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Posts posted by Midcon113

  1. Hi Dave,

    I have tried just about every thing I know (including reading the manual! :)) to figure out how to get taxi instructions after I switch over to ground when exiting the runway. Of the hundreds of flights I've done, I think I've maybe had two instances where the controller gets back to me with instructions; usually Ground just ghosts me. LOL

    What is the proper procedure to ensure I get taxi instructions after I land, inform the tower that I've exited the runway, and get handed off to ground? That's the only real issue I have with P2ATC - everything else works excellently!



  2. Hi All,

    I want to make sure I'm properly understanding the procedure to add new 3rd party scenery gates and taxiways to P2ATC - please let me know if I'm doing something incorrect.

    1) Buy the scenery through the third party directly - not through the MSFS in-game store - so that the scenery data is not encrypted.

    2) Delete the default scenery through the content manager for the scenery purchased, if there is a dedicated Asobo/Microsoft airport (i.e. something that was added in one of the deluxe additions).

    3) Run makerwys again.

    4) Go to the taxiway and gate maintenance part of the app and then import information specifically just for the new airport.

    Am I missing anything? Is there a better way to do it? Please let me know - thanks!


  3. 9 hours ago, Dave-Pilot2ATC said:

    Having P2A to be able to at least seem to control the AI Traffic has been on the list for some future version for a long time.

    This is all I need. Don't try to direct them - I'm not sure Asobo's going to allow that given their arrangement with FlightAware anyhow. But if you could somehow decipher what they're doing and simply chat with them accordingly...that would be simply fantastic! Keep up the great work Dave!

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  4. Hi there,

    On the 8E beta right now, and am having problems when first connecting with P2ATC and getting the ATIS. At both KORD and KPHX, the local ATIS "is not available" and am getting alternate ATIS reports from the closest airport. Confirmed this behavior on my friend's computer who is also running 8E. We're both in MSFS in the SU11 beta, Steam Edition.

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  5. On a related note, does anyone know of a good source of the real-life up-to-date sectors and frequencies? I'm starting to use LiveATC and finding that while there are gaps in the coverage (to be expected since volunteers provide the feeds) sometimes I'm getting frequencies that don't match up with the real life frequencies anymore. I can find general sector maps, but not where they're subdivided into high/low and the different areas within a major section.

  6. Hi Bryan,

    I was wondering if you would be able to include a "cargo" mode for the 737 FS2Crew product. I'm primarily interested in flying cargo with the 737 and I'm sure that flow is going to be at least a little different than the pax flow, at least for pre-flight, and some of the callouts to the cabin crew. Any thoughts?


  7. I was having this problem as well, happened at PANC and KEWR. I solved it by editing my parameters.xml as follows:

        <parameter name="STOCK_AIRPORTS_PATH" value="F:\MSFS\Official\Steam\fs-base" />
        <parameter name="afolder0" value="F:\MSFS\Community" />
        <parameter name="afolder1" value="F:\MSFS\Official\Steam\" />

    This parameter also needed to be tweaked - for some reason it was just set to ""

        <parameter name="STOCK_AIRPORTS_FOLDER" value="stock_airports" />

    Hope this helps!

  8. 20 hours ago, kiek said:

    Did you install the latest Java version?  (RT needs that)

    Did you install MS Visual C++ redistributive 2019 ( manual 1.1)?

    Does RT show -in the radar screen- the airport where you are in msfs?

    Hi Kiek,

    1) Yes

    2) Yes

    3) When I originally posted this message, yes it did. Now, it does not.

    I've tried reinstalling RT, but I think RT is having issues with me now using a VPN. That's all that's changed really. On the RT site there's a link to click on to check your connection which fails for me, but the rest of the internet is working fine.

    So, I'm back to where I started. RT + PSXT + MSFS is showing AI traffic parked at the gates, but no planes taxiing and nothing airborne. Is there a way to contact the RT dev directly?


  9. Hi Nico,

    I recently had to reinstall both Windows 11 and MSFS. I'm fully installed and patched up through Sim Update 9. I'm running 31.3.1 of PSXT, and 9.0.180 of RT, Standard Edition. My issue is that that PSXT is not receiving traffic data from RT, even though RT is showing all kinds of traffic on it's display.

    I've read through the manual and also specifically FAQ 10 regarding potential fixes, including cycling from PSXT to Live Traffic, closing and restarting LT, and switching back to PSXT, deleting the RT .ini file in AppData, plugging in the actual IP of the machine running RT (same as the one running PSXT) and saving the new profile, and none of those options has cleared the problem. Multiple restarts of both RT and PSXT have not cleared the problem either.

    I did have traffic at the gates of my departure airport, which was KFLL, and PSXT seems to not have any problems with my livery or scenery folders.

    Wouldn't be surprised if this is potentially a SU9 issue, but I'm not sure what to try next. I am using add-on scenery for both KFLL and KORD (destination) but it's airborne traffic that I'm missing.

    The other potential issue is that I started using a VPN (mainly due to the atrocious download speeds I was getting when trying to reinstall MSFS, and their FAQ on fixing that involved using a VPN, which actually did help solve that problem.) I'm not sure if that changes the settings that PSXT likes?

    Any thoughts?


  10. Hi All,

    Been flying a lot lately with P2ATC and something that doesn't quite feel as realistic as it could be are the vectors by ATC in two ways.

