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Posts posted by shiloh

  1. My turn will come up soon in the EVGA step up program to exchange my 470 to a 480. I was wondering if anyone here had the chance to try both with FSX and if there was a notable difference between both in FSX?I really wanted to buy a 480 at launch time but they were out of stock, so I got the 470 and registered in the evga step up program. However I really like the performance of the 470 and now debating if the step up is worth it (for +/- 170$).thanks

  2. Something that is not mentioned too often, is the 480 has a smaller 384bit memory bus, vs the 512bit bus on the 280/285.In the past a wider memory bus proved best for FSX, Phil Taylor had a article to that effect back in 2008 :http://blogs.msdn.com/ptaylor/archive/2008...d-consumer.aspx
    But the 480 has DDR5 memory and the 285 has DDR3 memory. At stock speeds the GTX285 has a 159GB/s memory bandwidth and the GTX480 is at 177GB/s.

  3. I have however registered for the EVGA step-up program to trade the 470 GTX in for a 480 GTX when they have them available to do so, since that is what I wanted to buy in the first place. So hopefully, I will be able to directly compare one with the other in the same settings. I doubt if there will be a huge difference between them. Both of them have tamed FSX.
    When you'll get the 480, please share the 470/480 comparision results. I am tempted to do the step up as well but will wait on your results before making a decision :)thanks!

  4. Cool, I'm hoping to reach that kind of speed. In my current e8600 cpu, I o/c'd to 4.44 ghz, and was hoping to have a similar clock with the i7 930. I originally thought getting the 960 I could o/c to a higher max speed vs the 930, are they basically the same exact chip with the difference being the stock clock speeds?Theoretically, could the 960 o/c to a higher stable speed than the 930? This is moot at this point since I already chose the 930 over the 960, but was just curious, and I'm happy I'm saving money in the end not getting the 960.
    Exact same chip but the 960 are binned higher. However that does not necessarily means a better overclocker for above 4ghz. vcore requirements tend to increase quickly above 4ghz no matter what chip you are using.
    Will FSX run smoother on the i7 at 4.3 ghz vs the e8600 at 4.44 ghz?
    Definitely! I upgraded from a quad Q9650 at 4.4ghz to a i7 930 at 4.4ghz too and the difference was very very significant.

  5. I tested the same flights twice again in DX9. All others parameters were the same except bloom that was turned off.I'm puzzled by the results. Not much difference in the numbers also while flying I could not notice any difference myself. Unmodified FSX.CFGMin FPS: 14Max FPS: 63Average FPS: 40BP=0 FSX.CFGMin FPS: 17Max FPS: 63Average FPS: 42I did some flying around KSEA all sliders maxed out with both config and could not see any performance difference too.Anyways, the sim feel so much better with the 470 compared to the GTX275 so I guess tweaking is less of an issue now.cheersMarc

  6. Hello all!I just had some time to test ******* tweak with the GTX 470. Not sure I used a scenery that was complex enough, but anyways here are the first test results.Flight description: Kai Tak runway 13 approach, from IAF to gate. Night time. Flight time 13 minutes approx.Weather: broken at 6000.Scenery used: Fly Tampa Kai TakPlane used: PMDG 747-400Other addon: REX clouds at 4096x4096 DXT5FSX settings (summary) : DX10 mode, bloom on, water 2.x low, very dense scenery complexity, autogen dense, frame rate unlimited.Video drivers used: 197.41I used fraps to measure, min, max and average frame rate. I did the flight twice, once with an unmodified FSX.CFG and another time with the two modifications ******* gave me in this thread. I also forced vsync to off in nVidia control panel.unmodified FSX.CFGMin FPS: 23Max FPS: 75Average FPS: 35FSX.CFG With tweaksMin FPS: 25Max FPS: 74Average FPS: 36Both flights were awesome to fly. Great performance and not one stutter in both. Really smooth. From what I read here, I was expecting more difference. Maybe I should try with another scenery location, JFK for example.what do you think? comments? suggestions?cheers!MarcEDIT: I could not help but do a few external views during the approach, that explain the "high" max FPS. While in the virtual cockpit, the FPS were always right around average FPS without any jumping up or down.

  7. The only bad thing, is that I had to get a GIGABYTE GTX 480... and not the SuperClocked eVGA one... I spent nearly the ENTIRE day refreshing newegg... (last night, I sucesfully completed an order on MWAVE.com but they called me to say the card was not available anymore) so, you can imagine the frustration...
    Dont worry, you'll be able to overclock it yourself way above the SuperClocked speed.
    So, finally got it from newegg, ordered UPS next day, should be here tomorrow at 2:00PM (thats when the UPS guy comes to my condo) so expect some results at around 6:00PM :)
    Looking forward to it :) I didnt have any time for me last night to test the tweak on the GTX470, business is incredibly busy these times. Hopefully I'll be able to test it tonight too.cheers!

