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Posts posted by TrevorS

  1. Just installed the CU7 - European cities - which became available a few hours ago. I have uninstalled WU4 and 6 as well as an old european cities. Tried a flight from Berlin to Amsterdam (just completed) and the temps were fine. Hopefully this update helped. Will try some more flights in the area tomorrow. Anyone else tried this CU7 ?  Please give feedback if you have. Thanks

  2. Watched a video some time back where the person complained about the same problem. What he does is to before takeoff, press the AP button. This will give you a red warning. Ignore it  (don't cancel it) and continue with the takeoff. Works like a charm. I have tried it on a few takeoffs now and its like magic. The 787 is now a pleasure to fly. Give it a try.

  3. I have tried various types of monitoring software but experience this same problem with all of them. They monitor the temps (CPU and GPU) perfectly the first time I installed them. After about the second or third day the CPU temp freezes (gets stuck at a certain temp, say 53C) but the GPU temp continues fine. Its happened with all six different programs tried. Any help?

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