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Posts posted by JJJackson

  1. I bought Pilots LEST and installed it. When I chose LEST in the sim, it closes down. So I deactivatet the scenery so I could use the default LEST, chose it and the sim closed down. I have NO other LEST installed, doublechecked. I uninstalled SODE and reinstalled it but no change. All other airports using SODE work just fine. I have noi "old" AI planes messing it up.

    Interesting thing is that in the setup, after chosing LEST the image of the airplane stops rotating and when I press OK the sim closes down. It does no matter what airplane i use. All airplanes work on my other airports.

    I did run Event Viewer and understood nothing. Saw sometning abouit kernel.dll but is pure latin for me.

    Any suggestions?


  2. I see that in my migrated libraries (new location outside P3D) the airports have effects and sound libraries.

    In the P3D/Effects are the same files having ORBX in the file name. Is it safe to delete the files in the P3D/ effects library?

    In P3D/Sound library are a lot of ORBX sound files, can they be deleted?

    Also in P3D/Scenery/World/Scenery there are lots of files like ADE_FTX_NZSI_NZQN_elevation_adjustment.BGL (and a lot of other files with ORBX airport names) can they be deleted?

    Have asked this question in the ORBX-forum but no answer.



    the Swede in Spain

  3. 16 hours ago, Daedalus said:

    It seems to me there is an addon that causes P3D to not launch after installing the hotfix. I haven't found it yet. When I launch P3D the splash screen appear and after a while it just disappears and I'm left with the desktop. 

    Try this.

    My new fix crashed my P3D 4.5 at startup, but this fix solved my problem.


    I found the problem of P3D not starting after the hotfix. The WX Advantage Radar is the reason. Removed the MV_WXM.dll from the Modules folder and problem solved. I guess it needs to be updated.




    the Swede in Spain

  4. Why not read on the LM Homepage and look what´s updated from v4.0 through all versions up to 4.5 and make up your own mind if it´s wort it or not. 

    There must be some reason why LM releases new versions/updates and people install them




  5. Yes, go to 4.5. There are some smaller issues with 4,5 and a fix is on it´s way. So, if you want to get started, install 4.4 and upgrade to 4.5 later.



    the swede in Spain

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