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Posts posted by srcraig

  1. I followed the FS Labs suggestions for their A320 series which I use with RealTurb. I don't currently own any PMDG products for P3D. I had the wind turbulence and effect higher but recently went back to the recommended suggstions which seems better for an airliner.

    Max Cloud Turbulence: 20% Turbulence Effect Scale: 20%
    Max Wind Turbulence: 20% Enhanced Turbulence: Disable
    Realistic thunderstorm up and downdraft rate: Disable


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  2. Same message, did the Registry link as advised, so far no recurrence. It can be undone or altered with a longer time.

    I found this on the FSLabs website and was recommended by their team.

    I only use the Labs aircraft and have the same 1080Ti as you. I use orbx, envtex, envshade and Active Sky.

    Only time will tell if it fixes it but so far it has been fine. I found the newer drivers with Windows 11 compatibility gave me stutters hence reverted to 471.11.

    Hope it helps.


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  3. Hi

    I would be grateful for help / suggestions. Cross-posted in flightsimlabs forum. I was suffering from NTDLL.dll and Terrain.dll crashes all of a sudden and read the Crash to Desktop guide. I updated my drivers through Driver Booster and now I can only changed speed manually in the FSLabs A3XX in units of four eg by  +/- 4 knots, 400 or 4000 feet. I re-installed the P3D V4.4 client and the aircraft but the problem remains. No obvious changes in Win 10 or P3D setup either. Any ideas?

    Many thanks


  4. Sorry I use PFPX not Simbrief.

    I store the PFPX route in P3D V4 which I import into my plane. In ProATCX I make a route then edit if not the same as PFPX. If not identical I edit the route and copy and paste in my PFPX route so they are the same removing the SID and Star as above ie all waypoints up to the end of the SID (GIRLI) and just put DCT (eg EGNT DCT GIRLI) instead. 

    EGTT is not an airport therefore is not used in route planning.

    ProATCX will then assign the SID before departure based on GIRLI and a STAR on descent based on KIDLI.

    Hope that helps. 

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