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  1. Hello Dave, Please see attached log file. I was instructed to cross the waypoint BEGOD at or above 4400 feet. According to the Navdata (AIRAC 2213), the crossing restriction says at or above 2500 feet. I have the latest navigraph data in Pilot2ATC. My version of the program This made for a very steep approach. It also seems that P2A assigned a runway with almost 10 knots tailwind.. The only thing I can think of is that I accidentally installed the version with NavdataPro navdata before I updated it with version Could that have screwed up the navdata i some way? May I also come up with a couple of suggestions: - Can you please make the controller delay the instruction to vacate at the nearest taxiway? As it happens now, this instruction comes at a very inconvenient stage, that is, just after touchdown. It would be ok for a small cessna with a landing speed of 60 knots, but with the 737 for instance it is disturbing when doing more than 100 knots after touchdown. Wouldn't it be possible to trigger this instruction, say at a ground speed of less than 50-60 knots ? - When told to contact gorund it would be super nice if the copilot would contact ground and request taxi to parking automatically? Kind regards Kyrre Andersen Program StartedPilot2ATC® (P2A) - version 01/04/2023 19:24:09 Windows OS: Microsoft Windows 10 Home Version: 6.2.9200.0 Platform: Win32NT Memory: 17085456384 Trying to create DB_Dyno. DB_Dyno created successfully. Init 15% done. Trying to create DB_Base. DB_Base created successfully. Application frmP2AMain starting 01/04/2023 19:25:00 Loading Joystick Devices - 4 devices loaded. Loading Form Main form opened: Pilot2ATC® 2021 v. Navigraph - AIRAC cycle: 2213 Loading Joystick Devices - 4 devices loaded. Loading Joystick Devices - 4 devices loaded. Loading Joystick Devices - 4 devices loaded. Loading Joystick Devices - 4 devices loaded. Joystick Device number 0 successfully activated. Loading Map Control LoadMapControl: panel 1 Creating ucMap1 SQLiteVersion: | 2015-07-29 20:00:57 cf538e2783e468bbc25e7cb2a9ee64d3e0e80b2f | INTEROP_CODEC INTEROP_EXTENSION_FUNCTIONS INTEROP_VIRTUAL_TABLE NET_40 PRELOAD_NATIVE_LIBRARY THROW_ON_DISPOSED TRACE TRACE_PRELOAD TRACE_SHARED TRACE_WARNING USE_PREPARE_V2 WINDOWS ucMap1 Created ucMap DockFill set. Setting Map Mode Done Loading Map Control Loading FPL Control FPL Control Loaded Retrieving TAF from web successful at 01/04/2023 19:25:05 Retrieving weather from web successful at 01/04/2023 19:25:05 SimBrief FPln Importing: ENBR BEGOD ENZV GPS FlightPlan Changed - 01/04/2023 19:26:35 NewGPSWpt: BEGOD NewGPSWpt: BEGOD Retrieving weather from web successful at 01/04/2023 19:26:39 GPS FlightPlan Changed - 01/04/2023 19:27:31 NewGPSWpt: BEGOD GPS FlightPlan Changed - 01/04/2023 19:27:51 NewGPSWpt: BEGOD ucFltPln ValidateCurrentFltPlan Started GPS FlightPlan Changed - 01/04/2023 19:28:22 NewGPSWpt: BEGOD ucFltPln ValidateCurrentFltPlan Done NewGPSWpt: BEGOD Loading Joystick Devices - 4 devices loaded. Loading Joystick Devices - 4 devices loaded. Loading Joystick Devices - 4 devices loaded. Loading Joystick Devices - 4 devices loaded. Joystick Device number 3 successfully activated. Joystick Device number 0 successfully activated. Joystick Device number 0 successfully activated. Joystick Device number 0 successfully activated. Pilot2ATC_2021.exe Information 0 SAPI does not implement phonetic alphabet selection. at System.Environment.GetStackTrace(Exception e, Boolean needFileInfo) at System.Environment.get_StackTrace() at System.Diagnostics.TraceEventCache.get_Callstack() at Microsoft.VisualBasic.Logging.FileLogTraceListener.TraceEvent(TraceEventCache eventCache, String source, TraceEventType eventType, Int32 id, String message) at System.Diagnostics.TraceInternal.TraceEvent(TraceEventType eventType, Int32 id, String format, Object[] args) at System.Speech.Recognition.RecognizerBase.Initialize(SapiRecognizer recognizer, Boolean inproc) at System.Speech.Recognition.SpeechRecognitionEngine.get_RecoBase() at P2A2021.ATCListener.LoadPilotGrammar() at P2A2021.ATCListener.Init() at P2A2021.frmP2AMain.c2124c4ff01169d49362f23ceb404afd0() at P2A2021.frmP2AMain.c6da96e2c3dc97ecb14521624b5c07984() at P2A2021.frmP2AMain.c6f50794713ca1994f16f21230b6819d6(Object cb25b07786a6e786dea76cf87175f59f0, EventArgs cb4d4bf05d278f00a41fc902f6c5d26a2) at System.Windows.Forms.Control.OnClick(EventArgs e) at System.Windows.Forms.Button.OnClick(EventArgs e) at System.Windows.Forms.Button.OnMouseUp(MouseEventArgs mevent) at System.Windows.Forms.Control.WmMouseUp(Message& m, MouseButtons button, Int32 clicks) at System.Windows.Forms.Control.WndProc(Message& m) at System.Windows.Forms.ButtonBase.WndProc(Message& m) at System.Windows.Forms.Button.WndProc(Message& m) at System.Windows.Forms.NativeWindow.Callback(IntPtr hWnd, Int32 msg, IntPtr wparam, IntPtr lparam) at System.Windows.Forms.UnsafeNativeMethods.DispatchMessageW(MSG& msg) at System.Windows.Forms.UnsafeNativeMethods.DispatchMessageW(MSG& msg) at System.Windows.Forms.Application.ComponentManager.System.Windows.Forms.UnsafeNativeMethods.IMsoComponentManager.FPushMessageLoop(IntPtr dwComponentID, Int32 reason, Int32 pvLoopData) at System.Windows.Forms.Application.ThreadContext.RunMessageLoopInner(Int32 reason, ApplicationContext context) at System.Windows.Forms.Application.ThreadContext.RunMessageLoop(Int32 reason, ApplicationContext context) at A.cbfc2d4b1897f721a06d50ef1eb1d7e85.c39e4a2c7012e9e0ba9055469c605637a() "" 17644 1 262008230182 No controller assigned 19:28:41 ControllerFreqChanged: No Controller on the selected frequency: 0 19:28:41 Culture: en-US Pilot Voice:Microsoft James Sim Connected: MSFS :01/04/2023 19:28:41 ATCAssignsSIDs: True ATCAssignsSTARs: True ForceSTARAssignment: False ATCAssignsAPPRs: True ForcePilotRunwaySelection: False ForceDepRunway: False ForceArrRunway: False AutoLoadRecommendedProcedures: True UseRandomVoices: False AssignedRunway: RW35 - New Com1 Stby Freq: 123.4 No controller assigned 19:28:42 ControllerFreqChanged: No Controller on the selected frequency: 0 19:28:42 New Com2 Stby Freq: 124.85 No controller assigned 19:28:42 ControllerFreqChanged: No Controller on the selected frequency: 0 19:28:42 Com2StandbyFreqChanged: 0. CtlrShrtName: None Found; CtlrType: None Found19:28:43 No controller assigned 19:28:44 ControllerFreqChanged: 123.4. CtlrShrtName: ENBR ClrDel CtlrType: ClearanceDelivery19:28:44 GPS FlightPlan Changed - 01/04/2023 19:28:45 SIM Rate Changed: 1 NewGPSWpt: BEGOD NewGPSWpt: BEGOD New Com1 Stby Freq: 125.25 New Com1 Stby Freq: 123.4 No controller assigned 19:28:46 GetATIS 19:28:46 ControllerFreqChanged: 125.25. CtlrShrtName: ENBR ATIS CtlrType: ATIS19:28:46 GetATIS 19:28:47 Retrieving weather from web successful at 01/04/2023 19:28:47 Com1StandbyFreqChanged: 123.4. CtlrShrtName: ENBR ClrDel CtlrType: ClearanceDelivery19:28:48 GetATIS 19:28:51 No controller assigned 19:28:51 ControllerFreqChanged: 123.4. CtlrShrtName: ENBR ClrDel CtlrType: ClearanceDelivery19:28:51 New Com1 Stby Freq: 125.25 Begin FPLFile 01/04/2023 19:28:58 FltPlan ActiveAPPR: ILS - RW18 - I18-Z - Retrieving weather from web successful at 01/04/2023 19:29:03 FltPlan ActiveSTAR: RW18-BEGO2S-BEGOD - FP.FileFLtPlan executed. ATCFltPlan set to Filed FPL ATC UserNamesAdded GPS FlightPlan Changed - 01/04/2023 19:29:05 NewGPSWpt: ADIDO NewGPSWpt: ADIDO NewGPSWpt: ADIDO ucFltPln ValidateCurrentFltPlan Started GPS FlightPlan Changed - 01/04/2023 19:29:06 NewGPSWpt: ADIDO NewGPSWpt: ADIDO ucFltPln ValidateCurrentFltPlan Done Filed Route: ENBR DIRECT BEGOD ENZV Filed SID: BEGO2D - RW35 - BEGOD Filed STAR: BEGO2S - RW18 - BEGOD Filed APPR: Filed APPR Trans: Filed Cruise Alt: 11000 File Descent Rate: 2000 End FPLFile 01/04/2023 19:29:06 No controller assigned 19:30:21 ControllerFreqChanged: 123.4. CtlrShrtName: ENBR ClrDel CtlrType: ClearanceDelivery19:30:21 No controller assigned 19:30:24 ControllerFreqChanged: 123.4. CtlrShrtName: ENBR ClrDel CtlrType: ClearanceDelivery19:30:24 Retrieving weather from web successful at 01/04/2023 19:34:07 Retrieving TAF from web successful at 01/04/2023 19:34:08 Retrieving TAF from web successful at 01/04/2023 19:39:10 Retrieving weather from web successful at 01/04/2023 19:39:11 No controller assigned 19:40:12 ControllerFreqChanged: 123.4. CtlrShrtName: ENBR ClrDel CtlrType: ClearanceDelivery19:40:12 No controller assigned 19:40:13 ControllerFreqChanged: 123.4. CtlrShrtName: ENBR ClrDel CtlrType: ClearanceDelivery19:40:13 No controller assigned 19:40:16 ControllerFreqChanged: 123.4. CtlrShrtName: ENBR ClrDel CtlrType: ClearanceDelivery19:40:16 No controller assigned 19:40:17 ControllerFreqChanged: 123.4. CtlrShrtName: ENBR ClrDel CtlrType: ClearanceDelivery19:40:17 No controller assigned 19:40:17 ControllerFreqChanged: 123.4. CtlrShrtName: ENBR ClrDel CtlrType: ClearanceDelivery19:40:17 No controller assigned 19:40:18 ControllerFreqChanged: 123.4. CtlrShrtName: ENBR ClrDel CtlrType: ClearanceDelivery19:40:18 New Com2 Stby Freq: 125.85 Com2StandbyFreqChanged: 0. CtlrShrtName: None Found; CtlrType: None Found19:40:23 New Com2 Stby Freq: 125.86 Com2StandbyFreqChanged: 0. CtlrShrtName: None Found; CtlrType: None Found19:40:24 New Com2 Stby Freq: 125.81 Com2StandbyFreqChanged: 0. CtlrShrtName: None Found; CtlrType: None Found19:40:24 New Com2 Stby Freq: 125.71 Com2StandbyFreqChanged: 0. CtlrShrtName: None Found; CtlrType: None Found19:40:25 New Com2 Stby Freq: 125.61 Com2StandbyFreqChanged: 0. CtlrShrtName: None Found; CtlrType: None Found19:40:25 New Com2 Stby Freq: 125.55 Com2StandbyFreqChanged: 0. CtlrShrtName: None Found; CtlrType: None Found19:40:26 New Com2 Stby Freq: 125.54 Com2StandbyFreqChanged: 0. CtlrShrtName: None Found; CtlrType: None Found19:40:26 New Com2 Stby Freq: 125.53 Com2StandbyFreqChanged: 0. CtlrShrtName: None Found; CtlrType: None Found19:40:27 New Com2 Stby Freq: 125.51 Com2StandbyFreqChanged: 0. CtlrShrtName: None Found; CtlrType: None Found19:40:28 New Com2 Stby Freq: 125.48 Com2StandbyFreqChanged: 0. CtlrShrtName: None Found; CtlrType: None Found19:40:29 New Com2 Stby Freq: 125.38 Com2StandbyFreqChanged: 0. CtlrShrtName: None Found; CtlrType: None Found19:40:29 New Com2 Stby Freq: 125.35 Com2StandbyFreqChanged: 0. CtlrShrtName: None Found; CtlrType: None Found19:40:30 New Com2 Stby Freq: 125.3 Com2StandbyFreqChanged: 0. CtlrShrtName: None Found; CtlrType: None Found19:40:30 New Com2 