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Jimmy Angel

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Posts posted by Jimmy Angel

  1. More likely:

    1. Microsoft has been quietly working on a new version of MSFS for at least a couple of years, leveraging new tech.
    2. Once development gets to the stage where they are ready to make the announcement, they release a trailer at the biggest computer/games event of the year.

    Or, you can go with a crazy conspiracy theory if you prefer.

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  2. I will add, at least based on my understanding of the UI, that you can set up timetables for passenger flights between specific destinations, and you can also fly ad-hoc passenger flights from any airport to any airport. I think this plus the cargo runs offers a nice balance between variety and being able to fly regular routes to your preferred airports.


    I am sure someone will correct me if I am wrong, but that's my understanding.

  3. Lionheart Kodiak, can be modded with a GTN 750 in the panel.  (P3D?)




    Ah, I forgot about that one. Been around forever, I think. I'll give it a look. Thanks!



    I really like the f406 from carenado, especially if you have the GTN 750. And also if you aren't too anti-carenado...


    What's the word on the street for the Carenado Shrike? I love the beat-up look of that.

  4. I have the A2A Piper Commanche, which I like a lot, but I am looking for something a bit less fiddly (and maybe a bit faster) as a starter for Air Hauler 2. Also have the Realair Legacy, but it's not exactly appropriate for hauling passengers or cargo.


    Are there any other developers who produce quality single engine GA for P3D v3? I don't need A2A level fidelity, but would like to have a flight model that feels and acts right, with a nice looking virtual cockpit.


    Edit: GTN 750 compatibility would be ideal, though I suppose I can live without it. I am also open to a twin, though my joystick setup isn't really twin friendly. I do know about the RealAir duke, and I am sure I will get that at some point)

  5. ah yeah, i understand the differences in the afcads, i guess i'm not clear on what possibilites that really brings to the table. like being restricted to only loading at certain gates or stuff like that? seems ok!


    anyway my point in replying to the earlier chap is that it is very much functional already at any airport you care to visit in the sim, they seemed discouraged by that misconception


    Thanks much. This makes sense. I can do without the extra gates and such for now, I think.


    I'll make the purchase this weekend (along with the new Active Sky, and maybe a plane or two, and heck it's going to be an expensive weekend).

  6. 2. At the moment only uses default scenery but like AH1 it will later have the provision to import payware/addon scenery


    Question for those in the v2 Beta: Do addon airports not work at all then right now? For example, if I've got an ORBX airfield it won't be selectable or show up in the jobs list?


    Was thinking about purchasing, but will hold off if I can't fly between my Orbx PNW airports. Is there any indication of when the import function will become available?

  7. Yesterday I was at FlightSim 2015 at Cosford RAF Museum, UK. There was a stand of trackhat.org company. They (or he, it look like one person company) produce kind of TrackIR device compatibile with open source tracking software. Anyone of you using it already in any simulator? Maybe in P3D v3? :)


    I've got one on order. We'll see. My TrackIR Clip has always been a bit frustrating, so I'm hoping the active LED's of the Trackhat will offer better ... errr ...  tracking. I'll report back in a week or two. It'll be for Prepar3D plus some other games (Elite, Rise of Flight, ARMA)

  8. Downloaded 3.0 this morning. Seems to be a nice iteration of the platform. I have a fresh install of 2.5 so can do an apple-to-apple comparison, and there's a 10% improvement in frame rates in the same scenario with the same config settings. Not huge, but combined with VAS optimizations a nice improvement to be sure.


    The ability to adjust HDR is nice. I'd love to see them expand on this with day/night settings (without having to delve into the config).


    Looking forward to being able to get some Orbx and A2A stuff in place.

  9. I even use it on the Twin Otter mention above and have no experienced any problems with it but I am just starting to learn the Otter so maybe I missed a screen or something causing the problems. 


    So if you open the Twin Otter checklist and then click on the hot links to the view for that particular control/instrument, it all works for you correctly?


    If so, I am obviously doing something wrong ... but I have no idea what.

  10. Hey, this is a super-cool utility. Works great for me on P3D v2.5. Killing 200 flights didn't exactly make my FPS skyrocket (it went from mid 30's to high 30's in the best circumstance), but I imagine in crunch situations at complex airports it'll really help.


    I know the author hasn't been around lately, but I'll raise a glass to him anyway. Nice work.

  11. The install with the latest beta wasn't too bad, doesn't require jumping through hoops (i.e. Estonia Migration Tool), and was up-and-running for me without issue.




    Getting the camera to cooperate with some of my add-ons that depend on camera settings was pretty frustrating. This included the A2A Cherokee 180 (with the walkaround utility), and the Aerosoft Twin Otter Extended (with the interactive checklist). There are apparently workarounds for this stuff, but I couldn't get them working and eventually gave up and removed EZdok.


    And, I've gotta' say that EZdok is really powerful, but it's just fiddly as heck in terms of the UI, getting a new plane set up properly, etc. It's not too bad once you figure things out, but if I happen to not use it for a few weeks I feel like I'm relearning it each time. Maybe I'm just old and cranky, but I find the payoff not quite worth the effort.


    That said, I sure do miss the ability to move between cameras with a flick of my joystick hat. I know EZdok will eventually sing its siren song to me again -- perhaps after the official P3Drelease  -- and I'll be back trying to figure out how to make it all work.

  12. I too had two different AI programs both terrific but couldn't get them to work in P3D V2,5.  Today I purchased  My Traffic 6 and so far it's working flawlessly.  I'd recommend you do the same.  Hanging on to old products working with such an advanced program as P3D isn't worth the anguish.


