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ray hughes

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Posts posted by ray hughes

  1. after some more trals and restars I started rebuilding the community folder asset by asset. i believe the cause is found - still trialing this but my PMS folder that installs the GTN750 seems to be culprit

    It has worked well up until the latest series of CTD's so it is possible it is just corrupted.

    By removing this folder from the Community folder i can at lease access my payware scenery and aircraft at the moment.

    Fingers crossed.

    I would like to thank all contributors as there has been some good  pragmatic advice from members.

    Thanks for all your contributions. (And if this doesn't work, I will let you all know.)

    Kind Regards


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  2. 3 hours ago, RJC68 said:

    It might be a longshot but try the following:

    Open command prompt as administrator and run each of the commands below one by one

    Dism.exe /online /Cleanup-Image /checkhealth

    Dism.exe /online /Cleanup-Image /scanhealth

    Dism.exe /online /Cleanup-Image /Restorehealth

    sfc /scannow

    Dism.exe /Online /Cleanup-Image /AnalyzeComponentStore

    Dism.exe /Online /Cleanup-Image /StartComponentCleanup

    I should have mentioned  - already done this, but thanks for the support - appreciated!

  3. Dear Forum members,

    I am at my whits end in trying to resolve the CTD's of MSFS 2020 on normal startup. If i restart in basic mode ( it launches normally, but then I have none of my payware software.

    The community folder was moved using the Steam MOVE function and two full reinstalls where completed after initial problems with the first attempt. This all came about because i purchased a 2Tb SSD and wanted MSFS to be launched from there.

    The Video driver was downgraded, and the realtek sound software was upgraded to the latest version.

    I have allowed the system to manage the virtual memory space (it was defined by before by me before hand.)  I have run system checks and Scandisk and all report no issues. I have disabled the virus checker

    Before the move, the community folder content caused no issues.

    If i go to %Appdata% folder and delete the Microsoft simulator folder completely in Appdata and reboot the computer, when i then restart MSFS it of course wants to reisntall  the total program , but I point it to my existing installation and it resumes normal loading,  it then starts normally for one flight. the next time , back to CTD's 

    I have gone through the community folder and have removed any likelihood of suspect add on's. keeping only those needed for my payware add ons.

    Still CTD's...

    I have spent way to long on this but if anyone out there has any further suggestions I am willing to try



  4. 3 hours ago, Saffa_Jake812 said:

    I run the latest NV GR driver together with MSI Afterburner ( and Riva (7.3.3) under Windows 11 and I do not have this issue. Do you have same software versions as me?

    I will check what versions of MSI and Riva I was running. For now, I am really happy my FPS has returned to normal,  Post window 11 upgrade and SU10 upgrade . I did not check version numbers before I came across this solution, I was getting errors about overclocked GPU or Heat problem, or corrupted Nvidia driver. The irony is I never overclocked my GPU and the fans where not screaming in the PC case from demand. This error has now gone now that I temporarily disabled these two Startups.

    By the way,  Are you running Windows 11 latest update??  

  5. Just an update for me (terrrible FPS) regardless of driver version and Dx11 or Dx12.

    I finally found the culprits thanks to a viewer on the main Asobo forum- Nvidia, has done something to the drivers under windows 11 that causes complete FPS slowdown if MSI afterburner and Riva Tuner are running .

    Disabled both these on startup and presto, got my FPS back thank goodness (for now at least!!  - I restarted the PC twice more to confirm this solution remained in place after relaunching MSFS and indeed it did!!

    Now to rebuild the rest of the Missing 3rd party content



  6. This whole Driver update and a recent decision to upgrade to Windows 11 for me has been a perfect storm for me personally.

    I have a 5900x, 32Gb ram, an RTX 3080Ti and I have a 4k Monitor

    After upgrading to windows 11 things worked fine for a little while, then the new SU10 came out almost the same time as windows 11 did an update. Result - disaster. (Even before i tried upgrading to the Nvidia Studio Driver 

    Unbeknownst to me , my SSD System drive was virtually full, thus Caching was not working well. Running MSFS after the update my FPS was abysmal (7 to 8 Fps) .

