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Posts posted by ACSoft

  1. It has everything to do with Virtual Address Space. Think of VAS as the "dynamic index" to both physical and virtual memory.The "OOM Error" occurs whenever any running application cannot locate a contiguious block of "addresses" in the VAS table. While I don't the precise size required by FS9, for FSX the size limit is 1MB minimum contiguous addresses.
    You put the finger right on the point of my initial message the "IMPOSSIBLE" OOM.If you look carefully on my image, you will see that private bytes where 865MB, repartited into a virtual size of 1655MB. So, from the theory you have developed here, we have potentially about 1135MB still available and the largest known contiguous space is 345MB.I simply cannot believe that a single memory request operation would requiring over 345MB !!! This sound impossible to me !!! Therefore, we are missing something here. Does FS9 return us an OOM error, but, in fact, it is NOT a real OOM ? FS9 just get lost with his own internal memory management ? I have even had OOM's with private bytes under 800MB and a virtual size under 1500MB !!!It is also interesting to observe the evolution of "Private bytes" and "Virtual size" during a test flights (over "high graphical" regions). It is symptomatic to see that the "Private bytes" remain relatively stable (in my case, a variation inside 750 to 780MB interval). But, what is bad, very bad, is the permanent growing of "Virtual size" during the same time. In this case, I started with 1098MB and finished with 1365MB !!! Here also, we can suspect that the OS memory management is doing rather poor things.OK, a 64bits OS and the 3GB patch seem to solve the problem (I would say overturn the problem !!!). But, for those who cannot upgrade to such a system (almost not now, like me), it is really sad to think that a 2GB RAM / 32bits OS PC would be probably widely enough powerful to run FS9 and all these beloved addon's, if the memory was simply managed as it should.Unfortunately, most of the time, "The way things goes with Microsoft".ACS

  2. I have seen a great deal of OOMs around 1700mb-ish virtual size. They mostly happen when you have lots of addons
    So something, relatively close to my case, but in contradiction with the "theory" too and that was my point.
    An example: fly from a heavy addon airport, to the heavy addon airport, using a heavy aircraft (example: PMDG MD-11, 747, 737, PSS 777, DA Fokker...), UT has to be installed, possibly using AES for both, and possibly fly over one or two addon airports on the way (this is not a must though)...
    Of course, almost right my configuration !!! No miracle !!!
    If you've read the years of posts about OOM errors you should know that the only true VERIFIABLE fix is to move to a 64-bit operating system, period, end of story. This has been discussed and even Microsoft ACES has agreed that this is the case. Trying to make sense of it all will simply waste your time trying to troubleshoot something that everyone, including ACES, has tried to figure out but cannot.
    Very interesting !!!This mean there is, in fact, no valid "theory" about FS OOM.I didn't knew that.
    SO save yourself the headache, if you are one of the unfortunate experiencing OOM errors, upgrade to a 64-bit OS.
    Fortunately, I have only very few of them and like you said, in some particular flights.But I notice, Thanks !!!Upgrade to a 64-bit OS is the solution, if I cannot accept anymore those few OOM's.ACS

  3. Hello,Running FS9.1 on Windows XP SP3 standard (no 3GB tweak) on a system with 2GB of memory + 512MB of video RAM, a pagefile.sys file of 4GB, It happen to me to have sometimes the hated OOM error.I read all about these damned OOM errors, in this forum and other places. What I mainly understood, is that OOM will occur as soon as FS9 fail to get memory, because there is no more available memory into the 2GB adressable range for the process.If this is true, why do I get OOM error in the following case ?Impossible-OOM.jpgAs you can see, OOM occured when FS was using "only" 865MB, inside a virtual size of 1,655GB. It occured, as usually, during the approach of my destination airport.1,655GB of virtual size, mean probably that the 865MB of private memory usage are quite heavily fragmented into this space. But, nevertheless, 345MB of remaining adressable space, should have been far enough, even in the case the memory request wouldn't have fit into some of the holes inside the used range.Do I missunderstood something ?If some Guru's out there have an explanation for this case, I would love to know it.Thanks in forward.ACS

