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About pwafer

  • Birthday 08/22/1952

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    Dublin, Ireland
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    FS, Home Cinema.

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  1. Hi Josh, Plan-G is a freeware VFR flight planner. It's available from www.tasoftware.co.uk .You can see the description on their webpage. Also available is the manual on the same webpage. Download the manual and see section 19 - this covers Plan-G on a network.
  2. Josh, I've networked Plan-G for the "Moving Map" facility and exchange of info it gives.
  3. Hi, I had a look at he performance tables and was able to achieve near enough the figures there. Took the aircraft to FL240, about 23 minutes. Take-off using full throttle (MAP 43), full rpm. Climb - I backed off the throttle to MAP 40 and rpm to 2400. I leaned mixture, and as you say, things get a little tight at high altitudes. MAP began to fall above 17000 feet so adjusted up to 40. But by FL200 it had fallen to 35 at full throttle travel, and at FL240 it was 30.5.Referring to the tables I used 2300rpm and MAP29 and leaned the mixture to get a fuel flow of about 32GPH. EGT was about 1225°F. This gives me about 136KIAS/197KTAS. 32GPH is only slightly high compared to the tables, but leaning is a few % "Lean of lean", with a tooltips indication of 12% on the mixture levers. If I go rich of lean, the mixture levers are at 16% and EGT at 1275°F. Airspeed is at 138KIAS/200KTAS and fuel flow is now 38GPH total.
  4. Hi Tristan, Indeed that is the Transponder, and as you say - the left 3D knob only turns it on/off and the right 3D knob does nothing!! To change the code manually, click on the individual digits when you see the plus or minus or use mousewheel. You may need to zoom in to the gauge for accuracy. Speedbugs - put mousepointer on it (changes to hand symbol), use mousewheel. Hope this helps.
  5. Hi Gary, Interesting one, this! It seems to me that when FSX ATC is talking directly to you it uses the "ATC_TYPE=Bombardier" variable in the [GENERAL] section, plus the last 3 or 4 characters from the "ATC_ID=JA-O68X" variable from the [Flightsim.X] section of the aircraft you've selected. So you'd get something like " Bombardier 68X go to holding point for runway 28 via taxiway Alpha." But if FSX ATC is warning you of a nearby Lear whilst flying it would say something like - " Caution, Learjet, less than four miles. Report the aircraft in sight!" It's using the "ATC_MODEL=LJ45" variable from the [General] section. Another way around being called "Bombardier" is to select an airline name and number from the drop down list in the aircraft details view when selecting.
  6. Hi all, I'm looking to rectify the [FUEL] section of the AIRCRAFT.CFG. I did a little editing of the [WEIGHT & BALANCE] so that the aircraft would be populated by default with pax & baggage. That was ok. I then decided to set values in the [FUEL] section. I forgot that what I was setting was MAX tank values and consequently that's as far as I can fill the tanks now. Of course I also forgot to take note of the original values and now don't know what to put back in! DRAT! Would somebody please post their original [FUEL] section for comparison. This is mine:- [fuel] LeftMain = -2,-7,0,224,4 //Longitudinal(feet), Lateral(feet), Vertical(feet), Usable gallons), Unusable(gallons) LeftAux = -2,-3,0,0,1 RightMain = -2,7,0,224,4 //Longitudinal(feet), Lateral(feet), Vertical(feet, Usable(gallons), Unusable(gallons) RightAux = -2,3,0,0,1 fuel_type = 2 //Fuel type: 1 = Avgas, 2 = JetA number_of_tank_selectors = 1 electric_pump = 1
  7. Hi John, I get that error too, occasionally. What the RXP utility does is to insert the RXP530 as a "pop-up", I think in your case shift-4 will bring it up. The original 530 will show on the VC unless you manually edit the panel.cfg to put the RXP there. Depending on the aircraft in question inserting the RXP into the VC may not be possible. Check out the RXP forums, more info available there. Bert Pieke would be the man to talk to.
  8. Hi Anthony, That's the way mine went. Check out their FAQs to see what this means. In my case the order disappeared from my account. But, as I said above, Jay sorted me out.
  9. Happened to me once. I was buying FTX Scotland. "pending" was listed against FTX Scotland in my a/c with the FlightSimStore. After a few hours it disappeared. Therefore no link came alive for me to download it. Checked that Paypal had indeed paid store. Waited 'till it showed up in my credit card account, then contacted their help desk. Jay sorted me out pronto. Maybe it's just the time difference that makes him unavailable at the moment. He will sort it out.
  10. What do the other [fltsim.xxx] sections have for this? I checked some of my AI aircraft and I just saw "atc_flight_number=", ie no number after the "=".
  11. Hi Christopher, Check your other [fltsim.xxx] sections for comparison for this aircraft. Do they have the line "atc_flight_number="?? Maybe the line is required for ATC control of AI. I know that if it's a user aircraft and no number after the "=" then I get called by the "atc_id=xxxx" line instead. In AI ATC would call the aircraft by the "atc_airline=EASTFLIGHT" and flight number from the flight plan. But if the "atc_flight_number=" line is missing altogether, then maybe it reverts to "atc_id=xxxx" data instead. Test it?
  12. Hi Christopher, More info might help us help you. Was it part of an AI package? What package? Or was it an aircraft added to the likes of UT2? Can you cut and paste the aircraft.cfg to give us a look?
  13. Hi Josh, I have 900 items in my "...//Flight Simulator X Files" folder. Doesn't seem to be a problem. If I click on "<FPL LIST" I get a page with 2 entries. "KLASKLAX" and "KMIAPAKT". The first is the Tutorial flightplan and the second is a flightplan I input via the CDU myself. That is it just lists the EagleSost format flightplans.[ "<FPL LIST" does not list FSX flightplans. Whats done is that you go to the FSX flightplanner and either do a flight plan there form scratch or get it to load a previously saved FSX flightplan. It is now in memory and to put it into the Citation CDU just click "<FRM FS GPS" quote name=jgrobs' timestamp='1372557056' post='2704084] Created a FS9 flight plan on SimRoutes, Re-named it by the AAAA-BBBB_X.PLN convention, placed it in my default FSX flight plans folder, and gave it a shot. When I press FSK 3R, I get the dreaded "INVALID ENTRY", when I press FRM FS GPS, nothing still happens. I'd imagine in the above instance that the renamed flightplan is in FS9/FSX format still, with an Eaglesoft format file name, but when internally checked it doesn't match what it's expecting - hence the error. Clicking "<FRM FS GPS" does nothing because there's no flightplan loaded in memory.
  14. Hi, Just for the hell of it I fired up my Citation 750 Extreme and tried loading the KLAS-KLAX_X.PLN as per the tutorial and came up with the same problem as the Original Poster. I did a bit of research on the EagleSoft Forums and came across this.... http://www.eaglesoftdg.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=239 I checked out the tutorial flight plan and indeed mine was corrupt. I edited as per the above thread and it loaded with no error. BTW the included flightplan appears to be a simply text file with presumably proprietary layout even though the file extension( *.PLN) appears to be the same as the default FSX. FSX flightplans appear to be XML. Hope this helps.....
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