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Posts posted by pwafer

  1. Hi Edward,

    Regarding your UCRTBASE.DLL error....................

    I wonder if this is your anti virus being picky.

    See my thread here -

    One of the folders I listed under EXCLUSIONS was "C:/windows/system32", can't remember why.

    Hope this helps.



  2. Hi all,

    I've made progress on my problem and thought I'd document the process.


    I'd decided to reseat cards and plugs etc inside my PC recently and this caused various problems for myself, trying to get the PC to work properly again. I eventually got things working again, but was getting much more frequent Computer "hangs". One of the things I noticed in my investigations was that all my Anti Virus EXCLUSIONS had disappeared!! Copying my backup exclusion files to the appropriate folder didn't work, so had to re-enter them by hand. Voila - "hangs" stopped happening. My PC and  FSX became a joy of continuity again. Had some nice flights. Then I thought - I wonder??


    Tried the above mentioned aircraft, and joy of joys - no CTD caused by ucrtbase.dll!! (yet.....................)


    I'll have to keep a weather eye on those exclusions!




  3. Hi,

    I've got 4 Realair aircraft in my hanger -

    Duke Turbine V2
    Legacy V2

    Both "V2" a/c crash FSX when trying to load, i.e, go to a/c selection screen, select Legacy V2, hit OK. View changes to current airport, some graphics start to load - then FSX "must close".

    Checking the event viewer shows the following error -

    Faulting application name: fsx.exe, version: 10.0.61472.0, time stamp: 0x475e17d3
    Faulting module name: ucrtbase.DLL, version: 10.0.14393.2990, time stamp: 0x5caeb859
    Exception code: 0xc0000417
    Fault offset: 0x000872c4
    Faulting process id: 0x2094
    Faulting application start time: 0x01d5f6230345e938
    Faulting application path: C:\FSX\fsx.exe
    Faulting module path: C:\Windows\system32\ucrtbase.DLL
    Report Id: e7ae13ef-6216-11ea-95d4-0026831871cd

    From the research I did, I understand that UCRTBASE.DLL is part of MS Visual C++. One piece of advice I came across was to run "repair" on the redistributable. Unfortunately - no change, FSC still bombs!

    Can anybody shed any light on this?



  4. 2 hours ago, spokes2112 said:

    For dropbox pictures only - change the last digit in the link from a zero to a one PRIOR to pasting in the forum.
    ?dl=0   --->  ?dl=The forum will take care of the rest.

    Hi Spokes,

    OK! Lets try that!




    Hmmm....that does something different to the links in the OP. "DL=1" allows download instead of just opening the picture in Dropbox.


    But....it works!


  5. Gents,

    Thanks for your replies. Tried the shader thing - renamed the SHADER10 folder in C:\users\philip\appdata\local\microsoft\fsx. FSX made a new one but no change to the issue. I then went on to research my issue on the indicated forum, and was back and forth to Steves' DX10 Fixer software UI. On the diagnostic readout it mentioned Toned Shadows disabled, and this particular dialog box mentioned opaque dials. Tried that - toned shadows enabled - back in business!!

    Off topic - I tried to embed pics  in this post as per my OP but they got refused as "not a supported format"!! What am I missing??



  6. Hello all,

    The aircraft involved are the Realair Turbine Duke V2, and Legacy V1 and V2. With the Duke the instruments show for a second and then disappear. The GTN shows ok.


    With the Legacies, the instruments don't show at all, but the end results are slightly different. Can anybody shed any light on my problem? Has anybody seen this before? See pics below.

    I'm running FSX SP2, with DX10 + Steves fixer.





  7. This reminds me of a problem I had recently. I had trouble logging into SOME forums. I got no errors, but after a login try I would end up back at the forum home page. What fixed it for me was to reset my ROUTER to factory defaults. I must have changed some setting or other on the router - I don't know what!!  I was able to login to all forums after the reset.

    I wonder would your problem be due to something similar with your router, that a factory reset might fix??


  8. Hi,

    I had a look at he performance tables and was able to achieve near enough the figures there. Took the aircraft to FL240, about 23 minutes. Take-off using full throttle (MAP 43), full rpm. Climb - I backed off the throttle to MAP 40 and rpm to 2400. I leaned mixture, and as you say, things get a little tight at high altitudes.  MAP began to fall above 17000 feet so adjusted up to 40. But by FL200 it had fallen to 35 at full throttle travel, and at FL240 it was 30.5.Referring to the tables I used 2300rpm and MAP29 and leaned the mixture to get a fuel flow of about 32GPH. EGT was about 1225°F. This gives me about 136KIAS/197KTAS.


    32GPH is only slightly high compared to the tables, but leaning is a few % "Lean of lean", with a tooltips indication of 12% on the mixture levers. If I go rich of lean, the mixture levers are at 16% and EGT at 1275°F. Airspeed is at 138KIAS/200KTAS and fuel flow is now 38GPH total.

  9. Hi Tristan,


    Indeed that is the Transponder, and as you say - the left 3D knob only turns it on/off and the right 3D knob does nothing!! To change the code manually, click on the individual digits when you see the plus or minus or use mousewheel. You may need to zoom in to the gauge for accuracy.


    Speedbugs - put mousepointer on it (changes to hand symbol), use mousewheel.


    Hope this helps.

  10. Hi Gary,


    Interesting one, this!

    It seems to me that when FSX ATC is talking directly to you it uses the "ATC_TYPE=Bombardier" variable in the [GENERAL] section, plus the last 3 or 4 characters from the "ATC_ID=JA-O68X" variable from the [Flightsim.X] section of the aircraft you've selected. So you'd get something like " Bombardier 68X go to holding point for runway 28 via taxiway Alpha."


