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Posts posted by Shmiffy

  1. It's a rare occasion that i post these days, but to let this pass without offering my condolences would be to do a disservice to Michael I feel.


    It's been a long time since Mike sorted my FSX machine. He did such a good job of it, and taught me so much that i've never needed to go back to him. My machine works a little beyond its capabilities, and when i have issues i know just what to do, thanks to Mike.


    Mike wasn't everyones cup of tea. It's been alluded to here, but his gruffness and straight talking suited me right down to the ground. Say what you mean, and mean what you say. Words to live by, and my Michael did. He was a kind, caring, funny man, who helped so many of us, get more from our hobbies, and understand the technicalities a little better.


    Rest in peace Michael.

  2. So let's get this in perspective and offer the other side of the coin shall we?You join one of the oldest and most successful VA's around.You are a member for less than 5 minutes, and having complained about quite a lot of the VA already in other threads, you then start a thread called 'what don't you like about the VA' in the hope that enough of your friends of a like mind will whine about things enough that a 10 year old VA will suddenly change the way they do things on your say so.One of the longstanding members or two takes offense to what you say, and they flame you a little, you then go off on a rant and state that you are leaving the VA. After having done this, one of the board see's this, and as it's pretty well known in the VA that if you state in a rant that you are going to leave because you don't like it etc, that the board will save you the trouble of finding the delete button and do it for you. And so he does.You then fire off a few emails to people who don't respond on the same day (why should they, the VA is their hobby - you don't pay to join, they have jobs & family to deal with which always comes first etc) and then when you don't get a response the same day, you go onto a public forum and start airing your dirty laundry in public. I wouldn't let you back in after that, and I don't think that many other VA's would either. It states in your profile that you're 35, although given your behavior, i would suggest that it's more like 15, below the joining age of the VA anyway... Think about it...SmiffyPS: At Martin - I wouldn't say a sincere apology counts for nothing. Far from it in fact, but there are ways and ways not to do things.

  3. If it did allow many more waypoints YOU have the option manually enter all after waypoint nine.BUT I don't feel like typing in another bunch of waypoints!
    Hi McCrashWith the Simufly INS that Concorde X uses, you are able to use the AEDU Card System to load the next set of waypoints, so really, theres no typing to do. Every 9 waypoints (sometimes less) you need to just load up the next card, exactly as it was done in the real world. If FSLabs hadn't done that, and as you suggest, asked the guys at simufly to come up with an additional waypoint quantity, they would have all sorts of other complaints about a lack of realism. Rock | FS Labs | Hard Place....CheersSmiffy

  4. as good as it looks, I'm probably going to wait for a sale of some kind. 70$ is a little steep! unless of course, it's a pmdg :(
    Given that Lefteris Kalamaras owns FS Labs, the guy that was lead developer and Technical Director for most of PMDG's add-ons, wouldn't it be reasonable to expect that the quality would match / exceed that of PMDG? CheersPaul

  5. Dan: Sorry to hi-jack your thread, all will become clear as to why, as soon as i explain the problem, and you were a recognisable name that i know is sane enough not to launch into me for knackering your thread!Guys...I'm using Windows 7 32Bit, with Firefox 3.6 and i cannot start a new topic or do a 'full' reply, i can only type in a fast reply window...The pages appear for a new topic or a full reply, and if i have a quote in a full reply i can select text to highlight it, i just cannot type anything, or delete text. I have the same issue another forum that appears to use a similar forum plugin, but as yet nobody has been able to suggest a fix. I just ran a check for updates with firefox and i am informed that i have the latest release.Could somebody suggest the appropriate google string or a fix for this? I would like to avoid changing the browser if i can as i have tried most, and Firefox is by far my favourite other than this very annoying issue...CheersPaul

  6. From memory, so bear with me if this seems a bit vague....Look below the Captains Radio Panel, below the frq selection, and down to the right, you will see a switch with L C R and MKR, switch that around to MKR. After that, you need to look at the blue switch to the left of that, and turn it round to the right, that will up the MKR Vol to MAX, and scare the pants off you, the wife, and the kids, when you forget that you have done it and have your speakers nice and loud for those RadAlt callouts...CheersPaul