    I tried downgrading the Nvidia driver  - it changed for just that one session to normal FPS. But on restarting, back to abysmal

    Reinstalled the newest studio driver (prior to this latest update) using DDU to clean out the older NVidia driver  - same result

    Resinstalled the older drive 516.97 - no difference

    Tried moving files off the SSD to another drive - managed to get back 187Gb

    Still no change

    Ran Verifiy files in Steam - all good

    Uninstalled my Steam version MSFS and all associated links

    Reinstalled  - no difference in poor FPS

    Tried again and went through a more comprehensive cleaning of MSFS files and resinstalled

    All my Asobo extra purchase aircraft missing,  All my payware aircraft and scenery gone (I backed up the community folder but the symbolic link doesn't appear to be working)

    Logged out of XBox and re-logged back in  - nothing changed - no ASOBO Marketplace aircraft I purchased downloading or appearing in the aircraft list.

    As it stands. I have MSFS in its basic Deluxe format. Unplayable because of extremely low FPS. Regardless of which version of driver I select it eventuates in far below normal FPS

    Reading this thread this morning offers a glimmer of hope that this new Driver will fix the low FPS. 

    If it does, then it back to rebuilding MSFS to where it was before all this happened.

    Just an unfortunate and bloody frustrating set of circumstances I guess - 



  7. 7 minutes ago, eslader said:

    zOMG. A for-profit business trying to make money. Those monsters!


    No it isn't. They aren't selling insulin. No one's going to suffer if they don't get a fictional 737 for a low price. This is a pretend airplane we pretend to fly for fun. No one needs a PMDG product. We buy them because we want them, and acting like they're screwing the public by selling a "want" for more than you want to pay is the height of absurdity.



    Sarcasm aside, if you read my response properly you will see I acknowledge this is business trying to make a profit (as are all Developers), - it is the business marketing model used by PMDG itself that is the contention of my response. Was that not clear enough to you?

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  8. 8 hours ago, psolk said:

    Well it has significantly more variants than the -600 included so you can argue yes it is justified to ask double for what's included.  


    • Includes the 737-600 in passenger configuration.


    • Includes the 737-800 in passenger configuration with both blended winglets and split scimitar winglet configurations.
    • Includes the Boeing Business jet in with both blended winglets and split scimitar winglets configurations.
    • Includes both the 737-800 BDSF & BCF freighter with main deck cargo door with blended winglets.

    This is all marketing Strategy.

    PMDG knew at heart their 737-800 was the main draw.

    They have been nothing but milking the maximum possible financial return out of this frame now for several years. It is the formulaic cut and dice approach by drip feeding the craving enthusiasts with model series releases optioning for masses of variations , options and "extras".

    So what you may say?  They in are in the business to maximise profits where ever possible,  as any operating business would do.

    Yes, well its at the expense of the public who maybe don't want to fit into this mold of purchase. Do they care? Not unless sales fall drastically.

    I personally don't want the extra varieties of 738's offered with this purchase, I am interested in the Passenger variant only. Am i going to be able to buy the 738 just as a passenger jet? -  No.

    For many the argument that you get the BJB and Cargo version for this price argument is really irrelevant if you are not going to fly them.

    Why not offer just the 738 passenger version by itself at a lower price? Because PMDG would say that eats into their profit margins and development time and sales of the 736 and 737 would likely suffer. Hence the order of release shall be:  737, then the lower priced stubby 736, then the anticipated big seller the 738.

    The only way PMDG will reluctantly abandon this model and respond to differing selling options is if the products on offer sell far below their predictions curve.





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  9. I have a couple of issues with the beta 1.32 -

    First - the default camera view is always Landing gear regardless of how many times I change it back to pilot

    Second - the Outside sound seems to ignore my sound volume settings - regardless of how low I turn them down -  it appears to ignore this and is way to loud.

