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Posts posted by Scope

  1. In DTG Flight simulator:


    1. Will the physics be improved. FSX has a very "jaggy" and not so fluent physics. You'll really don't feel like flying - in for example x-plane it feels more "alive" when you fly.

    2. Will the weather have some actual influence on flying - in a way so for example some clouds could be dangerous to fly into - so weather planning actually have an effect and not just visual?

    3. Will snow/rain look more "disturbing" - in FSX it has no effect at all on your view - in real life it really mess things up if it rains or snows alot.


    And a big thanx for doing this project!

  2. They're never going to be 100% ultra smooth - it's just the nature of GDI+ (the API used to draw the gauges). Limitation of the sim and the drawing API.The other thing to realize here too is that the real thing isn't ultra smooth either - I've seen it motion and the framerate's a lot lower than you'd expect - you can see visible flicker/chop in it. Remember, these planes are running on what amount to really old CPUs by today's standards. The newer planes are probably better, but the NG was designed in the early to mid 90s - we didn't have crazy fast CPUs and GPUs then.
    i see with the real limitations. but actual WILCO airbus managed to make 100% smooth displays - they run at 60 fps if the rest of FSX does - even in FS9 it's silk smooth - don't know how they did it - but it's actually possible to do.

  3. PMDG> Could you ever consider to build a flight simulator by your self. the PMDG FLIGHT SIM - wow what a title!! Maybe go together with other companies in financing such a project - much like an open source project. It might take years to do but wow it could be amazing!

  4. + products for FSX/P3D this year alone, including about 5-6 new regions including some in Europe. We're doubling our regions team and investing in FSX/P3D R&D as quickly as we can. We see no reason why anyone would walk away from 5 years of FSX addons investment to a new simulator. The future from our perspective is very bright.
    Two questions:What is Prepar3D - it looks a bit like FSX?! And it's very expensive - why is it so expensive?Have you thought about making a sim using for example outerra-engine? It might save quite some millions.

  5. Microsoft regulated (they don't say Microsoft created - big difference) - i guess a bit like appstore - so microsoft decides if the quality is good enough and which developers is let in - that might mean that selected developers might be able to add content - like maybe PMDG - i'm still positive on this - time will show ;)

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