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Posts posted by odai

  1. Actually, I've found that XP11 performs flawlessly at the highest settings and apparently makes very good use of both GPU and CPU with excellent multi-threading of tasks. 

    It also looks a hell of a lot better than P3D/FSX/FSW etc, although I reckon this is more down to the fact that the "plausible world" system doesn't use the same appalling combination of ground textures for fake roads/objects and vector roads/autogen as in the other sims that is so jarring and unrealistic at low level. Although I can see how that system could look better at higher levels.  

    I do hope that DTG come through with their optimisations to the code and very much look forward to see what they manage to pull off. I did quite a bit of programming for my Physics degree and while it was not enough to call myself an expert, it was certainly enough to understand how difficult it can be!


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  2. That very issue is actually the exact reason I ended up giving up on FSX and then P3D when I first tried it a year ago. I was using MyTraffic X and found that GPU loads were good and I was getting great visuals with excellent performance on the base installation (bar the OOM issues) until I started adding AI traffic.

    It was at that point the CPU became a bottleneck with one thread being stuck at 100%. Prior to using AI traffic, performance was very smooth and it was actually my GTX 1070 that was the bottleneck. 


  3. Hello

    I have been messing around with FSW and comparing it to my experience in P3D v3, and one of the most noticeable differences is that the GPU usage tends to be a lot lower in FSW when compared to P3D in similar situations. Performance overall seems worse than P3D. 

    When looking at CPU usage, it seems there is still the issue of very low utilisation on most threads on a i7 6700K, with just the one thread pegged pretty much at 100%. In terms of both CPU and GPU usage, there doesn't appear to be any improvement from vanilla FSX. P3D on the other hand seems to load the GPU considerably more, and from what I can tell from very early reports, P3D v4 also seems to improve significantly on the issue CPU usage with far more even utilisation of multiple CPU threads.

    Does DTG plan on making improvements at some point to both CPU and GPU usage?




  4. Will the new sim still be using a similar system to FSX for calculating the flight model based on performance tables etc, or will it be using something closer to the blade element theory system in XP? I seem to recall reading somewhere since the announcement that there has been a change but can't find the reference in any of the DTG material.  

  5. Thanks for the input guys, but as I mentioned above the only settings that make any difference at all are the autogen scenery and traffic sliders. Everything else has zero impact, whether at maximum or minimum. And I have to either completely disable AI traffic or disable autogen to get decent frame rates.


    I will look at the cfg mods that are listed but it is not too clear what will help with CPU bound performance issues.

  6. Hello


    I recently built the following system and installed P3D v3 to use on it:


    - Intel 6700K @4.4Ghz, HT enabled

    - 16GB DDR4 @ 3GHz

    - Both local drives are SATA3 SSDs

    - EVGA GTX 1070 FTW (boosting to 2GHz in the sim)


    P3D looks incredible in rural areas with little traffic or building-type scenery, running at a smooth frame rate when locked at 30FPS. However, if I try loading a flight starting at LHR (all default scenery apart from Orbx FTX Global and FS Global mesh), with traffic set at ~50% (MyTraffic X is installed), the frame rate plummets to 10 FPS.


    All the settings are at the maximum and frame rate is locked at 30 FPS. I appreciate it's a bit of an ask to have all settings to the right, but I can see that with this set up it seems that the CPU (not the GPU) is the bottleneck. I see from the task manager that the one thread is stuck at 100% usage, while GPU usage hovers around 70%. When in rural areas and I don't have these performance issues, GPU usage shoots up to the high 90's and the usage on the main render thread on the CPU drops.


    I did try putting all settings to minimum and one by one increasing back to where they were. My suspicions were confirmed, the vast majority of settings have no impact on FPS in the above detailed scenario. The only settings that I need at minimum to have acceptable frame rates are those corresponding to autogen and traffic. I can have everything to the right but disable traffic and/or autogen completely and get decent frame rates in urban areas like around LHR. As far as I can tell, these are the main CPU bound settings.


