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Posts posted by janbergwall01

  1. Hi, When flying with airliners at cruise lvl around 30.000 - 40.000 the ground looks washed out, almost white, not close to what I see when flying in reality. I know it's supposed to show the moist in the atmosphere, but it's not how it looks.

    Is there a way to fix it without change anything else in the sim? 

  2. Hi,

    I've been using P2ATC for a long time and enjoy it.

    ATM I'm using it in XP12 with x-atc chatter in background. I also download Simbrief flightplans.

    Problem: - Everything works fine, Clearence, Push back and Engine start and Taxi. When reaching the runway I'm asked to change frequence to Tower. And now the problem is. When announcing ready to departure I'm either asked to hold or stay at the frequence.

    And then - nothing. I'm stuck. So I have to shut down P2ATC. This happens every time. Both in Airbuses and Boeings.

    What can I do to solve this? I have also reinstalled many times. I'm using the stable version. No beta.

  3. Hmmm...
    I just checked the settings in Pilot2ATC and "Ignore SID Altitude Restrictions" was set before mentioned flight above! 
    Does it mean I can fly the restrictions but the ATC will continue asking me to climb to initial FL? A bit confusing. Shouldn't ATC just say nothing? Or confirm the restrictions?

  4. HI, when taking off from EKGG on rwy 26L and SID BOGN1X there's a lot of waypoints following with altitude restrictions. When getting clearance my initial FL is 130. Final is FL330.

    In the Pilot2ATC flightplan you can see the restrictions are 5-6000 ft all the way out to the English channel and 7 NM after BOGNA you can climb to your initial flightlevel.

    BUT - the ATC is nagging all the way from take off until I reach BOGNA that I should climb to FL130. Over and over again. It's annoying to say the least when the flight plan shows 6000 ft. The ATC should pause and wait in these cases. Almost every SID in southern England have these restrictions.

    Thank you,

  5. When flying APL2 I'm using Pilot2ATC, FSFO, GSX and LittleNavMap and it works perfectly well with my Fenix A320.
    I have not read all posts here, but the integration with GSX and FSFO is great. You don't have to start catering or deicing etc. it's just happening while preparing your flight and the FO is running the flows and checklists.

  6. 35 minutes ago, Fiorentoni said:

    Well there's a hole (or a hill? can't remember) on the runway of Asobo's ESSA since 2021, another "bespoken" airport, so probably "bespoken" does not include the possibility to land your aircraft without dying.

    Hi, there's a fix for ESSA (rwy 26) "essa-arlanda-fix" you just place in your community folder. I'm sorry, but I can't remember where I downloaded it. A google search will find it.

  7. Hi, a big problem:


    My hardware settings will not be copied and named. For example naming it to Fenix A320 and then configure the throttle. When leaving Control Options after settings it will go back to default. Of course I save before leaving Control Options. It has been working fine for more than a year, but suddenly it’s not working. I also tried with nothing in Community folder, but still not working. It means I can’t use different airplanes without configure the hardware each time.

    I have reinstalled MSFS2020 twice. But no difference.

    Grateful if I can get some help from someone more skilled than me in order to fix this.

    My config:

    MSFS2020 deluxe/premium SU 9 Steam

    Bravo Honeymoon throttle

    Bravo Honeymoon Yoke

    Saitek Logitech Pro Pedals

    My specs:

    AMD Ryzen 9 5950X

    Asus Rog Strix Geforce RTX 3090

    G.Skill Trident Z Neo 32 GB x 2 (64 Gb ram)

    Corsair MP600 SSD M.2 - 1 TB

    Corsair MP600 Core SSD M.2 - 4 TB

    Windows 11 Pro 64 bit

  8. Windows 11 Pro

    MSFS 2020 latest updates

    FSUIPC 7

    Fenix A320 updated

    Pilot2ATC updated, have licens


    Problem: I can't get respons from ATC when requesting clearence. I’ve tried multiple times and sometimes I can use ”Say It” but no response and sometimes no dropmenu to use. No matter what main airport I use.

    I have also turned off features in MSFS2020 according to instructions for FSUIPC7. And FSUIPC7 starts automatically when loading MSFS2020.

    I also have a mic installed and working. The voices works fine when testing in config.

    I will not use the speaking feature for commands, only dropmenus and "Say It". The copilot will handle things. I have used P2ATC for a long time before returning to flighsimming and it has always been working fine. So I don't know what the problem is.


    What am I missing?


    How to attache a logfile here? Or is it a support site somewhere I can use?

    My rig: Processor AMD Ryzen 9 5950X, Geforce RTX3090, Gskill Trident 3600Mhz 64GB, Corsair SSD M.2 1 TB and Corsair SSD M.2 4 TB, 

  9. 3 hours ago, Dave-Pilot2ATC said:

    After you uncheck the options, are they checked the next time you open the program?

    Config options are saved in the AppConfig.xml file at:

    where <UserName> is your PC user name.  

    If your option selections are not persisting from one session to the next, this file is probably corrupt and should be deleted.  It will be rebuilt and should then start working properly.


    To answer your question: - The config settings are not changing after reloading P2ATC or rebooting Win10.

    I found the AppConfig.xml file but can't see any problems there. It opens nicely and is updated today with the correct date. It's rather big so I will not paste it here. But if you tell me what you want to see, I can copy just that and past into the post. There's another alternative, that I copy it to my Google Drive and provide you with the link if it's not possible to copy and paste to the post.

