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Posts posted by mfahey

  1. 16 hours ago, dbw1 said:

    When I was still flying helicopters in the RW back in the late 1980s i used to service fire towers in Alberta. This was with an AStar (AS350B). The tower people looked to have a real nice job to spend the summer fire season. Also, a great job if you were just tired on life, people and general BS. The job appeared to attract people from a wide spectrum of life. Some interesting and some less so. I look forward to coming across this scenery add-on.

    This is the best! I'm typing from a remote jungle home in Indonesia which I live in half of the year (in 2 month stretches) which serves as a circuit breaker from western hyper BS. I like being able to transition between both worlds - perhaps I could have just taken a job living at a fire tower!

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  2. 4 hours ago, JWvdH said:

    I have my max framerate set to 30, VSYNC on, and the AutoFPS framerate set to 29. Working fine so far.

    Almost the same here - VSYNC 30 (Half monitor native frame rate) with the AutoFPS framerate set at 28.   

    I used to have AutoFPS framerate set to 29 but I never reached the TLOD of 200 (my max setting) in cruise (12,000 FT) - it would alway stop a little short around TLOD 194 or 196 :). Of course in reality the difference between TLOD 194 or 200 wouldn't be detectable, but heck - setting the target frame rate to 28 locks in a perfect TLOD 200 every flight now.

    What an amazing application AutoFPS is - now I dont even look at it, it just runs in the background and i NEVER see a stutter 🙂
    Pure joy!


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  3. On 2/5/2024 at 10:49 AM, YVR_23 said:

    Just be thankful that Microsoft continues to support MSFS20 with free updates, and be thankful that we're getting a new sim. You don't reach a $3 trillion dollar valuation by spending money on products that aren't making money or by upsetting your investors. This is why I think it's only a matter of time before the MS series flatlines, and Microsoft decides to pull the plug, similar to what they did with FSX. The only silver lining is that we should have a sim that performs well for years to come because of all the hard work Asobo is putting into MSFS2020 and 2024.

    I'm sure Microsoft's business plan is more than just a flight simulator. They are basically building a digital twin (that's Microsoft's own words) of the planet, Microsoft's own Bing version of "Google Earth" - that arguably has already surpassed Google Earth. This will be able to used in an amazing amount of applications extending to professional and scientific uses. MSFS is also a technology demonstrator for many Microsoft technologies such as Azure cloud etc.

    Flight Simulator may just be the launch application (and a very rich visual demonstration) of this platform. This may be why Microsoft is so protective of the weather system, not providing a rich weather API - because their long term plans include this digital twin being a real time environmental (climate) model as well.

    Think about it - all the blessed 3rd party partners they have engaged are working on the application layer such as vehicles / or scenery models that sit on top of their world. Any vendor who has "messed" with the core planet (such as providing a limited season texture change etc) are tolerated as "hacks" but not officially blessed or promoted by Microsoft.



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  4. Yes happens to me too (maybe 25% of the time?)  - I only fly the DA62. 

    In the past restarting the sim (exit to desktop and once again start MSFS) has always fixed it. But yesterday morning it happened to me again even after the second restart, and I didnt try a third time.

    I had never experienced the issue prior to the December sim update.

  5. 13 hours ago, chapstick said:

    So every single windsock, regardless of whether it's default or a third party scenery, is correctly oriented with this? 

    I have long had Windy Things installed and still see plenty of third-party and default windsocks blowing the wrong way and often duplicated. So, I'm pretty sure that the Windy Things only controls the correct operation of their own windsock objects. This paragraph from the Windy Things product description seems to confirm my thinking...

    "Important Notes

    Unlike the default Asobo windsock, all of the objects in this library have been designed so that they will remain properly oriented to the wind, regardless of how you rotate them in your scene.

    I am still interested in creating internal windsock lighting in addition to the external windsock lighting included in this library, but the lighting system in MSFS 2020 does not seem to work well for that application.  If anyone has had success in creating a working lighting effect INSIDE an object in MSFS, please PM me here with your ideas".


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  6. Sounds like the problem I had last week - or maybe the week before.

    I went to the FSLTL Discord and read that there is (was?) a bug in the Experimental Injector. It happens when your departure and arrival airport are the same. 

    The solution is to download and use the official release version of the Injector.
    The Experimental Version will be updated to fix it.

    • Like 1

  7. So... I have just loaded up WU14 and at random decided to load into one of the new handcrafted airports - LDRI Rijeka in Croatia.

    WOW! The quality of the airport is amazing, it just goes to highlight how amazing the sim is progressing.
    What really struck me is the faded taxiway lines and apron markings and the worn and faded runway white centerline markings as well as the unusual terminal and tower. The "free" included handcrafted airports back in 2020 always seemed to feature over-saturated red and yellow comic-like line markings - this is such an improvement.

