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Status Replies posted by j14g

  1. Can you please send me a copy of the mod Gaugec90efis file ? I lost it reinstalling FSX and can't recreate. Jack at jackandclaire@comcast.net

    1. j14g


      I tried copy and paste the text file on the forum page but that didn't work. Is there another copy ?

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  2. Can you please send me a copy of the mod Gaugec90efis file ? I lost it reinstalling FSX and can't recreate. Jack at jackandclaire@comcast.net

    1. j14g


      I just haven't had any success moving that text file into the 3d.xml file. Driving me nuts


      Thanks Bert

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

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