Stby Freq: 125.28 Com2StandbyFreqChanged: 0. CtlrShrtName: None Found; CtlrType: None Found19:40:31 New Com2 Stby Freq: 125.25 New Com2 Stby Freq: 124.85 No controller assigned 19:40:34 GetATIS 19:40:34 ControllerFreqChanged: 125.25. CtlrShrtName: ENBR ATIS CtlrType: ATIS19:40:34 Com2StandbyFreqChanged: 0. CtlrShrtName: None Found; CtlrType: None Found19:40:34 GetATIS 19:40:35 Retrieving weather from web successful at 01/04/2023 19:40:35 GetATIS 19:40:54 No controller assigned 19:40:54 GetATIS 19:40:54 ControllerFreqChanged: 125.25. CtlrShrtName: ENBR ATIS CtlrType: ATIS19:40:54 GetATIS 19:40:54 No controller assigned 19:40:54 GetATIS 19:40:54 ControllerFreqChanged: 125.25. CtlrShrtName: ENBR ATIS CtlrType: ATIS19:40:54 GetATIS 19:41:16 No controller assigned 19:41:16 ControllerFreqChanged: 123.4. CtlrShrtName: ENBR ClrDel CtlrType: ClearanceDelivery19:41:16 New Com2 Stby Freq: 124.83 Com2StandbyFreqChanged: 0. CtlrShrtName: None Found; CtlrType: None Found19:41:18 New Com2 Stby Freq: 122.83 Com2StandbyFreqChanged: 0. CtlrShrtName: None Found; CtlrType: None Found19:41:19 New Com2 Stby Freq: 121.83 Com2StandbyFreqChanged: 0. CtlrShrtName: None Found; CtlrType: None Found19:41:20 New Com2 Stby Freq: 121.81 Com2StandbyFreqChanged: 0. CtlrShrtName: None Found; CtlrType: None Found19:41:21 New Com2 Stby Freq: 121.73 Com2StandbyFreqChanged: 0. CtlrShrtName: None Found; CtlrType: None Found19:41:21 New Com2 Stby Freq: 121.64 Com2StandbyFreqChanged: 0. CtlrShrtName: None Found; CtlrType: None Found19:41:22 New Com2 Stby Freq: 121.58 Com2StandbyFreqChanged: 0. CtlrShrtName: None Found; CtlrType: None Found19:41:23 New Com2 Stby Freq: 121.54 Com2StandbyFreqChanged: 0. CtlrShrtName: None Found; CtlrType: None Found19:41:23 New Com2 Stby Freq: 121.48 Com2StandbyFreqChanged: 0. CtlrShrtName: None Found; CtlrType: None Found19:41:24 New Com2 Stby Freq: 121.5 Com2StandbyFreqChanged: 0. CtlrShrtName: None Found; CtlrType: None Found19:41:24 New Com2 Stby Freq: 125.25 No controller assigned 19:42:32 ControllerFreqChanged: No Controller on the selected frequency: 0 19:42:32 No controller assigned 19:42:32 ControllerFreqChanged: No Controller on the selected frequency: 0 19:42:32 No controller assigned 19:42:36 GetATIS 19:42:36 ControllerFreqChanged: 125.25. CtlrShrtName: ENBR ATIS CtlrType: ATIS19:42:36 New Com2 Stby Freq: 121.5 Com2StandbyFreqChanged: 0. CtlrShrtName: None Found; CtlrType: None Found19:42:37 GetATIS 19:43:00 GetATIS 19:43:05 No controller assigned 19:43:05 ControllerFreqChanged: 123.4. CtlrShrtName: ENBR ClrDel CtlrType: ClearanceDelivery19:43:05 New Com2 Stby Freq: 125.25 Retrieving weather from web successful at 01/04/2023 19:45:38 Retrieving TAF from web successful at 01/04/2023 19:45:39 Retrieving TAF from web successful at 01/04/2023 19:50:41 Retrieving weather from web successful at 01/04/2023 19:50:41 No controller assigned 19:53:25 ControllerFreqChanged: 123.4. CtlrShrtName: ENBR ClrDel CtlrType: ClearanceDelivery19:53:25 No controller assigned 19:53:27 ControllerFreqChanged: 123.4. CtlrShrtName: ENBR ClrDel CtlrType: ClearanceDelivery19:53:27 No controller assigned 19:53:30 ControllerFreqChanged: 123.4. CtlrShrtName: ENBR ClrDel CtlrType: ClearanceDelivery19:53:30 No controller assigned 19:53:32 ControllerFreqChanged: 123.4. CtlrShrtName: ENBR ClrDel CtlrType: ClearanceDelivery19:53:32 No controller assigned 19:54:40 ControllerFreqChanged: 123.4. CtlrShrtName: ENBR ClrDel CtlrType: ClearanceDelivery19:54:40 No controller assigned 19:54:40 ControllerFreqChanged: 123.4. CtlrShrtName: ENBR ClrDel CtlrType: ClearanceDelivery19:54:40 No controller assigned 19:55:08 ControllerFreqChanged: 123.4. CtlrShrtName: ENBR ClrDel CtlrType: ClearanceDelivery19:55:08 No controller assigned 19:55:08 ControllerFreqChanged: 123.4. CtlrShrtName: ENBR ClrDel CtlrType: ClearanceDelivery19:55:08 No controller assigned 19:55:20 ControllerFreqChanged: 123.4. CtlrShrtName: ENBR ClrDel CtlrType: ClearanceDelivery19:55:20 No controller assigned 19:55:21 ControllerFreqChanged: 123.4. CtlrShrtName: ENBR ClrDel CtlrType: ClearanceDelivery19:55:21 No controller assigned 19:55:37 ControllerFreqChanged: 123.4. CtlrShrtName: ENBR ClrDel CtlrType: ClearanceDelivery19:55:37 No controller assigned 19:55:38 ControllerFreqChanged: 123.4. CtlrShrtName: ENBR ClrDel CtlrType: ClearanceDelivery19:55:38 No controller assigned 19:55:39 ControllerFreqChanged: 123.4. CtlrShrtName: ENBR ClrDel CtlrType: ClearanceDelivery19:55:39 No controller assigned 19:55:41 ControllerFreqChanged: 123.4. CtlrShrtName: ENBR ClrDel CtlrType: ClearanceDelivery19:55:41 Retrieving weather from web successful at 01/04/2023 19:55:44 Retrieving TAF from web successful at 01/04/2023 19:55:46 No controller assigned 19:57:03 ControllerFreqChanged: 123.4. CtlrShrtName: ENBR ClrDel CtlrType: ClearanceDelivery19:57:03 No controller assigned 19:57:03 ControllerFreqChanged: 123.4. CtlrShrtName: ENBR ClrDel CtlrType: ClearanceDelivery19:57:03 No controller assigned 19:57:10 ControllerFreqChanged: 123.4. CtlrShrtName: ENBR ClrDel CtlrType: ClearanceDelivery19:57:10 No controller assigned 19:57:11 ControllerFreqChanged: 123.4. CtlrShrtName: ENBR ClrDel CtlrType: ClearanceDelivery19:57:11 No controller assigned 19:57:20 ControllerFreqChanged: 123.4. CtlrShrtName: ENBR ClrDel CtlrType: ClearanceDelivery19:57:20 No controller assigned 19:57:22 ControllerFreqChanged: 123.4. CtlrShrtName: ENBR ClrDel CtlrType: ClearanceDelivery19:57:22 InterruptAudio in SayItSpeak- Phrase: NORDIC One Three Two ready to Copy 01/04/2023 19:59:10 AudioInterrupts: 1 in InterruptAudio 19:59:10 Recognized Speech: NORDIC One Three Two Ready to Copy 19:59:13 HandleIFRClearanceRequest 19:59:13 gATCAssignsSIDs = True AssignedSID: RW35-BEGO2D-BEGOD - AssignedRunway: RW35 - SpokenAssignedAltitude: 6000 19:59:13 SpokenAssignedAltitude: 6000 19:59:13 State Changed to: FlightPlanDelivered 19:59 ControllerChanging: False : 01/04/2023 19:59:13 UnInterruptAudio in OnSayItSpeakCompleted 01/04/2023 19:59:13 AudioInterrupts: 0 in UnInterruptAudio 19:59:13 Trigger checks started: 01/04/2023 19:59:13 InterruptAudio in SayPhrase: NORDIC One Three Two is cleared to Echo November Zulu Victor, fly the BEGO2D departure , with the BEGOD transition , then as filed. Expect departure runway Three Five. Climb to Six Thousand feet via the departure. Expect higher clearances Three minutes after departure. Radar Director on One One Eight Decimal Eight Five. Squawk Four Two Three Zero. 01/04/2023 19:59:13 AudioInterrupts: 1 in InterruptAudio 19:59:13 ATC Speak: NORDIC One Three Two is cleared to Echo November Zulu Victor, fly the BEGO2D departure , with the BEGOD transition , then as filed. Expect departure runway Three Five. Climb to Six Thousand feet via the departure. Expect higher clearances Three minutes after departure. Radar Director on One One Eight Decimal Eight Five. Squawk Four Two Three Zero. 19:59:14 Sug Resp: ~NORDIC One Three Two is cleared to Echo November Zulu Victor, fly the BEGO2D departure , with the BEGOD transition , then as filed. Climb to Six Thousand feet via the departure. Expect higher clearances Three minutes after departure. Radar Director on One One Eight Decimal Eight Five. Squawk Four Two Three Zero. 19:59:14 NewATCWpt: ADIDO Retrieving weather from web successful at 01/04/2023 19:59:15 OnTTSWavePlaybackStopped 01/04/2023 19:59:39 UnInterruptAudio in OnTTSWavePlaybackStopped SugRes:~NORDIC One Three Two is cleared to Echo November Zulu Victor, fly the BEGO2D departure , with the BEGOD transition , then as filed. Climb to Six Thousand feet via the departure. Expect higher clearances Three minutes after departure. Radar Director on One One Eight Decimal Eight Five. Squawk Four Two Three Zero. 01/04/2023 19:59:39 AudioInterrupts: 0 in UnInterruptAudio 19:59:39 InterruptAudio in SayItSpeak- Phrase: NORDIC One Three Two is cleared to Echo November Zulu Victor, fly the BEGO2D departure , with the BEGOD transition , then as filed. Climb to Six Thousand feet via the departure. Expect higher clearances Three minutes after departure. Radar Director on One One Eight Decimal Eight Five. Squawk Four Two Three Zero. 01/04/2023 19:59:39 AudioInterrupts: 1 in InterruptAudio 19:59:39 Speech Rejected: No Speech Recognized01/04/2023 20:00:00 IFRReadbackSuccess 20:00:00 SpeakAltimeterSetting 20:00:00 SpeakAltimeterSetting 20:00:00 SpokenRandomSalutation 20:00:00 UnInterruptAudio in OnSayItSpeakCompleted 01/04/2023 20:00:00 AudioInterrupts: 0 in UnInterruptAudio 20:00:00 InterruptAudio in SayPhrase: NORDIC One Three Two Readback Correct. QNH is Niner Niner Four Contact Ground on One Two One Decimal Niner when ready for pushback have a good afternoon 01/04/2023 20:00:01 AudioInterrupts: 1 in InterruptAudio 20:00:01 ATC Speak: NORDIC One Three Two Readback Correct. QNH is Niner Niner Four Contact Ground on One Two One Decimal Niner when ready for pushback have a good afternoon 20:00:01 Sug Resp: ~ QNH is Niner Niner Four Ground on One Two One Decimal Niner20:00:01 OnTTSWavePlaybackStopped 01/04/2023 20:00:11 UnInterruptAudio in OnTTSWavePlaybackStopped SugRes:~ QNH is Niner Niner Four Ground on One Two One Decimal Niner NORDIC One Three Two 01/04/2023 20:00:11 AudioInterrupts: 0 in UnInterruptAudio 20:00:11 InterruptAudio in SayItSpeak- Phrase: QNH is Niner Niner Four Ground on One Two One Decimal Niner NORDIC One Three Two 01/04/2023 20:00:11 AudioInterrupts: 1 in InterruptAudio 20:00:11 Recognized Speech: QNH is Niner Niner Four Ground on One Two One Decimal Niner NORDIC One Three Two 20:00:17 HandleAltimeterReadback 20:00:17 HandleFrequencyReadback 20:00:17 New Com1 Stby Freq: 121.9 CoPilot Changing Freq. StandbyController set to: ENBR Gnd 121.90 01/04/2023 20:00:19 UnInterruptAudio in OnSayItSpeakCompleted 01/04/2023 20:00:19 AudioInterrupts: 0 in UnInterruptAudio 20:00:19 AssignedController: 121.9. CtlrShrtName: ENBR Gnd CtlrType: Ground20:00:19 ControllerFreqChanged: 121.9. CtlrShrtName: ENBR Gnd CtlrType: Ground20:00:19 New Com1 Stby Freq: 123.4 Com1StandbyFreqChanged: 123.4. CtlrShrtName: ENBR ClrDel CtlrType: ClearanceDelivery20:00:20 Retrieving weather from web successful at 01/04/2023 20:04:19 Retrieving TAF from web successful at 01/04/2023 20:04:19 Retrieving weather from web successful at 01/04/2023 20:09:22 Retrieving TAF from web successful at 01/04/2023 20:09:22 Retrieving weather from web successful at 01/04/2023 20:14:24 Retrieving TAF from web successful at 01/04/2023 