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Posts posted by Oli

  1. Hi,

    I still use FS9 alongside FSX-SE. Two main reasons, first are the Dreamfleet 737 and RFP747. I love those and they are not available on FSX

    I use 3D panels only aircrafts in FSX thanks to Chaseplane and this is quite great. But, with the aircrafts that do not have a great 3D panel (MD11, 767LDS...), I prefer using them on FS9 with a 2D cockpit. I do not mind the lower graphic quality (IFR flights with airliners) and I prefer the way 2D cockpits are managed with in FS9 (especially when it comes to looking down on landings).

    Also, I really like FS9, I do not know why, but each time I go back to it I really enjoy the experience. 

    Happy flying,



  2. Yes, I press the autoflight when I'm taxiing towards the runway


    I belienve is should be done right before takeoff to avoid problems if you push your throttle a little too hard during taxi

    Is your plane trimmed correctly when you engage the autopilot?


    My advice - if you learn the plane why don't you engage the autopilot a bit higher in altitude? - this will give you a chance to hand fly a bit, trim it correctly and feel how the plane reacts in manual flying. If you takeoff thinking "the sooner the autopilot the better", it is likely you will rush things a bit.


    Happy flying,



  3. Hi,


    In the past, I bought FS2Crew for both the Leveld and the ATR - I did not like them, I just did not have time and patience to learn both the plane and the flows - I chose to spend time learning the planes. Those were (arnd are) great products, just not for me.


    I recently bought the 737NGX version, and I love it - the product is much easier to use, the user interface is great - I can really see how the developper spent time improving the concept, well done!


    Now, I am wondering if I should get the MD11 button version - is it simple to use as the 737NGX version, or more on the complex side, like the 767 version?


    Thanks for your input,




    PS: the key for me is to be able to skip the preflight really - this is one of the fun part of flying those automated planes and I do not like someone else to do it for me ^_^

  4. Hi,


    Am I missing something, because it does not work here - I turned on the APU before the "before start procedure", turn on the APU bleed, disconnected external air and power.

    I checked the control panel and it did not switch to "APU".


    Thanks for your help,



  5. Hi,


    There does not seem to be a "APU/EXT" option?


    I tried as described in the manual, but no success, the configuration does not update to APU - did someone actually try it successfully?

    If so, when exactly do we need to start the APU?

    I started it before the pusback/engine start request and made sure the bleed was on.


    Thanks for your help,



  6. Hi,


    I looked for an answer in the forum, but I could not fine a precise answer.

    How exactly do you do to start the engine with the APU and do the preflight with the external power.


    The idea is to do the preflight with the external power and, before push, switch on the APU to start the engine during pushup. This is how I did things before getting FS2Crew.

    Would you know what the exact procedure is ?


    Thanks !


    Olivier Noir

  7. Very similar experiences for me, I have always kept FS9 mainly for a few special aircraft (eg. DF 727), in addition to my FSX. At least that was my excuse for keeping FS9, but, strangely, I find myself constantly using FS9 over FSX, simply because it runs so smoothly (even with extensive scenery addons) whereas I spend sooo much time tweaking FSX hoping to improve things.


    Exactly the same here - I run FS9 at around 150FPS, FSX at around 30-60 FPS. I only use FSX for FSX only planes, I even sometimes prefer the way FS2004 looks in terms of scenery.

    I stopped having display problems in FSX one I used NVidia inspector thought, this is a great tool.


    Happy flying,



  8. HI,


    I really think you should try Radar Contact, if IFR flights are your thing. You can tune on arrival airport early to get the info on the weather conditions (by default, it will tune around 40NM from final).

    Now, I hardly ever follow STARS (unless on difficule approaches) and let Radar Contact guide me (as in real life actually).


    Happy flying,




    PS: I do not have any relation to Radar Contact team, I am just saying this because this is soooo much better than default ATC

  9. I believe RC, you need to setup the SID/STARS in your flightplan ahead of time.


    Not in Radar Contact - just fill your flight plan in a regular way (first point being last point of SID).

    IF your first waypoint is more than 30 miles from the departure airport, you have a choice, when you setup your flight, of using a SID or being vectored to this 1st waypoint

    IF it is less than 30 miles from the departure airport, then you can only be vectored.


    When you choose to use a SID, Radar contact indiquates it in the clearance and you are free to flight anyway you want as long as you reach this first waypoint - this is easy and practical, even if it does not assign you a SID, the choice of SID is up to you (but you do not often have many choices).


