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Posts posted by jerryuscg

  1. Yesterday I downloaded and installed the new Orbx scenery for FSX, Swanson 2W3 airport. I tried my Dreamteam GSX program but it would not work. Got the error message seen below.and after the installation I tried my GSX and it did NOT work but I was given this error message:(See below.) I tried the Auto update and the "Stand Alone Download Manager" and nothing would make it (GSX) work. After this my FSX would NOT boot-up and I had to go back to 3 earlier "Restore Points" to get my FSX to boot-up, but the GSX at the new Swanson airport still would not work. Got same error message. I don't know what elese to do . Did anyone else have this problem and/or know how to fix it. My GSX works at other FSX airports, but just NOT at the newely installed one of Swanson 2W3. Please advise and thanks. jerrycwo4 Attached Images

  2. Yesterday I downloaded and installed the new Orbx scenery for FSX, Swanson 2W3 airport. I tried my Dreamteam GSX program but it would not work. Got the error message seen below.and after the installation I tried my GSX and it did NOT work but I was given this error message:(See below.) I tried the Auto update and the "Stand Alone Download Manager" and nothing would make it (GSX) work. After this my FSX would NOT boot-up and I had to go back to 3 earlier "Restore Points" to get my FSX to boot-up, but the GSX at the new Swanson airport still would not work. Got same error message. I don't know what elese to do . Did anyone else have this problem and/or know how to fix it. My GSX works at other FSX airports, but just NOT at the newely installed one of Swanson 2W3. Please advise and thanks. jerrycwo4

  3. This morning I downloaded and tried to install the DBS Arpt GPS update FS2004 1.8.0. It said that it installed satisfactory but then my FS2004 would NOT boot up. It froze at the very 1st "load up" window. I tried 2 or 3 times with the same results.... lockup. THANK GOODNESS I ALWAYS SET A RESTORE POINT before installing something.Even the 1st restore ponit did't work. I had to go back to a restore point from yesterday 03-21-12 to fix the problem. I also tried to use the update for FSX DBS GPS but "it" said it could not find a certain ".ini" file( what ever that means).These might work for you, BUT.....if it ant broke DONT fix it. jerrycwo4

  4. From their website they say:"The Live View multi-screen networked display feature allows Flight Simulator X to be synchronized across multiple networked computer systems, including laptops."Does this mean that you can use MORE than one computer at a time to gain more power (FPS) for FSX? Anyone know? Thanks jerrycwo4

  5. I read the short artical on the Avsim forum about OPUSFSX (and maybe FS2004) but I do NOT understand just what this program does. I fly both FS2004 and FSX with a 15 month old top of the line computer. I use 3 (three) 26 inch monitors and have a satisfactory 30fps on FS2004 but I need more power (fps) when flying FSX. What would this program do for me? Plesae advise me if you know what this program does. Thanks jerrycwo4

  6. I read the short artical on the Avsim forum about OPUSFSX (and maybe FS2004) but I do NOT understand just what this program does. I fly both FS2004 and FSX with a 15 month old top of the line computer. I use 3 (three) 26 inch monitors and have a satisfactory 30fps on FS2004 but I need more power (fps) when flying FSX. What would this program do for me? Plesae advise me if you know what this program does. Thanks jerrycwo4

  7. Any FPS over about 25 is just a waste. Your eyes can not tell the differance. I know, sometimes even I get caught up in the "numbers" game, as some will probably tell you there are many, many reasons for a "low" FPS" rate and its sometimes hard to tell why. I'm assumming that your using only ONE monitor. I fly with THREE 26" monitors and have my FPS set to 30 on both FS2004 and FSX. I have to have things REALLY scaled down to get 30 FPS on my FSX: almost no AI aircraft and clouds, little or none, BUT flying with 3 monitors is worth it ! jerrycwo4

  8. The other day I said I was still using a 2007 FSX FSUIPC and I had not replaced it because "If it ant broke dont fix it". That was yeaterday. Today I have to fix it. Looking back my trouple might have started about the time I installed the new Dreamteam GSX that makes FSX a LOT like Aerosoft's FS2004 AES. I would be changing "windows" while flying looking at differant panels or outside etc and the computer screens ( I fly with 3- 26" monitors) would go "milky white" and it would CTD/Re-boot and I'd loose the flight. I installed that FS Save 1.05 from the Avsim Library and at first it seemed to work then about every 5-15 minutes on the ground or in the air I would get an "exception" and CTD. I awlays set a new RESTORE POINT before I install anything so I went back to my older restore point and then did a search for FSX Save and it found about 8 files. I deleated all of them. I've made one flight since then and it went OK. I'm hoping that that fixed the problem. My old FSUIP might have had something to do with it so I'm going to BUY the newest version and install it. I'll advise how this last "fix" comes out. jerrycwo4