20:14:25 AssignedController: 121.9. CtlrShrtName: ENBR Gnd CtlrType: Ground20:15:11 ControllerFreqChanged: 121.9. CtlrShrtName: ENBR Gnd CtlrType: Ground20:15:11 AssignedController: 121.9. CtlrShrtName: ENBR Gnd CtlrType: Ground20:15:12 ControllerFreqChanged: 121.9. CtlrShrtName: ENBR Gnd CtlrType: Ground20:15:12 AssignedController: 121.9. CtlrShrtName: ENBR Gnd CtlrType: Ground20:15:32 ControllerFreqChanged: 121.9. CtlrShrtName: ENBR Gnd CtlrType: Ground20:15:32 AssignedController: 121.9. CtlrShrtName: ENBR Gnd CtlrType: Ground20:15:33 ControllerFreqChanged: 121.9. CtlrShrtName: ENBR Gnd CtlrType: Ground20:15:33 AssignedController: 121.9. CtlrShrtName: ENBR Gnd CtlrType: Ground20:15:36 ControllerFreqChanged: 121.9. CtlrShrtName: ENBR Gnd CtlrType: Ground20:15:36 AssignedController: 121.9. CtlrShrtName: ENBR Gnd CtlrType: Ground20:15:36 ControllerFreqChanged: 121.9. CtlrShrtName: ENBR Gnd CtlrType: Ground20:15:36 AssignedController: 121.9. CtlrShrtName: ENBR Gnd CtlrType: Ground20:15:52 ControllerFreqChanged: 121.9. CtlrShrtName: ENBR Gnd CtlrType: Ground20:15:52 AssignedController: 121.9. CtlrShrtName: ENBR Gnd CtlrType: Ground20:15:55 ControllerFreqChanged: 121.9. CtlrShrtName: ENBR Gnd CtlrType: Ground20:15:55 Retrieving weather from web successful at 01/04/2023 20:19:29 Retrieving TAF from web successful at 01/04/2023 20:19:29 InterruptAudio in SayItSpeak- Phrase: NORDIC One Three Two ready for pushback and engine start 01/04/2023 20:21:10 AudioInterrupts: 1 in InterruptAudio 20:21:10 Recognized Speech: NORDIC One Three Two Ready for Pushback and Engine Start 20:21:14 HandlePushbackRequest 20:21:14 ControllerChanging: False : 01/04/2023 20:21:14 UnInterruptAudio in OnSayItSpeakCompleted 01/04/2023 20:21:14 AudioInterrupts: 0 in UnInterruptAudio 20:21:14 InterruptAudio in SayPhrase: NORDIC One Three Two Pushback And engine start approved 01/04/2023 20:21:15 AudioInterrupts: 1 in InterruptAudio 20:21:15 ATC Speak: NORDIC One Three Two Pushback And engine start approved 20:21:15 Sug Resp: ~ Pushback And engine start approved 20:21:15 OnTTSWavePlaybackStopped 01/04/2023 20:21:19 UnInterruptAudio in OnTTSWavePlaybackStopped SugRes:~ Pushback And engine start approved NORDIC One Three Two 01/04/2023 20:21:19 AudioInterrupts: 0 in UnInterruptAudio 20:21:19 InterruptAudio in SayItSpeak- Phrase: Pushback And engine start approved NORDIC One Three Two 01/04/2023 20:21:19 AudioInterrupts: 1 in InterruptAudio 20:21:19 Recognized Speech: Pushback and Engine Start Approved NORDIC One Three Two 20:21:23 UnInterruptAudio in OnSayItSpeakCompleted 01/04/2023 20:21:23 AudioInterrupts: 0 in UnInterruptAudio 20:21:23 Retrieving weather from web successful at 01/04/2023 20:24:31 Retrieving TAF from web successful at 01/04/2023 20:24:32 InterruptAudio in SayItSpeak- Phrase: NORDIC One Three Two ready to taxi 01/04/2023 20:29:13 AudioInterrupts: 1 in InterruptAudio 20:29:13 Recognized Speech: NORDIC One Three Two Ready to Taxi 20:29:16 HandleTaxiRequest 20:29:16 State Changed to: TaxiOut 20:29 ControllerChanging: False : 01/04/2023 20:29:17 UnInterruptAudio in OnSayItSpeakCompleted 01/04/2023 20:29:17 AudioInterrupts: 0 in UnInterruptAudio 20:29:17 InterruptAudio in SayPhrase: NORDIC One Three TwoTaxi to Runway Three Five 01/04/2023 20:29:17 AudioInterrupts: 1 in InterruptAudio 20:29:17 ATC Speak: NORDIC One Three TwoTaxi to Runway Three Five20:29:17 Sug Resp: ~Taxi to Runway Three Five20:29:17 OnTTSWavePlaybackStopped 01/04/2023 20:29:20 UnInterruptAudio in OnTTSWavePlaybackStopped SugRes:~Taxi to Runway Three Five NORDIC One Three Two 01/04/2023 20:29:20 AudioInterrupts: 0 in UnInterruptAudio 20:29:20 InterruptAudio in SayItSpeak- Phrase: Taxi to Runway Three Five NORDIC One Three Two 01/04/2023 20:29:20 AudioInterrupts: 1 in InterruptAudio 20:29:20 Recognized Speech: Taxi to Runway Three Five NORDIC One Three Two 20:29:24 HandleTaxiClearanceReadback 20:29:24 UnInterruptAudio in OnSayItSpeakCompleted 01/04/2023 20:29:24 AudioInterrupts: 0 in UnInterruptAudio 20:29:24 Retrieving TAF from web successful at 01/04/2023 20:29:34 Retrieving weather from web successful at 01/04/2023 20:29:35 State Changed to: AtDepartureRunway 20:30 RespondToFlightTrigger 20:30:30 Trigger:ArriveAtDepartureRunway RespondToFlightTriggerValidated 20:30:30 Trigger:ArriveAtDepartureRunway rOnArrivedAtDepartureRunway 20:30:30 SpokenRandomSalutation 20:30:30 InterruptAudio in SayPhrase: NORDIC One Three Two Contact Tower on One One Niner Decimal One, have a good flight 01/04/2023 20:30:30 AudioInterrupts: 1 in InterruptAudio 20:30:30 ControllerChanging: True : 01/04/2023 20:30:30 ATC Speak: NORDIC One Three Two Contact Tower on One One Niner Decimal One, have a good flight 20:30:30 Sug Resp: ~Tower on One One Niner Decimal One20:30:30 OnTTSWavePlaybackStopped 01/04/2023 20:30:36 UnInterruptAudio in OnTTSWavePlaybackStopped SugRes:~Tower on One One Niner Decimal One NORDIC One Three Two 01/04/2023 20:30:36 AudioInterrupts: 0 in UnInterruptAudio 20:30:36 InterruptAudio in SayItSpeak- Phrase: Tower on One One Niner Decimal One NORDIC One Three Two 01/04/2023 20:30:36 AudioInterrupts: 1 in InterruptAudio 20:30:36 Recognized Speech: Tower on One One Niner Decimal One NORDIC One Three Two 20:30:40 HandleFrequencyReadback 20:30:40 New Com1 Stby Freq: 119.1 CoPilot Changing Freq. StandbyController set to: ENBR Twr 119.10 01/04/2023 20:30:42 UnInterruptAudio in OnSayItSpeakCompleted 01/04/2023 20:30:42 AudioInterrupts: 0 in UnInterruptAudio 20:30:42 AssignedController: 119.1. CtlrShrtName: ENBR Twr CtlrType: Tower20:30:42 ControllerFreqChanged: 119.1. CtlrShrtName: ENBR Twr CtlrType: Tower20:30:42 New Com1 Stby Freq: 121.9 Com1StandbyFreqChanged: 121.9. CtlrShrtName: ENBR Gnd CtlrType: Ground20:30:43 InterruptAudio in SayItSpeak- Phrase: Tower NORDIC One Three Two ready for departure runway Three Five 01/04/2023 20:32:15 AudioInterrupts: 1 in InterruptAudio 20:32:15 Recognized Speech: Tower NORDIC One Three Two Ready for Departure Runway Three Five 20:32:20 State Changed to: ClearedForTakeoff 20:32 SpeakAltimeterSetting 20:32:20 State Changed to: TakeoffIFR 20:32 ControllerChanging: False : 01/04/2023 20:32:20 UnInterruptAudio in OnSayItSpeakCompleted 01/04/2023 20:32:20 AudioInterrupts: 0 in UnInterruptAudio 20:32:20 RespondToFlightTrigger 20:32:20 Trigger:PastLastSIDAltitudeRestriction RespondToFlightTriggerValidated 20:32:20 Trigger:PastLastSIDAltitudeRestriction InterruptAudio in SayPhrase: NORDIC One Three Two whinds are Zero Three Niner at Six knots QNH is Niner Niner Six Cleared For takeoff, Runway Three Five Squawk Four Two Three Zero 01/04/2023 20:32:20 AudioInterrupts: 1 in InterruptAudio 20:32:20 ATC Speak: NORDIC One Three Two whinds are Zero Three Niner at Six knots QNH is Niner Niner Six Cleared For takeoff, Runway Three Five Squawk Four Two Three Zero20:32:20 Sug Resp: ~Cleared For takeoff, Runway Three Five Squawking Four Two Three Zero 20:32:20 Retrieving weather from web successful at 01/04/2023 20:32:21 OnTTSWavePlaybackStopped 01/04/2023 20:32:30 UnInterruptAudio in OnTTSWavePlaybackStopped SugRes:~Cleared For takeoff, Runway Three Five Squawking Four Two Three Zero NORDIC One Three Two 01/04/2023 20:32:30 AudioInterrupts: 0 in UnInterruptAudio 20:32:30 InterruptAudio in SayItSpeak- Phrase: Cleared For takeoff, Runway Three Five Squawking Four Two Three Zero NORDIC One Three Two 01/04/2023 20:32:30 AudioInterrupts: 1 in InterruptAudio 20:32:30 Recognized Speech: Cleared for Takeoff Runway Three Five Squawking Four Two Three Zero NORDIC One Three Two 20:32:37 HandleTakeoffClearanceReadback 20:32:37 HandleSquawkCodeReadback 20:32:37 UnInterruptAudio in OnSayItSpeakCompleted 01/04/2023 20:32:37 AudioInterrupts: 0 in UnInterruptAudio 20:32:37 RespondToFlightTrigger 20:34:51 Trigger:ReachedTowerRadius RespondToFlightTriggerValidated 20:34:51 Trigger:ReachedTowerRadius rOnTowerRadiusReached 20:34:51 SpokenRandomSalutation 20:34:51 State Changed to: DepartureIFR 20:34 InterruptAudio in SayPhrase: NORDIC One Three Two Contact FLESLAND Radar Director on One One Eight Decimal Eight Five, enjoy your afternoon 01/04/2023 20:34:51 AudioInterrupts: 1 in InterruptAudio 20:34:51 ControllerChanging: True : 01/04/2023 20:34:51 ATC Speak: NORDIC One Three Two Contact FLESLAND Radar Director on One One Eight Decimal Eight Five, enjoy your afternoon 20:34:51 Sug Resp: ~Radar Director on One One Eight Decimal Eight Five20:34:51 OnTTSWavePlaybackStopped 01/04/2023 20:34:58 UnInterruptAudio in OnTTSWavePlaybackStopped SugRes:~Radar Director on One One Eight Decimal Eight Five NORDIC One Three Two 01/04/2023 20:34:58 AudioInterrupts: 0 in UnInterruptAudio 20:34:58 InterruptAudio in SayItSpeak- Phrase: Radar Director on One One Eight Decimal Eight Five NORDIC One Three Two 01/04/2023 20:34:58 AudioInterrupts: 1 in InterruptAudio 20:34:58 Recognized Speech: Radar Director on One One Eight Decimal Eight Five NORDIC One Three Two 20:35:03 HandleFrequencyReadback 20:35:03 New Com1 Stby Freq: 118.85 CoPilot Changing Freq. StandbyController set to: ENBR RdrDir 118.85 01/04/2023 20:35:04 UnInterruptAudio in OnSayItSpeakCompleted 01/04/2023 20:35:04 AudioInterrupts: 0 in UnInterruptAudio 20:35:04 AssignedController: 118.85. CtlrShrtName: ENBR RdrDir CtlrType: RadarDirector20:35:05 New Com1 Stby Freq: 119.1 Com1StandbyFreqChanged: 119.1. CtlrShrtName: ENBR Twr CtlrType: Tower20:35:06 InterruptAudio in SayItSpeak- Phrase: Radar Director NORDIC One Three Two climbing to Six Thousand feet 01/04/2023 20:35:07 AudioInterrupts: 1 in InterruptAudio 20:35:07 ControllerFreqChanged: 118.85. CtlrShrtName: ENBR RdrDir CtlrType: RadarDirector20:35:07 Recognized Speech: Radar Director NORDIC One Three Two Climbing to Six Thousand Feet 20:35:12 HandleInitialContact 20:35:12 SpokenRandomGreeting 20:35:12 HandleInitialDepartureContact 20:35:12 CheckSquawkCode 20:35:12 SpeakAltimeterSetting 20:35:12 SpeakAltimeterSetting 20:35:12 CheckAssignedAltitude: Old: 6000 New: 6000 Acft Indicated Alt: 2072 20:35:12 ControllerChanging: False : 01/04/2023 20:35:12 UnInterruptAudio in OnSayItSpeakCompleted 01/04/2023 20:35:12 AudioInterrupts: 0 in UnInterruptAudio 20:35:12 InterruptAudio in SayPhrase: NORDIC One Three Two good afternoon . Radar Contact. 01/04/2023 20:35:13 AudioInterrupts: 1 in InterruptAudio 20:35:13 ATC Speak: NORDIC One Three Two good afternoon . Radar Contact. 