    I realize it is a Beta - but cannot find any others raising these two issues ?



  10. 3 hours ago, Tuskin38 said:

    f Asobo ever does a China update, I imagine anything they get will be third party, the government would never give them any official data.

    I'm honestly surprised the roads and buildings line up in the sim. The Chinese obfuscation laws the reason why Bing and Google's roadmaps in China are completely off location.

    I'm guessing it's because MSFS uses AI + OpenStreetMap data. Plus, MSFS isn't made for real world navigation.

    This from a quick browse on the Internet

    The answer from Frank Shih provides an excellent technical explanation of how it is that Google Maps of China and satellite view line up, but they are not as deep as the reason for this discrepancy. Particularly, what are the “security concerns” behind the restrictions on GPS accuracy?

    This goes back to the earliest days of GPS when the Global Positioning System was put in place with funding from, among other sources, the US military. US, Chinese, and other governments were concerned that either terrorists or enemies could use the GPS systems for extremely accurate violent attacks, even, for example, being able to send a missile through a particular window into a particular room of a building. This concern has only increased with the development of drone technology.

    Early on, the US tried to distort the GPS signals over the continental US to reduce this risk. However, this made GPS signals too inaccurate to be useful in landing commercial aircraft. Ironically, the Chinese government cracked the US distortion, so there was a period of time when Chinese missiles could hit US targets using GPS more accurately than US civilian airplanes could land at US airports.

    Over time, things have changed and the government of China has put the system described in FJ Shi’s answer to reduce the risk of terrorist or military attacks on the Chinese mainland.


    2 minutes ago, EasternT3 said:

    Prices haven’t been discussed yet but from my understanding, it sounds like they’ll be 5 product lines for the 737

    737-700 which includes the pax version, -700BCF and BBJ

    737-800 including the pax, -800BCF and BBJ2



    737 MAX (when/if that happens)

    and then they’ll be other models like firefighting and military variants that’ll slot into a product line,

    So if you want the -800BCF you will get the BBJ2 and -800pax all together

    All the product lines are separate from each other so the -800 wouldn’t require the -700.

    It’ll be interesting to see the pricing when it is released and how it works with discounts etc for multiple product lines, a bit like JF and the PA28’s

    Thanks for this explanation. 

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  12. Just to help me clarify the latest comments - PMDG is releasing the  Base model 700 first and will charge a lower price for that than the P3D buy in which included all variations of the 737/. The BBJ 700 and Freighter versions of the 700  are considered modifications to the base airframe and will be charged as extras.?

    Will the 800 require the 700 to run correctly? (ah la Capt Sim)? Or it is completely different base model and can be purchased separately without any 737 700 dependencies.? 

    Observation;  Unitizing into separate model components is another way in capitalising on returns. It is a well known tactic in the corporate world. I have to say my observations of this tactic invariably offering more,  inevitably means you get less in the long run. - or the same thing previously, at a higher price.

    PMDG will be hoping the end result will give more freedom to the purchaser of options available and I would agree - however, it would also dissuade me from buying anything other than the base model because that is the real saving -( if the model comes out at a lower anticipated price as per previous posts by Mr Randazzo.) 

  13. My download stuck at 91 percent downloading fs-base-soundbanks-0.1.47.fspatch.

    it downloaded this file to 100 percent. Then the counter reset to 90 percent and the download restarted again, and again, and again.

    after an hour of this tango, I gave up - had to use Task Manager to bail out of the update as there was no other option.

    I see problems ahead..


    An Update ...

    Rebooting computer, run SFC /Scannow - no errors - relaunch Steam, Start MSFS - resumed at stuck download. This time no problem - cruised through. So I have no idea what was happening there!?


  14. I applaud Aerosoft for presenting this product to the market and I am sure some will get great usage out of this.

    Personally, the default models don't do it for me  - I have a reasonably good system so AI models need to look a lot more realistic.