  10. 1 hour ago, Dave-Pilot2ATC said:

    Just uncheck the 3 options "ATC Assigns SID", "ATC Assigns STAR", and "ATC Assigns Approach".  Then check the "Force Pilot Runway Selection" option.

    That should do it.


    Thanks for the quick answer. But this is exactly what I have done and still ATC neglect my FPL. Should I re-install P2ATC and will my settings stay if I do? Is there a config.txt somewhere I can open and then backup?

  11. Hi,

    I've been using the eminent P2A since feb 2018 and generally happy with it, but there is one thing that is annoying.

    I get my flightplan from Simbrief and paste it into P2A. I choose Runway and Sid, Star, Cruize and Approach. BUT - when sending it to ATC and getting green for the FPL, ATC often changes not only the Runway but also the SID! I have tried all thinkable ways of settings in config but ATC still change my FPL when confirming. It's rather annoying to say the least and mostly happens with variable windspeed and calm conditions.

    So - what are the correct and exact config settings for me to decide runway/SID so ATC will accept it without changing anything? STAR is usually no problem. 

  12. 18 minutes ago, Janov said:

    Those hidden features in X-Plane are only accessible to those with a pure heart. 🤍

    If you have looked at screenshots of MSFS2020 and even briefly toyed with the idea of acquiring it when it becomes available - then those options will forever be removed from your grasp.


    A most confusing answer. I have no idea what's going on. Pure heart? Removed from your grasp? So it's nothing real then, nothing that exist? Or maybe I'm so stupid that I can't see the fun in it.

  13. Hi,

    I'm using P2ATC every flight, but I'm not using the microphone for commands. I just choose it from the droplist and then click "Say It" with the mouse. 

    But with the latest version, there is a new feature "Load". It makes me have to do one more click on Load for my command to work. So is it possible to bypass or remove the "Load" feature?

  14. 9 hours ago, Chock said:

    You can use Steam game content offline easily: From the main Steam window, go to the Steam menu and select Go Offline then click on Restart in Offline Mode. Sorted. And contrary to your belief, you actually don't own any of the software you have paid for, regardless of whether that's via Steam, or as a downloadable exe file, or as installation files on a CD or DVD. What you actually pay for is a licence to be able to use that software.

    Valve is not some profit-hungry monster appropriating profits from Laminar Research against its will either. There is a very good reason why companies such as Laminar Research choose to sell market their products through Valve's Steam interface. It is because it literally costs those companies absolutely nothing to have their product promoted and made available to over 125 million registered Steam users, of which, over 33 million are active every single day. Every sale they gain via Steam is one they'd potentially not have gained any other way. And to give you an idea of what those Steam user numbers mean, the entire population of Australia amounts to just under 25 million people, i.e. there are five times as many registered Steam users than there are Aussies, or to put it another way, every day there are considerably more people playing on Steam at any one time, than there are living on the entire continent of Australia.

    Yes Valve takes a cut of the sales cost of the software, but do you somehow imagine that other sources of software distribution and advertising would simply promote and distribute XPlane out of the goodness of their hearts? Of course not. Any enterprise which can offer the opportunity to promote a product to 125 million potential buyers is obviously gonna charge for the privilege, and most companies are smart enough to know that is a lot of sales opportunity they'd be missing out on, not to mention an absolutely astronomical advertising budget they'd be looking at too, in order to get that sort of exposure through regular advertising channels. For very many people, they've actually only heard about products such as XPlane because they were on Steam! 

    Beyond this, companies which sell on Steam don't just get the money sent to them from sales and nothing else, they get a very sophisticated set of analytical data tools made available to them which provide all kinds of demographic data about who buys and uses their software sold and used through Steam, and this allows them to tailor products to suit that demographic. So there is a whole lot more to selling through Steam than most people imagine, and when you understand that, it's not hard to understand why so many companies choose to do it. Yes you could say that they are paying for those services with the cut which Valve takes for having them use Steam, but really, do you know of any other software distribution network which can provide that level of analysis and exposure across the entire world?

    Very well written, Chock.

    I've been a Steam customer almost since the start and now have more than 50 games and sims in the Library. And it works flawlessly.

    I had some hardware problems recently and had to make a Win10 repair. Since I have all the games on separate hard disks (SSDs) I just had to start up Steam and could use XP11 in minutes after repair. If you run into some kind of trouble, then the verification tool in Steam is useful. It will fix corrupt files and download only the faulty ones. Same for upgrades which are made automatically. You can also, if you want, run betas.

    There's a lot of BS around Steam, mostly from people that don't use Steam because of lack of knowledge. For me, it's extremely convenient. I always buy games and sims online nowadays. Then you can upgrade or buy a new computer and continue where you stopped before the switch just by moving the SSDs to the new computer. I have done it several times.

    My 2 cents


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  15. I suddenly got a blank screen in GTN750 in Carenado Turbo Commander when I used WT3. But only the screen in the dashboard. When I right-clicked the popup was working.

    Problem solved after a reinstall of the aircraft. So probably a plugin or another addon is the reason. In my case Aerosoft payware EVRA. I cant setup WT3 on the ground at Riga Airport in the Turbo Commander 690B.

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