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Posts posted by bliksimpie

  1. I thought that the poster was documenting all the unidentified airstrips that Orbx, OZ had not yet ID'd. .


    According to me all airstrips have been identified.



    Each and every OZx one. (remember the famous bliksimpie BGL's that had OZX up in arms.)



    same with the OZx PNW airstrips. The unlisted airstrips have been added as wel as in BGL format



    I have also ID'ed most of the 20 additional unlisted airstrips in Alberta, British Columbia, and Washington State of ORBX latest Patch release NRM

    (and these did take some time)


    What strips do you refer to.. Maybe I missed something that I did not know about.

  2. I have all ORBX, OZX and freeware developers in one KMZ file already.

    All properly categorised per area / per developer as well as all the current airports in these areas.

    thanks to all the ORBX, OZX indivudual files already made available by ORBX. The individual ORBX KMZ files are all in the user documents already. I just added them into one nice HUGE KMZ file.


    you can find the google earth files for all ORBX US airports here in your documents

    C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\ORBX\User Documents

    The AUs airports KMZ files has always been available on ORBX site.


    Dont know why anyone would want to re-invent the wheel, maybe fine tuning it, but to redo this is beyond me. Its has been done so many time in the past, but then again, what you wnat to do with your free time is all up to you.






    All US



    All AUS


  3. maybe ask for help over at the formal official support forum. They normally help even if you are one of the outcasts.. I never have a problem. with their support.


    So try them first. I think that should be your first stop.

  4. I'm not a big addons fan because FSX is beautiful enough straight out of the box, beats me why people think they're supposed to overload it with new scenery and weather packages etc when they don't have to..;)

    FSX is notoriously temperamental and adding stuff always carries a risk (think russian roulette), sometimes you get away with it, sometimes not.

    Oh please mate this is absolute hilarious... you definitely made my day. I almost fell of the chair laughing..


    ok please now please back to your vanilla FSX.. there is apparently not much you "miss" of the fantastic add-on's...

  5. Well this code always was working for me on a fuel injected plane. i am sure there are better methods that our esteemed developers might come to light with.


    <Gauge Name="Control_carbheat_On" Version="1.0">
    <!-- CARBHEAT On with start of plane  -->
    	  (L:Carbheaton,bool) 1 != if{
    		 (A:General eng1 anti ice position,bool) 1 != if{ 0 (>K:ANTI_ICE_TOGGLE) }  
    		 1 (>L:Carbheaton,bool)


    open notepad

    paste the code above into notepad.

    SAVE AS "carbheat.xml" (leave out the inverted commas)


    open the legacy panel folder.

    create a new folder called "options"

    add the carbheat.xm file to the options folder you just created


    make backup of panel.cfg incase you mess up.

    now open the panel.cfg file with notepad.

    scroll right down to [vcockpit01] section

    add the following line after the last entry in this section


    gauge35=options!carbheat, 0,0,1,1


    (the gauge just before this one you enter will be something like gauge23=......)

    (dont worry about the gap to gauge number 35. as long as there is not already such a gauge number everything is good and it is very unlikely you will already have and entry starting with gauge35..)


    SAVE panel.cfg

    start fsx and fly legacy. The carb heat will automatically be switch on. NOTE if you press "h" naturally you will switch it off again. so just hands off the "h" key now. I prefer it this way as I still have ability to change the setting if I want to, instead of forcing it ON always.


    if you not comfortable doing the gauge yourself, you are welcome to send me PM with your email address and I will email it to you.

  6. anxu00

    if it really bug you, just write a simple statement xml gauge that switch ON carb heat when you load the plane. It is all in the background and then Carb heat is on all the time and you will not even know your plane deal with the bug. never even have to press H ever again. you can fly the legacy into any weather and any icing condition and the "bug" will not rear it's head..

  7. OK Guys in-lighten me,

    The Orbx Lancair was well done but left me cold, waste of time. I have deleted all my GA apart from RV-7 and RealAir DukeT.

    I don't want to waste any-more money on "another" flavour of the month" GA. But if it's something else I want to know.


    So does this feel a lifeless plastic bubble with bad view looking forward like the Orbx felt to me, just my opinion ofc(orbx did a great job just did not like there lancair)

    Does it really stand out from the crowd. Like A2A Acc-sim do and the RealAir DukeT does.