  8. Please do come back after doing the BP=0 test. Don't forget to add the other tweaks that ******* suggests.
    Do you have a link to a thread that lists the others tweaks?
    If I'm not mistaken the 197.13 drivers works with the 470 and 480s. I hope nvidia delivers a better driver by the time I get my 480.
    Last friday nVidia released version 197.41 only for the 470/480. that's what I am using, but, yeah, we are still some time away from mature drivers.

  9. Shiloh, thanks for the feedback!Are you running with [bufferPools] UsePools=0 by any chance? it would be interesting to see how the GTX 470 responds under that situation. I'll be doing the same tests with an eVGA GTX 480 SC edition.
    Right now I am using an un-modified CFG that FSX has rebuilt after I deleted the old one. I havent tried any BufferPools tweak yet. I'll do some more flying with the "plain" CFG to get a good feeling on how it perform and later I can test with different BufferPools options and report back.

  10. Just wondering how well this card runs FSX. How hot and how loud is this card? Thanks.
    I cant say for the 480 but I installed my 470 last night. I played a few hours of FSX with it and I like it very much. I've seen a much better difference going from the GTX275 to the GTX470 than when I went from a 8800GT to the GTX275. No huge increase in framerate, (I would say about 10% above the GTX275) but much smoother without any stuttering. Need to do lots more testing toughNoise/Temps are not really an issue in FSX as the card doesnt get much hot while running FSX. The fan stays at the default 40% or barely increase and is pretty much silent at this speed.In other games it's different tough, in Bad Company 2, it gets in the high 80's and the fan increase in the 60 to 65% range. Never seen the fan go higher than 65%, which is not silent, but not too loud. Overall I would say that the 470 is similar to temps/noise profile I was getting my GTX275. Slightly hotter/louder but not much.

  11. Keep us informed on how it goes. I have a GTX 275 too and I am looking to upgrade. Was waiting to see the release of fermi. Now that we know, I am finding that the new nvidia are way too power hungry and running way too hot to my taste. So I am leaning towards a 5870 too. I'm a little bit concerned about the v-sync issues with the ATI drivers, actually that's the only thing that kept me from ordering the 5870. cheers

  12. Minor correction: Kentsfield was the designation of the original Core 2 Quads, you have a 45nm C2Q, a Yorkfield. Clock-for-clock in FSX, I'd say that Bloomfield is a good 20-30% faster.
    Thanks for the correction! Not enough coffee this morning :)The numbers you're mentionning, have you measured them somehow or they are estimates?I've been looking at Anandtech benchmark comparing the i7 vs. other processor and the gaming benchmark show approximately 10% (depending on the game) improvement over Yorkfields.Maybe FSX benefits more of the bloomfield architecture than other games

  13. HelloI am wondering if anyone saw or made a clock for clock benchmark/comparision of performance gains for bloomfield chips over kentsfield yorkfield quads?I need to buy a new PC for the kids, I am tempted to give them my CPU, mobo and ram of my rig (see signature) and upgrade mine to a i7 920. Since my Q9650 is already running at 4.23ghz I am wondering how faster would a 920 at similar clock speed would be over the Q9650.thanks

  14. >>Shiloh>>Don't forget the Eaglesoft Piper Twin Commanche - a great>>plane with excellent VC>>Peter Hayes>>it is however no turboprop :)That's right. I really wanted a turboprop so I just bought the Cheyenne.I also got Radar contact.The only thing I miss now, is a good high performance GA single engine plane. I am waiting to see if the eaglesoft Cirrus SR22-G2 will be updated for DX10 compatibility and it might be the one i'd get.cheers!Marc

  15. Hello I want to add a small twin turboprop to my FSX fleet. So far I have looked at the Digital Aviation Cheyenne and the Flight1 Conquest II 441.Since I fly exclusively in virtual cockpit mode, I want a plane that has a fully fuctionnal VC with a nice look.So far I am leaning towards the Cheyenne. Is there any other payware in this category of planes that I missed?also if you have any comments on the two above mentionned planes, I would appreciate having your thoughts.thanks

  16. HelloI cant get FSX to use multiples monitors in full screen when FSX is in DirectX 10 preview mode. When I undock my windows, move them to the secondary monitor and swtich to full screen; the main view is there on the primary monitor but secondary monitor doesnt show anything and I permanently get the hours glass icon. I have to shutdown FSX.When I disable the directx 10 mode, I can use multi monitor perfectly in fullscreen mode.My system is running Vista x64 ultimate and a nVidia 8800gt.I have tried multiple version of the nvidia drivers, from 169.25 up to 174.12. No change. The Vista OS hotfix for multi monitor (mentionned in PTaylor's blog) is installed.Is it another issue with the nVidia drivers or multi monitor simply doesnt work in DirectX 10?thanks!

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