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  1. Hello BryanI meant CTD...works fine when I follow your instructions.Thank youYves
  2. Hello BrianI also noticed that if you click the pedestal button in the VC with FS2crew installed it generate a DTC.RegardsYves
  3. Thank you BryanI have been using the keyboard controls that works fine. I am sure CH will come up soon as you said with a manager for vista.Best regardsYves
  4. Hello BryanFirst Thank you for another great addon.I am having problems configuring the green and red button for the joystick I don't get any response at all. The keyboard works fine.I have a CH yoke and pedals and using vista X64.Everything else seems to work ok within fs2crew I have tested with and without DEP.Any ideas?ThanksYves
  5. HelloSame here..deinstalled reinstalled still same error.RegardsYves
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