from some.

  2. The "simmer" has been summarily dismissed in this interview as being completely unimportant to the future of Flight. I am not at all optimistic abou the future of this platform in any way shape or form.
    I have to disagree... The so called "hard core" simmer (whatever that may be) made themselves completely and overwhelmingly irrelevant when their overriding response to Flight was a whining, carping and bleating tirade of negativity with minimal constructive dialogue attempted. Ya gets what ya sow...

  3. The expansion pack and RV6 is great. The self shadowing both internal and external adds a huge amount of immersion to this sim.The atmospherics are a huge step up from default FsX, but the clouds could certainly do with a REX makeover. All in all a great start.Well done Flight dev team. Keep the DLC coming.

  4. Flight is not for you. So don't get it. When a company comes out with a product that I'm not interested in because it doesn't offer somehting that I think I would enjoy, I don't start screaming bloody murder about it. I simply just don't buy it and get on with the things I do enjoy.
    So very true Noah. Brilliant OP, brought back so many good memories for me with my two daughters. Wish I had Flight back then. They are 18 and 20 now and have no interest in flying... Maybe one day.Cheers and thanks again.
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