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Posts posted by KCA9304

  1. Not to sensible questions.@Harry, he's asking about the passenger window lights rather than Nav lights, logo lights, strobes, etc. I've never really noticed whether the PMDG MD has much in the way of cabin lights if I'm honest. I'm too busy to flying the aircraft.
    He's talking about external views, not internal cabin lighting.Enjoy the MD11, she is different!! (as RSR stated years ago)Regards,Harry

  2. Captains-During the day on Friday, 22JUL11, we are going to take most all PMDG services offline for a period of between 3-10hrs in order to do some last minute changes and upgrades for the pending NGX release.The following services are going to be offline:- Website- Ecommerce- Licensing- Technical SupportThis upgrade process is to set up some redundancy to be certain that release day runs smoothly.IMPORTANT NOTE: The NGX will NOT be released this weekend, so please- no need to stay around hammering CTRL+R in your browser in hopes of being the first to see the site come back online. This is a service outage only!If anyone has installation/reinstallation problems during this period, or requires technical support: We will be back to normal operations immediately after the outage. I apologize for any inconvenience!
    Robert,Take as much time as your team needs.Regards,Harry

  3. And I do believe that no 737 version has ever been certified for the 5.5' slope in City. The A318s leaving there for JFK have a stop en route in Shannon to keep their TOW down.I flew on the Embraer 195 into LCY, an interesting experience in many ways. It has a steep approach mode much like the A318, and uses the spoilers on approach all the way in. It has an effect on the cabin volume as well, increasing vibration. The captain even made a specific announcement concerning the system. Andrew
    FBW has it's advantage,so you can tune the flight for the target at hand.Less easy to do that for a 'modernized' 737. Total different airplanes regarding their basic design.Regards,Harry

  4. Hi guys,Can anyone tell me why when I fly at night I get no lights from the windows of the Fuselage? :( I get lights from the cockpit when switched on but never anything from the Fuselage when in external view. I have switched everything on on thel ighting panel and even tried pressign the L key on the keyboard but to no avail. It looks like a ghost plane from external view. Am I missing something really easy?Many thanks,
    In both FSX and FS9, the L-key should switch on/off all the aircraft external lights.Make sure your L-key was not changed to something else as the default MSFS assignment.Tip: Logo light is switched as well by the L-key, also be sure to select a passenger aircraft to solve your problem.Regards,Harry

  5. am i really the only one experiencing this?
    Hello Denis,No, you'r not the only one seeing this annoying VOR symbol drawing.I remember this ever since I have the MD11, also after reinstalling FSX/Acceleration and the aircraft on a new harddisk.I'm running the FSX version on a Q6600, Vista 32-bit and a GF9800GT in DX9 mode. Nothing special about that.I see this happening only on the 2D panels, VC is oke unless I pop-up the ND.For completeness sake: My FS9 installation on my notebook is working correct. (also Vista 32)Not of much help either, but awaiting any smart answer on this from other forum members who KNOW how to solve this.Regards,Harry

  6. If the wind is 212 @ 12, what should you enter on the wind/slope page on the FMC on the take off page?I have noticed if you enter 0/0 you get DN0.0/HD00But what if it is 212@23?thanks
    Julian,Simple answer is:Slope is not relevant in FSX.Wind: Enter the component, HD or TL component as relevant.Regards,Harry

  7. Guys this might be a stupid question but is it not possible to increase the VATSIM voice volume? Wind sounds on flight decks are a fact and killing them takes away a lot of realism. Surely the VATSIM software has a volume button somewhere just as a COM panel has in reality?Cheers,Markus
    May it be a stupid reaction as well, I add to this:The MD11 is one of the most silent cockpits I have flown. Be it wind noise or packs or whatever.Regards,Harry

  8. Nothing to do with Candy.Used the MD11 to fly the STAR mentioned by Ryan into KLAX. SEAVU2 -ILS25L.For the purpose of VNAV, selected the RNAV (Z) approach to 25L.-Observations:The next waypoint on the STAR and following approach, is sequenced as soon as the nose of the aircraft symbol hits the magenta waypoint position.However: the next altitude restriction is sequenced some time later, when the aircraft center, which is the (MD11) present position, is passing that waypoint.As these two instances are not simultanious, this triggers a temporary level-off, de-stabilising the continuous descent profile.(for this reason I use FPA for the final stages of the approach.)As far as I can observe, the profile is calculated very excactly and synchronising the Waypoint sequencing with the next profile altitude at the same instance, would give a more smooth descent.May not be the problem that is investigated for the upcoming 737NGX. For the MD11 it would make it more like real life.Hope it is of help.Regards,Harry

  9. Just for information.Landing Flaps 35 (or 50) have been indicated in this thread as a condition to obtain Dual or Single Land mode.Although Landing Flaps are a (certified) requirement for Autoland, the setting is NOT checked during the Autoland check, which is a system redundancy check only for the systems involved.So, Molly, there is something else you did correct to perform your first, non tutorial, autoland.Keep on going.Regards,Harry
    Mark,You don't have to shout for beer on this one.It's free.Regards,Harry

