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Posts posted by gmohr

  1. I have no intention of flying a real 737 anytime soon, nor crashing one and hitting flight sim companies with a lawsuit. As a result I'd not lose any sleep over running this addon in P3D (although I dont have P3D). I'm sure all the companies are very happy to have you looking out for their legal departments though. You should definitely get all hall monitor badge. Enjoy debating this further if you wish, I'm finally just done with it.

  2. Paul, nobody is arguing the facts. We're (ok maybe just me) are sick of this debate in every p3d related thread. Everyone knows the issues, the companies have made their positions known, and now everyone is free to make thair choices. What is clear is that the forum police care much more deeply about this eula issue than the companies involved.

  3. Hi all,I'm mainly flying airline ops with AS2012, currently using DWC. I love the accuracy of the experience, but the dramatic and popping changes in weather visuals is distracting. I'd really like to see the weather "coming" if you know what I mean.Is it worth the time to experiment with the other weather modes? Is there a magic bullet setup that I should jump to?Thanks for the help in advance!!!-George

  4. Disconnect at 50ft? Seriously? That sounds.... I don't know whats the word but needlessly risky. I'd prefer to get stabilized in manual flight with a bit more time than that.Regards,GeorgeP.s. fs2crew is indeed the solution to workload management!

  5. 1) Yes, putting FSX on the SSD is fantastic. Highly recommended2) Yes installing it to a custom directory makes a lot of permissions/admin related problems go a way. You can do it either way, but its easier and less troublesome in its own directory.-George

  6. Hi all,I just picked up FSKneeboard2 for the iPad. The original was one of my favorite FS accessories, and this version looks greatly improved. The old one was buggy and crashed frequently, but so useful that I put up with it LOL. So far, 2 looks much more stable. Check it out.-George

  7. The ngx is almost perfect. I have only one complaint for certain, and that is the known issues with gust/turbulence behavior. I also think it is a bit unstable in pitch... I find it hard to trim for an airspeed and have that hold, maybe thats realistic for the 737, or maybe my lack or airmanship lol, i dunno.Other than that... Hard to imagine a better airplane.Regards, George

  8. The worst part is, by my count they had three distinct chances to get that press mode switch right, and that's before the horn sounded. It's remarkable that they failed this consistently. Really sad, and avoidable in every way.Regards,George

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