  4. Hello,This is "flickers on black" (a very short lost of the image). This does NOT occur while playing, but only in circumstances like these one:- If I load a Flight, during all the loading time, I see some burst of flickers on the FS splash sceen image.- If, when playing, I press "Alt" key, to get menu bar, I see a burst of flickers.- If I press "Esc" while playing, immediately a burst of flickers. Then again when I confirm I want to quit.- Etc ...The very old 91.33 Forceware NVidia driver which was installed since today on my PC, had this problem already, but ONLY if FS9 Anti-Aliasing was activated (this is why I was keeping it).Today, I installed last version 182.08 with the hope to not have this problem anymore, even with anti-aliasing activated. But the situation became worst. Now, I have these damned flickers with or without anti-aliasing set. In fact, I simply cannot get rid of this problem, whatever I try (FS9.cfg delete, a lot of custom settings combinations in NVidia "MS Flight simulator 2004" 3D profiles). As I sill use a good old cathodic monitor display (Samsung SyncMaster 997), I tried also to change refresh frequency, but here again, no joy.Does anybody has an idea/clue of what can be the problem and how to cure it ?Many thanks in forward for any help.Alain CaptACSoft ProductionsMy PC Config: Motherboard: ASUS P5W DH DELUXE Proc: INTEL CORE DUO EXTREME (CONROE XE) 2.93GHZ Memory: DDR2 2GB [1GBX2] DDR800 (PC2-6400) CORSAIR TWINX Hard-disk: 2X SATA300 320GB - 7200 HITACHI DESKSTAR T7K500 (16MB) Graphic: MSI GeForce 7900GTX 512DDR OS: Windows XP version 2002 SP3 (french)

  5. Sorry Dan, but I have some difficulties to understand exactly what you mean.Let me take an example:Suppose I do a flight with a quasi empty aircaft (speaking of payload). So, I set this situation in the the payload editor, I save, then I launch FS and one of my "cold start flight" file, prepare my flight, takeoff and finally save a Flight situation, for example during the approach.Later on, I do the same way another flight, using the same method, but this time, with a quasi fully loaded aircraft.Now, some days later after this last flight, I run FS again and load straight forward my Flight situation during approach. Are-you telling me that my landing will behave EXACTLY the same as it behaved during the original flight when I saved ?If it is the case, it is great !!! It would mean the aircraft use "station_load" parameters just as a "memory" of what was set into the Payload Manager. It would mean that, in fact, these "station_load" parameters in aircaft.cfg, are useless as soon as you are flying, because it is only the memorized current weight and cg which will affect the physic of the flight, almost speaking of PMDG aircraft ?Is-it that what you said ?Thanks in forward to confirm.Alain Capt

  6. Alain, I would have answered earlier but you asked for exact behavior of...etc... ; whew, I know I couldn't do that.However, all the pmdg sims (except B1900 that might but I don't have knowledge of) will keep fuel on board, weight and cg values in the saved flight info. Having said that, the load station variables that are eluded to with the MD11 load manager are not saved to my knowledge, but are not required. This is just eyecandy for us, the airplane only needs to know the total moment not how it was calculated.
    Hummm, I have some doubt that "aircraft.cfg -> station_load.X" parameters are of no importance and for sure, the Load Manager do update them, when you press "save to file" in it.Being part of "Aircraft.cfg" they should affect the FS flight model, unless PMDG code would overwrite the internal corresponding FS variables, with the original values at the time the flight save was done by the user.
    Sorry I don't have the full technical explanations.
    No problems, take your time to ask this to the "specialist". I am not in hurry, I just wanted to be sure my request was taken in account.Alain Capt

  7. Hello,As you know, both PMDG 747-400 & md11 have the ability to restore their states along with Flight save files. This is great, because it allow to save a flight and reload it later, to continue the flight, to review a interesting situation, etc...Suppose now I decide to reload a Flight made some time ago and I know that I made several other flights since that time, with different payload configurations. Obviously, my Flight made some time ago, WILL NOT FIT with the actual payload configuration (payload is memorized into "aircraft.cfg").My question is, for both PMDG 747-400 & MD11 aircrafts:If I reload my Flight, will I fly with the last flown payload values, or does PMDG sophisticated code restore internally the "load stations" variables, with values saved within the PMDG aircraft state, generated when I saved my Flight ?In other words, can someone of the development team explain to me, the exact behaviors of both aircraft's in regard with that matter ? This would be very useful for me, to know how to manage properly my saved Flight files.Many thanks in forward.Alain Capt

  8. Hi All,I am the very happy owner of the 747-400 "Queen of the skies" for some days now. As a FS freeware developer myself (ACS-GPS, ACS-MD11, etc..) I must say that this "Queen" really stunt me !!! This is really the very best addon for FS2004 I ever seen !!!Speaking of the 747-400F additional package, I read carefully the list of new features/improvements for this additional package, so I know already what apply specifically to 400F only, or to both 400 & 400F.I am NOT very interested to fly cargo, so I wonder if I must buy this further package, just in the meaning to upgrade my "Queen of the skies" ?With just the "theoretical knowledge" of the list mentionned before, for quite a lot of these list items, it remain very difficult to figure out if this is a "must have" or not. I precise that all what is in the "eyes candies" category is secondary to me. What is important, is all what concern logical system simulation (avionics, etc...), flight dynamic behaviors and technical behaviors (frame rate, stability, etc...).Can some experienced user's, which have already experienced both stages (747-400 1.10, first without and then with 747-400F expension) tell me their opinions in the context defined before ?Many thanks in forward for your help.Regards,Alain

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