    However, there is no good compromise as you would expect with these settings to get a decent frame rate while maintaining realism. With traffic at 50%, I have to completely disable autogen to get decent frame rates. Even at "minimum", autogen results in the frame rate dropping to ~10 FPS. Conversely, if I want a decent amount of autogen, I have to disable AI traffic.


    The frustrating thing is, as was the case with FSX, CPU utilisation as a whole is quite poor (only around 50%), even with that one thread maxing out. Are there any mods that can improve CPU utilisation and therefore reduce the CPU bottleneck?


    The really worrying thing is that both the future DTG Sim and P3D are heavily reliant on FSX code, so this problem (with its roots dating back to FSX's launch) could be an issue we need to deal with way into the future! 



  7. Hello


    Apologies if this is in the wrong forum, feel free to move if so.


    I have physical copies of the PMDG Jetstream and MD-11X addons (published by Aerosoft) that I am looking to sell. Do the end user software licenses permit this, and will there be any issues with activation on the buyers' machines (I have installed these addons already on my current system but since uninstalled them again after migrating to P3D from FSX)?




    Odai Koukash.  

  8. Thanks for your response!


    I suspected as much - I'm guessing the only drawback is that I would need to reinstall whatever addons are installed into the main directory (so FTX Global and I'm guessing every aircraft addon) whenever I need to reinstall P3D?

  9. Hello


    I recently installed P3D v3 and am slightly confused as a first time user regarding the procedure for installing addons.


    I was running the following addons before moving from FSX:


    - REX Weather Architect

    - REX Texture Direct

    - MyTraffic 6.0a

    - FS Global 2010

    - Orbx FTX Global


    As I understand, the official LM stance is that all addons must be installed outside of the main directory for P3D. This was fine for most of my addons, as the content is in directories outside of the P3D folder.


    However, FTX Global was installed inside the main FSX folder. When I uninstalled then re-ran the installer for FTX, and selected P3D V3, the program created the content folder inside of the main P3D folder (I don't recall any option to install to another directory). I haven't tried any aircraft addons yet.


    Does this procedure (installing into the main P3D folder) cause any issues? 





  10. Unfortunately there still doesn't seem to be any response from Burkhard. Given he was actually online on Thursday it would be reasonable to expect him to at least post a message explaining why there is such a delay in technical support, this is terrible.


    I'll keep trying, but in the meantime is there any chance anyone here knows how to disable the default traffic in P3D without using the communicator (given the option to do so is greyed out for some reason)? 

  11. Apologies, I thought I'd responded to this. I did see the indexes rebuilding message, but it didn't seem to make a difference to what was actually being displayed in the sim.


    In any case, I've since moved to P3D and uninstalled FSX:SE. I've tried reinstalling my addons into P3D but am now having issues again with MT in P3D. Specifically, most of the options in the communicator for P3D V3 are greyed out, even after "localisation". So at the moment I'm unable to disable the default traffic in P3D. 


    I've posted on the MT forum, but am not holding my breath for a response from Burkhard, who seems to have disappeared.

  12. So I purchased and downloaded P3D, and so far I am very impressed with the base package. I can't believe I bothered struggling with FSX for all this time. 


    CPU usage looks a lot more even and GPU usage is far better - it maxes out GPU and VRAM usage on my GTX 960. FPS aren't great with all the eye candy but I'm hoping this will improve significantly when I upgrade to the NV GTX 1070 soon. 

  13. Yes, it works this way. If you want to apply the no_flatten config tool you must also adapt the path to terrain.cfg. It is not a requirement for the mesh though.





    To save myself time, I thought about simply uninstalling FSG2010 but copying the actual mesh folders beforehand. As I'm only interested in the mesh, I could then just replace the folders in a new directory and point the sim to those. Would this work? 

  14. Thanks for the replies guys.


    Has Prepar3d fixed the issues with scenery popping in FSX?


