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Posts posted by johnz

  1. John-Perhaps therein lies the issue........ is there any log that you can reference re. the failure? Sorry to be less than brilliantly insightful.....sometimes these issues are the "forest for the trees" types. Best of luck........ keep us posted.....
    Thanks Carl,I'll wait for the final PMDG answer on my issue and then I'll post.Regards,John

  2. John-That's the exact OS I use.......without issue. Are you sure there have been no file "removals", services stopped etc.? It's a very popular OS with the FS crowd......there has to be something in your setup that is interfering with the installation.......that is different than a stock install.
    Carl thank you for your help but there are no changes than the stock install. It is a new PC bought with the OS installed and FSX, Acceeleration and every addon (737NGX 800-900 is included) was installed quite succesfully.John

  3. John-They (PMDG Support) are used to dealing with thousands of combinations of software/hardware. If they say it's an OS issue......I'm inclined to agree.....what OS are you using?
    Hi Carl,I use W7 64bit professional (no tweaked and of course fully updated). The question is why my OS refuses to install the 600-700 expansion only. 800-900 isntalled succesfully few hours ago!Regards,John

  4. Dear all,After a succesfull installation of PMDG737NGX 800-900 (3118 full installer) in my new PC, i proceeded with the 600-700 expansion (3118 full installer downloaded from PMDG). Attempting the 600-700 installation i faced the error "Feature transfer file - Catastrophic failure" and thus it is impossible to install and use my 600-700 copy.Is there anyone had ever the same issue? (I submitted a ticket in PMDG support but they said that is an OS issue and I' m wondering why on this specific installer only?)Any help will be higly appreciated,Regards,John

  5. The same problem hereI run NGX in an i7 2720QM (2,2ghz), GTX 460m, 8g ram laprop and I'm just getting 10 to 15 fps in low settings. Seems that the PMDG's best performance recommendation (Processor: Intel Core i5 or i7 (Sandy Bridge core) or better) is not quite reliable. Of course, I followed all the above mentioned tweaks and settings in order to optimize performance. John

  6. Afternoon all,Would anyone know why the drop down menu functions don't work in my Vista 64bit installation - When It drops down, I try to access the change configuration/fuel/failure tabs, but I just get black screened for my trouble. I would like to do the tutorial, but I can't change the weights etc.,Thanks for any forthcoming helpFrederick Brown
    Hi Frederick,Try to access these menus while not in full screen mode. I don't know why but PMDG menus seems that are not working while in full screen mode.John

  7. Hi to all,I would like to describe the following problem occured after installation of the new 190.62 nvidia drivers.I 'm running FS9.1 under Vista 64bits with absolutely no problems using drivers up to 186.18.After installing 190.62 and when in full screen mode everything turns to black periodically (every 2 secs). The same problem occured with 190.38 also.As I tried to uninstall the driver in order to come back to the previous sitituation, I received an error message about NVCPL.dll. After this point I was receiving this error message in every OS startupI managed to turn back to 186.18 using system restore and everything is OK now.However, it seems that I can't update nvidia drivers due to the full screen problem.Any suggestions will be highly appreciated,Thanks,JohnCPU: E6850 (3.0Ghz)GPU: Nvidia 8800 GTS 320MBRAM: 4gOS: Windows Vista Home Premium 64b

  8. hi John, i would have thought that if you have fully read and digested the course tutorials 1 - 4 there would be no need to have course 5 as the previous ones are probably sufficient to make you efficient in flying the 747. just a thought. richard welsh
    Hi Richard,I have already read all the released course tutorials and are very good written indeed. However, course no 5 is mentioned in the last page of no 4 rating course and is promised as the tutorial dedicated for various approach types (like a VOR approach).Something similar happens with the "MD11 Advanced Tutorial" that is promised in the last pages of the basic tutorial.I'm already flying both airplanes. Just wondering how long (in term of months or years) takes for the promised PMDG tutorials to be released.John

  9. XP 64 too, you're correct.The PMDG installer will automatically install two Microsoft modules... just allow it to do what it asks to do and you're okay.
    Dear Dan,Is PMDG 747-400 for FS2004 compatible with Vista 64bit? I would like to buy the 747 FS2004 version and I' m wondering about that.Thank you for your response,John