20:35:13 OnTTSWavePlaybackStopped 01/04/2023 20:35:18 UnInterruptAudio in OnTTSWavePlaybackStopped SugRes:Radar Director NORDIC One Three Two climbing to Six Thousand feet 01/04/2023 20:35:18 AudioInterrupts: 0 in UnInterruptAudio 20:35:18 RespondToFlightTrigger 20:35:39 Trigger:ReachedNextClimbAltitude RespondToFlightTriggerValidated 20:35:39 Trigger:ReachedNextClimbAltitude rOnReachedNextClimbAltitude: 6000; CurAlt: 2795; FPM: 2890; 20:35:39 NextAssignedAltitude is 11000 - 20:35:39 AssignedAltitude is 6000 - 20:35:39 CheckAlt - NextAssignedAltitude is 11000 - 20:35:39 CheckAlt - AssignedAltitude is 6000 - 20:35:39 CheckAssignedAltitude: Old: 6000 New: 11000 Acft Indicated Alt: 2795 20:35:39 InterruptAudio in SayPhrase: NORDIC One Three Two Climb to Flight Level One One Zero 01/04/2023 20:35:39 AudioInterrupts: 1 in InterruptAudio 20:35:39 ATC Speak: NORDIC One Three Two Climb to Flight Level One One Zero20:35:39 Sug Resp: ~ Climb to Flight Level One One Zero20:35:39 OnTTSWavePlaybackStopped 01/04/2023 20:35:43 UnInterruptAudio in OnTTSWavePlaybackStopped SugRes:~ Climb to Flight Level One One Zero NORDIC One Three Two 01/04/2023 20:35:43 AudioInterrupts: 0 in UnInterruptAudio 20:35:43 InterruptAudio in SayItSpeak- Phrase: Climb to Flight Level One One Zero NORDIC One Three Two 01/04/2023 20:35:43 AudioInterrupts: 1 in InterruptAudio 20:35:43 Recognized Speech: Climb to Flight Level One One Zero NORDIC One Three Two 20:35:47 HandleATCAssignedAltitudeReadback 20:35:47 UnInterruptAudio in OnSayItSpeakCompleted 01/04/2023 20:35:47 AudioInterrupts: 0 in UnInterruptAudio 20:35:47 RespondToFlightTrigger 20:36:20 Trigger:ReachedDepartureRadius RespondToFlightTriggerValidated 20:36:20 Trigger:ReachedDepartureRadius rOnDepartureRadiusReached 20:36:20 rOnReachedNextClimbAltitude: 11000; CurAlt: 5082; FPM: 3222; 20:36:20 ReachedLastClimbAltitude_CausedExit 20:36:20 SpokenRandomSalutation 20:36:21 State Changed to: EnRouteIFR 20:36 InterruptAudio in SayPhrase: NORDIC One Three Two Contact POLARIS Center on One Two Five Decimal Zero Five, have a nice day 01/04/2023 20:36:21 AudioInterrupts: 1 in InterruptAudio 20:36:21 ControllerChanging: True : 01/04/2023 20:36:21 ATC Speak: NORDIC One Three Two Contact POLARIS Center on One Two Five Decimal Zero Five, have a nice day 20:36:21 Sug Resp: ~ Center on One Two Five Decimal Zero Five take care 20:36:21 NoVectorSet - LeadTime: 94 Wpt: GOGUT OnTTSWavePlaybackStopped 01/04/2023 20:36:28 UnInterruptAudio in OnTTSWavePlaybackStopped SugRes:~ Center on One Two Five Decimal Zero Five take care NORDIC One Three Two 01/04/2023 20:36:28 AudioInterrupts: 0 in UnInterruptAudio 20:36:28 InterruptAudio in SayItSpeak- Phrase: Center on One Two Five Decimal Zero Five take care NORDIC One Three Two 01/04/2023 20:36:28 AudioInterrupts: 1 in InterruptAudio 20:36:28 Recognized Speech: Center on One Two Five Decimal Zero Five take care NORDIC One Three Two 20:36:33 HandleFrequencyReadback 20:36:33 New Com1 Stby Freq: 125.05 CoPilot Changing Freq. StandbyController set to: POLAR Ctr 125.05 01/04/2023 20:36:35 UnInterruptAudio in OnSayItSpeakCompleted 01/04/2023 20:36:35 AudioInterrupts: 0 in UnInterruptAudio 20:36:35 AssignedController: 125.05. CtlrShrtName: POLAR Ctr CtlrType: Center20:36:36 New Com1 Stby Freq: 118.85 Com1StandbyFreqChanged: 118.85. CtlrShrtName: ENBR RdrDir CtlrType: RadarDirector20:36:37 InterruptAudio in SayItSpeak- Phrase: Center NORDIC One Three Two climbing to Flight Level One One Zero 01/04/2023 20:36:38 AudioInterrupts: 1 in InterruptAudio 20:36:38 ControllerFreqChanged: 125.05. CtlrShrtName: POLAR Ctr CtlrType: Center20:36:38 Recognized Speech: Center NORDIC One Three Two Climbing to Flight Level One One Zero 20:36:43 HandleInitialContact 20:36:43 SpokenRandomGreeting 20:36:43 HandleInitialCenterContact 20:36:43 CheckSquawkCode 20:36:43 CheckAssignedAltitude: Old: 11000 New: 11000 Acft Indicated Alt: 6269 20:36:43 SpeakAltimeterSetting 20:36:43 ControllerChanging: False : 01/04/2023 20:36:43 UnInterruptAudio in OnSayItSpeakCompleted 01/04/2023 20:36:43 AudioInterrupts: 0 in UnInterruptAudio 20:36:43 InterruptAudio in SayPhrase: NORDIC One Three Two good afternoon . 01/04/2023 20:36:44 AudioInterrupts: 1 in InterruptAudio 20:36:44 ATC Speak: NORDIC One Three Two good afternoon . 20:36:44 Sug Resp: 20:36:44 NewATCWpt: BR821 OnTTSWavePlaybackStopped 01/04/2023 20:36:46 UnInterruptAudio in OnTTSWavePlaybackStopped SugRes:Center NORDIC One Three Two climbing to Flight Level One One Zero 01/04/2023 20:36:46 AudioInterrupts: 0 in UnInterruptAudio 20:36:46 RespondToFlightTrigger 20:36:47 Trigger:ReachedNextFltPlanWaypoint RespondToFlightTriggerValidated 20:36:47 Trigger:ReachedNextFltPlanWaypoint rOnReachedNextFltPlanWaypoint: BR821; 20:36:47 NewGPSWpt: BR821 Retrieving weather from web successful at 01/04/2023 20:37:24 Retrieving TAF from web successful at 01/04/2023 20:37:26 NewATCWpt: GISUK RespondToFlightTrigger 20:37:28 Trigger:ReachedNextFltPlanWaypoint RespondToFlightTriggerValidated 20:37:28 Trigger:ReachedNextFltPlanWaypoint rOnReachedNextFltPlanWaypoint: GISUK; 20:37:28 NewGPSWpt: GISUK NewGPSWpt: BR822 NewATCWpt: BR822 RespondToFlightTrigger 20:40:23 Trigger:ReachedNextFltPlanWaypoint RespondToFlightTriggerValidated 20:40:23 Trigger:ReachedNextFltPlanWaypoint rOnReachedNextFltPlanWaypoint: BR822; 20:40:23 ReachedArrivalSetup : TOD:60.93752 FirstSTARWpt:21.53241 FirstAPPRWpt:78.65126 APPRRadius:3.402823E+38 ReachedArrivalSetup triggered by normal means RespondToFlightTrigger 20:40:34 Trigger:ReachedArrivalSetup RespondToFlightTriggerValidated 20:40:34 Trigger:ReachedArrivalSetup rOnReachedArrivalSetup 20:40:34 AssignedAPPR: ILS - RW18 - I18-Z - AssignedRunway: RW18 - AssignedSTAR: RW18-BEGO2S-BEGOD - FltPlan ActiveAPPR: ILS - RW18 - I18-Z - ATC FlightPlan Changed InterruptAudio in SayPhrase: NORDIC One Three Two Expect the BEGO Two Sierra arrival with the BEGOD transition for the ILS Zulu approach to runway One Eight with the GOGUT transition at SOLA. 01/04/2023 20:40:34 AudioInterrupts: 1 in InterruptAudio 20:40:34 ATC Speak: NORDIC One Three Two Expect the BEGO Two Sierra arrival with the BEGOD transition for the ILS Zulu approach to runway One Eight with the GOGUT transition at SOLA. 20:40:34 Sug Resp: ~Expect the BEGO Two Sierra arrival with the BEGOD transition for the ILS Zulu approach to runway One Eight with the GOGUT transition 20:40:34 OnTTSWavePlaybackStopped 01/04/2023 20:40:43 UnInterruptAudio in OnTTSWavePlaybackStopped SugRes:~Expect the BEGO Two Sierra arrival with the BEGOD transition for the ILS Zulu approach to runway One Eight with the GOGUT transition NORDIC One Three Two 01/04/2023 20:40:43 AudioInterrupts: 0 in UnInterruptAudio 20:40:43 InterruptAudio in SayItSpeak- Phrase: Expect the BEGO Two Sierra arrival with the BEGOD transition for the ILS Zulu approach to runway One Eight with the GOGUT transition NORDIC One Three Two 01/04/2023 20:40:43 AudioInterrupts: 1 in InterruptAudio 20:40:43 Speech Rejected: No Speech Recognized01/04/2023 20:40:52 Speech Rejected UnInterruptAudio in OnSayItSpeakCompleted 01/04/2023 20:40:52 AudioInterrupts: 0 in UnInterruptAudio 20:40:52 NewGPSWpt: SOGTI NewATCWpt: SOGTI RespondToFlightTrigger 20:41:41 Trigger:ReachedNextFltPlanWaypoint RespondToFlightTriggerValidated 20:41:41 Trigger:ReachedNextFltPlanWaypoint rOnReachedNextFltPlanWaypoint: SOGTI; 20:41:41 Retrieving TAF from web successful at 01/04/2023 20:42:27 Retrieving weather from web successful at 01/04/2023 20:42:27 NewGPSWpt: BEGOD NewATCWpt: BEGOD RespondToFlightTrigger 20:45:50 Trigger:ReachedNextFltPlanWaypoint RespondToFlightTriggerValidated 20:45:50 Trigger:ReachedNextFltPlanWaypoint rOnReachedNextFltPlanWaypoint: BEGOD; 20:45:50 RespondToFlightTrigger 20:46:11 Trigger:ReachedFirstSTARWaypoint RespondToFlightTriggerValidated 20:46:11 Trigger:ReachedFirstSTARWaypoint rOnFirstSTARWaypointReached 20:46:11 State Changed to: STARDescent 20:46 SpeakAltimeterSetting 20:46:11 SpeakAltimeterSetting 20:46:11 InterruptAudio in SayPhrase: NORDIC One Three Two Descend via the BEGO Two Sierra arrival with the BEGOD transition to cross GOGUT at or above Four Thousand Four Hundred feet QNH is Niner Niner Three at SOLA 01/04/2023 20:46:11 AudioInterrupts: 1 in InterruptAudio 20:46:11 ATC Speak: NORDIC One Three Two Descend via the BEGO Two Sierra arrival with the BEGOD transition to cross GOGUT at or above Four Thousand Four Hundred feet QNH is Niner Niner Three at SOLA20:46:11 Sug Resp: ~Descend via the BEGO Two Sierra arrival with the BEGOD transition to cross GOGUT at or above Four Thousand Four Hundred feet QNH is Niner Niner Three20:46:11 Retrieving weather from web successful at 01/04/2023 20:46:12 OnTTSWavePlaybackStopped 01/04/2023 20:46:22 UnInterruptAudio in OnTTSWavePlaybackStopped SugRes:~Descend via the BEGO Two Sierra arrival with the BEGOD transition to cross GOGUT at or above Four Thousand Four Hundred feet QNH is Niner Niner Three NORDIC One Three Two 01/04/2023 20:46:22 AudioInterrupts: 0 in UnInterruptAudio 20:46:22 InterruptAudio in SayItSpeak- Phrase: Descend via the BEGO Two Sierra arrival with the BEGOD transition to cross GOGUT at or above Four Thousand Four Hundred feet QNH is Niner Niner Three NORDIC One Three Two 01/04/2023 20:46:22 AudioInterrupts: 1 in InterruptAudio 20:46:22 Speech Rejected: No Speech Recognized01/04/2023 20:46:33 Speech Rejected UnInterruptAudio in OnSayItSpeakCompleted 01/04/2023 20:46:33 AudioInterrupts: 0 in UnInterruptAudio 20:46:33 NewGPSWpt: ZV500 NewATCWpt: ZV500 RespondToFlightTrigger 20:47:32 Trigger:ReachedNextSTARWaypoint RespondToFlightTriggerValidated 20:47:32 Trigger:ReachedNextSTARWaypoint rOnReachedNextSTARWaypoint 20:47:32 RespondToFlightTrigger 20:49:57 Trigger:ReachedApproachRadius RespondToFlightTriggerValidated 20:49:57 Trigger:ReachedApproachRadius rOnApproachRadiusReached 20:49:57 SpokenRandomSalutation 20:49:58 InterruptAudio in SayPhrase: NORDIC One Three Two Contact SOLA Approach on One One Niner Decimal Six, enjoy your afternoon 01/04/2023 20:49:58 AudioInterrupts: 1 in InterruptAudio 20:49:58 ControllerChanging: True : 01/04/2023 20:49:58 ATC Speak: NORDIC One Three Two Contact SOLA Approach on One One Niner Decimal Six, enjoy your afternoon 20:49:58 Sug Resp: ~Approach on One One Niner Decimal Six20:49:58 OnTTSWavePlaybackStopped 01/04/2023 20:50:04 UnInterruptAudio in OnTTSWavePlaybackStopped SugRes:~Approach on One One Niner Decimal Six NORDIC One Three Two 01/04/2023 20:50:04 AudioInterrupts: 0 in UnInterruptAudio 20:50:04 InterruptAudio