    Same with instrument approach - if you want to use a instrument approach, it will leave you alone until you are aligned with the ILS - this is a big difference between RC and real, RC does not recognize mountains so, in a mountain surrounded airport, it can vector you straight into the ground. If you fly to Innsbruck for instance, you want to make an instrument approach.






  10. You guys are crazy for not flying online


    I flew online for some time, but I prefer now using Radar Contact - off course, human contact is better, but flying online is not really "harder" than using Radar Contact.

    With young kids in the house, I use FSX whenever I have the time and often the airports I want to fly from and/or to are not controlled - some controllers leave while I am in the air....so while flying online is great, Radar Contact is quite close without the contact and without the flavor of real control, but in my case this is a great substitute.


    Also, what you learn using Radar Contact will be very helpful the day you will want to try real control.


    I will go back to IVAO when I have more time, but in the meantime I really will go on using Radar Contact.


    Happy flying,



  11. HI,


    Radar Contact is the only one I use - I have used it of years and I love it - its interface is very basic (but it does not get in the way during flight) and it has lots of features.

    One of my favourite utitilies ever for FS.

    It is a pity its development has frozen but the current version is very solid and bug free.


    Happy fliying,



  12. Maybe I am mistaken, but a virtual cockpit looks fine on any sreen format, unlike the 2D cockpit.

    So, the cockpit gauge looking sharp is not a matter of 16.10 or 16.9, but will depend on the resolution. As it has been said above, this 16.9 trend is nonsense on a computer (unless you only use it to watch money) and it makes more sense to use a 16.10 for flightsim.


    Happy flying,



  13. Hi,


    I used to love 2D and hate 3D - PMDG "forced" me to change this with the JS41. I use EZDOK to make some custom views of the cockpit and I have a keyboard with programmable keys (Logitech G11) which allows me to map those views to some keys. With this, I use the 3D pretty much like a 3D but I can look around much more naturely using the hat switch. This means you need to get EZDOK on top of the already not so cheap 777, but you can use EZDOK with other add-ons.


    Happy flying,



  14. Hi,


    I noticed something strange - here is my test flight route (EDDP --> EDDP)



    There is a speed restriction at GAMKO (170 knots).

    When I take off, the FMC keeps commanding 170 knots which is way too low. If I delete the speed restriction at GAMKO, then the commanded speed rises to 240 knots which is more correct, even though GAMKO is some 170 miles away.


    If I take off without GAMKO, it works well, when I insert GAMKO after takeoff, it hads a 170 knts restriction to this waypoint (in big numbers, not a calculated restriction) and the commanded speed falls back to 170. It is like it does not want to accelerate and slow down for GAMKO but slow down straight away.


    Would you have any idea why that is? It seems like a strange behavior.


    Happy flying,



  15. Hi,


    I have the same problem here - took off from EDDP, LNAV VNAV armed - I tuned on the autopilot at around 1200 ft.

    Everyrhing was fine, when suddenly after one minute or so, the FMC commanded a very low speed, like 178.

    Above 10000 feet, it commanded 198 feet.

    I hit FLCH and it worked fine.

    I hit VNAV again and the commanded speed decreased again to 198 (at around 14000 feet)

    The indicated modes form the MCP are THR / LNAV / VNAV SPD

    I have no clue why this would happen - I entered my route before choosing the SID.


    Once in Cruise mode, I reverted to VNAV and it worked fine - the commanded speed was correct.


    One more thing - I used the CLB2 derated climb thrust and then reverted to one (which did not change anything). I started my flight loading the cold and dark panel state.





  16. Hi,


    I have a question regarding the off schedule descent:

    I did a test flight doing the following:

    Pressurization flight level set to 18000

    I flew to 10000, leveled off and then went down to 9000

    As planned, Off schedule descent illuminated.

    I then set the Flight level to 9000 in the pressurization panel, everything went back to normal

    I then climbled again to 18000, set the FL in the pressurization level to 18000 and then, the pressure differential gauge started to climb to the yellow mark.


    From the link below, it seems that the plane should relalculate the pressurization when doint such a change - from this, it seems that it did not, and kept the pressurization profile that is automatically calculated in an off schedule situation, that is to say Departure airport minus 300 feet.




    Whould someone have an idea on this (maybe I did something wrong or misunderstood something)


    happy flying,



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