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  1. Deleting the config files in AppDate\Local\ and reinstalling FLASHLIGHT did the trick. Thanks, Stephen
  2. I was running Flashlight successfully (P3d v5.4) until I recently deleted Navigraph's Simlink. After the deletion, the remnants popped up a message about having to start Simlink manually and also Flashlight would not start at all. I got rid of that message by cleaning up some left over Simlink files but, after uninstalling Flashlight and reinstalling it, the Flashlight window opens for a second or two then closes completely. This happens both in P3d and if I just try to start Flashlight from the Start menu. I have the proper settings in P3d per the user manual. Cure or suggestions would be appreciated. Stephen
  3. Even if the engines are running when you start the Dauphin, if you go to the Control Automation Panel (shift + 1) and click the Ready To Fly box, the GPS, attitude indicator, etc. turn on and the Dauphin is completely ready to fly. Steve
  4. Hi Al, So this issue has to wait for if/when a hotfix is issued for P3Dv5.4 by Lockheed Martin? I assume that this also means that there may be new issues with other aircraft that worked before v5.4? Stephen
  5. Hi Al, Your initial suggestion did not help. Will look at your most recent suggestions. Thanks, Stephen
  6. Al. I appear to have the problem you describe with the Payload Manager. I can adjust fuel but not passengers or cargo. Stephen
  7. Hi Al, Thanks for your response. I must admit with some embarrassment that I have been unable to replicate the conditions I posted about. My best surmise is that I unthinkingly loaded the 35A on top of another plane that was already running and that messed a few things up. The 35A is running beautifully in P3Dv5.4. Didn't want to leave any question of possible issues..... Thanks, Stephen
  8. I was using P3Dv5.3 HF2 when I bought and installed the Flysimware Learjet 35A. I have what I believe to be the latest version of the 35a (4.3c) and I am using it with the latest version of the Reality XP 750. There may have been problems with these things that I may have missed but when I upgraded to v5.4 I noted the following: (1) On startup, the mach trim warning light is on and I do not know how to turn it off. (2) The DME guages no longer seem to work for either Nav 1 or Nav 2 Is anyone else experiencing these things? Do you know of fixes? Thanks, Stephen
  9. I just updated to the latest version of RXP GNS 530W/430W V2 and whatever the issue was that caused the problem described in this post has apparently been fixed. Steve
  10. Thanks to ggerolamo and Rogen. With their guidance and suggestions, weather radar in FSW Learjet 35A works beautifully. Steve
  11. What do you search for in the AVSIM Library to find Roland's Radar? I tried RolASNRadar abd got nothing. Thanks, Steve
  12. Do the mods described above to use the RolASNRadar with FSW Learjet 35A work with AS P3D? Thanks, Steve
  13. Hi Bert, I tried this with my Twin Otter + GPS 530 and Duke B60 + GPS 500 and had the same experience as you did. On reload, the Duke worked correctly after the Twin Otter was loaded. In addition to the HSI needles working correctly, the GPS 500 worked properly while I completed the flight. Agree that RXP definitely needs to look at this. As I mentioned in my original post, the Duke B60 + GPS 500 was working properly when I reinstalled it after a clean reinstall of Windows 10 in Summer of 2022.and I believe there was at least one and perhaps two updates of the GPS 530 between my reinstall of the Duke and the next time I tried to fly it in 2023. Thanks for your help. Steve
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