    But if FSX ATC is warning you of a nearby Lear whilst flying it would say something like - " Caution, Learjet, less than four miles. Report the aircraft in sight!" It's using the "ATC_MODEL=LJ45" variable from the [General] section.


    Another way around being called "Bombardier" is to select an airline name and number from the drop down list in the aircraft details view when selecting.



  11. Hi all,


    I'm looking to rectify the [FUEL] section of the AIRCRAFT.CFG.


    I did a little editing of the [WEIGHT & BALANCE] so that the aircraft would be populated by default with pax & baggage. That was ok. I then decided to set  values in the [FUEL] section. I forgot that what I was setting was MAX tank values and consequently that's as far as I can fill the tanks now. Of course I also forgot to take note of the original values and now don't know what to put back in! DRAT!


    Would somebody please post their original [FUEL] section for comparison.


    This is mine:-


    LeftMain = -2,-7,0,224,4   //Longitudinal(feet), Lateral(feet), Vertical(feet), Usable gallons), Unusable(gallons)

    LeftAux = -2,-3,0,0,1

    RightMain = -2,7,0,224,4   //Longitudinal(feet), Lateral(feet), Vertical(feet, Usable(gallons), Unusable(gallons)

    RightAux = -2,3,0,0,1

    fuel_type = 2          //Fuel type: 1 = Avgas, 2 = JetA

    number_of_tank_selectors = 1

    electric_pump = 1


  12. Hi John,


    Thank you all very much!  I really appreciate the quick responses and guidance. The mouse-wheel click doesn't work for me but moving the cursor off to the left and right does work.  


    Hey Barry, Thanks for the insight.  I tried to install the RxP 530 into the Carenado Cessna 210T after reading your response above.  Unfortunately, I was unsuccessful.  Here's what I did:


    After calling up the Reality Config pgm and selecting the "Carenado Cessna 210T" line, I receive the "Failed to load [Window00] bitmap" error.



    I clicked through the error msg and then clicked on the "configure" button.


    I loaded the aircraft and found the original 530 still in the a/c cockpit panel so I opened the applicable panel.cgf file and discovered the Reality configuration pgm had placed an entry at the very bottom of the panel.cfg file under a new title of "[window 04]".


    In an attempt to insert the new RxP 530, I then moved that entry to various other locations within the panel.cfg file with no success.


    I have removed the panel.cfg file that the Reality Config pgm created and replaced it with the original panel.cfg file.


    I suspect there is a simple answer here and I'm sorry to be bothering y'all with my ignorance.  Once someone can help me to understand this process, I should be able to place this gauge in most of my other aircraft.  I really do appreciate your patience with me!






    I get that error too, occasionally. What the RXP utility does is to insert  the RXP530 as a "pop-up", I think in your case shift-4 will bring it up. The original 530 will show on the VC unless you manually edit the panel.cfg to put the RXP there. Depending on the aircraft in question inserting the RXP into the VC may not be possible. Check out the RXP forums, more info available there. Bert Pieke would be the man to talk to.

  13. Happened to me once.


    I was buying FTX Scotland.


    "pending" was listed against FTX Scotland in my a/c with the FlightSimStore. After a few hours it disappeared. Therefore no link came alive for me to download it. Checked that Paypal had indeed  paid store. Waited 'till it showed up in my credit card account, then contacted their help desk. Jay sorted me out pronto.


    Maybe it's just the time difference that makes him unavailable at the moment. He will sort it out.

  14. Hi Christopher,


    Check your other [fltsim.xxx] sections for comparison for this aircraft. Do they have the line "atc_flight_number="?? Maybe the line is required for ATC control of AI. I know that if it's a user aircraft and no number after the "=" then I get called by the "atc_id=xxxx" line instead. In AI ATC would call the aircraft by the "atc_airline=EASTFLIGHT" and flight number from the flight plan. But if the "atc_flight_number=" line is missing altogether, then maybe it reverts to "atc_id=xxxx" data instead. Test it?

  15. I want to let you all know that the problem is well on its way to being solved. Part of the problem was an overloaded flight plans folder. At Ron's suggestion I cleaned it out and now, as long as I have previously loaded a flight plan, the FMC can load it. The provided FMC format plan still doesn't show up, but we'll see what happens when I save a FMC created one. I am very impressed with the excellent customer service provided by Ron. He contacted me personally, walked me through the set up, and stuck with me until the problem was mostly resolved. Thanks again to Ron of Eaglesoft.

    If I discover anything further that I think will help other newbies like me, I will post it here.

    Thanks for all the help, this is a great community.


    Josh Roberts

    Hi Josh,

    I have 900 items in my "...//Flight Simulator X Files" folder. Doesn't seem to be a problem. If I click on "<FPL LIST" I get a page with 2 entries. "KLASKLAX" and "KMIAPAKT". The first is the Tutorial flightplan and the second is a flightplan I input via the CDU myself. That is it just lists the EagleSost format flightplans.[


    "<FPL LIST" does not list FSX flightplans. Whats done is that you go to the FSX flightplanner and either do a flight plan there form scratch or get it to load a previously saved FSX flightplan.  It is now in memory and to put it into the Citation CDU just click "<FRM FS GPS"


    quote name=jgrobs' timestamp='1372557056' post='2704084]

    Created a FS9 flight plan on SimRoutes, Re-named it by the AAAA-BBBB_X.PLN convention, placed it in my default FSX flight plans folder, and gave it a shot. When I press FSK 3R, I get the dreaded "INVALID ENTRY", when I press FRM FS GPS, nothing still happens.



    I'd imagine in the above instance that the renamed flightplan is in FS9/FSX format still, with an Eaglesoft format file name, but when internally checked it doesn't match what it's expecting - hence the error. Clicking "<FRM FS GPS" does nothing because there's no flightplan loaded in memory.

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