  7. Paul's nailed it (as you'd kinda hope really!)the turning main gear is what Boeing refer to as Body Gear Steering, the 777 does it too. Helps keep the tyres from scuffing and/or getting dragged off the rims as Paul suggests.IIRC the winglets are switchable in sim under the PMDG > Options > Misc menuCheersPaul

  8. Load the cold and dark panel state. For some reason though, it won't turn off the INS Switches... You can save your own panel state as i have done that sets the aircraft up to your required level of cold and dark, in my case all the altimers are in Mb and the batteries and ground power are on, along with the Logo Lights, and the Nav Lights. Air Con is one pack only, and the no smoking signs are on etc. Just as i would expect my friendly local aircraft engineer to leave it for me,i'll assume FSX as that's what i fly. IIRC in FS9 it's similar.ADD On'sPMDGPanel StateLoadSelect panel state. mine is called 0_BAV B744 PAX Cold and Dark the 0_ is to keep it at the top ;)Hope that helpsPaul

  9. It's your AIRAC updating the navdata and the current r/w runway heading is 3 degrees off of what it was when your scenery was made.We have an edit for it in the readme of the SID/STAR package that Steve Bell our 747 TC at BAV put together. You can either join BAV, or PM G-CIVX on the forum... I bet if you ask Dan Down's nicely he may even send it your way ;)CheersPaul@ Dan Downs: I'm sure Mr Bell wouldn't mind and i'll try and remember this thread on Friday when i next speak to him (favourited the thread, I'll still probably forget though). but it's the rwy hdg modification in navapt.dat that's in the readme i believe is what is needed in this instance. I don't have it to hand at present.CheersPaul

  10. HiI may well be wrong, i'm just going to look through a couple of 744 op's manuals to confirm, but the only automated flap retraction that a 744 is capable of is when the reversers are unlocked and the leading edge retracts (retracted? i think it was disabled as a result of an FAA airworthiness directive after a BAW 747-436 almost ran out of runway at FAJS due to an erroneous rev unlk message) It's certainly not something that i have seen or heard of in the PMDG 744. I may be wrong though as i said. I would suggest that it is more likely that you have an erroneous keyboard command or axis going to your sim that is causing a flap retract.CheersPaulEdit: I note that there is an old thread on the Prune that PMDG's very own 'Q' has responded to. It would suggest that on the QF 744's there is indeed an automated flap retraction associated with the receipt of the > FLAP RELIEF message on the upper EICAS. I have cause a > FLAP RELIEF message to appear once or twice only within the PMDG 744 and that was a result of me not paying enough heed to the Flap Schedule on the PFD. I do not recall that the add-on started to retract my flaps for me though, so i would erringly suggest that it is not simulated on the PMDG Version of the aircraft. I can also not find any mention of it in the BAW B744 Manuals. It may just be an option that QF Took and BA didn't. I certainly wouldn't argue with Q's far superior knowledge though.Cheers P

  11. I was just making some tests on my FS.When I land without autobrake, the problem doesn't happen. I just gradually press the normal brakes, the airplane reduces and I'm able to taxi.When I land without my joystick (turned off), but using autobrakes, it still happens. Seems to have nothing to do with the joystick.Should I uninstall the MD-11? Or maybe FS? Is FSUIPC really necessary?Thanks!
    FSUIPC is very useful and highly recommended, to get the autobrakes to disconect try increasing the thrust out of reverse and (or?) pressing on the brakes,Works for me every timeCheersPaul

  12. So good, i played it twice. @ PMDG in general. Can your next add-on please be more realistic, the last one i bought, i flew in it from Dubai to Heathrow, opened my front door, and i was still in Dubai, which is frankly unacceptable. CheersP...couldn't resist it, felt the thread needed a little perspective...

