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Luc Brusselmans

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Posts posted by Luc Brusselmans

  1. Hello,


    Between the start of this topic and today, the program had a few updtaes and is now at version 1.1.6.

    And I can confirm that both FTX central and SCE work together.


    BUT... you have to follow some rules.

    Maybe an example:

    I have all regions of ORBX installed. That means that for North America you have 5 different regions but it is impossible to activate only one at a time in FTX Central.

    What have I done, I have created 5 groups in SCE for the five different NA regions.

    So I want to take off in PNW and fly to the next region PFJ. That means I don't need the other three NA regions at the moment....

    Well, I first activate North America in FTX Central and afterwards I unselect those tree regions in SCE.

    That works like a charm.

    To avoid problems: ALWAYS reactivate the regions in SCE after your flight. By doing so, you won't get into trouble when you change from North America to European or Australian regions.


    Hope this helps


    Luc Brusselmans


  2. hello everybody,


    I have the same problem.

    When I contacted Pierre today, he told me to give the program firewall permissions.

    However, for me that didn't work either. He says that the program needs internet access. I don't know why (except maybe to keep track of the number of active copies)


    But Hani, JAVA 1.7.... where did you find that? Last version Ichecked was 8.45 so my guess is that 1.7 must be a very old version. Or what am I missing here?


    all suggestions are welcome. (especially suggestions about java 1.7) 


    Kinds regards


    Luc Brusselmans



    I saw that Pierre clarified the internet access just now.

    makes sense

  3. Jaime,


    It did resolve my issues completely.

    Making sure that FSX/P3D used the GPU for 100% when running and reducing the max.clockspeed.

    I started out with -125 Mhz, steadily raising it to -75 Mhz. Bumping it up further and the black/grey screen returned. (not as often as when I started but enough to ruin a flight so I stuck with -75Mhz)

    And it was certainly not my find. I googled quite a bit to find relevant info and found some on the forums at the EVGA-website. Some of that info referred to Tom's hardware and guru3d.


    I haven't tried disabling the GPU offset and raising the fan speed. Maybe that is a solution to.


    I am happy it works for you to.


    Luc Brusselmans


  4. Jaime,


    I had the same problems with my EVGA GTX980. If you go down to the forums of EVGA, you will notice we were not alone.

    Without the technical expertise to back my story up, I can only point you in the direction of a possible solution.


    Download and install the EVGA PrecisionX tool from their website. (you will have to register but it is free)

    With the tool installed (and please read the manual on this) you can dial in a GPU clock offset which throttles down the GPU from the maximum 'turbo' speed that is used with FSX (of P3D for that matter). In the EVGA forum one suggests an offset of -100 Mhz but I can get away with 'only' -75 Mhz.

    And in the Nvidia settings, make sure that the 'power'setting for FSX is maximum power.


    happy flying


    Luc Brusselmans


  5. Pete,

    and Peter,


    Wish me luck.

    I ordered my components today. Some items were not in stock so I will get my stuff beginning next week.

    And I am going to try one, or two or all possible suggestions to reinstall windows 7.


    When I get to the final result, I ll let you know how it went.

    I am not sure when nthat will be because my wife has to have some surgery and taking care of here will take quite some time during the next couple of weeks.


    Thanks for the advice.


    Luc Brusselmans


  6. hello,


    I have a really simple question.


    After 4 yearsor so, I am about to build a new system. I have selected the components, I have the money in the bank and so I thought I was ready to go.

    Until last night I read an article that made me wonder...


    I have a Windows 7 64bit home premium DVD in my drawer that I have used to build my current system with. I checked the DVD last night and it is an OEM version.

    Now I am wondering, can I use that same DVD to (re)install windows 7 on my new system? My guess is that installing it will probably be not the problem. Getting it activated is what is bothering me.

    I want to stay away from windows 8 or 8.1 for the moment. My local shop has still some copies of windows 7 but if at all possible I want to reserve that bit of cash for some new addon's if at all possible.


    Kind regards


    Luc Brusselmans



  7. Hello,


    Last weekend, I installed my new evga GTX-980, replacing an GTX670 in the process. At the same time I did an upgrade to the latest Nvidia driver version 347.88.

    That seemed to work alright, not an increase in framerate but both FSX and P3D ran more smoothly than ever before.


    But for the second time now, I have run into trouble.

    After about an hour into the sim, my screen turns first solid grey for about 5 seconds and then solid black. The sim itself does NOT crash at all when the screen is grey/black.

    I ruled out lack of virtual memory because when it happens I still have 1.5 Gb available memory, I also ruled out heath cause the card runs at aprox. 45 degrees celcius at the moment of the 'crash' (if you want to call it that way).

    My guess is the driver itself...

    Can anybody give any info on this? Solutions?

    I will try to uninstall the current drivers and reinstall them. I hope to resolve this problem this way but if there is somebody who cas shed some light on this, I would be very gratefull.


    Luc Brusselmans



    ps. I did change my fsx.cfg and removed the traces of the previous card.