  10. Just for information.Landing Flaps 35 (or 50) have been indicated in this thread as a condition to obtain Dual or Single Land mode.Although Landing Flaps are a (certified) requirement for Autoland, the setting is NOT checked during the Autoland check, which is a system redundancy check only for the systems involved.So, Molly, there is something else you did correct to perform your first, non tutorial, autoland.Keep on going.Regards,Harry

  11. On vectors to final, if given a clearance to "join the localizer" is it possible to arm just the LOC without arming the GS, or is flying the FMS overlay (DIR next fix on final, set the intercept course to the final appr course, and arm NAV) the only way to do it?
    Charles,On the NAVRAD page, select *LOC ONLY ?, untill cleared for approach?Regards,Harry

  12. In my post #16 above, the links to some pictures are not working anymore.In the mean time Ryan - Pinned- an item in the General Forum that is strongly related to the problem that Nick (AoA) started.ie- Magnetic variation updates for FS9 and FSX -Updating the VOR's as well to the present values makes the ND look much more like real world, something that PMDG aircraft deserve.Here the missing pictures, so you can compare the differences.FIG1FIG2Regards,Harry

  13. Harry, Could you please tell me how you fix the other 92 scenery areas with easynavs ?ThanksVic
    Hallo Vic,It's not to me to write a step by step help file for a GREAT program made by Herve Sors.Learned to use it myself, by reading all available documentation (also for FS9) on his site and having a look at the way the Basic Scenery Grid is set-up in FSX.So just some hints:Google -Basic Scenery Grid- to find a grid diagram telling how scenery is setup on this globe.This link is ESP, but you will find the same grid in your installed SDK for FSX.NDB's and VOR's are stored in the NVXxxxxx.BGL files for every grid-block.With EasyNavs you can update these BGL's to the current MagVar value.Time consuming, but worth the time if you want correct VOR indications.Once more, credit to Herve Sors.Hope it helps,Harry

  14. Well, not the answer to your question, but maybe an answer to your problem:Why don't you just download the whole 1105 update-pack (on the same website)? That will correct every VOR in FSX that needs correcting ;-)
    As documented, it only corrects 4 of the possible 96 scenery areas.Still a great performance made possible by Herve.Regards,Harry

  15. It breaks ILS course IIRC.Best regards,Robin.
    No, it does not break the ILS course.FSX is outdated regarding MagVar, that is if you use current approach charts and latest AIRAC files.In FS. the runways are aligned to true north, the local variation gives the correct runway heading on any ND.So what Tabs means is that the graphical runway alignment (and extended centerline) will be better aligned if using the Magdec.bgl he found on the site of Herve Sors. Unless offset, all ILS'es are fixed to the runway centerline. (be it real or FS).If realtime magnetic variation is applied to official charts (mostly once every 5 years), part of this operation is to change the ILS course as well if needed. (Do not see this at the NOAA charts however, read my thread above). Runway re-numbering is another possible item involved. Now, if your intention is to fly any airplane A to B by FMS and get you captured by the ILS, then you'r done, be happy with the resulting landing.Is there more we should know? Might be.Ever wondered why VOR needles on the ND did not indicate direct to a station?Ever wondered why VOR track mode on the MD11 was in between the MAP dotted line and the VOR CDI presentation?Same reason as the runway alignment being solved by a recent MagVar update.Still interested?VOR's (except a few oriented True North) have there reference to magnetic north.FS.'s VOR's are referenced to the default FS. magnetic variation.(declination if you want).Replacing the Magdec.bgl in FS. does not correct the VOR operation.What you could do, if you like:Read what is avail on the site of Herve. EasyNavs is a possible option to tweak your FSX installation so as to get it as real as it gets. Worked for me, MD11 freak.(real and FS that is)On to the little workhorse NGX, FSX will be the same default, or can be adapted to more real data by using info provided on the site of Herve Sors.Regards,Harry

  16. Might not be a factor here, but your weather does seem to be bouncing around a bit. When trying to understand things like this it might be better to disable weather first. Remember - Heading is where you are pointing, Track is where you are going. The two are not the same and the more wind you have, the more different they become.
    Paul,While I reinitiated this thread, yes I'm very familiary to this aircraft.Wind and track does not confuse me.Regards,Harry