  13. Hi Guys:In all my years of flying the PMDG 747 on Long hauls, it is a rare occasion that the old girl gets above FL370/FL380. In fact, sizable portions of some of my trips can be spent as low as FL280 as a result of high ZFW and the VAST quanities of fuel that the 744 can carry. It takes a while to burn off enough that the Opt Crz level starts heading north.If you wish to go with realism in your step climbs, pressing in the ALT knob is a bad move. The trolley dollies will be rolling down the cabins as the nose pitches up to a 1000 FPM climb. An alternate method that would hardly be noticed in the cabin is to press ALT HOLD, Dial in the new altitude, and then use V/S to bring the aircraft into a 400FPM climb. While she is climbing, head to the VNAV page, and update the cruise altitude using the keypad and upselect it to LSK1L. Once she has levelled out re-engage VNAV, and Roberts your Mothers Brother! :( CheersPaul

  14. I have sent PM to Gaura Mohana. I have that file, as well as Craig Reads, both excellent tutorials that walk you though the entire process.
    Cheers Geoff:Holger's Tutorial was invaluable to me when i started flying the Queen. Great to see some new blood wanting to get to grips with the fat girl!CheersPaul

  15. I guess the issue is, If you use the table with the corrected nautical air miles.... your going to crash into the ground somewhere over Arkansas.... Here's the deal... I've been working on a fuel calculator for the 747 and I am testing it to see how comparable it is to the fuel tables.... It is very close with the exception of these ultra long hauls.... for some reason... something is funny....
    Here's a fuel ready reckoner that i started working on before i discovered FOC. Thanks to Steve Bell (G-CIVX on the forum here) for the basic methodAll weights are in KG's.You enter your values in the white boxes, the green boxes are autosum's. Once you have those, you need to run your route through Active Sky or whatever WX addon you use, and enter those into the rte data page winds aloft in the FMC, Once you have done that, you can add or remove fuel using the PMDG options box to ensure that your remaining fuel levels are as required.It's basic, but it served me well before i invested the money in FOC.CheersPaul>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Note: I had to change the file extension to .TXT = CHANGE IT BACK TO .ZIP WHEN YOU HAVE DOWNLOADED!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<I AM NOT SUPPORTING THIS - IT WAS FOR PERSONAL USE - USE IT OR DONT USE IT, Your Choice....

  16. So based on my conversion of what your program ran, it says you need a total of 300,000 lbs? If so, my original calculation with Corrected NAM was 301879 lbs. The FMC says no way.I'm crusing right now at .84, FL 310 and the ending fuel is showing 54,000 LBS. If this is true, we are still 57,300 lbs difference and I would be landing with -3000 lbs...Do you agree with this and any thoughts?By the way.... CPA 35 on Servinfo if you're looking
    Hi Scott, i'm an IVAO kinda guy so got rid of servinfo in favour of The IVAO Eye a long time ago :( Anyway, It's a Load Limited flight, so the best ZFW i could get, less a bit of comfort factor was 222,300Kg which works out as roughly 490087.60 Lb's using a web based conversion calc.In the FP That i ran above, there is no alternate, but i requested about 12,000Kg's (26400 lbs) to be the Remaining Fuel, which is about what i would plan for for a KLAX EGLL trip including divert to EGKK about 30 Miles down the road.So, based on an 01:00Z Departure (about 10 Mins time), you would need 149,420 Kg's of Gas, or about 428622.73 lb'sNot sure if that responds to your point, i hope it does, but keep firing away....http://manuelsweb.com/kg_lbs.htm is the conversion calc i used BTW...CheersPaul

  17. Okay, i've tried running a plan through Flight Operations Centre using a BAW 744 with the RB211 Engines. It's definately a load limiting flight, apologies for all the weights, being a Brit I use KG's.

