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  1. I have both and have used both with Flyinside. I recommend the Rift as better for sim with P3D. IMHO the screen is a good bit better as I can read all the dials and frequencies without leaning in. Since you are not moving around most of the pluses for the Vive go away. Terry
  2. The VR improvement is huge if it can be implemented by LM. I have a Vive now and still waiting on the CV1 and the improvement from the DK2 is pretty dramatic. If these cards can help with the fram rate issues caused by the double rendering, it will be a big step forward. Terry
  3. Every time you run there central program you have to tell it which sim you are using. It then checks with the mothership for updates. It is very easy for them to know what their installed base is using. Plus the downloads for the new installers which are only really need for p3d. I think he said their customers were switching to p3d at the rate of 5% a month. It makes sense to me as I can't figure out for the life of me why anyone would still be on FSX with the quality p3d now offers. Terry
  4. The context is in the original post. It is projected "based on current growth rate" to be 85% of Orbx customers "by year end" which I think would include most serious simers. Those are the ones the developers pay attention to. I would love to know these numbers for say A2A or PMDG. Terry
  5. The guys at Orbx are projecting at the current growth rate that over 85% of their customers will be on P3D V3 by year end. I knew it was growing but not that fast. I think that is great as its showing forward movement. Terry
  6. A question for Rob Steve and the other CPU experts Intel's next line of extreme cpu will be topped by the 6950x which will be a ten core processor. I want to build the best machine possible so I have assumed I would use the 6950. However after reading many posts re HT, cores and masks, I am now not sure. If I have read the threads correctly, as of now it is better to have a higher clock speed than more cores? However I am also assuming that continued iprovement with P3D will result in better utilization of more cores? Focusing on the latter assumption, is that doable or have LM already done all they can as to core utilization? Cost is really not an issue, I just want to know the best cpu to get considering the near term future as the Gurus see it. Thank you for any guidance. Terry
  7. Will it work with the P3d v3 regular version?
  8. Go to http://www.pollypotsoftware.org.uk/ where I think you can find in the forums the 2.252 drivers which were the last fully working version. The 2.26 ones are having problems on some systems. Terry
  9. LM has said they have identified a bug that is causing this.
  10. Just got home. Thank you very much. I keep forgetting to search for fsx rather than prepar3d. I have downloaded the PDF. Happy New Year Terry
  11. Is it possible to move the frame count text from the upper left corner of the screen to another part of the screen? Same question for the zoom factor text which is in upper right? Thanks Terry
  12. Try the bffshaker at http://bffsimulation.com/BFF_Shaker.php I am using it with a lfe buttkicker and am going to try to build one of the motor shaker. Watch the videos linked on the page. Only step above that would be motion.
  13. Adam Breed from LM has posted that 3.1 to be out before year end.
  14. Got an email this morning that Goflight has issued a revision for p3d v3. Has anyone tried it yet?
  15. I posted this on thE LM forum but so far no help. Not sure how it happened but now every time I start P3d the view mode is set to outside spot rather than virtual cockpit as it used to be. I have saved a new default flight in virtual cockpit mode but when the sim starts it is in spot mode. I can then reload the default flight and it does load in the virtual cockpit mode as it should so there has to be something in another settings file that is overriding the view mode? I have deleted the prepar3d_default.fxml file and the prepar3d.cfg files and let the sim rebuild them. I have also moved the dll and exe files so no addons are loading? Nothing helps. I know I am missing a setting but I can't find it? Can anyone please point me in the correct direction. Thanks Terry
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