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Posts posted by CPA156

  1. Hmmm I can't really make a comment on Kai Tak. The arrival routing is so long because Guangzhou usually don't give descent clearances to Hong Kong bound traffic. It is this way at the new airport with the SIERA arrivals. The traffic needs those extra track miles to get down, so they extend the arrival throughout Hong Kong airspace. What happens sometimes is ZGZU (Guangzhou Control) gives a descent clearance to FL170 by SIERA, traffic permitting, and flights are given radar vectors and lots of track shortening. I assume the same would have happened at Kai Tak from TAMOT to CH.

  2. Hey Everyone,Just started to get this problem after installing AES 1.95 I'm pretty sure. Whenever I open FS9.exe, the program opens, to the splash screen thing, then just closes itself. It doesn't even get to the menu thing. I did it again with Task Manager open, and the application flashes from Running to Not Responding. I have no idea what is wrong!! It is really frustrating cause I want to fly, and DON'T want to have to reinstall FS! LOLAny help would be brilliant..

  3. Cheers everyone...Either Harry or Mats, how do you manage to input the winds? Is there a specific format? Cause when i click any of the LSKs nothing happens..http://forums.avsim.net/user_files/186066.jpgWhenever I try to click any of the right LSKs nothing happens, and when I enter something i get INVALID ENTRY..I checked the manual and it says that the function is not modelled, are we talking about different things? I want to be able to enter forecast winds from AS6.5 into the FMC, so I can get better arrival estimates and fuel predictions...thanks!

  4. Hey there PMDG team, Will we be able to enter enroute forecast winds into the MD-11 FMC to be able to have better arrival time and fuel estimates? I feel this is one of the things lacking in the 744 (although everything else is perfect, and its success is obvious). It's only that it can be quite a pain flying HKG-SFO or somewhere with huge enroute winds and having a real world CFP for fuel figures, zfw etc, only for your FMC to say that you are going to arrive with 0.0t of fuel, whereas, upon landing you have around 12-15t...Will this be possible in the MD-11?cheers

  5. These are all routes in the ERSA, i guess it depends on wind conditions as to which they choose for each flight.DCT SY H44 AD Q12 ESP J68 PH DCTDCT SY H44 GTH B469 PH DCTDCT SY H44 GTH Q32 PH DCTDCT SY H65 WOL J42 CB J142 BOR Q188 CANDY Q158 ESP J68 PH DCTHope this is of some help..

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