in SayItSpeak- Phrase: Approach on One One Niner Decimal Six NORDIC One Three Two 01/04/2023 20:50:04 AudioInterrupts: 1 in InterruptAudio 20:50:04 NewGPSWpt: TOD PT NewATCWpt: TOD PT RespondToFlightTrigger 20:50:06 Trigger:ReachedNextSTARWaypoint RespondToFlightTriggerValidated 20:50:06 Trigger:ReachedNextSTARWaypoint rOnReachedNextSTARWaypoint 20:50:06 Recognized Speech: Approach on One One Niner Decimal Six NORDIC One Three Two 20:50:09 HandleFrequencyReadback 20:50:09 New Com1 Stby Freq: 119.6 CoPilot Changing Freq. StandbyController set to: ENZV App 119.60 01/04/2023 20:50:10 UnInterruptAudio in OnSayItSpeakCompleted 01/04/2023 20:50:10 AudioInterrupts: 0 in UnInterruptAudio 20:50:10 AssignedController: 119.6. CtlrShrtName: ENZV App CtlrType: Approach20:50:12 New Com1 Stby Freq: 125.05 Com1StandbyFreqChanged: 125.05. CtlrShrtName: POLAR Ctr CtlrType: Center20:50:12 InterruptAudio in SayItSpeak- Phrase: Approach NORDIC One Three Two descending to Four Thousand Four Hundred feet 01/04/2023 20:50:14 AudioInterrupts: 1 in InterruptAudio 20:50:14 ControllerFreqChanged: 119.6. CtlrShrtName: ENZV App CtlrType: Approach20:50:14 Recognized Speech: Approach NORDIC One Three Two Descending to Four Thousand Four Hundred Feet 20:50:19 HandleInitialContact 20:50:19 SpokenRandomGreeting 20:50:19 HandleInitialApproachContact 20:50:19 CheckSquawkCode 20:50:19 ControllerChanging: False : 01/04/2023 20:50:19 UnInterruptAudio in OnSayItSpeakCompleted 01/04/2023 20:50:19 AudioInterrupts: 0 in UnInterruptAudio 20:50:19 InterruptAudio in SayPhrase: NORDIC One Three Two good afternoon . Continue descent via the BEGO Two Sierra arrival, for the ILS Zulu approach to runway One Eight with the GOGUT transition at SOLA 01/04/2023 20:50:19 AudioInterrupts: 1 in InterruptAudio 20:50:19 ATC Speak: NORDIC One Three Two good afternoon . Continue descent via the BEGO Two Sierra arrival, for the ILS Zulu approach to runway One Eight with the GOGUT transition at SOLA20:50:19 Sug Resp: ~Continue descent via the BEGO Two Sierra arrival, for the ILS Zulu approach to runway One Eight with the GOGUT transition 20:50:19 OnTTSWavePlaybackStopped 01/04/2023 20:50:31 UnInterruptAudio in OnTTSWavePlaybackStopped SugRes:~Continue descent via the BEGO Two Sierra arrival, for the ILS Zulu approach to runway One Eight with the GOGUT transition NORDIC One Three Two 01/04/2023 20:50:31 AudioInterrupts: 0 in UnInterruptAudio 20:50:31 InterruptAudio in SayItSpeak- Phrase: Continue descent via the BEGO Two Sierra arrival, for the ILS Zulu approach to runway One Eight with the GOGUT transition NORDIC One Three Two 01/04/2023 20:50:31 AudioInterrupts: 1 in InterruptAudio 20:50:31 Speech Rejected: No Speech Recognized01/04/2023 20:50:39 Speech Rejected UnInterruptAudio in OnSayItSpeakCompleted 01/04/2023 20:50:39 AudioInterrupts: 0 in UnInterruptAudio 20:50:39 Retrieving weather from web successful at 01/04/2023 20:51:14 Retrieving TAF from web successful at 01/04/2023 20:51:16 NewGPSWpt: ZV635 NewATCWpt: ZV635 RespondToFlightTrigger 20:51:52 Trigger:ReachedNextSTARWaypoint RespondToFlightTriggerValidated 20:51:52 Trigger:ReachedNextSTARWaypoint rOnReachedNextSTARWaypoint 20:51:52 NewATCWpt: DIMAV RespondToFlightTrigger 20:53:05 Trigger:ReachedNextSTARWaypoint RespondToFlightTriggerValidated 20:53:05 Trigger:ReachedNextSTARWaypoint rOnReachedNextSTARWaypoint 20:53:05 NewGPSWpt: DIMAV NewATCWpt: ZV632 RespondToFlightTrigger 20:54:16 Trigger:ReachedNextSTARWaypoint RespondToFlightTriggerValidated 20:54:16 Trigger:ReachedNextSTARWaypoint rOnReachedNextSTARWaypoint 20:54:16 NewGPSWpt: ZV632 NewGPSWpt: ZV631 NewATCWpt: ZV631 RespondToFlightTrigger 20:55:23 Trigger:ReachedNextSTARWaypoint RespondToFlightTriggerValidated 20:55:23 Trigger:ReachedNextSTARWaypoint rOnReachedNextSTARWaypoint 20:55:23 NewGPSWpt: ZV630 NewATCWpt: ZV630 RespondToFlightTrigger 20:56:16 Trigger:ReachedNextSTARWaypoint RespondToFlightTriggerValidated 20:56:16 Trigger:ReachedNextSTARWaypoint rOnReachedNextSTARWaypoint 20:56:16 Retrieving weather from web successful at 01/04/2023 20:56:17 Retrieving TAF from web successful at 01/04/2023 20:56:18 NewGPSWpt: GOGUT NewATCWpt: GOGUT RespondToFlightTrigger 20:57:01 Trigger:ReachedNextSTARWaypoint RespondToFlightTriggerValidated 20:57:01 Trigger:ReachedNextSTARWaypoint rOnReachedNextSTARWaypoint 20:57:01 rOnLastSTARWaypointReached 20:57:01 RespondToFlightTrigger 20:58:48 Trigger:ReachedApproachStartWpt RespondToFlightTriggerValidated 20:58:48 Trigger:ReachedApproachStartWpt rOnReachedApproachStartWpt 20:58:48 State Changed to: ClearedForApproach 20:58 InterruptAudio in SayPhrase: NORDIC One Three Two You are One Seven nautical miles of SOLA airport. Cleared for the ILS approach to Runway One Eight at SOLA with the GOGUT transition 01/04/2023 20:58:48 AudioInterrupts: 1 in InterruptAudio 20:58:48 ATC Speak: NORDIC One Three Two You are One Seven nautical miles of SOLA airport. Cleared for the ILS approach to Runway One Eight at SOLA with the GOGUT transition 20:58:48 Sug Resp: ~ Cleared for the ILS approach to Runway One Eight with the GOGUT transition 20:58:48 OnTTSWavePlaybackStopped 01/04/2023 20:58:58 UnInterruptAudio in OnTTSWavePlaybackStopped SugRes:~ Cleared for the ILS approach to Runway One Eight with the GOGUT transition NORDIC One Three Two 01/04/2023 20:58:58 AudioInterrupts: 0 in UnInterruptAudio 20:58:58 InterruptAudio in SayItSpeak- Phrase: Cleared for the ILS approach to Runway One Eight with the GOGUT transition NORDIC One Three Two 01/04/2023 20:58:58 AudioInterrupts: 1 in InterruptAudio 20:58:58 Speech Rejected: No Speech Recognized01/04/2023 20:59:04 Speech Rejected UnInterruptAudio in OnSayItSpeakCompleted 01/04/2023 20:59:04 AudioInterrupts: 0 in UnInterruptAudio 20:59:04 NewATCWpt: RANAB NewGPSWpt: RANAB NewGPSWpt: RANAB RespondToFlightTrigger 21:00:20 Trigger:ReachedNextApproachWaypoint RespondToFlightTriggerValidated 21:00:20 Trigger:ReachedNextApproachWaypoint rOnReachedNextApproachWaypoint 21:00:20 RespondToFlightTrigger 21:00:21 Trigger:ReachedNextApproachWaypoint RespondToFlightTriggerValidated 21:00:21 Trigger:ReachedNextApproachWaypoint rOnReachedNextApproachWaypoint 21:00:21 RespondToFlightTrigger 21:00:22 Trigger:ReachedNextApproachWaypoint RespondToFlightTriggerValidated 21:00:22 Trigger:ReachedNextApproachWaypoint rOnReachedNextApproachWaypoint 21:00:22 RespondToFlightTrigger 21:00:23 Trigger:ReachedNextApproachWaypoint RespondToFlightTriggerValidated 21:00:23 Trigger:ReachedNextApproachWaypoint rOnReachedNextApproachWaypoint 21:00:23 RespondToFlightTrigger 21:00:24 Trigger:ReachedNextApproachWaypoint RespondToFlightTriggerValidated 21:00:24 Trigger:ReachedNextApproachWaypoint rOnReachedNextApproachWaypoint 21:00:24 RespondToFlightTrigger 21:00:25 Trigger:ReachedNextApproachWaypoint RespondToFlightTriggerValidated 21:00:25 Trigger:ReachedNextApproachWaypoint rOnReachedNextApproachWaypoint 21:00:25 RespondToFlightTrigger 21:00:26 Trigger:ReachedNextApproachWaypoint RespondToFlightTriggerValidated 21:00:26 Trigger:ReachedNextApproachWaypoint rOnReachedNextApproachWaypoint 21:00:26 RespondToFlightTrigger 21:00:27 Trigger:ReachedNextApproachWaypoint RespondToFlightTriggerValidated 21:00:27 Trigger:ReachedNextApproachWaypoint rOnReachedNextApproachWaypoint 21:00:27 RespondToFlightTrigger 21:00:28 Trigger:ReachedNextApproachWaypoint RespondToFlightTriggerValidated 21:00:28 Trigger:ReachedNextApproachWaypoint rOnReachedNextApproachWaypoint 21:00:28 RespondToFlightTrigger 21:00:29 Trigger:ReachedNextApproachWaypoint RespondToFlightTriggerValidated 21:00:29 Trigger:ReachedNextApproachWaypoint rOnReachedNextApproachWaypoint 21:00:29 RespondToFlightTrigger 21:00:30 Trigger:ReachedNextApproachWaypoint RespondToFlightTriggerValidated 21:00:30 Trigger:ReachedNextApproachWaypoint rOnReachedNextApproachWaypoint 21:00:30 RespondToFlightTrigger 21:00:31 Trigger:ReachedNextApproachWaypoint RespondToFlightTriggerValidated 21:00:31 Trigger:ReachedNextApproachWaypoint rOnReachedNextApproachWaypoint 21:00:31 RespondToFlightTrigger 21:00:32 Trigger:ReachedNextApproachWaypoint RespondToFlightTriggerValidated 21:00:32 Trigger:ReachedNextApproachWaypoint rOnReachedNextApproachWaypoint 21:00:32 RespondToFlightTrigger 21:00:33 Trigger:ReachedNextApproachWaypoint RespondToFlightTriggerValidated 21:00:33 Trigger:ReachedNextApproachWaypoint rOnReachedNextApproachWaypoint 21:00:33 RespondToFlightTrigger 21:00:34 Trigger:ReachedNextApproachWaypoint RespondToFlightTriggerValidated 21:00:34 Trigger:ReachedNextApproachWaypoint rOnReachedNextApproachWaypoint 21:00:34 RespondToFlightTrigger 21:00:35 Trigger:ReachedNextApproachWaypoint RespondToFlightTriggerValidated 21:00:35 Trigger:ReachedNextApproachWaypoint rOnReachedNextApproachWaypoint 21:00:35 RespondToFlightTrigger 21:00:36 Trigger:ReachedNextApproachWaypoint RespondToFlightTriggerValidated 21:00:36 Trigger:ReachedNextApproachWaypoint rOnReachedNextApproachWaypoint 21:00:36 RespondToFlightTrigger 21:00:37 Trigger:ReachedNextApproachWaypoint RespondToFlightTriggerValidated 21:00:37 Trigger:ReachedNextApproachWaypoint rOnReachedNextApproachWaypoint 21:00:37 RespondToFlightTrigger 21:00:38 Trigger:ReachedNextApproachWaypoint RespondToFlightTriggerValidated 21:00:38 Trigger:ReachedNextApproachWaypoint rOnReachedNextApproachWaypoint 21:00:38 RespondToFlightTrigger 21:00:39 Trigger:ReachedNextApproachWaypoint RespondToFlightTriggerValidated 21:00:39 Trigger:ReachedNextApproachWaypoint rOnReachedNextApproachWaypoint 21:00:39 RespondToFlightTrigger 21:00:40 Trigger:ReachedNextApproachWaypoint RespondToFlightTriggerValidated 21:00:40 Trigger:ReachedNextApproachWaypoint rOnReachedNextApproachWaypoint 21:00:40 RespondToFlightTrigger 21:00:41 Trigger:ReachedNextApproachWaypoint RespondToFlightTriggerValidated 21:00:41 Trigger:ReachedNextApproachWaypoint rOnReachedNextApproachWaypoint 21:00:41 RespondToFlightTrigger 21:00:42 Trigger:ReachedNextApproachWaypoint RespondToFlightTriggerValidated 21:00:42 Trigger:ReachedNextApproachWaypoint rOnReachedNextApproachWaypoint 21:00:42 RespondToFlightTrigger 21:00:43 Trigger:ReachedNextApproachWaypoint RespondToFlightTriggerValidated 21:00:43 Trigger:ReachedNextApproachWaypoint rOnReachedNextApproachWaypoint 21:00:43 RespondToFlightTrigger 21:00:44 Trigger:ReachedNextApproachWaypoint RespondToFlightTriggerValidated 21:00:44 Trigger:ReachedNextApproachWaypoint rOnReachedNextApproachWaypoint 21:00:44 RespondToFlightTrigger 