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Status Updates posted by Epikk

  1. - on my mobile with eBuddy www.ebuddy.com/android

  2. "Somebody PLEASE tell LeBron James the rules. Hand down, man down" Mark Jackson after another dagger Jet Terry three pointer in NBA Finals' G5. Clutch baby!!!! Take that LeBron!!!!

  3. A ce jour les Lakers ont joué CINQ matchs de plus que les Clippers. Saison et calendrier CHELOUS! :)

  4. Ah ah ah Lebron!!! U ain't clutch AT ALL!

  5. Bon Blake, va falloir apprendre à défendre... Quelle passoire ce petit!!!

  6. Born from a boombox

  7. Bravo le SLUC Nancy!

  8. Bye bye Beach LeBron !!!!! AH AH AH AH AH AH !!!!!!!

  9. D Fish mo'fuchaz!!

  10. D-Fish mo'fuchaz!!

  11. Damn you LeBroke! Ah ah ah!!

  12. Durantella baby! CLUTCH!

  13. Finally... Tha NBA is back!

  14. Game Of Thrones returns in April... Oh yeah!

  15. Greg Oden. Possibly out for another WHOLE season... Are U kidding me???!!!

  16. HBO's Game Of Thrones kicks &@($* !!!!

  17. HNY 2012 ev'rybody!

  18. Isabelle Yacoubou Time !!

  19. J'ai croisé Doc Gynéco hier rue Bouquière à BDX City... Damn... il a méchamment pris du poids l'homme... Shiiii...

  20. Kobe still HOT like a BBQ... Give him 40 and a WIN plz!

  21. Kobe still HOT... But Clippers take LA Battle... CP3 rocks BIG time!!!

  22. Kobe! Still HOT!

  23. LA derby tonite. Will it be like in the pre-season??

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