    1. I get vectors to specific headings that don't account for crosswinds. In other words, ATC is giving me the course it wants me to fly, but it's looking at my heading and when those don't match - which they won't except in zero wind or direct head/tail winds - even when I'm on the course they really want me on, I still get yelled at for not being on the correct heading.
    2. Vectors are being given with very specific headings - "fly heading 267" - and for things like airway headings those are correct. However, when vectoring aircraft around the pattern, it seems to me that vectors rounded to the closest 5 degrees would be more realistic. Runway headings are rounded to the closest 10 degrees (and sometimes not even that if there are more than three parallel runways like at KDEN or KDFW).

    If I'm wrong on point 2 and it is correct phraseology to use exact headings then please disregard, but back when United let us listen in to ATC I just feel like approach and tower would use 5 degree increment headings.

    Background: I'm using P2ATC with the development version of the FBW A320, and I am keeping current with the public beta versions of P2ATC (just downloaded Beta 2b in fact.)



  11. 10 hours ago, Dave-Pilot2ATC said:

    This is on the long term roadmap for P2A but is a major development effort.  I have been working on it off and on and found many issues with making it plausible.  This is not something that is going to happen in the near term.


    Thanks Dave! Since making this post I've settled on P2A but I leave the default ATC voices turned up a little so that I hear the default AI interacting with the AI traffic. Not a terrible compromise. Keep up the great work!

  12. 12 hours ago, Manuel82 said:

    Hey Seth,

    Let's try something different:

    1- Open a Windows File Explorer window.

    2- Type/write %appdata% and hit enter in your keyboard. This should go to your AppData directory

    3- Look for a folder named "FS2Crew MSFS RAASPRO", take a screenshot of it's content.

    4- Find this file: "RAAS_runway_data.csv", if you see it, open it with any text editor (Notepad, Wordpad, MS Word, etc) or MS Excel.

    5- Do a text search on the airport ID you say RAAS can't detect. If it's not listed there, then either: It's encrypted or something went wrong during RAAS scenery scan.

    Note: Also ensure RAAS is not OFF (there is GREEN icon)



    So I'm having the same problem as Seth. I went into the FS2Crew MSFS RAASPRO folder and there is no RAAS_runway_data.csv file at all. I installed via the Product Manager. Any way to trigger the creation of this file?

    PBE and the A32NX, as well as the Command Center, are working properly.

  13. Thanks Bryan - I don't have that link (I have desktop icons turned off so I never would have seen that if you hadn't mentioned it anyhow). But basically you're saying there's no real configuration requirements other than to customize the options of the add-on itself then?

  14. Hi All,

    Call me old fashioned, but is there a product manual for this add-on? It's installed, I can bring it up via the toolbar in MSFS, but I'm sitting at a stock airport (KRNO) and it can't find any data? I've got 1.0.8 installed. I'm wondering if I'm missing anything? I am running Navigraph Navdata Center but I thought the Navigraph issues were now resolved?



  15. On 12/31/2021 at 7:01 AM, Dave-Pilot2ATC said:

    If the COM Panel is not visible after click in the STBY Freq, it could be opening on a phantom screen.  

    1)    After clicking the Stby Com Freq, Hover over the P2A icon on the Taskbar. There should be multiple windows and one is the Radio Freq window
    2)    Hover over that window and a larger thumbnail of the window should show
    3)    Right-click that larger thumbnail
    4)    Select Move
    5)    Hold down the Right Arrow key on the keyboard until the program comes into view
    6)    If that doesn’t work, hold down the left arrow
    7)    Once the window is in view, use the mouse to move it to the desired location.
    😎  Shut down Pilot2ATC so the location will be remembered.

    Thanks Dave - that was exactly the problem. Was able to get the panel up and get the ATC voices working again. Appreciate the direction!

  16. 17 minutes ago, JPR said:

    Hi Dave   🙂

    I have tested: in the COM control panel, the volume designated in the screenshot below, only controls the volume of chatter sounds, it does not control the volume of ATC voices.

    Where can the volume of ATC voices be adjusted globally ? (in Config/Voices the volume of all ATC voices is already set to 100%, but we hear them very weakly on the radio)



    I must be dense - how do you get that panel to show up? I've never used it before...



  17. 4 hours ago, Dave-Pilot2ATC said:

    The new beta version 2f, about to be released as a Public Beta, allows you to control all volume with the volume setting in the COM Control panel.  Try turning that up and see how it does.



    Can you clarify which comm panel? Are you talking about the one in the aircraft or something in P2ATC? I'm in the Dev FBW aircraft with the volume's maxed and can barely hear ATC at all now that I'm airborne. I didn't have that problem with clearance, ground, or tower. It started with departure and now continues with center.

    Also, in case it makes a difference, I have random voices turned on and they're all Amazon Polly voices.


  18. Hi Dave,

    With AI traffic programs now coming out for MSFS, P2ATC's inability to talk to AI traffic is becoming more of a pronounced gap. P2ATC is far better than the default ATC, so to me it's coming down to a comparison between P2ATC and PF3. PF3 does talk to the AI traffic but doesn't handle the overall flight as well as I'd like. P2ATC handles the flight more correctly according to US rules (at least in my experience) but it gets awfully lonely up there even though I'm seeing traffic all over.

    So, the question becomes is this something that is even under consideration to be added to P2ATC? While I don't mind pre-recorded ATC chatter, it's more immersive to have ATC really interacting with the traffic around me.

    Love to hear your thoughts - thanks!


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