21:00:45 Trigger:ReachedNextApproachWaypoint RespondToFlightTriggerValidated 21:00:45 Trigger:ReachedNextApproachWaypoint rOnReachedNextApproachWaypoint 21:00:45 RespondToFlightTrigger 21:00:46 Trigger:ReachedNextApproachWaypoint RespondToFlightTriggerValidated 21:00:46 Trigger:ReachedNextApproachWaypoint rOnReachedNextApproachWaypoint 21:00:46 RespondToFlightTrigger 21:00:47 Trigger:ReachedNextApproachWaypoint RespondToFlightTriggerValidated 21:00:47 Trigger:ReachedNextApproachWaypoint rOnReachedNextApproachWaypoint 21:00:47 RespondToFlightTrigger 21:00:48 Trigger:ReachedNextApproachWaypoint RespondToFlightTriggerValidated 21:00:48 Trigger:ReachedNextApproachWaypoint rOnReachedNextApproachWaypoint 21:00:48 RespondToFlightTrigger 21:00:49 Trigger:ReachedNextApproachWaypoint RespondToFlightTriggerValidated 21:00:49 Trigger:ReachedNextApproachWaypoint rOnReachedNextApproachWaypoint 21:00:49 RespondToFlightTrigger 21:00:50 Trigger:ReachedNextApproachWaypoint RespondToFlightTriggerValidated 21:00:50 Trigger:ReachedNextApproachWaypoint rOnReachedNextApproachWaypoint 21:00:50 RespondToFlightTrigger 21:00:51 Trigger:ReachedNextApproachWaypoint RespondToFlightTriggerValidated 21:00:51 Trigger:ReachedNextApproachWaypoint rOnReachedNextApproachWaypoint 21:00:51 RespondToFlightTrigger 21:00:52 Trigger:ReachedNextApproachWaypoint RespondToFlightTriggerValidated 21:00:52 Trigger:ReachedNextApproachWaypoint rOnReachedNextApproachWaypoint 21:00:52 RespondToFlightTrigger 21:00:53 Trigger:ReachedNextApproachWaypoint RespondToFlightTriggerValidated 21:00:53 Trigger:ReachedNextApproachWaypoint rOnReachedNextApproachWaypoint 21:00:53 RespondToFlightTrigger 21:00:54 Trigger:ReachedNextApproachWaypoint RespondToFlightTriggerValidated 21:00:54 Trigger:ReachedNextApproachWaypoint rOnReachedNextApproachWaypoint 21:00:54 RespondToFlightTrigger 21:00:55 Trigger:ReachedNextApproachWaypoint RespondToFlightTriggerValidated 21:00:55 Trigger:ReachedNextApproachWaypoint rOnReachedNextApproachWaypoint 21:00:55 RespondToFlightTrigger 21:00:56 Trigger:ReachedNextApproachWaypoint RespondToFlightTriggerValidated 21:00:56 Trigger:ReachedNextApproachWaypoint rOnReachedNextApproachWaypoint 21:00:56 RespondToFlightTrigger 21:00:57 Trigger:ReachedNextApproachWaypoint RespondToFlightTriggerValidated 21:00:57 Trigger:ReachedNextApproachWaypoint rOnReachedNextApproachWaypoint 21:00:57 RespondToFlightTrigger 21:00:58 Trigger:ReachedNextApproachWaypoint RespondToFlightTriggerValidated 21:00:58 Trigger:ReachedNextApproachWaypoint rOnReachedNextApproachWaypoint 21:00:58 RespondToFlightTrigger 21:00:59 Trigger:ReachedNextApproachWaypoint RespondToFlightTriggerValidated 21:00:59 Trigger:ReachedNextApproachWaypoint rOnReachedNextApproachWaypoint 21:00:59 RespondToFlightTrigger 21:01:00 Trigger:ReachedNextApproachWaypoint RespondToFlightTriggerValidated 21:01:00 Trigger:ReachedNextApproachWaypoint rOnReachedNextApproachWaypoint 21:01:00 RespondToFlightTrigger 21:01:01 Trigger:ReachedNextApproachWaypoint RespondToFlightTriggerValidated 21:01:01 Trigger:ReachedNextApproachWaypoint rOnReachedNextApproachWaypoint 21:01:01 RespondToFlightTrigger 21:01:02 Trigger:ReachedNextApproachWaypoint RespondToFlightTriggerValidated 21:01:02 Trigger:ReachedNextApproachWaypoint rOnReachedNextApproachWaypoint 21:01:02 RespondToFlightTrigger 21:01:03 Trigger:ReachedNextApproachWaypoint RespondToFlightTriggerValidated 21:01:03 Trigger:ReachedNextApproachWaypoint rOnReachedNextApproachWaypoint 21:01:03 RespondToFlightTrigger 21:01:04 Trigger:ReachedNextApproachWaypoint RespondToFlightTriggerValidated 21:01:04 Trigger:ReachedNextApproachWaypoint rOnReachedNextApproachWaypoint 21:01:04 RespondToFlightTrigger 21:01:05 Trigger:ReachedNextApproachWaypoint RespondToFlightTriggerValidated 21:01:05 Trigger:ReachedNextApproachWaypoint rOnReachedNextApproachWaypoint 21:01:05 RespondToFlightTrigger 21:01:06 Trigger:ReachedNextApproachWaypoint RespondToFlightTriggerValidated 21:01:06 Trigger:ReachedNextApproachWaypoint rOnReachedNextApproachWaypoint 21:01:06 RespondToFlightTrigger 21:01:07 Trigger:ReachedNextApproachWaypoint RespondToFlightTriggerValidated 21:01:07 Trigger:ReachedNextApproachWaypoint rOnReachedNextApproachWaypoint 21:01:07 RespondToFlightTrigger 21:01:08 Trigger:ReachedNextApproachWaypoint RespondToFlightTriggerValidated 21:01:08 Trigger:ReachedNextApproachWaypoint rOnReachedNextApproachWaypoint 21:01:08 RespondToFlightTrigger 21:01:09 Trigger:ReachedNextApproachWaypoint RespondToFlightTriggerValidated 21:01:09 Trigger:ReachedNextApproachWaypoint rOnReachedNextApproachWaypoint 21:01:09 RespondToFlightTrigger 21:01:10 Trigger:ReachedNextApproachWaypoint RespondToFlightTriggerValidated 21:01:10 Trigger:ReachedNextApproachWaypoint rOnReachedNextApproachWaypoint 21:01:10 RespondToFlightTrigger 21:01:11 Trigger:ReachedNextApproachWaypoint RespondToFlightTriggerValidated 21:01:11 Trigger:ReachedNextApproachWaypoint rOnReachedNextApproachWaypoint 21:01:11 RespondToFlightTrigger 21:01:12 Trigger:ReachedNextApproachWaypoint RespondToFlightTriggerValidated 21:01:12 Trigger:ReachedNextApproachWaypoint rOnReachedNextApproachWaypoint 21:01:12 RespondToFlightTrigger 21:01:13 Trigger:ReachedNextApproachWaypoint RespondToFlightTriggerValidated 21:01:13 Trigger:ReachedNextApproachWaypoint rOnReachedNextApproachWaypoint 21:01:13 RespondToFlightTrigger 21:01:14 Trigger:ReachedNextApproachWaypoint RespondToFlightTriggerValidated 21:01:14 Trigger:ReachedNextApproachWaypoint rOnReachedNextApproachWaypoint 21:01:14 RespondToFlightTrigger 21:01:15 Trigger:ReachedNextApproachWaypoint RespondToFlightTriggerValidated 21:01:15 Trigger:ReachedNextApproachWaypoint rOnReachedNextApproachWaypoint 21:01:15 RespondToFlightTrigger 21:01:16 Trigger:ReachedNextApproachWaypoint RespondToFlightTriggerValidated 21:01:16 Trigger:ReachedNextApproachWaypoint rOnReachedNextApproachWaypoint 21:01:16 RespondToFlightTrigger 21:01:17 Trigger:ReachedNextApproachWaypoint RespondToFlightTriggerValidated 21:01:17 Trigger:ReachedNextApproachWaypoint rOnReachedNextApproachWaypoint 21:01:17 RespondToFlightTrigger 21:01:18 Trigger:ReachedNextApproachWaypoint RespondToFlightTriggerValidated 21:01:18 Trigger:ReachedNextApproachWaypoint rOnReachedNextApproachWaypoint 21:01:18 Retrieving weather from web successful at 01/04/2023 21:01:19 RespondToFlightTrigger 21:01:19 Trigger:ReachedNextApproachWaypoint RespondToFlightTriggerValidated 21:01:19 Trigger:ReachedNextApproachWaypoint rOnReachedNextApproachWaypoint 21:01:19 Retrieving TAF from web successful at 01/04/2023 21:01:20 RespondToFlightTrigger 21:01:20 Trigger:ReachedNextApproachWaypoint RespondToFlightTriggerValidated 21:01:20 Trigger:ReachedNextApproachWaypoint rOnReachedNextApproachWaypoint 21:01:20 RespondToFlightTrigger 21:01:21 Trigger:ReachedNextApproachWaypoint RespondToFlightTriggerValidated 21:01:21 Trigger:ReachedNextApproachWaypoint rOnReachedNextApproachWaypoint 21:01:21 RespondToFlightTrigger 21:01:22 Trigger:ReachedNextApproachWaypoint RespondToFlightTriggerValidated 21:01:22 Trigger:ReachedNextApproachWaypoint rOnReachedNextApproachWaypoint 21:01:22 RespondToFlightTrigger 21:01:23 Trigger:ReachedNextApproachWaypoint RespondToFlightTriggerValidated 21:01:23 Trigger:ReachedNextApproachWaypoint rOnReachedNextApproachWaypoint 21:01:23 RespondToFlightTrigger 21:01:24 Trigger:ReachedNextApproachWaypoint RespondToFlightTriggerValidated 21:01:24 Trigger:ReachedNextApproachWaypoint rOnReachedNextApproachWaypoint 21:01:24 RespondToFlightTrigger 21:01:25 Trigger:ReachedNextApproachWaypoint RespondToFlightTriggerValidated 21:01:25 Trigger:ReachedNextApproachWaypoint rOnReachedNextApproachWaypoint 21:01:25 RespondToFlightTrigger 21:01:26 Trigger:ReachedNextApproachWaypoint RespondToFlightTriggerValidated 21:01:26 Trigger:ReachedNextApproachWaypoint rOnReachedNextApproachWaypoint 21:01:26 RespondToFlightTrigger 21:01:27 Trigger:ReachedNextApproachWaypoint RespondToFlightTriggerValidated 21:01:27 Trigger:ReachedNextApproachWaypoint rOnReachedNextApproachWaypoint 21:01:27 RespondToFlightTrigger 21:01:28 Trigger:ReachedNextApproachWaypoint RespondToFlightTriggerValidated 21:01:28 Trigger:ReachedNextApproachWaypoint rOnReachedNextApproachWaypoint 21:01:28 RespondToFlightTrigger 21:01:29 Trigger:ReachedNextApproachWaypoint RespondToFlightTriggerValidated 21:01:29 Trigger:ReachedNextApproachWaypoint rOnReachedNextApproachWaypoint 21:01:29 RespondToFlightTrigger 21:01:30 Trigger:ReachedNextApproachWaypoint RespondToFlightTriggerValidated 21:01:30 Trigger:ReachedNextApproachWaypoint rOnReachedNextApproachWaypoint 21:01:30 RespondToFlightTrigger 21:01:31 Trigger:ReachedNextApproachWaypoint RespondToFlightTriggerValidated 21:01:31 Trigger:ReachedNextApproachWaypoint rOnReachedNextApproachWaypoint 21:01:31 RespondToFlightTrigger 21:01:32 Trigger:ReachedNextApproachWaypoint RespondToFlightTriggerValidated 21:01:32 Trigger:ReachedNextApproachWaypoint rOnReachedNextApproachWaypoint 21:01:32 RespondToFlightTrigger 21:01:33 Trigger:ReachedNextApproachWaypoint RespondToFlightTriggerValidated 21:01:33 Trigger:ReachedNextApproachWaypoint rOnReachedNextApproachWaypoint 21:01:33 RespondToFlightTrigger 21:01:34 Trigger:ReachedNextApproachWaypoint RespondToFlightTriggerValidated 21:01:34 Trigger:ReachedNextApproachWaypoint rOnReachedNextApproachWaypoint 21:01:34 RespondToFlightTrigger 21:01:36 Trigger:ReachedNextApproachWaypoint RespondToFlightTriggerValidated 21:01:36 Trigger:ReachedNextApproachWaypoint rOnReachedNextApproachWaypoint 21:01:36 RespondToFlightTrigger 21:01:37 Trigger:ReachedNextApproachWaypoint RespondToFlightTriggerValidated 21:01:37 Trigger:ReachedNextApproachWaypoint rOnReachedNextApproachWaypoint 21:01:37 RespondToFlightTrigger 21:01:38 Trigger:ReachedNextApproachWaypoint RespondToFlightTriggerValidated 21:01:38 Trigger:ReachedNextApproachWaypoint rOnReachedNextApproachWaypoint 21:01:38 RespondToFlightTrigger 21:01:39 Trigger:ReachedNextApproachWaypoint RespondToFlightTriggerValidated 21:01:39 Trigger:ReachedNextApproachWaypoint rOnReachedNextApproachWaypoint 21:01:39 RespondToFlightTrigger 21:01:40 Trigger:ReachedNextApproachWaypoint RespondToFlightTriggerValidated 21:01:40 Trigger:ReachedNextApproachWaypoint rOnReachedNextApproachWaypoint 21:01:40 RespondToFlightTrigger 21:01:41 Trigger:ReachedNextApproachWaypoint RespondToFlightTriggerValidated 21:01:41 Trigger:ReachedNextApproachWaypoint rOnReachedNextApproachWaypoint 21:01:41 RespondToFlightTrigger 