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  1. I finally found the following two posts from X-Plane.org: https://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?/files/file/34630-running-multiple-x-plane-10-copies-on-a-single-computer/&tab=comments#comment-258263 and https://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?/forums/topic/157591-success-running-two-instances-of-xp11-on-one-machine/&. In the past I had tried with X-Plane 11 and it actually worked and with very little frame drop (most of the render options aren't actually needed for the cockpit view so for it just set the render settings to minimum). I will try again. However, it is not very clear whether two licenses are actually necessary; I am not sure but I seem to remember that Laminar Research had disabled the license of a user reiterating that for two instances of X-Plane (even on the same computer) two licenses were still required.
  2. Thanks but I already have that book: it's very useful but unfortunately it doesn't describe my case. I once found instructions somewhere on how to do this type of setting but I lost them. The X-Plane developers themselves advised against this setting due to performance problems but they only reiterated that, in the end, the important thing was to have two licenses and then it didn't matter it they were used on 2 computer or only one.
  3. In order to have two separate views (one for the cockpit and one for the external view) I would like to purchase a second license of X-Plane 12 and run the two instances on one pc and two monitors. Could someone tell me if is it possible and how to set up the network? Ferdi
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