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Posts posted by rquick

  1. My guess would be the 757 as well. Only reason being the relatively short time frame before beta testing. A 787 would be a 'from the ground up' project that would seem to take longer. That is also a big assumption on my part that a lot of the 777 work could be utilized for the 757 and also assuming that this other project isn't already being worked on feverishly in secret. A lot of assuming and guessing...



    Did your saved states work ok? In the last 737 update, there was a note to delete all saved states before the update, as it was causing issues with an invalid master caution warnings.


    To be honest, my flights were with the 777 so I'm not sure about that.

  3. Wrap up... Did a couple flights and all went well.


    Just to clarify for anyone looking to update from a similar situation as mine. Here's what I did.


    -Updated the OPS center.

    -Open and closed the OPS center.

    -Downloaded the updated installers from the ecommerce site.

    -Uninstalled the 737/777 and expansion packs. Note: I did not manually delete any files, I am not sure if there are scenarios where this is necessary, but for me it was OK.

    -Installed the updated planes.

    -Opened the OPS center and updated the liveries.


    I didn't lose my aircraft settings [lights and display brightness type things], also my joystick settings were still working.

  4. You think your behind, I just finally downloaded the updated NGX installer last night, but have not downloaded the T7 yet or uninstalled the OP's center or the NGX yet. Plus I am so far behind on FSUIPC, probably 20 versions or so.


    To be frank, I have not updated anything just because of having to redo all my assignments for key bindings and stuff like that.


    I'll probably tackle it soon, but can't seem to find the energy to do it.



    Sean Campbell


    Whoa. I guess everything is relative. :) I hope  everything goes smoothly when you get around to it.

  5. Good news so far. :)


    The 737 and 600/700 expansion installed without errors as did the 777LR and 300ER expansion. The OPS center only had 1 notification which was to update liveries, which it did. So, I'm all up to date now. Fired up FSX with the 777LR and everything loaded OK. Won't have time for a flight tonight, but things look pretty good. I'll try a flight tomorrow. Thanks Kyle for your help.

  6. FSX:SE updates are essentially FSX updates. We treat the products as one in the same (same installer, etc etc).


    Ah... OK.


    Download link on the commerce site is working nicely so that is going. I will uninstall and reinstall and keep my fingers crossed. lol. I will report back on how it went. I know it's riveting...

  7. Uninstall the planes before trying to run the new installers.


    Thank you for responding so quickly. I will do that. I just updated the OPS center and it added additional updates available regarding FSX:SE. I'm assuming [despite the danger of that word] I can ignore those since I only have the original FSX.

  8. Way way behind on updates. :/


    I plan to go in this order based what I've read on here. btw Robert's pinned update is excellent.


    1. Update the OPS center

    2. Open and close the OPS center

    3. Download the installers for the 737 and 777 from the commerce center.

    4. Run the installers one by one and update the liveries.


    I post this so if someone sees where I'm doing it wrong, maybe they can steer me in the right direction.

    Here is how out of date I am: :(



  9. Unless you have a addon copilot, you may be flying a 2 pilot jet by yourself. I would bet a lot of pilots would take advantage of autoland if their copilot was incapacitated. It may even be negligent not to if it was available in that situation. ;)

  10. Interesting. I took my first flight with sp1c last night and had this happen on approach as well. AT suddenly started to struggle maintaining speed which eventually dropped too low and gave warnings. I had to take manual control of the throttle. This was on final approach. I attributed this to some wind anomaly as it was windy (I use Active Sky Next). However, I never had this happen before with the 777 and it did seem odd. I will do another flight today to see what happens.

  11. Isn't it possible to do all the setup before you unpause?


    Yes. I would rather not though. It's a bit like the other setup options that were moved into the FMC so that the simulator would not have to be paused while doing it. Not a big deal, but if I had the option of pausing further back from TOD I would do it. I'm probably 1 of 3 people who feel this way so it doesn't really matter.



    the option "FSX PLN FILE FOR WXR" set to "CREATE FILE (WX.PLN)"


    You may need to select "CREATE FILE AND LOAD TO FSX" instead if you want to have the plan load to FSX. This will need to happen as well to automatically have the plan 'sent' to ASN. Actually, ASN has to be told to go get it though.


    Are you able to request and load wind data in the FMC?

  13. I had a crash as well...


    I've considered myself fortunate as I had not yet been cursed with the OOM / crash to desktop situation that many suffer with, however... I installed ASN and SP1 (not the 300er, yet) and the first short flight from KMSY -> KSWF went well with weather radar functioning nicely and performance seemed OK. I don't monitor the actual frame rates much so I don't know if there was a big change. The second flight from KSFO -> KSWF resulted in a CTDT about 1 hour after takeoff (fsx was closed and restarted between these flights). This morning I reduced LOD from 5.5 to 4.5 and also rebooted my computer and I'm attempting a flight from KSJC -> KSWF. Monitoring VAS which has been ~2400 for the first hour of the flight and things running smooth. Unfortunately, I was not monitoring VAS during the crash flight. My setup has been the same for a couple of years now and fly the 777 or 737ngx usually once or twice a week and haven't had issues with crashing . No U.S. scenery addons and very few scenery addons overall, Ultimate Traffic at 30%. No other addons. I just used FSX weather downloader until installing ASN for the 777.


    I'm hoping the crash was an anomaly, but will continue to monitor VAS for a while.

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