    Does it have VC button sounds, did not like that about the Duke but that's fixed now.


    Is this a real long time keeper? come on guys, hand on heart is it a Keeper?


    honestly, this is a keeper for sure. The immersion is beyond words. it just come alive and is so good, I also switch off accu-feel for this plane so good is it. A lot more sounds over wings, sounds when flaps down and making a turn etc. Wheels going up sounds and model vibration etc... do around 200 and open that speedbrake.. the sounds and vibration going though the plane is incredible.. This plane talk to you all the time. It really is alive.. best of all I can start and shutdown this plane... just really like the startup and shutdown engine torque roll and that sounds (another thing you can set in config)


    and best of all, you can set so many things in configuration master, that have not been available in any previous Realair plane.


    This for sure is my ultimate GA, being it a cross country flyer or just a short hop around the neighborhood.

  8. Christian, if I can nail down the correct shade of white, we're on! :Confused:



    Come on mate, we know you will get it done..!


    I for one will take that repaint the moment it leave the hanger. Nice to have a serial number and some story behind a plane like this one being the first in Australia.

  9. it is absolute briliant. Realair set again the new even higher standards..


    the undisputed rulers of the GA category, this is absolute best GA plane ever released.. I can see myself doing some really long cross country flying / touring with this plane.


    Bert you need to get that cr card..!!

  10. again it only share the main name "lancair" but is two completely different models and you just cannot compare the two models with each other.

    this being the lancair "legacy" and the other noname brand is lancair IV-P.


    See that lancair site for differences between models. Stop comparing the different models. It is not the SAME thing apart from the main name "lancair".

  11. G'day all,


    @Ron: love your repaints for the Baytower RV7. :)

    May i ask you (if the paintkit is available) if you could repaint the first Australian built Legacy (VH-XTZ). Built by John Smith and Mark Stevens.



    Best regards,




    I am also looking forward to some of Ron's unique masterpieces, though I must admit that the current selection is quite outstanding as it is now.


    So Ron, time to get the respray hanger ready as I am sure there will be as always a huge demand for some personalized paints.

  12. I heard it has been postponed until the 2nd week of June. I have some inside info. I am sure Rob will come out soon with the not so good news.Nail%20Biting.gif


    now sir what do you accomplish with spreading rumours.. If you not so sure or have heard it firsthand, why not leave it and see if Rob is posting good or bad news, instead of spreading rumours because even if your inside info comes direct from Rob or Sean, I think it is a bit lame to try and jump the gun here on them..

  13. As we came to expect from Realair, they are the undisputed GA masters.. why, they take their time. Do you see Rolls Royce's rolling out and from and automated megafactory? No... it's handcrafted with a lots of fine details, making a HUGE difference.!


    you dont just buy a realair aircraft, you own one.. its becoming something personal.. something proud to have to have..


    thats how it is for me with each of realair's releases..

  14. I'm not sure I understand what's going on here....WE have to be constructive?? Please clarify it if I don't understand.


    What did we default on so badly that we have to amend on.....guys who are here have been kicked out or decided to come here because of the treatment they received at the other faculty....and WE should move on...from what??


    I've always praised Orbx products for being some of the best scenery for FSX.


    I wish nothing but the best to Orbx but the facts are the facts and I am not welling to sweep them off under the rug just because some peoples maybe worry about their future.


    Reconciliation is fine with me, I'll be the first one back in line to buy their products if they (he) is welling to say he screwed up, but guess what....the ball is in his camp not here.


    could not say it any better :Peace:

  15. Well I have never had Jay seen being unreasonable. awesome mod on various sites. When I overstep'd I was being put on the right track firmly.


    Thanks Jay for trying to sort my orbx access to limited user. Just a shame that not all have the insights of Jay, even when they have to follow orders, and sometimes I feel that "we follow orders" might have been used as an excuse just to get rid of a few people. I might be wrong, but I dont think so.


    So thanks Jay. people like you make the world a better place.. even if it sometimes got you on the red carpet, we all know you doing the right thing within your bounds, but we also know that sometimes you stretch the bounderies to help others.


    :Peace: :good:

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