  10. This has been happening for a while.When someone leaves or joins the session, FS freezes for about 3 seconds and starts again. This has become very annoying, and somewhat dangerous on approach. Anyone got an idea how to fix this?
    If you are using SB4 and FS9 try to disable UPnP on your router settings. I had the same problem and just resolved it this way.John

  11. The only time that has happened to me was when using fspassengers and I have there failures set at 1% did you see any HYD fault messages on the EAD?Rob
    Hello Rob and thanks for the instant response,No, I didn't had any HYD fault messages. The only fault message I had was the "CONFIG" and as I turn to config screen I saw the message "Autobrake is off". I 'm not using fspassengers and my setup is (Vista 64bit, FS9, MD11 last version).John

  12. Dear all,Yesterday, as I was flying online the MD11 I experienced the following situation:After landing and proceed to shutdown checklist I prepared the airplane for the next trip (without reloading tha plane).After take off I was not able to retract the landing gear (except the center one). The truth is that I delayed to retract the gear. After many attempts I slow down to 220 knots in order to retract the gear but I was still unable to do so. After all I executed the whole flight with landing gear down (except center gear - three greens).Did anyone knows if I did something wrong? Is that a normal MD11 behavior?And something else: Where is the PMDG promised MD11 advanced tutorial?Thanks for your help,John

  13. Anyone having a problem with dome lights can you please post here the [LIGHTS] and [sMOKESYSTEM] section of your aircraft.cfg file?
    Dear Michael,Here are the [LIGHTS] and [sMOKESYSTEM] sections of my MD11 aircraft.cfg file you requested:[LIGHTS]//Types: 1=beacon, 2=strobes, 3=Navigation, 4=Cockpit, 5=landing, 6=taxi, 7=recognition, 8=wing, 9=Logolight.0 = 8, -85.231, 23.611, -1.000, fx_PMDG_MD11_winglight,light.1 = 7, -85.231, -23.611, -1.000, fx_PMDG_MD11_winglight,light.2 = 2, -14.500, 0.00, -10.750, fx_PMDG_MD11_LL_Light,light.3 = 9, -7.025, 0.00, 4.263, fx_PMDG_MD11_emerlights,[sMOKESYSTEM]smoke.0 = -7.025, 0.00, 4.263, fx_PMDG_MD11_cockpit,I 'm facing the same lighting problem also.John

  14. Hi John!I'm sorry to say John I don't really agree with you. You could run it with an x32 system without having a single OOM. It depends onhow many add on ou have. Specially a ton of purchased nice really looking airports together with maybe UT/Terrain, and high complexac as PMDG, Super 80, Level D, and many others.....well then you could reach your limit in FS.No one could imagine that there would be so many REAL looking and REAL ac when FS was developed for a 32 bit of systems.Of course it's better to change, (if you have tons of nice add on, as I have), to a 64 bit of sytem, which can handle more than 2GB of Ram.I decided to change for about 2 weeks ago. Purchased XP pro 64 and another 2GB of Ram. Not that expensive. Some $ 260 I think it was.The worst thing however was that I had to Validate everything of my purchased ac and some of the scenery for XP64. It took me nearly aweek before all was set.Please see my thread about "Longhaul Flight from Copenhagen to Singapore" were I tested the XP64/ Leffe :(
    Hello Leffe,Firstly, I would like to thank you for your reply.As per my FSX installation there is no other addon but MD-11 and Level D 767ER installed. I recently updated my hardware with 2 more gbs of memory and I have no problems so far.Did you know if is possible to update a 32bit OS to a 64bit one without a fresh install of the OS?Regards,John

  15. Hey here is an idea!Don't blame your poor PC choices on PMDG!You are running the MS ram monster Vista with only 2GB of ram... you need to double that at LEAST. If doubling your ram doesn't completely solve the issue, upgrading to vista 64-bit (along with 4GB of ram) will.And before you talk about how the LDS 767 works flawlessly, you should remember that it is an older add-on, is of lower fidelity systems wise, and generally less graphically intensive.
    Obviously, PMDG must change its minimum and recommended specs and make clear that a 64bit OS is necessary to run this product!John
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