  17. I'm not sure how I never knew about this, but someone created new magdec.bgl files for both FS9 and FSX that update both sims to the latest real world variation data. If you've ever wondered why the extended runway centerline on the ND doesn't line up with the waypoints of the approach - this is the reason. Both sims have old magnetic variation data while the positions of waypoints in the navdata are calculated using the current variation data.Download it here at the upper left and read the instructions - I'm using the 2010 files now for both sims and the stuff on the ND is way closer to how it should be now.http://hsors.pagespe...fr/navaids.htmlKudos to whoever did this!
    Ryan,Now that you have discovered the site of Herve, maybe this thread is of more interest now to you and the team.http://forum.avsim.net/topic/320849-md-11-vor-course-on-nd/page__p__1931485__hl__budee__fromsearch__1#entry1931485As stated, for me not only MagVar, but also other items on this site, permitted me to change FSX in a way so as to make the ND of your MD11 behave more like the real thing.It also resolved the VOR TRACK mode.As the runway alignment is taken from the NavData base (WPNavApt) , it would be even better for the presentation if these data (RwyHdg) were correct.Why this doubt?Reference: NACO Approach chart KMEM ILS/LOC RWY09 gives an ILS course 091. The same is derived from the Navigraph NavData file of course, as it is an official figure.Looking at the KMEM Airport Diagram we see that the Magnetic Variation is indicating Januari 2010.Based on this, the Magnetic Runway heading (092.6) is shown at rwy09.As the ILS is not offset, I would expect an ILS frontcourse of 093.Also the radial GQE to BUDEE (shown as R137) is different from what an FMS and other programmes on the mentioned site calculate. (R141)Likewise, using an FMS Fix page to draw published radials over a missed-approach holding point,are offset.Well, knowing this I read the official charts differently at least.For me, several programmes on this site, including the warnings given, worked to improve the ND presentation as seen on the real plane.Highly recommended, including warnings!Other good thing is:The MD11 does not need an update..... -for this one- ..., cause external data (FSX and NavData) are involved.Regards,Harry

  18. Haven't been able to reproduce this - I've had KSFO since it was in beta too. Something's conflicting there I'm betting, another addon, AFCAD etc - has to be something.
    Ryan,What is the Mesh resolution you are using in order NOT reproduce this.Default KFSO does not have this aircraft reaction.To exclude any add-ons, AFCAD etc, please have a look at the old links refering to JFK04L or BOS33L etc.Using only default scenery and able to project the aircraft trajectory from a stabilized approach, found both the Queen and also the more modern MD11 to crash land at certain places.Regards,Harry

  19. Here are two pictures to show what happens with crash detection turned off:Circa 1 second before the "crash point" at approximately 50 feet:And immediately after the sudden drop to the ground:This outcome is to me still not acceptable, I want to land the aircraft myself -_-But thanks for your suggestion.
    William,It's an old problem, had it myself and in default scenery, on a couple of occasions.Have a look here:http://forum.avsim.net/topic/278851-strange-behavior-just-before-touching-down/Hope it helps.Regards,Harry

  20. Dear Sir When I want to dump fuel from the MD11 I push the dump fuel valve on the upper panel but nothing hapens the fuel remains the same. Is there any other buton to push? I check in the manual but the only one I saw was the one that I pushed. Can you help me? Thank you My name is Carlos
    Carlos,Where you say that pushing the Dump button, nothing happens, I bet you pushed it once, and only removed the protection cover.Pressing the button twice, should start the dump procedure and at least show some alerts, depending on your settings in the FMS, as others in this thread indicate.Regards,Harry

  21. Hi all,It's always struck me that radial lines drawn on the ND (as a result of having selected a freq/crs on the NAV RAD page) don't actually match up with the VOR bearing/radial selected.fsx2010-12-1120-26-08-27.jpgIn the above image, course selected for the GQE VOR is 135, and the aircraft is tracking that radial. You can see that I'm a fair way off the dashed line. If you were to switch the ND to VOR mode at that point, you'd see a centered CDI. The aircraft is correcting a little to the left to maintain it, but it was bang on the radial at the time of taking that screenshot.Might it be that the line is drawn for a different magnetic variation than the VOR itself is calibrated for? I think I remember reading that VOR's are only updated for magvar once every 5 years - that'd be a heck of a change for only 5 years! That said, might the FSX VOR database be old enough that such a change could have occurred? The 135 radial is meant to intersect the waypoint BUDEE. It's a bit of a mystery to me, so if anyone could shed some light on the discrepancy I'd appreciate it!Thanks
    Nick,What I have done in the mean time regarding this thread.With the help of programmes and very well documented warnings on the site mentioned above:- Updated the default FSX MagVar.- Applied the updated MagVar to the scenery area's around KMEM and other areas on the globe.Not expecting an update on FSX, doing it this way, at least solved my question why the VOR needles are only indicating right to the station on the ND when coming in very close to that station.What it did not change is the dotted line GQE radial 137 ending over BUDEE.What does work correctly now is that VOR Tracking is consistent between the ND MAP dotted radial line and the ND VOR presentation.FIG1Dotted magenta line is Radial 137 from GQESolid magenta line is the Primary Fligtplan made with nativ FSX Flightplanner (is FSdatabase).Needs course 139 accoding FMS.Dotted blue line is the en-route selected arrival for KMEM 09 ILS in the Secondary Flightplan (Airac data).Needs course 141 according FMSHere a picture crossing the centerline RW09.FIG2As Ryan already indicated the differences between the FSdatabase and the real world data can not be solved.At least I'm happy that VOR needle indication is correct now and VOR Track mode works as in real life.Regards,Harry
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