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Posts posted by greengriffon

  1. Software engineering is a subset of IT (hardware and software).  You can't be a software engineer without a grasp of hardware limitations.... I don't get your different worlds comment.





    ... maybe its just a question of definition... or context ?



    I'll have to agree with you FINXPAS. Saying they're two different worlds is like saying Oncology is a whole different world from Medicine.


    To that I say, "Huh?".

  2. No amount of dislikes, disagreements or comments to the contrary can erase that fact that LM presented a “bug filled” release.



    Despite extensive usage, I've not experienced a single bug or crash of any kind in P3Dv2 since the day it was launched.


    Methinks the Hyperbole Express has just pulled into the station.

  3. I always wonder why when people loudly proclaim they've "given up" on a game, you often find them still active in the forums for the game they supposedly gave up on. Doesn't make much sense to me. Got your refund? Congratulations. Why are you still here?


    Honestly, I can't wait for all the people berating P3D and the devs to *actually* give up and leave. Then maybe those of us who are enjoying the sim and looking forward to its future can finally do so without someone constantly trying to kick sand into our cereal bowls.

  4. Oh look, another licensing discussion. I really don't understand the need to convene a morality committee anytime a developer drafts a new EULA.


    How about everyone just keeps their own purchasing decisions to themselves and cut the AVSIM staff a break?

  5. I rather object to your attitude to a sick person, I find it abhorrent.  You have the version 1.17 already therefore you have what you paid for.


    Slow down, cowboy. I have nothing but sympathy toward anyone who is ill, so stop over-dramatizing what I said. I merely stated that if you have thousands of people waiting on news from you about a new or existing product, there's no excuse in 2013 for not being able to find 30 seconds in over 14 months to type a message somewhere...anywhere.


    And as for 1.17, there's a boatload of people who have been having issues with the product they paid for that have gone completely unresolved, so walking away from a product isn't as cut and dried as you seem to believe it should be. If you leave paying customers with no support, and no communication, much less delegate those tasks to someone else, people have reason to be upset.


    I certainly wish the man well, but let's be real here.

    • Upvote 3

  6. Fact is, Marniftarr is Russian and has been suffering health problems of his own.  I'm sure you would not work if your suffering was the same!  Flightsim is fantasy, Life is reality.


    Fact is, in this day and age, unless he's in a coma, anyone can get a message out to their customers (or potential customers) who have been waiting patiently a long time that says, "Hey everyone, I'm suffering from some health issues, so development of this product is postponed until I can recover".


    Between email, Twitter, Facebook, Google Plus, and the internet at large, there's literally no excuse for not being able to communicate a simple status update in 2013. Being dead is about the only exception.


    Even that excuse will probably disappear once Google launches their new ultra-secret project, "Beyond The Grave Online".

    • Upvote 4

  7. The reason some of us didn't have all of the HD videos downloaded already is because we gave up a long time ago.


    From the time the PMDG 737 launched, it was something like 11 months before they got out the first video that even began to tell you how to start the thing up. While people were clamoring for content that teaches them to fly their new toy, these guys were spending all their time on videos about the 737's fire extinguisher system, which isn't even modeled in the sim. Great background material maybe for AFTER you teach people what they really wanted and paid for. I'm pretty sure it was a year and change before you finally got to see your first intro flight. It was ridiculous. I don't know about you guys, but when a new PMDG aircraft comes out, the last thing I want to do is have it gathering dust in my virtual hangar for an entire year before I learn how to fly it.


    So like many people, I decided to learn the 737 from the many excellent, free tutorials that began popping up on Youtube almost immediately after launch, some from real NGX pilots. Then I would log in every 6 months and see if there was anything new to download, usually shake my head in dismay, then move on. Fast forward 2 years, and I'm not even sure the 737 training is complete yet. I only stopped in after this alarming new policy change to grab the last of the videos I didn't have so I can leave that site and never come back.


    Don't get me wrong, what the guys under Chris actually did do was commendable work, and I'm sure they did their best under the circumstances, but the $80 I spent on that training was literally the only flightsim purchase I've ever regretted. I'll never again buy a product "on faith" that isn't developed yet.


    Makes me wonder what the 777 training customers are in for.



    i dont understand why is there a fuss over it..why werent people downloading it as and when the videos were published..

    Some of their links have been broken for months and no one bothered to fix them until now, only after people have been screaming in their forums about the new policy deadline for grabbing them.

  8. Not knowing what subscription you purchased or what the Terms of Service use said in them at that time, it doesn't matter.  I'm also sure the Terms of Service said that the company can change policies at any point in time that they like.  Either way, it is still illegal.  Just because you feel you are entitled to something doesn't make it legal.  You are still getting the product you paid for - just not able to download them.


    If you're through playing the internet police, I'll repeat myself - we purchased the content. We have been allowed to download the lessons for the last 2 years. Now we have 7 days to download everything before they pull the plug and make you pay a subscription fee. Hence, at this moment, we can do whatever we like to obtain those videos. That includes either a straight download, a browser plugin, or whatever our little hearts desire. Clear? Deciding after the fact that you don't want to honor what you sold to people, especially for a fairly hefty fee, is bad business.


    Regardless of your interpretation, we are entitled to precisely what we paid for.

  9. You guys may want to reconsider talking about the "free streaming downloads", as if you are downloading copyright content that is highly illegal.



    It's not illegal, we purchased the content in the first place. The problem is, we suddenly won't have access to local downloads of the lessons after one week, a feature we all paid for in the first place, unless we now ante up an additional subscription fee. Like $80 wasn't enough.


    This is of course after most of us have been waiting...what...since sometime in 2011 for him to finish the 737 training we paid for?


