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  1. J van E Send me an e-mail to [email protected] and I will send you a link where you can get it. Jack
  2. I use the trike from FSX and it works just perfect. The whole library is 36.5 MB, can I send it to you somehow? Jack the Swede in Spain
  3. Finally got it BUT when extracting it asks for part2_4.rar. I have part2_3! The downloaded files are: Belgium 2012.part1_4.rar Belgium 2012.part2_3.rar Belgium 2012.part3_2.rar What is missing? Jack the Swede in Spain
  4. Not possible to download Part 1, stops att 93,42% and can not resume download. Finally got it BUT when extracting it asks for part2_4.rar. I have part2_3! The downloaqded files are: Belgium 2012.part1_4.rar Belgium 2012.part2_3.rar Belgium 2012.part3_2.rar What is missing? Jack the Swede in Spain
  5. Part 1 stops downloading at 93%! Jack the Swede in Spain
  6. No problems. Jack the Swede in Spain
  7. I use SPAD (NOT SPAD Next) and all my Saitek stuff work just well. Jack the Swede in Spain
  8. Why pay €188.47!!! There are cheaper versions. :wink: Jack the Swede in Spain
  9. Yes I have BUT you need to add about 40 entries in the terrain.cfg to make it work porperly. It also works great togehter with ORBX products. Go to the ORBX forum and search for Tongass and you will get a lot of information how to install it. :smile: Jack the Swede in Spain
  10. Just do a complete reinstall just to avoid trouble. No matter what some people claim. EMT does NOT work properly with v3. But as usual some people know better than the developers. Jack the Swede in Spain
  11. Sometimes you casn find relevant information on the developers forum. :wink: Buyt I guess it´s easier to complain here than seek correct information. http://www.orbxsystems.com/forum/topic/106434-35-off-everything-until-jan-1st-v3-installers-info/ Jack the Swede in Spain
  12. 6 months! Where did you get that information from? According to JV every product will be converted in "a few months"! Please! What about all the Aerosoft or many other developers products that have not even been converted from FSX to P3D, ANY version? When did you get a FREE upgrade from earlier versions (FSX/P3D v 1-2) for free from any other developer? This is just stupid. Jack the Swede in Spain
  13. NO, not at all, Steve does NOT have a point!!! He is just another whiner!!! Sometimes I just feel sad about some posters. Go get yourself a life!!!! :Applause: Jack the Swede in Spain
  14. I have ALL ORBX products and I can only say, press the button!!! :wink: Jack the Swede in Spain
  15. And ALL of the FSX add-ons that you installed in P3D v3 had an installer for v3? If NOT thats your problem. :smile: Jack the Swede in Spain
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