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Posts posted by Rossini

  1. On ‎19‎/‎10‎/‎2017 at 11:59 PM, rsrandazzo said:

    OMG HE JOKED ABOUT KILLING SEALS:  Yeah.  And some of you laughed.  Don't blame me for the fact that some people in this forum have a sick sense of humor.  I stole that club in order to save a seal and only decided later to use it on forum scofflaws...

    (And some of you just laughed again!  <gasp>  #ReleaseTheOutrage! :tongue:)


    ...I think we're good, as long as you don't wrap the club in barbed wire and give it some random female name ;)





  2. Ermm...i'm a bit surprised seeing all those reactions here from different authorities throughout the day !?...and for once I don't really mean the usual forum pre-release clutter about unfulfilled non-existant promises yabbada etc.


    It must have been helluva party after dinner last night (ack...i knew i should have gone on that 10 hour flight), because i can't really think of another explanation.


    Whatever happened to "Been there, done that and bought the T-shirt...more than once", gentlemen ? (Yup yup...you guys over there, the true gentlemen)


    Oh well...i can't really say i'm any better or wiser...i guess it still requires some more years and age to achieve lurking-only-perfection.


    Anyway...from what i was able to gather contentwise from different boards: Thanks for sharing your thoughts !

    The whole "why it's maybe a good that MS did what they did"-thing is an angle i haven't thought of, makes sense and i'm looking forward to an interesting future.

  3. Helllooouuu ?!....Ever heard of FSX ? :smile:I don't quite understand why there is such a dire need all of a sudden for statements from devs which platforms they plan to work on and the sudden urge of having to decide beteween XP10, Prepar3D, Flight or whatnot...Last time i checked my sim installation of choice (did i mention it's called FSX ?) didn't disappear or has changed in any way between January 3rd and 4th.A platform that, in my opinion, really only started to shine (please don't mistake with peak) in 2011, with hardware you can run it on becoming mainstream and the release of a marvel called NGX only 4 months ago.The same NGX that bedazzled many of us so much, because after having already been given a great 747, MD-11 and J41 the bar was all of a sudden, once more, set so much higher with it showing us what potential this platform still has to offer...did i mention it happened only 4 months ago ?The same NGX a whole platform around the platform was constructed for to mark a beginning, not the end (check a sticky called "Thank You" on top of this board).So if you ask me, i feel quite comfortable right now (and maybe some devs do too), almost a win-win situation, because the only news January 4th 2012 brought me was the realization that there is a lot going on platformwise out there, meeting all kind of requirements, needs, ages and purses, while reassuring me that my/our hobby is far from dead. Therefore i'm just going to engage the autopilot and lean back right now, enjoy my current platform to its full potential with what i have and the things to come and follow where this trip will lead me to.

  4. Frustrating it is.Yet, even without speculation, it is clear that the reason for the attack is/was certainly not of good nature and it's pretty clear that the aim was to create chaos and let PMDG face unhappy, frustrated customers.So should we really do them the favor and give in to that ?I don't think so. This community has already shown when avsim was hacked that we're better than that and i think a lot of reactions we see here prove exactly that.So, even if really difficult at this stage, best thing to do is switch to reserve, go around and let PMDG clear the runway.They didn't get us with avsim and they won't with this either. Best Regards

  5. Hah....after re-watching "The Da Vinci Code" twice and once backwards and adding the page numbers corresponding to the letters P, M, D and G in Bedfords yellow pages while applying the frequeny of ILS 11 and the exact length of the corresponding runway in inches between '82 and '83 (of course while considering average monthly temperatures and North American tectonic plate movements in those years) i was able to decypher what you really meant to say...nice try ! :(

    Wayne-I was raised in Concord, a few mile from The Old NortH Bridge. (sorry all Brits... but you ###### the yanks off... couldn't bE helped!) We were juSt north of Nashautic hill, and I think thE outer marker was pretty close to our house. Our dog used to run wildly around the yard wheneVer a C-141, E3A or C-5 would fly over. My pareNts thought it was funny until their school age son starTed doing it too. :( My first aviation job was at KBED cleaning bugs off wings at a now defunct fligHt school. I Rode my 12speed back and forth evEry day and loved every minute of it.I had an airport scannEr in my room, and used to turn it on very low volume at night to listen in. I was not allowed to do thiS, when I was supposed to be sleeping but... On April 18th of...maybE...82 or 83(?) I was laying in bed and heard a Bonanza fly oVer the house at EXTREMELY low altitude. The weather was low IFR and the sound caught my boyhood attention because it souNded so unusual.A few moments lateR I heard what sounded like someone stepping on an aluminum can... I crawled out of bEd- flipped on my scanner... and after a few moments i heard the tower controLler calling out for a bonanaza that didn't answEr.I ran downstAirs and confessed to my parentS what I'd been doing...SurE enough, some poor bloke in a Bonanza had flIght into the ground about 0.5 mileS from our house. KnowIng what I know now- that put hiM about 100' over the rooftop.The next day I Marched in the Patriots Day Parade and the route took us by the house that was clIpped by the poor fellow oN his way in... It madE a lasting impressioN on my aeronauTical decision making.