21:01:42 Trigger:ReachedNextApproachWaypoint RespondToFlightTriggerValidated 21:01:42 Trigger:ReachedNextApproachWaypoint rOnReachedNextApproachWaypoint 21:01:42 RespondToFlightTrigger 21:01:43 Trigger:ReachedNextApproachWaypoint RespondToFlightTriggerValidated 21:01:43 Trigger:ReachedNextApproachWaypoint rOnReachedNextApproachWaypoint 21:01:43 RespondToFlightTrigger 21:01:44 Trigger:ReachedNextApproachWaypoint RespondToFlightTriggerValidated 21:01:44 Trigger:ReachedNextApproachWaypoint rOnReachedNextApproachWaypoint 21:01:44 RespondToFlightTrigger 21:01:45 Trigger:ReachedNextApproachWaypoint RespondToFlightTriggerValidated 21:01:45 Trigger:ReachedNextApproachWaypoint rOnReachedNextApproachWaypoint 21:01:45 RespondToFlightTrigger 21:01:46 Trigger:ReachedNextApproachWaypoint RespondToFlightTriggerValidated 21:01:46 Trigger:ReachedNextApproachWaypoint rOnReachedNextApproachWaypoint 21:01:46 RespondToFlightTrigger 21:01:47 Trigger:ReachedNextApproachWaypoint RespondToFlightTriggerValidated 21:01:47 Trigger:ReachedNextApproachWaypoint rOnReachedNextApproachWaypoint 21:01:47 RespondToFlightTrigger 21:01:48 Trigger:ReachedNextApproachWaypoint RespondToFlightTriggerValidated 21:01:48 Trigger:ReachedNextApproachWaypoint rOnReachedNextApproachWaypoint 21:01:48 RespondToFlightTrigger 21:01:49 Trigger:ReachedNextApproachWaypoint RespondToFlightTriggerValidated 21:01:49 Trigger:ReachedNextApproachWaypoint rOnReachedNextApproachWaypoint 21:01:49 RespondToFlightTrigger 21:01:50 Trigger:ReachedNextApproachWaypoint RespondToFlightTriggerValidated 21:01:50 Trigger:ReachedNextApproachWaypoint rOnReachedNextApproachWaypoint 21:01:50 RespondToFlightTrigger 21:01:51 Trigger:ReachedNextApproachWaypoint RespondToFlightTriggerValidated 21:01:51 Trigger:ReachedNextApproachWaypoint rOnReachedNextApproachWaypoint 21:01:51 RespondToFlightTrigger 21:01:52 Trigger:ReachedNextApproachWaypoint RespondToFlightTriggerValidated 21:01:52 Trigger:ReachedNextApproachWaypoint rOnReachedNextApproachWaypoint 21:01:52 NewGPSWpt: RANAB RespondToFlightTrigger 21:01:53 Trigger:ReachedNextApproachWaypoint RespondToFlightTriggerValidated 21:01:53 Trigger:ReachedNextApproachWaypoint rOnReachedNextApproachWaypoint 21:01:53 NewATCWpt: RANAB NewGPSWpt: RANAB NewGPSWpt: NEPMO RespondToFlightTrigger 21:01:54 Trigger:ReachedNextApproachWaypoint RespondToFlightTriggerValidated 21:01:54 Trigger:ReachedNextApproachWaypoint rOnReachedNextApproachWaypoint 21:01:54 NewATCWpt: NEPMO NewGPSWpt: NEPMO RespondToFlightTrigger 21:01:55 Trigger:ReachedApproachInitialFix RespondToFlightTriggerValidated 21:01:55 Trigger:ReachedApproachInitialFix rOnReachedApproachInitialFix 21:01:55 AssignedRunway: RW18 - SpeakAltimeterSetting 21:01:55 SpeakAltimeterSetting 21:01:55 SpokenRandomSalutation 21:01:55 InterruptAudio in SayPhrase: NORDIC One Three Two QNH is Niner Niner Four at SOLA Contact Tower on One One Eight Decimal Three Five, have a good afternoon 01/04/2023 21:01:55 AudioInterrupts: 1 in InterruptAudio 21:01:55 ControllerChanging: True : 01/04/2023 21:01:55 ATC Speak: NORDIC One Three Two QNH is Niner Niner Four at SOLA Contact Tower on One One Eight Decimal Three Five, have a good afternoon 21:01:55 Sug Resp: ~ QNH is Niner Niner Four Tower on One One Eight Decimal Three Five21:01:55 Retrieving weather from web successful at 01/04/2023 21:01:56 OnTTSWavePlaybackStopped 01/04/2023 21:02:03 UnInterruptAudio in OnTTSWavePlaybackStopped SugRes:~ QNH is Niner Niner Four Tower on One One Eight Decimal Three Five NORDIC One Three Two 01/04/2023 21:02:03 AudioInterrupts: 0 in UnInterruptAudio 21:02:03 InterruptAudio in SayItSpeak- Phrase: QNH is Niner Niner Four Tower on One One Eight Decimal Three Five NORDIC One Three Two 01/04/2023 21:02:03 AudioInterrupts: 1 in InterruptAudio 21:02:03 Recognized Speech: QNH is Niner Niner Four Tower on One One Eight Decimal Three Five NORDIC One Three Two 21:02:10 HandleAltimeterReadback 21:02:10 HandleFrequencyReadback 21:02:10 New Com1 Stby Freq: 118.35 CoPilot Changing Freq. StandbyController set to: ENZV Twr 118.35 01/04/2023 21:02:12 UnInterruptAudio in OnSayItSpeakCompleted 01/04/2023 21:02:12 AudioInterrupts: 0 in UnInterruptAudio 21:02:12 AssignedController: 118.35. CtlrShrtName: ENZV Twr CtlrType: Tower21:02:12 New Com1 Stby Freq: 119.6 Com1StandbyFreqChanged: 119.6. CtlrShrtName: ENZV App CtlrType: Approach21:02:13 InterruptAudio in SayItSpeak- Phrase: Tower NORDIC One Three Two inbound for ILS approach Runway One Eight 01/04/2023 21:02:15 AudioInterrupts: 1 in InterruptAudio 21:02:15 ControllerFreqChanged: 118.35. CtlrShrtName: ENZV Twr CtlrType: Tower21:02:15 Recognized Speech: Tower NORDIC One Three Two Inbound for ILS Approach Runway One Eight 21:02:20 HandleInitialContact 21:02:20 SpokenRandomGreeting 21:02:20 HandleInitialTowerContact 21:02:20 AssignedRunway: RW18 - CheckSquawkCode 21:02:20 SpeakAltimeterSetting 21:02:20 SpeakAltimeterSetting 21:02:20 ControllerChanging: False : 01/04/2023 21:02:20 UnInterruptAudio in OnSayItSpeakCompleted 01/04/2023 21:02:20 AudioInterrupts: 0 in UnInterruptAudio 21:02:20 InterruptAudio in SayPhrase: NORDIC One Three Two good afternoon . Continue ILS to Runway One Eight Call when established on Final 01/04/2023 21:02:20 AudioInterrupts: 1 in InterruptAudio 21:02:20 ATC Speak: NORDIC One Three Two good afternoon . Continue ILS to Runway One Eight Call when established on Final 21:02:20 Sug Resp: ~Continue ILS approach to Runway One Eight Will call when established on final 21:02:20 OnTTSWavePlaybackStopped 01/04/2023 21:02:27 UnInterruptAudio in OnTTSWavePlaybackStopped SugRes:~Continue ILS approach to Runway One Eight Will call when established on final NORDIC One Three Two 01/04/2023 21:02:27 AudioInterrupts: 0 in UnInterruptAudio 21:02:27 InterruptAudio in SayItSpeak- Phrase: Continue ILS approach to Runway One Eight Will call when established on final NORDIC One Three Two 01/04/2023 21:02:27 AudioInterrupts: 1 in InterruptAudio 21:02:27 Recognized Speech: continue ILS Approach to Runway One Eight will call when established on Final NORDIC One Three Two 21:02:34 HandleExpectedApproachReadback 21:02:34 UnInterruptAudio in OnSayItSpeakCompleted 01/04/2023 21:02:34 AudioInterrupts: 0 in UnInterruptAudio 21:02:34 NewGPSWpt: ENZV RespondToFlightTrigger 21:02:59 Trigger:ReachedNextApproachWaypoint RespondToFlightTriggerValidated 21:02:59 Trigger:ReachedNextApproachWaypoint rOnReachedNextApproachWaypoint 21:02:59 NewATCWpt: ENZV NewGPSWpt: ENZV InterruptAudio in SayItSpeak- Phrase: NORDIC One Three Two on final runway One Eight 01/04/2023 21:03:18 AudioInterrupts: 1 in InterruptAudio 21:03:18 Recognized Speech: NORDIC One Three Two on Final Runway One Eight 21:03:22 HandleOnFinalContact 21:03:22 State Changed to: ClearedToLand 21:03 UnInterruptAudio in OnSayItSpeakCompleted 01/04/2023 21:03:22 AudioInterrupts: 0 in UnInterruptAudio 21:03:22 InterruptAudio in SayPhrase: NORDIC One Three Two whinds are Zero Seven Eight at One Two knots Cleared to Land Runway One Eight 01/04/2023 21:03:23 AudioInterrupts: 1 in InterruptAudio 21:03:23 ATC Speak: NORDIC One Three Two whinds are Zero Seven Eight at One Two knots Cleared to Land Runway One Eight21:03:23 Sug Resp: ~Cleared to land runway One Eight 21:03:23 OnTTSWavePlaybackStopped 01/04/2023 21:03:28 UnInterruptAudio in OnTTSWavePlaybackStopped SugRes:~Cleared to land runway One Eight NORDIC One Three Two 01/04/2023 21:03:28 AudioInterrupts: 0 in UnInterruptAudio 21:03:28 InterruptAudio in SayItSpeak- Phrase: Cleared to land runway One Eight NORDIC One Three Two 01/04/2023 21:03:28 AudioInterrupts: 1 in InterruptAudio 21:03:28 Recognized Speech: Cleared to Land Runway One Eight NORDIC One Three Two 21:03:32 HandleLandingClearanceReadback 21:03:32 UnInterruptAudio in OnSayItSpeakCompleted 01/04/2023 21:03:32 AudioInterrupts: 0 in UnInterruptAudio 21:03:32 RespondToFlightTrigger 21:04:58 Trigger:LandingTouchdown RespondToFlightTriggerValidated 21:04:58 Trigger:LandingTouchdown rOnAircraftTouchdown 21:04:58 State Changed to: LandingRoll 21:04 State Changed to: Initialized 21:04 InterruptAudio in SayPhrase: NORDIC One Three Two exit runway when able. 01/04/2023 21:04:58 AudioInterrupts: 1 in InterruptAudio 21:04:58 ATC Speak: NORDIC One Three Two exit runway when able. 21:04:58 Sug Resp: ~NORDIC One Three Two is Clear of Active 21:04:58 OnTTSWavePlaybackStopped 01/04/2023 21:05:01 UnInterruptAudio in OnTTSWavePlaybackStopped SugRes:~NORDIC One Three Two is Clear of Active 01/04/2023 21:05:01 AudioInterrupts: 0 in UnInterruptAudio 21:05:01 InterruptAudio in SayItSpeak- Phrase: NORDIC One Three Two turning final for Touch and Go runway One Eight 01/04/2023 21:05:52 AudioInterrupts: 1 in InterruptAudio 21:05:52 Recognized Speech: NORDIC One Three Two turning Final for Touch and Go Runway One Eight 21:05:57 UnInterruptAudio in OnSayItSpeakCompleted 01/04/2023 21:05:57 AudioInterrupts: 0 in UnInterruptAudio 21:05:57 InterruptAudio in SayItSpeak- Phrase: NORDIC One Three Two is Clear of Active 01/04/2023 21:05:58 AudioInterrupts: 1 in InterruptAudio 21:05:58 Recognized Speech: NORDIC One Three Two is clear of Active 21:06:01 HandleClearOfActive 21:06:01 State Changed to: TaxiIn 21:06 SpokenRandomSalutation 21:06:01 UnInterruptAudio in OnSayItSpeakCompleted 01/04/2023 21:06:01 AudioInterrupts: 0 in UnInterruptAudio 21:06:01 InterruptAudio in SayPhrase: NORDIC One Three Two contact ground on One Two One Decimal Seven Five, have a good stay 01/04/2023 21:06:02 AudioInterrupts: 1 in InterruptAudio 21:06:02 ATC Speak: NORDIC One Three Two contact ground on One Two One Decimal Seven Five, have a good stay 21:06:02 Sug Resp: ~Ground on One Two One Decimal Seven Five 21:06:02 OnTTSWavePlaybackStopped 01/04/2023 21:06:08 UnInterruptAudio in OnTTSWavePlaybackStopped SugRes:~Ground on One Two One Decimal Seven Five NORDIC One Three Two 01/04/2023 21:06:08 AudioInterrupts: 0 in UnInterruptAudio 21:06:08 InterruptAudio in SayItSpeak- Phrase: Ground on One Two One Decimal Seven Five NORDIC One Three Two 01/04/2023 21:06:08 AudioInterrupts: 1 in InterruptAudio 21:06:08 Recognized Speech: Ground on One Two One Decimal Seven Five NORDIC One Three Two 21:06:13 HandleFrequencyReadback 21:06:13 New Com1 Stby Freq: 121.75 CoPilot Changing Freq. StandbyController set to: ENZV Gnd 121.75 01/04/2023 21:06:14 UnInterruptAudio in OnSayItSpeakCompleted 01/04/2023 21:06:14 AudioInterrupts: 0 in UnInterruptAudio 21:06:14 AssignedController: 