    That guy should be giving us free stuff for our patience, not taking away things we in fact paid for.

  10. Hmmm I was thinking of signing up for 737 groundwork but if you have to subscribe just to download what's the point?

    I was going to watch them offline during my daily commute.


    Since it took them a year after the 737's release to begin putting out anything on how to actually *fly* the 737, I learned from the many YouTube videos that were cranked out from day one.


    I use Firefox with the Video DownloadHelper plugin to download local HD copies of YouTube videos and watch them offline. Simple and entirely for free.

  11. MS IS a desktop oriented company. What is the Windows OS? Realizing that Flight flopped like it did don't you think that the higher ups are considering reverting to what was the successful business model for many years AKA the FS franchise? Seems all to obvious I know.





    When was it a successful business model for Microsoft? A decade ago, maybe? It certainly wasn't in 2006, when they finally decided to abandon the entire franchise.


    It was a poor business model for them years ago. Despite that, they gave it a second chance anyway, and THAT gamble failed miserably. Games development has become an extraordinarily costly endeavor, even more so for something on the scale of the global FlightSim platform we all know and love. All signs point to the desktop market withering away and losing market share to tablets, anyway. Just look at what's been happening to Dell in recent years.


    The only thing obvious (again, from their likely standpoint) is that they should probably not throw good money after bad. This franchise is just not a priority for them anymore. It's not a pleasant reality, but that would be a perfectly realistic *business* decision for Microsoft to make, despite what our relatively niche audience is clamoring for.


    Hope someone else steps up to the plate.

  12. Obviously I'm not inside the minds of anyone at Microsoft, but it would seem that from Microsoft's point of view, they probably feel like they *did* cave in and try to revive the FS franchise with Flight. Since that was a colossal failure, I don't have any hopes that Microsoft will then try to double-down and sink huge development dollars into delivering an updated global flightsim platform, which would no doubt be much more costly to produce than Flight was with its limited geographic area.


    Whatever the "next" viable flightsim platform is, my guess is that it will be a future incarnation of P3D from Lockheed Martin, or a new franchise that is yet to be revealed by someone else. I just don't see it coming from Microsoft.


    Honestly, I don't even care who develops it. Just get it done, and do all us hardcore simmers proud :)

  13. Are you using a Matrox Triplehead setup, or any other triple-monitor solution? If so, that can be one reason the lights appear oversized, and requires a different approach to resolve.


    Either way, what you probably want is a replacement "halo.bmp". You can download one from Avsim, or if you have REX, you can try some of the ones they offer. OR, ORBX has a light tweaking tool in (I think) the FTX Central application where you can not only specify the style of light, but also the scale of the lights. Very useful tool, I recommend checking it out if you have any ORBX products.


    EDIT: Just realized based on the resolution you posted below the pic, you are using a triple-screen setup. You can try what I said above. Also, look for a file in the Avsim library called "th2go_new_lights". I think I'm using that currently, with the following settings:







    Good luck.

  14. Well obviously if you had valid points to make, you would post them. Not just say "so i'll just leave". Other than the fact that all of what I said is true, based off my tests off 3 DIFFERENT computers.


    And again it seems you didn't read my previous post.


    I read everything you said, and reading comprehension has never been a weak point for me. I have plenty of valid points to make, I just didn't feel the need. But since you asked, I could easily point out that while it's nice you're enjoying Experience X, simply saying "It's amazing!" isn't a very compelling argument for buying it. How about screenshots? Drawing comparisons to stock FSX? Or to competing products? Even explaining what it does, as a start?


    Also just saying "It's pretty cheap" is just as worthless an endorsement. It can be argued that almost all FSX addons (the billions of them?) are "cheap". Some of us have spent hundreds of dollars or more on this hobby, and tend to weigh our purchases with at least a little scrutiny.


    Most importantly, implying (or in your case, outright stating) that any one of the many people who have experienced FPS losses with Experience X have done so because they haphazardly install "billions of addons" and don't bother to manage their FSX installations is naive, borderline insulting. Believe it or not, things are not so cut-and-dry in the world of applications. Congratulations on having no issues. Despite what you think, FPS issues often affect users through no fault of their own.


    And....a decent system is not necessarily an "Intel Core, properly overclocked". You are aware of the AMD chipset, aren't you?


    Lastly, if you experienced no FPS losses or issues of any kind with Experience X, I'm curious as to what on earth compelled you to "test it on 3 different systems"? If you did, please list the detailed specs of each of those systems, so those of us with "indecent" systems can have a real-world comparison to draw from. Or, are you just trying to support your own assertions by distorting the truth?


    I realize that you're in all likelihood a 12 year old boy, so I don't expect any real answers to the questions I've asked, and that's okay. You did however press me to ask them.

  15. No. There is no Fps issues. I have tested it on 3 different systems now, and the results all came back the same. The people who reported the "fps issues" obviously had the combination of a billion other addons running at once, with bloom, and probably with sliders too high. And most likely a system that was not adiquite for FSX. It was *not* experience x.


    Key words, *decent system*, meaning an Intel Core, properly overclocked.


    I hardly know how to address this remark, so I'll just leave it for other people with much more patience than myself.

  16. Too much work and MSEv2 better long term. Like UTX Mexico region fly again when the mood hits.


    I couldn't disagree more regarding MSEv2. Some people don't like perfectly flat photoscenery with no autogen whatsoever. I'm one of them.


    And it's too much work to download upgraded textures? Forgive me for asking, but how did your MSEv2 arrive? Was it delivered in a white blanket by a stork, who promptly ran the installer for you afterward?


    To each, their own.

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