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Posts posted by keephill

  1. Thanks for the response (Flying_Bob), but as I said I can't resize the pop up image, and although I have looked at your suggestion, that's about altering the on board GNS 430, I really needed to know whether it was worth considering buying the Reality XP GNS 430 gauge. i.e. would all of my GNS430 issues disappear?



  2. I've just purchased the C208 HD for FSX. The only pop up I can get for the GNS430 is 'Shift & 1' and on my triple screen set up It is ridiculously wide & flat. Most pop ups are like this on my set up, but I am able to resize vertically & horizontally by putting the mouse cursor on the respective edges. This facility does not work on this Carenado C208. Also it works independently from the panel. For example the panel GNS can be switched on, but when I 'Shift & 1 to bring the pop up, I have to switch on again on the pop up. On the GNS panel I can get the 'ILS arrows' at the 10 mile scale, but on the pop up can only get them at the 5 mile scale which is of no use to me. I have read about the Reality XP gauges on this forum, will all of my issues disappear if I purchase the GNS 430 WAAS?

    My other problem is in 'spot view' it's as if I have AA disabled and I get jagged edges especially around the leading edges of the wings. I do not have any issues like this with any other aircraft addons that I have, but this is the first 'HD' is this the problem even though my set up is relatively good i.e i7 965 cpu,6 gb memory, 280 gtx gpu, using win7 Ultimate 64 bit, with triple (Matrox) 24" sceens.


    Can anyone help with these issues?





  3. Thanks for the response but I have tried using the indexer for Voxatc6 several times. What I'm basically after is, if anyone else has the same problem or whether it's unique to me. By the way I have VFR airports for the UK and a few Xtreme airports installed. This problem also occurs at EGBB (Birmingham Xtreme)Steve

  4. Whether I use TrafficX or lately UT2 the AI traffic land short, often several meters before running onto the runway. It happens at all airports I use in the UK. If the airport is quite elevated for example Leeds & Bradford EGNM (I only fly in the UK) some AI traffic don't make it! If I just run UT2 or TrafficX, not initiating Voxatc6 all is OK, very realistic landings.I'm running Win7 64 bit,FSX with DX11. I did not have this issue when running Voxatc5. Any ideas anyone?Steve

  5. HI Chris, It's still the same, even though they were landing on R14 because of the WX. After renaming the EGNM bgl file in Traffic X to EGNM.BGL_off as you suggested, I kept getting an error message once FSX loaded saying ' Scenery.dat file error. Close FSX & delete the file JustFlight\TrafficX\AirportFacilities\scenery\EGNM. Which I duly did and then ran the VOX Indexer again.RegardsSteve

  6. Can anyone help with this problem. I've just installed VFR Airfields volume 3 (the North of England). I then ran the VOX indexer. I've got TrafficX installed for VOXATC to use, and all traffic don't make the threshold for landing on R32 at Leeds & Bradford (EGNM). As the airfield is elevated they undershoot and hit the high ground ( the bank) before the airfield boundary, still with forward momentum, then rear up almost vertically and crash down right at the start of the runway with no forward speed. Some then taxi up the runway, but others who don't make the start of the tarmac/concrete of the runway then say xxxxx vacated runway and then stay there.Also all aircraft turn right onto R32 for take off from taxiway D, and do not back track to the start of R32. So the majority (dependant on aircraft) almost run off the end of the runway before lift off. If I don't use VOXATC6, but use standard MSFS (FSX) with Traffic X, all is fine. The landings are well up on R32, and all aircraft back track for take off for R32.To be honest most landings at other airports I use are right at the beginning, and then stop in an unrealistic short run. I've learnt to live with this, until I started using Leeds & Bradford. All other aspects of VOXATC6 are ok.Any ideas anyone?SteveSystemCPU i7 965 Extreme Quad Core 3.2 Ghz, 1Tb hard drive, Nvidia 280 GTX 1 Gb DDR3, Win 7 Ultimate 64 bit, with 6 Gb Ram.

  7. That's most likely the problem. I think Nick N over at the simforums created a specific .bmp for TH2G users... might want to check it out.
    Ok, I'll check that out. I've noticed you are interested in ATC. I've tried to get VOXATC to work. Put quite frankly I'm not a fan--lots of pending collisions on the ground with other planes, plus taking off with landing traffic heading straight for you! Also only traffic at departure & arrival airports. The occational air traffic in the air, but not realistic if you fly over Heathrow to see nothing! There are other issues. I've been looking at IYP, which I believe includes Radar Contact & Superatc. Although not a direct replacement for VOXATC--more inline with co-pilots, would you recommend it & if not, do you know of others I could have a look at?Steve

  8. Ooooh, that's the annoying landing lights.... it's a bug I guess, related to the halo.bmp file used for the effect. The effect radius gets larger as you are farther away...
    Interesting you mentioning halo.bmp. I now remember that converting to Triple head2go and using Gary Summons Xtreme series of airports (UK) all my lights including runway,taxiways etc were like large balloons. The fix was a combination of downloading the Avsim aht5.zip file which contained altrenative halo.bmp textures and scale of lights, and then adjusting the scalers for runway lights in FSX's config. All this was done when I had Vista. I guess I'll play around with these values--thanks for pointing me in the right direction.Steve

  9. If it's lens flare or bloom both can be disabled from the options display settings
    Both of these are disabled. I've just quickly viewed aircraft taxiing onto the runway. All is ok until they reach the threshold and are turning to line up for take off, and hey presto like a flick of a switch a sun glow appears approx half way down the fuselarge--from a distance looks like its just caught fire.Steve

