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Posts posted by Shermann

  1. Hi everyone, 



    I lately installed Ezdok V2 and of course i had many problems about how to set it. At the end i was able to make a pretty clear work and i can say it is nice. My question is now the following.  If i have created a Camera for the landing  is it possible to assign to this camera a proper key of the joystick so then when i cycle thru the views and ned to move to this camera very fast i just push the button and i am back to this view? I am asking this as till now if i am on the Camera i set for landing and cycle thru the other and need to be back fast to this view i need to cycle all view ill i get it.



  2. I dont own P3D but i am following the updates and i will buy the version for the 64 bit, unless it will be out really late, But it is possible i will buy the current version if need to wait a lot for the 64 bit one. One of the thing that stop me to move to P3D is that my PMDG products need to be bought completelly and not s a difference between the price paid and the price sold for the P3D like most of producer like FSLAB do and others. So i was wondering If for the queen of the sky there is a logic of paying only the difference of need to be bought again. 



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  3. well of coue the frame rate is interested ifi have a low CPU (talking about FSX) and move the sliders all to the right. But i think the 64 bit give more stability as in my opinion new planes, new sceneries , complexed meshes HD sceneries, HD cockpits Surround sounds, AI traffic, and so on make the rsk of OOM very easy and many people will but a 777 at 100 dollars and then need t fly over an airport that is over detailed setting it in a way that when arrive after a flight of 10 hours u dont have an OOM 1 minute before landing. Avoiding that horrible FSUIPC ding ding ding that is telling u i am sorry u are not gonna end up the flight.

  4. 64 bits has nothing to do with graphics, it's changing things on how much memory you can address and can also allow more accurate calculation in some case with 64 bits precisions instead of 32 bits. But on the graphical side it has zero impact on the visual themselves :)

    Well i understand nothing of this but if i put all slides on the right i have better graphic. Is it correct? But with 32Bit Flight simulator i will have most probably a CTD. So With a 64bt system having the chance to put all the sliders on the right i should have better graphic as well ? Am i correct or am i missing something? 


    Anyway, I would wait for the "big news" from Lockheed Martin before paying for Preapr3D v3 if you haven't got it by now. It's probably outdated in a few months.

    This mean that P3D wiith next update will ask to pay the product again? The moreit is notclear what i hate more in FSX is to intsall add ons and then after 5-6-7 months to format all and reinstall. I am wondering if with PD3D with all those updates, sevice packs, new versions released i need to disinstall always all the sim and start to install all again or the new version and updates overwrite the older version? 

  6. Hi everyone, 


    I am still not using P3D but i am close to format all and so i was thinking to move to P3D. I would like to ask some questions to those of you who already own it. First off is if the planes i bought till now that run normally on FSX-Sewill work in P3D. I know PMDG need a new products and FSLAB as well. What about the others? Majestic and so on? Another thing is about sceneries. IIf i own some sceneries that doesnt have the installer for P3D can be installed in P3D? Or example those free sceneries that need to be installed manually?




  7. Hi Everyone.i didinstall the last version V3.0 and in the cfg is set that landing lights should be turned off at 10000 feet. But for a strange reason FS2CREW doesnt recognize at what altitude we are sometimes at 18000 feet says 10 thousand feet lights off sometimes it never switch them off. Same like when i am approaching minimum is set at 200 feet and at 4000 feet i hear the Fo telling approach not stable that usually it is called at 1000 feet. What can cause this problem? 



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