    The terraforming seems spot on with gentle runway variations without the taxiway bumps and invisible potholes that afflict so many add-ons around the stores.

    I'm excited to see if the other freebie airports in WU14 are of equal quality.

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  8. Just for what's it worth (confirming for others that if you come across this error it's easy to get up and running again) today when attempting to start FS-ATC-Chatter I received a dialogue box error "Non-static method requires a target".

    This followed a crash to reboot by MSFS a few minutes before (the crash was related to DX12 nothing to do with FS-ATC-Chatter).

    Deleting the file "state.json" in the FS-ATC-Chatter installed folder solved the issue and the Chatter app loaded up without any further issues into its default state.



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  9. 11 hours ago, edpatino said:

    Any hint on what will be covered by the WU14?

    There was a screenshot "leaked" as a tease by Microsoft last week somewhere - I came across it in a forum, most likely here at AVSIM somewhere. From memory, it was a shot of Prague (?). So I don't think there has been an announcement of how large the area is - country or region - but at least we saw a peek at one of the cities.


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  10. 20 hours ago, Bobsk8 said:

    My daughter asked me last night if I had ever flown to Bali in the sim, and I told her I had no idea where it was and would look it up when I got home.

    Ha this is great! Welcome - I live in Bali AND visit your part of the world (Atlanta) frequently - both totally different places! Enjoy your flights - thanks for visiting!

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  11. This is the log - showing an unsuccessful launch - I have also emailed to the info@ address the much longer log from the day before - that details the update, normal use and then the the attempts to use after my MSFS crash to reboot.

    2022-01-25 07:02:20.563 +11:00 [INF] FS ATC Chatter version 1.2.1 starting up
    2022-01-25 07:02:21.359 +11:00 [FTL] Error loading saved state
    System.Reflection.TargetException: Non-static method requires a target.
       at System.Reflection.RuntimeMethodInfo.CheckConsistency(Object target)
       at System.Reflection.RuntimeMethodInfo.InvokeArgumentsCheck(Object obj, BindingFlags invokeAttr, Binder binder, Object[] parameters, CultureInfo culture)
       at System.Reflection.RuntimeMethodInfo.Invoke(Object obj, BindingFlags invokeAttr, Binder binder, Object[] parameters, CultureInfo culture)
       at System.Reflection.RuntimePropertyInfo.GetValue(Object obj, BindingFlags invokeAttr, Binder binder, Object[] index, CultureInfo culture)
       at System.Reflection.RuntimePropertyInfo.GetValue(Object obj, Object[] index)
       at RossCarlson.FlightSimulation.FsAtcChatter.Session.State.Load(String path)
       at RossCarlson.FlightSimulation.FsAtcChatter.Program.Main(String[] args)

  12. I had a MSFS crash that forced a PC reboot - this was a very rare occasion for me, I think it has only happened once before.

    After the restart I did a full shutdown and startup and all is fine except on trying to launch FS-ATC-Chatter (the very latest update - 1.2.1) I receive a dialog box error "Non-static method requires a target".

    Apart from the chatter all seems to be working fine with my sim.
    I guess a full uninstall and a reinstall of FS-ATC-Chatter is needed - but I just thought I would ask for advice first.

  13. 3 hours ago, turbomax said:

    once you have installed today's patch successfully and everything is working as expected, let's not forget to FORMAT drive C and re-install Windows or was it the other way around? I can see this forum getting flooded with the usual stories anytime soon.  😊

    I have always thought of writing this (your above post) here in the forums in the past - but I never have - thinking it would not be understood as humour!

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  14. 8 hours ago, bofhlusr said:

    The big change is that the founder is no longer in charge. This is like what happened when Scully took over Apple and got rid of Steve Jobs. The prime motive now is profitability to justify the change. The passion to excellence is gone.

    It's a strange coincidence you posted this thinking - yesterday in the shower (long before I found this thread) I was thinking exactly the same thought! I have my previous almost blind faith in Orbx (virtually buying every release) so much that I now buy off the Contrail platform if the same scenery from a third party developer is offered - my "brand loyalty" has shifted so greatly that I now don't consider ORBX Central to be my preferred store.

    What a change from how I felt a few years ago.

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  15. I love it! The only airport covered I have visited since the update has been YSSY Sydney. The aircraft are correctly parked at their respective airliner terminal - Qantas at the Qantas terminal, Virgin Australia and Jetstar also correctly placed. International at the international terminal. 

    I have now turned off live or offline AI - correctly placed statics is just perfect for me.

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