    To be complete, I am running FSX + ACC on windows 7 64bit

  8. Hello,


    My current subscription of Navigraph has come to an end and I have to renew it.

    Since I have a choice between Navigraph and NavData Pro I was wondering which of the two is more complete.


    I have noticed quite a bit of difference in price between the two programs and so I wonder if that difference is reflected in the data they present.


    Luc Brusselmans




  9. Ralf,


    What this program is trying to do, is keeping framerates up by reducing sceneryloading in the background.

    It does not change your settings so a low autogen setting will not increase or vice versa.

    What is does is increasing or decreasing the distance for which that setting can be maintained without losing framerate.

    Let's say you have a setting of 100 autogen.

    In a region with hardly any buildings, and no traffic, your sim can depict that 100 autogen visible for 100 miles with a framerate of 30.

    When your reach a region with denser traffic or buildings, your sim will have more problems depicting all that autogen for that distance.

    Fiber will try to maintain your setting of 100 and a framerate of 30 by reducing the distance it depicts the autogen.


    Luc Brusselmans


  10. Demius,

    My guess is that you start at it the wrong way....

    You changed your settings in avance but I don't think that is what the developers intended.

    Restore all your setting as before where you got 30-40 fps. Then find an airport or region that is heavy on the fps (where it is next to impossible to maintain those 30 fps).

    Test the program at that airport but with those normal settings. I did so in FSX and I did get results.

    To be hoest, all systems are different and it is as they say... your mileage may vary


    Luc Brusselmans


  11. William,


    Even though I tried virtualcdu, I was not impressed by it. Not that is is bad or not working but it 'feels' not right.

    My guess is that it is because I am using an ipad 1. After reading documentation I found that colors in the displayed cdu can only be shown with ios 6 or higher. Something the ipad 1 doesn't support.


    However, all is not lost. I am using for years now a small app called Xdisplay. It works flawless and all you have to do is drag the FMC to the ipad, resize it and you're good to go. (as long as uou don't forget to charge your ipad for those looooong flights).

    The nice thing about this app is, you can use it with (almost) all your aircraft since you Always use the FMC or radio of the plane you're flying. It is not limited to a certain aircraft.


    Luc Brusselmans


  12. Well,

    I am a big fan of orbx but their latest, Lake Tahoe, cannot impress me. In fact, after instaling today I removed it again from my harddisk. I just don't like the colours used and they don't blend in very well with the surrounding hills and mountains.

    As long as orbx concentrated themselves on airports and the immediate surroundings, they did a great job. Now I find them trying too much too hard.

    No I don't like Lake Tahoe one bit.


    Luc Brusselmans


  13. Hello,


    I have been out of town a few days and couldn't monitor this post.

    So far I have learned one thing. My original method (txt files in the directories of the archived files) isn't that bad.

    The program Olmba suggests is the same one that I mentioned in the original post. It is payware (which I don't mind) but the company that created the program doesn't exist anymore and offers no support. You can't buy it anymore either. 

    So the choice is rather simple, or I keep the system with the txt files or I start a spreadsheet. Both are very manual with the risk of making mistakes (especially deleting it by accident is my main concern).



    I want to thank everbody for their advise and thoughts on the subject.

    If sombody still comes with a great idea, please PM me, but for me this topic can be closed.

    thanks again and If anybody visits Antwerp in the near future, don't hesitate and contact me.

    We can have a drink together.


    Luc Brusselmans


  14. Hello everybody,


    The title sums it up.

    I am looking for a program in which I can organise all my software, the email adresses, the registration keys....


    So far I have been running a tight ship but with the collection growing everyday things get more or less out of control and it is time to bring everything together in one program/application

    In the past I have been looking at CAsoft but that developer seems to have vanished. The website is still available but the software itself cannot be purchased anymore.


    Is there anybody who can give me info on such a program?


    All help will be very much appreciated.


    Luc Brusselmans


  15. hello (again),


    since my first attemp was removed by the moderators, I am going to try again.


    In my last migration of harddisks I have lost a couple of files of which I thought I had made a backup.

    Apparently, that was not the case and since I don(t know the names of those file anymore I want to ask here for some help.


    Most important for me is a script or lua for fsuipc.

    It registers the used virtual memory and framerates in FSX and depicts those values on a networked computer through wideFS/fsuipc.


    Is there anybody who can point me in the right direction?

    All help will be much appreciated.

    (and if you live near Antwerp-Belgium I can buy you a beer to show my appreciation.


    Luc Brusselmans



    Ok now???

  16. hello,


    It all depends on what you want to do.

    If you intend to stay within the boundaries if an ORBX region (PNW) ,then you can still select North America in FTX Central.

    However, If you want to travel from, let's say Seattle to Chicaogo, and by doing so crossing the boundaries of ORBX regions, you better select Global in FTX Central. You can tick the box at the right hand side (I can't remember the label).

    By doing so, you are telling FTX Global to use (some) scenery of the regions you are crossing and, when outside the regions you will get full coverage of t-ftx Global.


    If you only select Global, the software will ignore all of the beauty that the different regions recreate.


    Luc Brusselmans


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