  6. I guess at the end of the day it comes down to if you are able to put yourself into someone elses shoes (or Captain's hat if you want).I mean it's simple:Imagine you are being creative, whether it's music, poetry, painting or hey, maybe programming FS-Addons...what is it you might want even more than pleasing yourself with it ?...Yup, please others i guess: for once to share a certain feeling or passion with the world around you,but admittedly also to show people how good you are at it respectively to maintain a high level you have previously set.Now of course, your supporters and admirers want to know whats in the works and when its due and consequently as a bit of communication is betterthan no communication at all, you let them know what it is you're working on and what timeframe you expect for delivery.But alas, and those being creative know how it is, you start working and the project grows not only on you but also in size, love for details andoutside influences/input and your vision for the projectt grows or is being altered and you set new goals and the more you work on it, the more you realize what a gem it is you're working on and how much people are going to be pleased and amazed with it. And the more you realize it the more you get excited and can't wait bringing it out to the people.Then comes the day you had set your timeframe to and you have 2 options:1. You have the option of releasing your project, unfinished because you know it hasnt reached the state yet you wanted it to be in and therewith alsohasn't reached the level you have previously reached and are measured against to by the crowd. You release and first you and everyone else is excited, partly becausethe product definititely has your signature on it and people see its potential, partly also because you're still profiting from your previous achievements. But soon your excitement fades because you realize you could have made the product even better with a bit more time and because you see the crowds excitement fadewhile they find more and more imperfections, flaws in your work...something they wouldnt have expected coming from you and consequently there go theprevious achievements (people tend to forget fast).2. You have the option of not releasing and eventhough you hate it first and the most not to release, because you know how much people will love what you created here,you let your reason and experience (some call it professionalism) kick in and give yourself the time and patience needed in order for the product to reach a state where you can,without being over-perfectionist, let go with a good feeling and make the crowd happy with a product achieving the level they hoped for or even set the levelyet again higher. It's not perfect (nothing is perfect), but it has reached a state everyone involved has hoped for and is very happy with.Up to you to pick one, i've made my choice.All this to say: No, there is no plot: the product hasn't reached a PMDG-releaseworthy state in the summer of 2010, and no, they are not sitting on itever since because they don't want to share something they've been working on for years and are proud of. I would rather believe that it's getting more and more difficult, sometimes even frustrating for them, being so close to the goal andnot being able (patience is a virtue) to share yet.So basically i wouldn't only read frustration about the ever-returning release date question in Mister RSR's statement but alsosome of the frustration described before.But in the end, and that i'm sure of, everything will turn out great, for both sides and all this will be forgotten fast (told ya),only until the next project of course and the ever-returning "rituals" coming with it.We are all sitting in the same boat with our hopes, excitement and impatience...some of us haven't realized it yet though.Now back to topic:My answer is...erm...42 ?

  7. Unbeknownst to Dazz, PMDG has hired master rabbit trainers around the world to descend upon Spain and train all bunnies for our own special purposes... In all likelihood, the bunny in Dazz's possession is not as innocent as he may appear...Don't mess with the bull Dazz, you'll get the horns :(
    ...time for the Holy Hand Grenade ;)

  8. Everyone having this issue - what exact sound chipset are you using? I'd like to see if there's some sort of commonality here (Soundmax vs. Realtek is what I'm thinking) - I have a Realtek chip on my mobo and I've never seen this, saw others mentioning Soundmax... Everyone's sound drivers are up to date too? (Soundmax updates will be at the mobo maker's site, Realtek posts drivers themselves at http://www.realtek.com.tw and they're updated on a nearly weekly basis, I usually update every 3 or 4 revisions or so, I honestly have no idea what they're changing that often...)
    Asus Rampage II Extreme with SoundMAX Integrated Digital HD Audio and most "recent" driver (03/20/08) from Asus Global Website on Vista 64 Home Premium with FSX SP2 here.Planes affected: 747 and MD11

  9. ...whether son, child, father, step-cousin etc isn't really relevant in all this, is it ?But thank you for sharing all this interesting stuff with us. Unfortunately, to me personally, the whole ESP project sounds like something that would havehad some nice potential if further developed (but then who knows, the whole project hasn't officially been scrapped yet, has it ?) and sounds much betteropposed to the "xboxish" feeling i get when reading MS's official statement concerning the future of FS with its "Windows Live" and "flying games" mentionings.I guess at the end of the day what's really important and sad in this whole matter is that a whole team of talented people lost their jobs.The rest remains speculation at this point in time.Concerning our hobby i'm not worried at all right now: us users and the whole addon industry have not only one but two platforms to pick from, that still have such a big, almost infinite (equal to the number of airplane types around these days and in history) , potential for further addons that they could even outlive a Falcon 4.0.I mean, we've just seen with the MD11 the birth of a next generation of sophisticated addon planes...and it's only the beginning.So get back to work and get me that NGX out, so that i won't get confronted any longer with those scared faces when i'm approaching any smaller airports with my Queen ;)...and then the A320...and then the T7...and then the 747-8..and then the 787...and then the "fillintheplaneofyourliking"...and i'm sure that by the time we've got all those beauties waiting in our hangars we will have a much better idea about where FS is heading.Best RegardsThomas

  10. ...my Queen sometimes used to look like that when replaying a landing on FSRecorder, either while still replaying or after the replay ended, together with scenery building up real slow or not at all...sometimes i could solve it by simply entering a menu and quitting it again, sometimes not...i'm no computer geek but it always seemed to me that with high settings and resolution this was simply caused by the PC running out of resources, eventhough it never caused a crash....but then i could be totally wrong....

  11. Congrats and thanks to the whole team !!!I will only be able to get into the whole MD-experience in 2 weeks from now but from what i have seen and read on different boards you guys have outdone yourself once again. Thanks !!! Best RegardsThomas

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