    BRITISH AIRWAYS VIRTUAL - COMPANY FLIGHTPLAN	   SEQ002	  RLS001		    BAW9999  RKSIKATL.001	   ETD 01.00Z   09.11.28							   Aircraft B744-RB21-BAW	  Registration GBYGE								   TO SLOT   ......															     222.3	 ZFW   .... 01.00  OUT ....  TNKS ....								  370.7	 TOW   ....		OFF ....  USED ....								  234.3	 LAW   ....		 ON ....  LEFT ....								  6075	  ESAD  .... 13.40   IN ....  ACH FL ....							    6809	  DIST  NCR  CRSM   110  GCI  1050 BIAS											   PROFILE:																	    AGSUS/F310 - 44E60/F330 - 50N50/F350 - TAMRU/F370 - BIL/F390  TIF	...... 136.42	 12.14  6075	W/C T062							    DIVF   ...... 0.40	   00.15		  ALT*								    F/RES  ...... 5.50	   00.30												  C/FUEL ...... 0.00															  HOLD   ...... 0.00															  RRES   ...... 5.00	   00.27												  TAXI   ...... 1.00															  EROPS  ......																   REQ	...... 148.32	 13.26			  DIVERT  0.40					    EXTRA  ...... 1.10						  RTE RES 5.00					    TANKS  ...... 149.42	 PLAN REM 12.0	  TOT RES ......					   ALT SUMMARY	FUEL	TIME   FL				 DIV SPD SCHED				  ALT*		   0.40	00.15					 Cost Index 0				  																																																												  ROUTE:																		  SEL1A-SEL / G597-LANAT / Y51-SAMON / Y513-KMC / DCT-GOC /  OTR4-PABBA / OTR5-CALMA / DCT-44E60 / DCT-48E70 / DCT-50E80 /  DCT-50N70 / DCT-50N60 / DCT-50N50 / DCT-49N40 / DCT-PRETY /  DCT-TAMRU / DCT-SEFIX / DCT-CASDY / J500-YVR / J52-GEG /  J136-BIL / J151-STL / J45-PLESS / RMG3-RMG / (I10-SCARR)   NOTES : - Fuel Bias rised to 1050 - Route exeeds 105 per cent of GC ! - FLIGHT PLANNED WITHOUT ALTERNATE: - Holding Fuel (15 Min.) added as Alternate-Fuel - UWX DATA FILES IN USE : 20091128.00U / 20091128.06U / 20091128.12U - STOPS/EROPS NOT CALCULATED  [FF] FLIGHTPLAN:																	 AWY	POS   FREQ   FL   MT  DIST  TME  ETO  ATO  ETA  EET   FUEL  FOB   RFU  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------		RKSI						0.00 ..../..../..../0.00  0.00  /.....148.4 SEL1A  SEL   115.50 F040 104 023.5 0.03 ..../..../..../00.03 1.34  /.....147.0 G597   ENKAS		F080 086 022.0 0.03 ..../..../..../00.06 2.58  /.....145.8 G597   KARBU		F100 086 013.9 0.02 ..../..../..../00.08 3.33  /.....145.1 G597   JINBU		F180 087 044.6 0.06 ..../..../..../00.14 5.73  /.....142.6 G597   KAE   115.60 F190 087 008.2 0.01 ..../..../..../00.15 6.11  /.....142.3 G597   SORKA		F230 129 030.2 0.04 ..../..../..../00.19 7.44  /.....140.9 * TOC  AGSUS D-010				 G597   AGSUS		F310 129 078.3 0.09 ..../..../..../00.28 10.20 /.....138.2 G597   LANAT		F310 131 042.6 0.04 ..../..../..../00.32 11.17 /.....137.2 Y51	SAMON		F310 100 149.1 0.14 ..../..../..../00.46 14.35 /.....134.0 Y513   KMC   112.00 F310 091 092.5 0.09 ..../..../..../00.55 16.30 /.....132.1 DCT	GOC   115.30 F310 090 191.4 0.19 ..../..../..../01.14 20.38 /.....128.0 OTR4   TOPOS		F310 091 103.0 0.10 ..../..../..../01.24 22.56 /.....125.8 OTR4   PABBA		F310 092 072.9 0.07 ..../..../..../01.31 24.09 /.....124.3 OTR5   ADNIP		F310 067 157.9 0.16 ..../..../..../01.47 27.36 /.....121.0 OTR5   CALMA		F310 069 185.7 0.19 ..../..../..../02.06 31.22 /.....117.2 DCT	44E60		F330 061 500.3 0.46 ..../..../..../02.52 40.50 /.....107.9 DCT	48E70		F330 059 481.0 0.53 ..../..../..../03.45 50.49 /.....97.93 DCT	50E80		F330 068 411.7 0.47 ..../..../..../04.32 59.47 /.....88.96 DCT	50N70		F330 079 385.9 0.43 ..../..../..../05.15 67.58 /.....80.84 DCT	50N60		F330 076 385.9 0.41 ..../..../..../05.56 75.21 /.....73.21 DCT	50N50		F350 072 385.9 0.32 ..../..../..../06.28 81.03 /.....67.40 DCT	49N40		F350 078 394.4 0.40 ..../..../..../07.08 87.98 /.....60.44 DCT	PRETY		F350 069 297.7 0.35 ..../..../..../07.43 93.89 /.....54.53 DCT	TAMRU		F370 072 064.7 0.07 ..../..../..../07.50 95.22 /.....53.20 DCT	SEFIX		F370 073 162.3 0.20 ..../..../..../08.10 98.47 /.....49.96 DCT	CASDY		F370 059 109.6 0.14 ..../..../..../08.24 100.68/.....47.74 J500   YVR   115.90 F370 070 032.7 0.04 ..../..../..../08.28 101.32/.....47.10 J52	SHUKA		F370 089 042.7 0.05 ..../..../..../08.33 102.13/.....46.29 J52	TWISP		F370 094 089.8 0.11 ..../..../..../08.44 103.82/.....44.60 J52	GEG   115.50 F370 094 105.9 0.13 ..../..../..../08.57 105.81/.....42.62 J136   HILIE		F370 073 038.1 0.04 ..../..../..../09.01 106.52/.....41.90 J136   MLP   117.80 F370 077 042.5 0.05 ..../..../..../09.06 107.30/.....41.12 J136   HLN   117.70 F370 087 159.6 0.17 ..../..../..../09.23 110.01/.....38.41 J136   BIL   114.50 F390 092 146.5 0.15 ..../..../..../09.38 112.46/.....35.96 J151   RAP   112.30 F390 099 263.0 0.28 ..../..../..../10.06 116.78/.....31.64 J151   ONL   113.90 F390 101 209.8 0.24 ..../..../..../10.30 120.41/.....28.01 J151   DSM   117.50 F390 094 233.5 0.27 ..../..../..../10.57 124.45/.....23.97 J151   JAVAS		F390 129 056.1 0.07 ..../..../..../11.04 125.41/.....23.01 J151   CHASY		F390 133 005.9 0.01 ..../..../..../11.05 125.51/.....22.91 J151   SKBOZ		F390 133 009.4 0.01 ..../..../..../11.06 125.67/.....22.75 J151   COLIE		F390 135 024.8 0.03 ..../..../..../11.09 126.10/.....22.32 J151   TWAIN		F390 134 050.0 0.06 ..../..../..../11.15 126.95/.....21.47 J151   STL   117.40 F390 137 066.1 0.08 ..../..../..../11.23 128.08/.....20.34 J45	PLESS		F390 130 095.4 0.11 ..../..../..../11.34 129.69/.....18.73 RMG3   BNA   114.10 F390 133 148.5 0.17 ..../..../..../11.51 132.09/.....16.33 RMG3   DRAKK		F390 149 028.0 0.03 ..../..../..../11.54 132.55/.....15.87 * TOD  NEUTO D-029				 RMG3   NEUTO		F310 150 047.9 0.05 ..../..../..../11.59 133.54/.....14.89 RMG3   RMG   115.40 F150 150 065.4 0.09 ..../..../..../12.08 134.14/.....14.28 I10	PENCL		F050 146 038.9 0.06 ..../..../..../12.14 134.42/.....14.00 I10	ZMANN		F040 094 003.1 0.01 ..../..../..../12.15 134.45/.....13.98		KATL						0.00 ..../..../..../12.14 136.4 /.....12.00 [FF]  WAYPOINTS AND WINDS : ENROUTE ICAO  FREQ   LATITUDE LONGITUDE MAG	WD
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