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  1. Yeah seems that its dead. I have the support ticket started, no real response on discord, but someone on reddit escalated it, dont want to end up with a brick 🙂
  2. Im having a beast of a time in the last few days with my headset, its about 11 months old, nearly out of warranty (i have submitted a ticket to pimax) Things were mostly great till a day ago, no changes to the system (14900k + 4090oc, win 11 hags mode on, pimaxxr openxr mode ), i’ve also powered things down tried another usb 3.2 port etc 1. Often now, if i exit vr mode in msfs (even a clean community folder) msfs will freeze, cant click anything, unless you file exit pimax or reset the headset, the headset view either goes black or garbled. 2. This has been a few weeks, the headset fails to charge over usb, have to swap batteries 3. Often i cant even get vr mode with or without msfs to work right, headset planet view will just move away and spin, tracking seems botched (only fix is to pull the battery and put back in) About the only thing i can think of is that i have the tobii tracker , but its unplugged, unless on a restart the service is somehow interfering, but i had also disabled that (will recheck this but its a small probably at least for 1 issue, though not sure why a battery pull would cure tracking) Anyone ran into these issues before? Thanks in advance
  3. I'm actually on pimax crystal with motion smoothing on client 1.14 turbo off. It's mostly not bad at all I'm on 4090oc with 14900k
  4. I can say using the tds drops my fps in 2D about 5, pms I see no drop, I fly mostly in VR tho
  5. Curious on this as well
  6. Has anyone found a way outside of openkneeboard to make the wacom tablet work, ie: sky4sim notepad or fskneeboard?
  7. Did you ever find a solution to this
  8. I thought at first my issue was just AFCBridge for the honeycomb throttle quadrant, it errors with AFCBridge Failed to Initialize SimConnectToTheLine Running it manually, after loaded, same error. Voltanta says cant connect to the sim, other apps also say this, a few do work though, strangely (maybe not using simconnect?) I have the latest fsuipc.. i've reinstalled (uninstalled/reinstalled msfs), started with the fresh localcache folder etc too. This os may be buggered.. i did a new motherboard, things were ok, then i had to do a system restore before that point, so i reinstalled drivers and did all that again, then later just today reinstalled msfs to get around this simconnect issue. I have a clean community folder and base scenery only to troubleshoot. Out of ideas short of starting with a fresh re-install of windows, but that seems extreme. The simconnect file is using defaults, : <SimConnect.Comm> <Descr>Static IP4 port</Descr> <Protocol>IPv4</Protocol> <Scope>local</Scope> <Port>500</Port> <MaxClients>64</MaxClients> <MaxRecvSize>41088</MaxRecvSize> </SimConnect.Comm> The dynamic one is port 0. I want to say this had before i wiped it though, on one of the lines. Anyone have any thoughts of things to try?
  9. Same issue suddenly for me, I think due to a motherboard swap
  10. I thought i had seen it mentioned that maybe a 400mm x 400mm x 4mm thick aluminum “plate” would work (after drilling holes), but wondering if anyone has come up with any other solutions. If you went the route of the aluminum, where did you get the plate (link? usa here), most of the plates i see are not smooth or have very sharp edges. Also, software wise, with msfs, is it just running the software (and maybe picking a profile) and thats it as far as use goes with the cls-60 itself? Thanks in advance
  11. So running both at once, is it confirmed by anyone that the ZZZ is needed for one of them? I dont think with my quick test of both enabled it appeared it was needed, i still saw a lot of buildings (combined)
  12. I tried turning off inbuilds landmarks vs orbx, i found that orbx looked better and had more buildings than the new inibuilds version, unless im missing something? So everyone is using the two together then?
  13. Oops, thanks for pointing that out, somehow i launched an old version, i had upgraded but i guess it didnt upgrade that path.. all good now 🙂
  14. Im getting a caught exception not null constraint failed tmp_waypoint.region etc error on trying to do the Load Scenery library option to populate airports. I have the base path set to the root msfs folder. Does anyone know what the cause of this could be?
  15. Seems at least if you try to launch batch files with ms addons linker, they dont show up (at least if you are already running the tool as admin), at least this has been my experience
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