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Posts posted by rob9990

  1. It doesn't seem to matter where I fly, it all seems that way. I was reading elsewhere that reloading all of the default water files might eliminate this problem. I'm a little hesitant to do that as I have a lot of add ons installed. Has anyone tried this?Thanks,Rob Hansford

  2. I recently re-installed all of my add-ons and re-installed FS9 as well, and now my coastlines look boxy! Even lakes have boxy edges. I've attached a few pictures as examples. I have FS Global 2008 installed, as well as numerous scenery add-ons. I've checked for an answer and found a few answers, but none work for me. I've updated my display drivers and any landclass scenery folders do not have textures in them, as far as I can tell at least. I don't know what else to try!!! Any help would be greatly appreciated!Thank you,Rob Hansfordhttp://forums.avsim.net/user_files/177896.jpghttp://forums.avsim.net/user_files/177897.jpg

  3. Thanks for this suggestion.I have now managed to fix this problem but am faced with yet another one.When I start FS9, it starts fine now, the splash screen comes up as the program loads. However, when it reaches the point where it would let you choose a flight or create a flight, it just stops loading and goes to the desktop. I have absolutely no idea what is going on now.Anyone have a suggestion to fix this?Thank you,Rob Hansford

  4. When I attempt to start up FS9, I get the following error:scenery.cfg file error. Invalid Remote scenery path in scenery Area.001This error continues for Areas:003,004,005,011,012,013,014,015,016,019,020,021,022,023,024,026,028,029,030,033 and 034.I tried to uninstall FS9 and reinstall, but it did not let me fully uninstall FS9, due to some scenery areas.Anybody have any ideas?Thanks,Rob Hansford

  5. Whenever I load a flight other than the tutorial flight, Flight Simulator crashes to the desktop. I've tried this with aircraft other than the PSS 777, and it still happens, yet, I had no problems before I installed the 777. Is anybody having the same problem, or am I all alone on this one?Rob Hansford

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