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  1. I think I'll wait until Eaglesoft for P3D comes out as it seems to be what I'm looking for. I won't be throwing my money away on Carenado again.
  2. Hi,I have 3 of Real Airs aircraft and I am very pleased with all of them ,Legacy v2 Turbine Duke for P3D and the Piston Duke v2 (will update To P3D when its released) If Real Air do bring out a business jet then based on the quality of the aircraft I already have and the fact that I want to fly a bizjet (with updatable Navigraph FMC) THEN I'd almost certainly buy that too.
  3. Hi Scott, I think you are right there. I think Eaglesoft is probably the most likely contender for the job. I have been flying the Majestic Dash 8 Q400 'PRO' and it works perfectly on my system(strange why the XP850 never would) I would like to fly a jet at some time. I'm really looking for a 'payware' aircraft that is going to be on a par with Majestic or PMDG . I guess I will have to be patient.
  4. Hi All,I wonder if there is anyone out there who offer a suggestion for a business jet suitable for P3D. I tried Carenado's XP850,it was completely unflyable due to very low framerates (.3 fps) 0n my i7 based pc. My confidence in Carenado products now is very low as I was not able to get any support of any kind. Ideally it would need an updatable FMC. I have been waiting to hear from Eaglesoft who I know are developing this kind of aircraft for P3D but it has been a long time coming. Any helpful suggestion will be much appreciated.
  5. I tried the Carenado about 8 months ago based on the fact that previous aircraft of theirs I had bought worked fairly well, they usually look pretty good. However my experience with the XP850 was totally different. The frame rate on my I7 based machine (which flies the Majestic Dash8 perfectly well) was just plane ridiculous(.3 being the most I ever got) It never left the ground.As for product support,there was none. I have given up on EVER getting it to fly properly and I have given up on Carenado ever getting any more of my money. I am hoping for the release of the Citation X v3.0 from Eaglesoft, It's taking them a long time to release it ,but better that than to release crappy aircraft such as the Carenado XP850 every 2-3 months and then not support them.
  6. Hi, I've been watching Marshall's video's since before he started his Round the World series of videos(he's up to stage 15 now) It was shortly after the release of the 'pro' version of the Dash. I have no hesitation in recommending Marshalls videos to an aspiring Dash pilot or even those who have clocked up some hours. I'd rather watch a Marshall video than read a manual although the do have their uses.
  7. Hi,I'm with jimmy64 on this ,manual updates works well for me. Last months update with Update Manager didn't work at all.
  8. Hi Rob, Up till now I did not know the Real Air aircraft were created by only two people, that being the case it is amazing how good your aircraft really are, I have bought the B60v2 and the Turbine Duke, both excellent aircraft.Thanks a lot
  9. Hi, I am very glad that the update of the Real Air B60 v2 is still going to happen, it is a very nice aircraft,I did try to install it in P3Dv2.5 but was dogged by the undercarriage leg problem. I would even be prepared to pay again for the p3d v2.5 or the v3 if that comes available at some time. I apologise for my comment in my previous post.
  10. Hi, I too have been waiting for the P3D v2.5 (let alone v3)version for several months. P3d seems to occupy a very low priority with RealAir, it's a pity because the Duke 2 (piston) is a very good aircraft.
  11. Hi,I have not yet bought this software but I only need one question answered then I will, I have only LH P3D v2.5 +hotfix installed, does FS2Crew work with this version?
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