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About GSalden

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  1. Didn’t know that 777 stood for EGLL …. 🥳
  2. I contacted the developer about the bumpy runways and he wrote back that it will be fixed in the next update…
  3. Will purchase it today and make a flight this weekend.
  4. No problems with that. Do you have it working correctly? I only fly in Europe and the Middle East
  5. There is already REX and Bijang being both enhanced products. Mysejf I am using Bijang’s product : on many locations trees have been removed where they should not be. With MSFS2024 around the corner this nee addon came out 3-4 years too late ….
  6. Seeing many ac with contrails when making my flights . Using AIG+FsTraffic ac icw PSXT/RT
  7. Had it a few times in the last 6 weeks . I solved it by Signing Out/In on MS Store and un-reinstalling the XBox Live App. Did not try MSFS today…
  8. In my 738 cockpit I use a motion chair base and it really adds a lot to realism. Prive € 3.500,- but I managed to find a store that sold the last one for half of the price…
  9. Thanks for the info. I will try Apple too on my 2 pc’s. Does it also have HD tiles like Bing Latest is able to show ?
  10. The Latest Bing looks great when the tiles are all looking the same, but I regularly see not matching tiles …..
  11. Just phantasizing : If they sold 6000copies in 3 minutes , that would be 120000 copies in 1h and in 3h 360000 copies How many serious flightsimmers does MSFS have ? Wasn’t it 10 million players incl XBox. Lets say half of them are pc users : 5 million. So 1 out of 13-14 pc users has bought it. If sales continue for a few days then almost everyone will purchase the 777… Mmmmm…
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