121.75. CtlrShrtName: ENZV Gnd CtlrType: Ground21:06:15 ControllerFreqChanged: 121.75. CtlrShrtName: ENZV Gnd CtlrType: Ground21:06:15 New Com1 Stby Freq: 118.35 Com1StandbyFreqChanged: 118.35. CtlrShrtName: ENZV Twr CtlrType: Tower21:06:16 InterruptAudio in SayItSpeak- Phrase: NORDIC One Three Two back with you 01/04/2023 21:06:44 AudioInterrupts: 1 in InterruptAudio 21:06:44 Recognized Speech: NORDIC One Three Two Back with you 21:06:47 HandleBackOnFrequency 21:06:47 ControllerChanging: False : 01/04/2023 21:06:47 UnInterruptAudio in OnSayItSpeakCompleted 01/04/2023 21:06:47 AudioInterrupts: 0 in UnInterruptAudio 21:06:47 InterruptAudio in SayPhrase: NORDIC One Three Two roger 01/04/2023 21:06:48 AudioInterrupts: 1 in InterruptAudio 21:06:48 ATC Speak: NORDIC One Three Two roger 21:06:48 Sug Resp: 21:06:48 OnTTSWavePlaybackStopped 01/04/2023 21:06:50 UnInterruptAudio in OnTTSWavePlaybackStopped SugRes:NORDIC One Three Two back with you 01/04/2023 21:06:50 AudioInterrupts: 0 in UnInterruptAudio 21:06:50 Retrieving weather from web successful at 01/04/2023 21:06:58 Retrieving TAF from web successful at 01/04/2023 21:06:59 InterruptAudio in SayItSpeak- Phrase: NORDIC One Three Two request taxi to the Gate 01/04/2023 21:07:00 AudioInterrupts: 1 in InterruptAudio 21:07:00 Recognized Speech: NORDIC One Three Two Request Taxi to the Gate 21:07:03 HandleTaxiRequest 21:07:03 UnInterruptAudio in OnSayItSpeakCompleted 01/04/2023 21:07:08 AudioInterrupts: 0 in UnInterruptAudio 21:07:08 InterruptAudio in SayPhrase: NORDIC One Three Two Taxi to Stand one two Via taxiways Papa, Lima Three, 01/04/2023 21:07:08 AudioInterrupts: 1 in InterruptAudio 21:07:08 ATC Speak: NORDIC One Three Two Taxi to Stand one two Via taxiways Papa, Lima Three, 21:07:09 Sug Resp: ~ Taxi to Stand one two Via taxiways Papa, Lima Three, 21:07:09 OnTTSWavePlaybackStopped 01/04/2023 21:07:14 UnInterruptAudio in OnTTSWavePlaybackStopped SugRes:~ Taxi to Stand one two Via taxiways Papa, Lima Three, NORDIC One Three Two 01/04/2023 21:07:14 AudioInterrupts: 0 in UnInterruptAudio 21:07:14 InterruptAudio in SayItSpeak- Phrase: Taxi to Stand one two Via taxiways Papa, Lima Three, NORDIC One Three Two 01/04/2023 21:07:14 AudioInterrupts: 1 in InterruptAudio 21:07:14 Recognized Speech: Taxi to Stand One Two via Taxiways Papa Lima Three NORDIC One Three Two 21:07:20 HandleTaxiClearanceReadback 21:07:20 UnInterruptAudio in OnSayItSpeakCompleted 01/04/2023 21:07:20 AudioInterrupts: 0 in UnInterruptAudio 21:07:20 AssignedController: 121.75. CtlrShrtName: ENZV Gnd CtlrType: Ground21:11:31 ControllerFreqChanged: 121.75. CtlrShrtName: ENZV Gnd CtlrType: Ground21:11:31 AssignedController: 121.75. CtlrShrtName: ENZV Gnd CtlrType: Ground21:11:32 ControllerFreqChanged: 121.75. CtlrShrtName: ENZV Gnd CtlrType: Ground21:11:32 AssignedController: 121.75. CtlrShrtName: ENZV Gnd CtlrType: Ground21:11:48 ControllerFreqChanged: 121.75. CtlrShrtName: ENZV Gnd CtlrType: Ground21:11:48 AssignedController: 121.75. CtlrShrtName: ENZV Gnd CtlrType: Ground21:11:48 ControllerFreqChanged: 121.75. CtlrShrtName: ENZV Gnd CtlrType: Ground21:11:48 Retrieving weather from web successful at 01/04/2023 21:12:02 Retrieving TAF from web successful at 01/04/2023 21:12:03 Simulator Disconnected. 01/04/2023 21:12:17 State Changed to: Initialized 21:12 Simulator Disconnected. 01/04/2023 21:12:21 Application frmP2AMain ended normally 01/04/2023 21:12:23
  2. Hello, I'm having some issues on getting FS2Crew to recognize the phrase "Cockpit to de-ice coordinator". I discovered this during some testing I've done with the green bar visible and hard mute set to on. I've also set the COMM1 frequency to 121.65 (just in case..I don't know if it matters when just checking for correct understanding of commands). Windows 7 speech recognition is off My system: - Windows 7 Ultimate - FSX with SP2 - Latest version of FS2Crew NGX Voice control version (part of captain's set)..at least I believe so (the configuration program version is 2.0). - Using the 737-800WL - I ran the windows 7 voice training several times - I specifically trained the words: Cockpit, to, de-ice and coordinator via the windows 7 speech dictionary. I also trained the phrase as a whole When I look at the green bar, the phrase "cockpit to ground" shows up every time I say "cockpit to de-ice coordinator", even when I turned down the volume in case the background cockpit noise was interfering.. I've tried to articulate it several times..still, "cockpit to ground" shows up. When I test the phrase via Win7 speech recongizer (in notepad), it shows up perfect everytime..but not in FS2Crew. Regards, Kyrre Andersen Stavanger, Norway
  3. Hello Bryan, Is there any way to make the FO do the abridged pre-flight flow when starting up FS2Crew on the "first" leg (i.e. to pretend it's actually the second or third leg of the day) ? That is, since I rarely have enough time to complete more than 1 flight at a time during a particular day (a little tiresome to listen to the FO completing the 1st flight of the day items for every flight). I have tried to cycle through the operation modes until it returns to "preflight". Is there a workaround here? Not that this is a fault in the simulation itself, but it would be nice to load the aircraft in a powered state (NGX long / NGX short), and then sort of catch up. Regards, Kyrre Andersen Stavanger, Norway
  4. Hello again,1. Airport: ENZV2. Selected Voice set: EURegardsKyrre AndersenNorway
  5. Hello,I just tried to reproduce the situation again, and the FO now positioned the fuel pumps switches correctly according to the procedure. I think I may have loaded the A/C with the center tank full, initialized FS2Crew's pre flight events, and then used TOPCAT to reconfigure the fuel tanks.Thanks :)RegardsKyrre AndersenNorway
  6. Hello,In accordance with the pre-flight flow, the FO is supposed to turn on the left han ctr tank pump (in addition to the left aft pump) when running on APU. But as stated in the manual, this should only be the case when the CTR tank qty is more than 1,000 lbs. I'm finding the FO's setting the left ctr pump on when running on apu, regardless of actual ctr tank qty (see attached pics).Regards,Kyrre AndersenNorway
  7. Hello,I've just tried a sample flight with unselecting 'HS'. The sounds are still not present (including the "chocks in" sound upon arrival). However, other sounds play fine.Regards,Kyrre AndersenNorway Hello,I've just tried a sample flight with unselecting 'HS'. The sounds are still not present (including the "chocks in" sound upon arrival). However, other sounds play fine.Regards,Kyrre AndersenNorway
  8. Hello Bryan,I just purchased and installed the FS2Crew for iFly and encountered the following:I'm running the preflight events with US crew voices. At +8 mins before departure someone is arriving with a load sheet (or at least, it seems to be a dialouge there). However, there is no sound, I can only hear the captain say "thanks" when I click the secondary button (no sound from the person coming in with the loadsheet). Also, I'm unable to hear the start crew (no sound, execpt for the captain's responses, like "parking brake set", "brakes released")I am running FS9, Win7 Ultimate 64bit. Regards,Kyrre AndersenNorway
  9. EFIS with Honeywell FMS and VC.Regards,Kyrre AndersenNorway
  10. Hello Bryan,I use Maddog 2010 (latest version) with FS2Crew and SP3.Regards,Kyrre AndersenNorway
  11. Hello,While I'm at the gate and setting up my navigation aids for departure, the FO seems to have turned off the no.2 ADF. I know that he's supposed to run a test on the ADF's during his flow, but the no.2 ADF is impossible to turn back on. I am running the Maddog from a cold and dark state. Any clues?Regards,Kyrre AndersenNorway
  12. Hello,During the final approach phase i'm calling for the FO to extend the flaps on schedule. The error arises after I ask him to set flaps 25.Correctly he extends the flaps to 25 and calls "Flaps twenty five set". I then ask him to set the manouvering speed by stating, "Set flaps 25 speed"Although he sets the speed correctly on the MCP he calls out "Flaps five speed set" instead of "Flaps twenty five speed set".Otherwise, I found out with a little more voice training on my profile, the program just works better and better:) Really impressive!Some other questions:Is it any way to sort of disable the FO to set climb thrust, say during cruise, descent and approach? I noticed that the phrase "n one" (N1) triggers him to say "Climb thrust set". Of course, the AFDS obviously does not allow for this (as noted on the EIS thrust limit annunciator), but a little bit annoying. I probably also need to somehow insulate my microphone head a little bit, since it seems to be quite too sensitive, and I'm getting feedback when the FO responds out of my speakers. I am using FS9 and I don't know if there is any way to get FS2cew sound out on my headset only (I only have one sound card).I can also confirm the problem with the FO "looping" the after takeoff checklist several times after he completes the first one.Regards,Kyrre AndersenStavanger
  13. Hello Bryan,Is there any possibility to add de-icing ops on ground for the Airbus editions, like on the 737 series?Regards,Kyrre AndersenNorway
  14. Hello Bryan,I just touched down in Newcastle with an A320 this evening (on VATSIM). After I've parked the ground engineer contacted me "any snags?", but when I was to say how much fuel remained it became silent...the capt just said "Fuel remaining is...". Where does FS2Crew retrieve this number?Best regards,Kyrre AndersenNorway
  15. >Hello Bill,>>There is a pre-defined list in the FS2Crew code that looks for>what's indicated in the aircraft.cfg.>>US Air is on the list.>>Please open your aircraft.cfg for the Airbus and make sure US>Air for your model (ATC Airline I recall it is), is written>exactly like this.>>It could be a case sensitivity issue:>>Usair>>Cheers,>BryanBryan,I also have the same issue. Is there a list of how the atc_airline entries should look like to make FS2Crew recognize them?I have a problem with "Scandinavian". In the aircraft.cfg for the A319 IAE model, it says Scandinavian in the atc_airline entry, still, the FO uses "Airbus" for the push and start call. I have tried both "SCANDINAVIAN" (uppercase), "Scandinavian", and "scandinavian", this does not work either. RegardsKyrre AndersenNorway
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