    As there are already two variations of freeware out there  (IVAO and AIG) with better models I will stick with those. (Admittedly a little fiddly to get these working)

    If Aerosoft do decide to upgrade the default models and cover a larger part of the globe better,  then just maybe I will reconsider.

    • Like 5

  15. 3 hours ago, NZ255 said:

    What I find most interesting (and it comes down to money so makes sense) is that the domestic props that’ll use the smaller runway to the north will have the furthest to taxi, and most domestic destinations are to the south, while international traffic using the big south runway will want to be heading north-ish 

    My understanding is that plan has changed and approval has been signed off for a longer runway than originally proposed on the northern side. Domestic props can remain on 23/05 for convenience and the northern runway has the capability to land the big jets

    • Like 1

  16. 5 hours ago, Mike S KPDX said:

    Man, their work is outstanding and amazing.  But I cant help but see just how ugly this real life airport is.  What a mishmash of shapes, geometry, materials, form and flow, just bad.

    Cannot disagree - Number of reasons for this. The airport company works closely with its major customers. air New Zealand being its biggest. What they want and what the airport wants are often poles apart in terms of cost and design.  The original International terminal was compact and a nice design. Subsequent expansions by different architectural and engineering planning teams over the decades, was around a pragmatic approach to changing regulation requirements and rapid expansion .

    When I joined (almost 16 years ago, I remember being led into a room that had a large model of the airport of the future.

    Subsequent development has incorporated aspects of this plan in a bits and pieces approach.  This had led to such things as Pier B International having one design for two gates, and a different design and approach for the other 2 gates built just 5 years later. (Gates 15 through 18 if your interested).

    There are further Large developments planned such as additional multi storied car parks, a new hotel, externally complete, but internally yet to be fitted out, and new Pier Arm - (5 year plan) - also a second runway to the north of the existing one.

    The CEO's tend to change regularly  and also the board (every 5 years or so - the latest lasted 9 ). Like all airports, appointments can be political  - and indeed the Government has some say in requirements - So all these factors have led to the loss of attractively designed cohesive long term design plan for the airport.

    The only real solution is to build a brand new terminal (costing billions) north of where we are positioned now, on slightly higher ground - but I cannot see this happening in the next xx years.  - Just my 2 cents!

    • Like 3

  17. 17 minutes ago, FlyAndFight said:

    I removed all mods and still have the issue with the flight not loading.  The progress bar gets all the way to the right but the flight won't load.  I've left it running for over an hour and no cigar.  

    Task manager to quit and try the same setup again? Sometimes, mine will load on a second try.

    What i find odd, is that the ASOBO error message does not come up at this stage when you reload the sim

  18. I use Add on Linker - have turned off all community add-ons except the freeware GNS 730 which i have just installed to try out with my Just Flight Piper Arrow.

    Orbx can link its airports via an alias in the community folder so I left those links intact.

    Same problem - after launching - and then selecting airport and aircraft - Long blue bar progresses all the way to the end and just sits there. I checked memory usage and while GPU is at 57 -100 percent and settles to around 65 percent and CPU is at 34 percent..

    I was setting up a flight from Obrx Brisbane airport. Some other contributor (Pete) suggested unlinking and relinking. This I have done but it makes no difference.

    After 20 or so minutes i ended up using Task Manager to quit and relaunch.

    In the read me, this GNS Add on states it is update to date (it states compatible with update 1.20.)

    When relaunching the same situation a second time ,from the same airport,  the blue bar progress is slower compared to the first attempt and it still hangs. Gave up after 8 minutes.

    For a 3rd attempt tried from a default airport (YMMB) Melbourne.

    Launched within 20 seconds successfully.!!

    Dunno about anyone else but this seems to point suspiciously to an issue with Orbx specific airport scenery??  As these hangs has occurred at other Orbx airports airports also ...

    I could be jumping to conclusions here, but it does seem odd

    I saved a File Dump of the situation



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