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Posts posted by Alky

  1. I have an FMS Guide specifically for the J41 if you search my name in the AVSIM file library.


    Thank you Kyle, I found your guide and downloaded it. I'll get into it a little later today.




    You must ensure the AFCS is in LNAV mode by pressing the LNAV button on the glareshield twice and you can then activate NAV on the autopilot


    Thank you Chris. So basically when I want to activate the LNAV and I have everything ready to go to autopilot, I turn on the AP, click NAV  and then VNAV twice (??)

  2. it should follow on it's own if you are in nav mode. direct to is used mainly when you aren't on the plan and want to join it from your current location (like after some vectors after takeoff, or diverting for weather for example) or if you want to skip to a different point for some reason.



    -andy crosby


    Thank you Andy, that's great. The manual seemed to say that you needed to click on direct to, maybe I missed or misunderstood that it was a full LNAV as in most aircraft.  :smile:


    olli4740, thank you for your response. Even the basic AP in this aircraft requires some reading of the manual.  I'll check out Quality Wings, thanx!  :wink:

  3. I bought this model the day it was released and have never really flown it like it was meant to be flown. With RL and time constraints I just got bored every time I tried to wrap my head around it. Now that I'm retired and have unlimited time, I trying to force myself to learn how this plane needs to be flown.

    I've managed to get it up and flying and even managed to do an ILS landing. Problem is, I've been using the heading function and when near the destination, call on the ATC to vector me to final approach. I'm having a lot of trouble working with the FMC/FMS inputting the required info which I'm sure I'll figure out, I think I got a grip on that a few years ago and have since forgotten.

    My question mainly is, does LNAV follow the flight plan on it's own or do I have to manually click on "direct to" at each waypoint?

    Thank you for any help!  :smile:


  4. I found that my entire FSX crashed as soon as I clicked on "Fly Now" after I upgraded to Windoze 8.1.  My solution turned out to be that by turning on DX-10 preview, everything works as advertised. My JS41 works in 8.1 with only one problem, if I use the HiDef panel, I get a severe graphics flicker in the cockpit. I don't know if there's a specific cure for that or if I'm stuck with using the LoDef panel. I don't see a lot of difference in them with my untrained eye.  :)

  5. WOW! Thanks Kyle...



    Hi George, I had no idea, is this a project that is a long way off completion or will it be something we can look forward to fairly soon? BTW I've registered on the forum.

    You can download now, the Basler BT-67, C-117D and the C-47 v2 are done.  The C-117d and C-47 are temporarily using a version of the modern Basler VC but in my first link you'll see that a vintage VC is being done for them.  :rolleyes:

    BTW: they all have incredible paintkits that are a pleasure to use if you're so inclined.

  6. I know it won't happen, but I still have dreams of a dev producing a DC3 to PMDG standards. Now that WOULD be awesome :smile:


    That's already been done, you need to get out more  :)


    http://www.sim-outhouse.com/sohforums/showthread.php?84263-Attention-all-DC-3-fans-!  Vintage virtual cockpit, work in progress.


    http://www.sim-outhouse.com/sohforums/showthread.php?81118-Manfred-s-Douglas-C-47-Reloaded-%28Beta%29  25 pages to read on the development you speak of.


    You may need to start a free account to their forum, but well worth the couple minutes!  :)

  7. To have a PMDG DC-6 of the same quality as the JS-41 and the NGX would be so incredible. It's time to take a break from all that FMC and jet whine monotony and get into a fire breathing shaky smokey old thrill of a lifetime!  :)

    • Upvote 2

  8. Does this article apply to your issue? According to the article, these errors are generally caused by the installation of Wilco products.

    Thanx for the reply. The instructions in the link you provided were a bit above my pay grade but it gave me an idea. I searched the xml file for "PMDG" and there was a small section there referring to it. I backed up the file and then deleted the reference to PMDG.

    It seems to have worked. I no longer get the error and FSX along with the JS41 and 1900D all have sound.

    Right or wrong it seems to be cured :)

    Thank you! :)

  9. I have this error popping up when I start FSX. Whether I answer yes or no, FSX still runs with sound, the error is annoying.

    I've tried renaming the dlls folder in the PMDG folder but FSX then runs without sound and shows an error in a green band at the top of the screen.

    I have the PMDG 1900D and the PMDG JS41 installed.

    Is there something I can edit to get rid of the error message on startup?





  10. Make sure your NAV/GPS is switched to GPS(as you stated you do), Autopilot is on and the LOC-button is on (if I remember correctly, it's been some time i've flown the A321 the last time).hope this helpsFlo
    Thanx Flo, it was the LOC button that was the missing secret, it works as advertised now :)
    Make sure your NAV/GPS is switched to GPS(as you stated you do), Autopilot is on and the LOC-button is on (if I remember correctly, it's been some time i've flown the A321 the last time).hope this helpsFlo
    Thanx Flo, it was the LOC button that was the missing secret, it works as advertised now :)

  11. For the life of me I can't figure out how to make the 321 fly my flight plan with the GPS. I have the nav/gps button set to GPS and I've tried clicking on everything I can find in the cockpit to make it follow the GPS.I don't know if this is the right forum to ask this question but none of the others seem to apply. Tip & Tricks doesn't allow questions (?)Thanx! :)

  12. highly recommend Radar Contact. Its not perfect and it wont direct you on the ground, however its still 100x better than Default atc
    I bought Radar Contact a couple of years ago, installed and removed it a few times, just couldn't warm up to it. The interface sux big time, and the voices are very robotic. As many faults as the FSX ATC has, it's more appealing to the eyes & ears, especially when using it just for take-off and approach only.

  13. There are text only pilots. As an ATC-er, we'd prefer you have a headset, but text-only is an option.
    I have a headset but the microphone on it died for some reason, but replying in text is a problem, I don't think I can type sentences on the keyboard and fly at the same time. I've been a Vatsim member for quite some time though and just haven't got into it. ID: 919421
    , but if you mean you don't want to be talking when things are quiet I see where you're coming from.
    With other people in the same room watching TV or using the other computer, I'm sure it would become an annoyance very quickly :)

  14. The best you're going to get is real ATC like VATSIM or IVAO. No experience required. Just know how to listen to and follow directions ("turn left/right to heading 000" and "climb/descend and maintain 0000").
    Except I'd have to do more than just listen and follow instructions, I would need to communicate with them and I'm not comfortable babbling a lot traffic control jargon in a family environment.

  15. To change the barometric during flight simply press th "B" key and it will adjust. To get the least grief from the default ATC, load the same flight plan you are using for NGX or any other, into FSX. That will keep the ATC on the same page as you as far as altitude and direction to destination. Normally I use the default ATC to taxi & take off, then I abort the ATC and fly FMC to within 100 miles of the destination and re-activate the flight plan with the ATC to use them for vectors to the ILS.

  16. Always welcome up in Canada. WestJet has an extensive network up here. Lots of nice places to fly into!
    I think CYLW Kelowna, British Columbia Canada is a challenging destination with beautiful scenery. I drive past it in an 18 wheeler a couple of times a week and watch the WestJet guys coming & going. I've tried it a couple of times in FSX, fun to say the least :)

  17. Trust me - it's a fairly safe bet that it will be better than the Justflight version !!!
    I bought the Just Flight version to pacify me till the PMDG DC-6 is released. There will be no comparison, PMDG's will make the JF look like freeware :)
    Any chance we can see a little more of this beauty? Perhapse in a Buffalo Airways paint?
    I could be wrong but I don't think Buffalo Airways have a DC-6
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