  10. Anyone know how to remove the feature of sunglare reflection on aircraft, or severly reduce its effect in FSX? Aircraft in the air, its like having a mico ball of sun flying towards you. It's not until it gets really close up, you are able to identify what type of aircraft it is.It did not used to be like this, but to be honest I can't remember when it appeared because of so many upgrades to either FSX or my OS. Currently Win7 (64 bit) with FSX (SP2). Any help would be appreciated, thanks.Steve

  11. Hi bhasting1984. If it's of any use I have a similar problem but with the AI Traffic X addon. The temporary way around it (I'm assuming if you've loaded REX2 you are using REX's weather engine also) is to start VOX atc before the auto load of REX Weather has started its run. As soon as your screen displays your aircraft & airport hit the shift key & the associated number key to bring up the VOX screen and start it without delay. For my Duke it's Shift +3. You only have 1-2 seconds to do this, you have to be very quick--give it a try. If REX WX beats you you'll have to start all over again initiating REX & FSX.Steve

  12. While flying yesterday between the Isle of White (UK-Bembridge) to Alderney (Channel Islands) via VOR (Berry Head) I received an enroute 'Hold Instruction' from VOX ATC X UKhold <direction> <VOR name> on radial <digit> <digit> <digit>, <digit> mile legs expect furtherclearance in <digit> minutesThe direction was East, radial in question was 291, using 5 mile legs. Can anyone explain exactly what I have to do?Steve

  13. I think many Traffic addons work fine with VOxATC.MYT 2010 creates traffic at 'mainstream' airports so to speak and its great for me. If you need traffic at smaller airports perhaps even military you should get My Traffic X 5.2 as it covers almost anything.
    Michael,Sorry about the delay in replying, only I've been away for a few days. Thanks for the info again, I'll do some research on these AI addons.Steve

  14. No, VoxATC use schedules, aircrafts, liveries as supplied by the Traffic addon.When I say airport addons own traffic, I mean that sometimes airport addons comes with their own traffic file and that may be the cause of your problems.I have seen this done with 'GA airport' addons.
    Michael,Thanks for sorting out these issues for me. I have not got any AI addons presently. Would you recommend 'My Traffic 2010' as it obviously works with VOX ATC ok?Steve

  15. Steve,To be precise, if you have a Traffic addon installed, VoxATC will use the schedules from that addon to create AI traffic. So in fact you could say that the Traffic addon is not in control, VoxATC is.So I still think you have a traffic conflict somewhere. At which airport are you seeing these errors?
    I take it that when VOX uses the schedules for Traffic addons it uses its own aircraft and not the various aircraft and liveries which normally comes with these addons?. So in your case with your AI addon, have you 'X''d out all the supplied aircraft?. As you mentioned before my traffic conflicts are due to the addon airport's own AI traffic.Steve

  16. Steve,I use those addons myself and I know some of them has AI traffic. I forgot to mention that I also use My Traffic 2010, but I'm not sure that would make a difference.I have had a look at MCE, but I do not like the interface to ATC and I can not use SID/STAR which I do all the time.
    Michael,I thought you could not use any other AI if you wished to use VOX?Steve

  17. I have VoxATC 5.63 as well and I do not see these traffic errors.I can think of the following situations that could cause these errors:1. FSX AI aircraft traffic sliders not set to zero.2. If you have an airport addon it may have separate traffic files.
    Hi Michael,The FSX AI aircraft sliders are set to zero, and most of my British airports are add on's as I use UK2000 VFR Airfields Vol 1& 2 or seperate Xtreme series. Perhaps I can review their configuration for AI. I take it you use defaults? I also take it that you are satisfied overall with the performance of VOX ATC.I have just found out about FS ++ Simulation's Multi Crew Enhancement software, which has excellent reviews, and you can use either FSX's default AI or add on's. The only problem is I don't fly jets (not yet anyway), I tend to fly GA up to Beechcraft's Duke/ DHC-6 Otter etc.Steve

  18. Is it just me, only I've had the full blown VOX ATC X with UK Enhancements (5.63) complete with voices for a while now, and I'm not particulary impressed, especially AI traffic. If only this product could work to FSX's default AI, or AI add ons, I'm sure it would be quite a good product. I was parked up at Southampton (UK) yesterday and witnessed a VOX AI plane landing on the main runway with a VOX AI plane back tracking on the same runway. There was no collision to speak of, the one flew straight through the other. The VOX slider for traffic is only set at 25%, as I experience quite regulary when advised to turn off to any intersection after landing, I'm faced with VOX AI jets coming straight at me on a collision course. When I'm parking up or going to a gate, just as I arrive another plane is cleared pushback & start, and would collide with me if I did not take avioding action. It's as if there is no 'avoidance' traffic procedures, almost as if I'm invisable to others while on the ground. I've noticed when VOX traffic does a 'go around', they fly about half a mile and then just disappear. GA traffic at small airfields are doing unrealistic circuits i.e. after take off within a few mins they are reporting downwind, and then a few more mins are reporting finals--complete circuits take less than 5 mins!Maybe I'm being too critical only I would have thought that obviously in order for VOX to work correctly they require integrated AI, they would have got this right straight away. VOXATC has been on the market for sometime, I'm disappointed that they have not got their AI right yet. As I said at the beginning is it just me, or do others have similar problems.Steve

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