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  1. OK -- Looked in community folder, nothing. So re-installed 414, during installation stated that older version had to be uninstalled (??). Did that, re-installed, and now working. Loading Page for TDS NXi comes up as it did previously, but only a flash, and proceeds to load MSFS. Before it got hung up on the TDS page and failed to progress. Appreciate all the feedback and responses, we'll see how it goes from here. Greg
  2. "Try renaming the community folder with all your current mods and place our product in a new community folder with the normal name with no other addons and try again. This is most likely a conflict. Do you own the 787 mod?" 1 - There is NOTHING in my community folder. 414 has been gone since the last crash, TDS GTNXi is somewhere else. 2- Don't own 787 mod I'll try putting 414 in the community folder and see what happens. thanks.
  3. What versions of the TDS GTN and C414 are you using, and from where did you purchase the C414? TDS GTNXi C414 I believe 4.4, or whatever the latest is. Purchased from Flysimware website, all updates re-downloaded form my purchase there. Appreciate the help. I'll give it a try.
  4. "Are you using a default livery?" I can't use ANYTHING as can't get MSFS to load after installing 414. Shut down, re-start --> MSFS will not load. Had to uninstall and re-install. Tried all over again after installing 414 -> MSFS won't load. Uninstall, re-install MSFS again, same problem. --> The issue seems to happen after screen shows TDS GTN information. I leave that alone, but won't progress past that and MSFS essentially quits. Now have re-installed MSFS, no problem with other a/c or TDS GTNXi in other a/c (Coronado PC12, etc). I can only say that this is the ONLY add-on that I have ever had these types of issues with after 25 years with Microsoft Flight Simulator.
  5. I have now installed Flysimware 414 twice into MSFS with resultant crashes. I already own and have used extensively TDS GTNXi without any issues in other a/c. Uninstalled MSFS now twice, re-installed, and no problems until I install your 414 --> crash. Any help appreciated, as this sim is useless to me. Greg AGI, IGI
  6. Is there a good general reference for understanding EFIS, etc? I'm private pilot, want to get into instrument flight and within the sim particularly Citation X flying, but much of that manual is difficult to understand and not explained. Short of reading the Jepp manual on instrument flight, any place that condensed information regarding EFIS, FMC, etc is available? Searched the forums but no good results. thanks for any reply.
  7. thanks for the help, but what I need is info on how to save a pic in FSX.
  8. any help appreciated. Have GeForce 9800 card, runs fine. What I am seeing in several third party add-ons is a kind of shimmering around all gauges -- very fine lines at edges, looks as if I'm seeing background scenery as small slits around gauges, MFD's, etc. As if you could see light from behing the edges of the gauges shining through. I would think the virtual cockpit would be a solid image, not able to be seen through?? Thanks for any suggestions. Can send a pic but don't know how to do that. Greg
  9. Any help appreciated. Just performed registry cleaner, and now having issues with the mouse. When FSX loads, the entire screen is shifted over, and moving the mouse at the perimeter of the screen field shifts the screen to and fro, up down, etc. In flight, while CH Fighterstick works fine, using the mouse to click buttons, etc. also shifts the entire screen up, down, side-side, etc. -- chasing object driving me nuts. Prior to this, as usual, mouse would work fine to click items within the screen, but not move the entire screen itself around. Any help appreciated. Greg
  10. any help appreciated --something's happened to my monitor display in that when I place the mouse at the edges of the monitor it moves to another portion of the display. In other words, the display seems larger than the monitor window, and I can 'move' the mouse to see other areas of the display. How do I get the display to sit 'regularly' in the monitor window without this larger viewing area. Driving me nuts, and I think killing frame rates. Thanks for any reply.
  11. Any help appreciated --I am able to see background images through tiny slits around gauges, screws, etc. in many add-on panels. This isn't visible in pause mode, but resumes when in motion -- you can see the ground moving as though through slit-like gaps between gauges. In addition, there seems to be a super-postition of panels, in that side panes knobs exist in thin air -- as if two panels were on top of each other. Running windows XP, have both SP1 and 2, with nvidea GepForce 9800 GTX card.Thanks for nay feedback.Thanks, Greg
  12. Ralf, Thanks for the follow-up. I'm using nVidia GeForce 9800 GTX. I can't find the box for "user Applications", but the short story is that I re-installed FS9, and all working OK. After un-installing I left the folder alone, and fortunately didn't have to re-load all of the add-ons. Greg
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