    Yeah, good point. It's just that GA-Traffic did such a good job of easily generating traffic, and I had full control over plane models, etc.


    What do you think of the GA traffic in MT6? If you fly from some smallish random airfield does it have any activity, or is it just the regional and hubs?

  13. There's a great tool called FSX GA Traffic that I've used for a few years to quickly and easily generate worldwide AI traffic. I Know I had the bloomin' thing working in P3D at some point, but I did a fresh install recently and can't sort out how to make it work now. Basically, it's not able to see any of my planes, and the "Planes" tab is empty.


    I've tried using it along with the Estonia Migraton Tool, without success.


    I know this is probably an obscure utility for obscure usage, but I'm hoping someone has solved this particular issue. I miss my AI traffic.

  14. If you're interested in a nice concentration of payware GA airports, I would say PNW is a great choice. I've bought up a bunch of airports in the sale, and performance is good on my middling system with all but Squamish (pretty demanding, even after turning down settings). If you avoid airports in the main Seattle-Tacoma corridor (and don't push building autogen too high), you'll find decent performance and beautiful scenery for knocking about in something like the Cherokee.


    Just during this sale, I've purchased Sekiu, Orcas, Squamish, Cle Elum, Walter Sutton's, and Siletz Bay. I already owned Concrete and Israel's Farm. I think I might also pick up Diamond Point and perhaps one other. With all of that, I've got a ton of variety with everything in range for a nice, quick flight.


    I wasn't really thinking about Norway, but I'll have to check it out after hearing about the freeware airports.


    Australia is also great, but I don't fly there much anymore because the basic airports are all stock. It was my first region way back in the 4-different-regions days. Still holds up if you aren't too worried about the (mildly) upgraded airports.

  15. Sure wish I had 3 monitors. The issue I've had with zoom settings is that a 1.0 zoom (assuming wideview on with my 16:10 display) gives a realistic perspective on the scenery, but creates a feeling of tunnel vision and makes it hard to take in the console at a glance. Decreasing the zoom gives you a bit more peripheral vision and sense of motion, but distorts the scenery.


    For now, I'm going to try 0.9 and shift the view back in the seat a bit more than is perhaps realistic. This allows me to see the gauges without panning around while keeping the scenery distortion fairly minimal. Combined with TrackIR, it's hopefully a good compromise.

  16. Thats actually the purpose of this mod...And thats why I did installers


    Hi, Marcel. I don't suppose you'd be willing to put up a zip of the textures in addition to the installers? I use JSGME for installing textures, so using an installer complicates things for me. Pics look great and I'd love to try them out.

  17. My thing is is that, if I cannot run Prepar3d as well as FSX (with lower settings mind you,) what's the point?  Thanks for the replies.


    Yeah, there may not be a point. FSX might just perform better on your platform. Hard for me to say why. Generally I'd say the very poor performance you are experiencing is an outlier, and I wish I had some tips for you. I do know that Prepar3D performs and looks much better on my system, but every system is different.


    You may want to save yourself additional frustration and take advantage of the generous refund policy, though I know that doesn't make up for your time lost getting it all set up. The biggest advantage of Prepar3d, for me, is the complete lack of fiddling around to try to get decent performance. It's the "set it and forget it" of flight sims. If I had to futz with it in the same way I had to futz with FSX, I sure as heck wouldn't bother.

  18. Yeah, P3D scales with GPU speed unlike FSX which is pretty CPU bound. That said, it seems like you should get FSX-like performance by disabling/lowering some of the Prepar3D specific features (lighting, shadows, HDR, maybe tesselation?). 


    I would definitely fiddle around with default before installing add-ons, just to establish a baseline, but I understand that ship may have already sailed.

  19. Fun video! Thanks for sharing. I can't wait for the consumer version of the Oculus. I know that performance will be a challenge, but I can certainly manage 75fps -- even today -- in pretty high resolutions with a less detailed aircraft if I crank down a few of the sliders. A year or two from now we'll be in even better shape.


    To my mind, the Rift will probably offer the best experience with a simpler GA acrobatic plane or some-such. The classic SF-260 from RealAir, for example, offers tremendous performance (as good as or better than defaults), and flying through some canyons looking through the bubble canopy would be awesome. 

  20. In just about every aspect, P3D is performing better and more consistently for me right now than FSX. This is with moderately complex planes (i.e. A2A 180) and moderately complex scenery (FTX PNW). It's smooth, good frame rate, absolutely sharp terrain graphics, no stutters, beautiful graphics, no visible autogen pop-in, and no endless tweaking or fiddling with settings (at last!)


    I am actually surprised how much I can crank the sliders in 2.3. The highest detail water and tesellation has almost zero impact on performance. I can now go very dense autogen for trees and dense for buildings (before was dense/normal). Compared to 2.1, I've gained perhaps 30% in slider headroom while also gaining a few frames (and more consistent frame rate). I am, in fact, having a hard time optimizing any further because turning down anything doesn't really provide any benefit. Perhaps that means my CPU and video card are nicely balanced.


    Keep in mind this is not a top-notch system. It's an older 2600K CPU and a GTX 770. I'm not sportin' twin Titans here or anything.


    The one exception to overall great performance, I would say, is heavy weather/overcast with cloud shadows. If I turn off cloud shadows, it all sorts itself out quite nicely. I perhaps wouldn't expect my current settings to work well with a complex airliner at complex airports. I know others are seeing bigger problems with clouds, and this is probably a big deal for the IFR heavy iron guys -- so I hope it gets sorted.


    Meanwhile, I couldn't be happier. They've done amazing things with FSX. It's got me back into simming after giving up on FSX some time ago.

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