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Captain Caveman

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Posts posted by Captain Caveman

  1. but in rl it is acctualy 3D...here you have to make it look like its got some depth and angleit. flat looks kind of "cheap" and is used by low quality add ons in my mind atleast. i love your products and there very high quality so i think its sad you use flat panel on this one :/so why the change? didnt you like the 747 overhead?

  2. when atc plan the traffic do they know the track of the aircraft before giving the heading ?i would assume this is quite important for traffic planing. if a plane has a 15 degrees track off the heading i assume they would wanna know about it...before it happens.

  3. When flying the 737 i often get a diffrent track than the heading i have selected.f.ex: heading 180 and track 190. this means that the aircraft flys a little wideways cause of the wind right? with the nose 10 degrees of the direction of the aircraft is flying?and now for the real question:when flying in LNAV the aircraft always flys on the route track, but does it change heading accoring too the wind or is the heading and track the same in LNAV?

  4. over 2GB is overkill. the preformace jump from 1 to 2GB isnt very big, its a little improvmentin some cases, depends on the rest of the system to. the preformance jump from 2 to 4GB is like none on the games of today. So when gaming, 1-2GB should be fine. 1GB for low/mid end, 2GB for high end with high res playing

  5. Hi when looking at the paderborn pics i was shocked...there where only "old" people there :( so i really wonder how old you serious simmer like me are...im "only" 21...and if you all work in the airline buiss...i study computer science and only do this for fun.How old are you, and what do you do for a living?

  6. hi, this has happend on many gfx card. radeon x800xl, 8500pro and now this x1900xtx. its not so hot either so its not the heat. the monitor is an apple 20" cimena display. the image is not burned in, that is for certain. it is something that only happens in fs. the hardware i have now is:Apple 20" cinema displayAthlon 64 3700+MSI KV7Radeon x1900xtxit is propper cooledbut this has happens on many components ever since i got these products.

  7. Hi, when flying the 747 and 737 i very often can see parts of the 2D cockpitwhen in other cameramodes like outside. it is typical the engines indicatorsand lines on the ND that shows. it isnt very visibel (depending on the background)but if i take i close look i can see it.i have had the same problem though many hardware configs.anyone else have this problem?

  8. i mean on approach, or doesnt it count there?i mean that the aircraft has so low speed when comming to the flaps that if the airplane isnt decending the nose go very much up in order to maintain its altitude.so to me it seems that the flaps should come at a higher speed to maintain proper lift.

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