    I notice I forgot to mention that I also use FS Global 2010. Will using that in P3D simply be a case of just installing P3D and pointing the scenery library to the folders in the FSG 2010 directory (outside the main sim folder)?

  15. Hello


    I am currently using FSX:SE with the following addons:


    - REX 4 Weather Architect

    - REX 4 Texture Direct

    - Orbx FTX Global

    - My Traffic X 6.0a


    Unfortunately the various visual issues with FSX are just killing the realism, and having become accustomed to the graphics in more advanced sims like X-plane 10 the problems with performance and visuals in FSX just don't cut it anymore.


    I'm therefore considering switching to P3D v3 instead, although I want to make sure this would actually be an upgrade.


    Any general feedback as to whether the shift is worth it?


    Some specific concerns I have are regarding GPU and multi-core CPU utilisation, have these improved over FSX SE? How about things like scenery popping? This is extremely jarring in FSX SE (and in the vanilla MS version).




  16. Thanks again for all the input guys. 


    I am also a little confused as to why disabling the Mytraffic Scenery layer doesn't appear to do anything to fix the issue, but I guess I'll just have to wait for the developer to shed some light on that. I've tried leaving the layer below any addon scenery and about propeller objects as per the manual, but this doesn't make any difference.


    For the time being, I have created a new folder in the same directory and just moved all the files associated with the airports which I have 3rd party scenery installed for there.

  17. Thanks for the responses guys. Will give it a while longer on the MT forum for Burkhard to reply.


    I have tried leaving the MT layer in various positions, this makes no difference. As mentioned on the other forum, disabling it does nothing either. 


    However, I went into the Mytraffic\scenery folder and found 4 files with EGLL in the file name. I moved them all out of the folder and now I no longer have the issue with overlapping buildings. 


    I initially only removed the "BR2_EGLL" BGL file, but this didn't fix it. Once I'd moved the others, including EGLL_KA_OBJ and EGLL TOWER BEACON, the issue was resolved. So it's just a question of figuring out what these files do and if it's safe just to leave them in the scenery folder after renaming them. 

  18. Hello


    I recently dropped £30 on a download of MyTraffic 6 for FSX at Simmarket.


    Unfortunately I had a lot of issues with the product and so tried to register for an account at the simflight forums (which is where the official support channel is) - this took a while due to problems getting my email verified (ended up having to create an account using a different domain). During that period I was basically without any support as there was no other way to contact the developer.


    I brought this to the attention of Simmarket, and asked for a refund given the product was unusable and there was no way to contact any kind of support. A few emails later they didn't seem to understand the issue and kept insisting I use the form of support listed in the product documentation (which is outdated but clearly states the simflight forums, as it always has been).


    Anyway I managed to finally gain access and posted about the technical difficulties on the forum. However, that was a week ago and there hasn't been a response. It also seems the developer (Burkhard) hasn't actually visited the forum since 18th May.  


    Any suggestions for what to do in this situation? Pretty fed up with the product, the manuals are well out of date and nothing works as it is supposed to. Pretty appalling for the price tag. I did consider just filing a claim through Paypal for a refund but am not sure how well that would go when the payment was for a download. 






  19. Hello


    I've been using flight sims for as long as I can remember, but since gaining my PPL a few years ago one thing I've stopped doing in FSX is using either the default or third party conventionally controlled aircraft (i.e, any aircraft other than the FBW Airbus). 


    Manually controlling these aircraft is absolutely terrible - due to the lack of control loading it is extremely difficult to get a sense of the control inputs required. Trimming for example is usually just a case of releasing the controls then trimming until you have the attitude you want. For pitch, I often do end up just flying it with the trim wheel. Everything feels extremely unnatural. Instrument flying in the light aircraft is practically impossible - it's just too difficult to hold a stable attitude. 


    In real life, even the big jets with hydraulically powered controls have at least some form of 'artificial feel'. 


    One solution would obviously be to just use force feedback enabled joysticks - but for some reason there doesn't actually seem to be any in production at the moment? It would seem there isn't much demand for them, so how are people able coping without them? 



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