  9. Thanks to all of you for the help the last few days. I finally got the program, FSXSave 1.05 downloaded and working. It kept hanging up at the window, "Do you want to run this program?" By accident after a while I keyed on that "window/message" and the program installed correctly. The install notes SAID that it was going to install the program in MS Games/Modules folder but it kept installing it in the same folder,Microsoft Games and NOT the Modual folder... anyway after 2 hours of messing with it, it installed correctly and works great. (ALWAYS set a restore point). It was just what I was looking for. As far as having OUT OF DATE FSUIPC, after have Flight Sims for 14 years the MAIN thing I have learned, is: IF IT 'ANT BROKE, DON'T FIX IT !!!!!Man that was a HARD lession for me to learn ! Right now every thing in both FS2004 and FSX are working just fine( except for closing any door except the MAIN door). When I find a "need" to update the FSUIPC's I will. Thanks again for all of the help. jerrycwo4

  10. It was Omer Damiani :omar@omardamiani.itHere's his email back to me:"glad you have tried and installed my software but it has been discontinued with SP2 and further edition (due to lack of time in developing).It is not compatible with upgraded version of FSX :(((Will let you know when and if an upgraded version will be released.Sorry for unconvenience...:((("Omar DamianiHere's his Instalation text:Software: AutoSaver for FSX 1.0 (23/11/2007)Author: Omar Damianie-mail: bromarock@yahoo.comweb: http://www.omardamiani.itAutoSaver support site: http://www.codeplex.com/autosaverfsx.InstallationTemporarily extract files in a folder, then simply launch setup.exe in AutoSaverFSX folder and follow further instructions.Let me know any suggest or problem.Thanks.Omar DamianiI'm a bit confused. I was led to this site by "googling" Microsoft Flight Simulator X, Flight Saver and his site and program was the one I selected. I cannt remember if there was other choices or not, but there might have been. I KNOW that you are the aurthor of FSUIPC and I have been using your programs for years and years. Sorry about the confusion.I only installed FSX about a year ago and after checking it is version 4.20, 23 Oct 2007, UNRIGISTERED. For FS2004 I have version 3.98 4 Mar 2010, REGISTERED. I thought that if I had the "registered" version for FS2004 that I would also have "registered" version for FSX; I guess not.So please straighten me out. What, specificly do I need to have a "SAVE FLIGHT" modual for FSX? Please advise here or email me at: galfred@comcast.net. jerrycwo4

  11. No problem guys, some days I kind of need a laft also. Back to my original problem. Under the "FSX Forums" I see 4 entries. 1. FSX Multi-player fourm: I never "play" online so this is not the correct one.2. All about us: Meet fellow enthusists. I dont want to meet anyone just a little info. This one is no good.3. Crash to Desktop: Not crashing to Desktop, just want to ask a question... not this one either4. FSX Archive: (CIRA 2006 ) ! 2006 ?? Too old. I want to ask a question now. Nope this one is no good either and now I have run out of choices, so I again ask the question:Where is the proper place to ask a question about a FSX problem ? I did email the man that made the "Auto Save" for FSX that is listed in FSUIPC website but he informed me that since the "2nd Update" to FSX that it no longer works and he has not had the time to fix it. About every 5th or 6th flight when I start switching windows while flying with my (3 monitors) will go milky while and FSX will Re-boot and I will loose my flight and have to start all over. I have a flight saver for FS2004 and it works real good. I did find that I could "key the ";" and the save flight page will come up and I quickly type a #1, #2 ect at the points that I want to "save" that portion of a flight so that I have a point in the flight I can go back to, but it does mess up my RC4 ATC. After the flight I have to go back to the "Save Flight" page and delete all of the "saved points". Until I find something better I guess that this will have to do.I dont read the Avsim forum every day like I use to. Now I have my FS2004 and FSX running pretty good and I'm not looking for help with many problems.One little problem did pop up. When you start FSX and it is "loading" there is a little rectangle in the middle of your sceen that shows the progess of all of the elements loading. Now instead of the "triangle" being in the CENTER of my monitor, it is in the center on the horizonal plane but has droped near the bottom of the monitor, in the vertical plane. Years ago I remember reading a fix for this but I cant remember what it was. Anyone know the fix? Thanks jerrycwo4PS I thought this forum had a "spell check" ?

  12. None of the listed FSX forums seemed to be the proper place to place a question for help in obtaining and installing a "AutoSave" for FSX. I found one in the FSUIPC site but it was old and it gave me an error message of"Could not load file or assembly Microsoft.Flight Simulator.Simconnect.version 10.0.612420. Could anyone PLEASE help me with this problem? Thanks jerrycwo4PS Would the new FSUIPC version that was just released have a "Auto Save" in it?

  13. After many, many years of waiting (about 7 years), someone else besides "Cloud 9" had made a NEW airport for KLAX, Los Angeles. FS Dreamteam made the airport and Aerosoft has just made the AES program to go with it. NOW, all of my hubs from KSAN to KSEA have the Aerosoft AES programs and they are GREAT. If you update your KLAX to the new Dreamteam airport and want to also add the new Aerosoft AES that goes with it you must download and install the new BASE AES program (Free from Aerosoft's website). I think it was version 2.21. Also if you were using the old Cloud 9 KLAX you have to uninstall it first. If you forget to uninstall it the Dreamteam "installer" will remind you. I now think that this new Dreamteam KLAX is the most beautiful airport that I now have in FS2004. Enjoy......jerrycwo4

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