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Posts posted by adams

  1. You still use the LG original using the cpd compressed maps. May be there are a problem with the decompression.Level 3 to 7 are .bin uncompressed.I am no longer using cpd files for my installation. I have all converted to .bin because I modify the region.Andre
    Thanx for answer. I thought that uncompressed bin files could remove the problem though I didn't know that level 3 to 7 are .bin.

  2. You still use the LG original using the cpd compressed maps. May be there are a problem with the decompression.Level 3 to 7 are .bin uncompressed.I am no longer using cpd files for my installation. I have all converted to .bin because I modify the region.Andre
    Thanx for answer. I thought that uncompressed bin files could remove the problem though I didn't know that level 3 to 7 are .bin.

  3. Did you try to switch off the graphic 3D hardware ?Is FLED running ?Can you modify settings off you graphic card ?If it's the hires only then remove all L0 and L1 map away from your /maps folder You can remove down to L4 but from Level 4 to level 7 must remain in the folder or FU3 will crash.Sure quality is then lost :-( so this is just for a test and not for final installation :-) Andre
    I was trying both on/off accelerator. I can modify my graphic card but don't know what settings to modify.Fled works under the same coditions as FU. I removed all l0,l1 and l2 from Flight3/cdrom/seattle/maps - then FU runs. Then I pasted l2 files and then FU stops when ai sturtup reaches 99%.When I pasted l0 and l1 without l2, FU runs but no hires I can see.

  4. Important : start fled and choose only Seattle region to edit outerregion !1 - go to the airport you want to edit2 - set bookmark for this place3 - exit fled4 - remove folder with existing airport5 - start fled and move to the editing place using bookmark6 - choose 'edit airport', set airport properties, then set runway first7 - set 'special' nodes on the runway8 - set at least 1 parking spot and connect it with the node on the runway9 - save your workThen you can edit (add new parking spots) your airport.You can't save airport with unconnected nodes/parking spots.B.Adamski

  5. Airports and sceneries can be made independently IMO. You can freely move airport folder between main airpots folder and package/airports folder when the airport is done.It's good idea to create each area in separate package because it's easy to remove it in the future.It' bad idea to create different packages in the same area because you can set two models in the same place. It's immposible to open 2 packages at once so you can see the models set only in 1 package.B.Adamski

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