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Everything posted by markpj

  1. i've e-mailed the other address-but i'm going to do some checking-thanks for your time
  2. ok just e-mails to both addresses
  3. that code works fine-thanks.about the lost e-mails,don't know,i defintly sent it the address on the login page,thanks anyway
  4. i have recently needed to re-install windows and therfore had to re-install all my software.When i came to re-install radar contact it would not recognise my original key so i have e-mailed you for a replacement and heard nothing.could you please send me a replace ment or tell me if the original is still ok.my new product code is 1148288048 mark brownhillthanks
  5. re female captains, the first time i flew with virgin atlantic was on a 340 to orlando back in 1997.The captain then was a woman an called camilla darta(not sure of surname spelling).When she announced she was the captian a number male passengers nearly passed out! cheersmark
  6. just found the problem-well not quite a problem.i downloaded the wrong upgrade.I've been trying to install the ASV6(46mb) upgrade which available on the same page.Dohh.
  7. just tried to install service update 3 but i get an error message saying asv/e is not installed-but it is and i have had no problems installing previous updates.Any ideas,thanks
  8. I've just looked at the pss website and it claims(though i have'nt seen it)that their 777 has a weather radar built into the nav display.How have they managed this when PMDG have said it cound not be done due to limitations in fs9.
  9. i wish to upgrade my 737 600/700 to the 800/900 version but my internet connection times out after 2 hours and using 56k conn that means about 30 mb.Is there any other way of obtaining this upgrade eiher by post or use of software to resume the download. regards mark
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