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Posts posted by jbinner

  1. I guess since I am browsing forums today, I'll bite. 🙂

    U.S. Dept of Veteran's Affairs, Senior IT Analyst. VA employee since 2011.

    Currently I am a "SME" (Subject matter expert) reporting to a supervisor and assisting 9 sites with the Imaging storage, hardware, VMware, and software needs.


  2. On 3/4/2021 at 4:31 PM, minimaLMind said:

    So, after contacting Aerosoft, I was answered that since it is expired already (little did I realize these things are updated very frequently) the latest cycle I bought, 2101 R.1 has already expired and they discontinue access immediately.  So, I need to purchase the latest dataset to be able to install it into all my add-ons.  At this point, it looks like subscribing to the NavDataPro Complete 1/yr with Charts is the way to go.

    Honestly, if you go that route anyway, get the online version, "ultimate" monthly. It comes out to around $10 USD depending on the exchange rate when it's debited. I have used it for a long time now and not only do you get the data you need, but a moving map that you can load onto the charts from another machine. I usually connect with a laptop and use the moving map for taxxing easier on the ground. 🙂

  3. 18 hours ago, Schwarzgruber said:

    Indeed, the FMC is not modeled with the A320 from MFS. I can't enter all the information. It's "inact". This is why i only fly with PMDG.

    ZFW/ZFWCG is entered automatically since the last update. Btw the TOW/LW must be entered manually like for Taxi fuel.

    For TRIP WIND it's AVG WIND? this is what i see in simbrief.

    Yes, AVG WIND is trip wind.

  4. I am only using 2020 for GA flying for now until PMDG comes over. lol INIT should be roughly the same for info, based on what you said above. I have not tried the 2020 'bus yet, so I am not sure what all is modeled in the FMC. But, if they have the init fully modeled, ZFW entry should fill in a lot of the other stuff. SO load payload, load fuel, and then go into INIT and try right click on ZFW, see if it will auto-fill the rest.

    If not, use numbers from your dispatch in either PFPX or simbrief. To try to answer each section though:

    TAXI: fuel time for taxi, dependent on what you fill-in for dispatch rules, my VA uses 10-15 mins fuel

    ZFW/ZFWCG; See above answer.

    TRIP/TIME: Use EET from your dispatch number

    BLOCK: Again this is a time entry from your dispatch

    TOW/LW: Should auto-fill based on your ZFW (I hope)

     FINAL TIME: ETA based on your FP

    MINE DEST FOB: Fuel on Board at Destination, again from dispatch "remaining fuel"

    TRIP WIND: Should be on your dispatch as an average wind at cruise

    EXTRA TIME: based on your fuel load, how much extra time do you have loaded? 

    Good luck!

  5. From what little I know about it, most of that info would come from a flight dispatch in the real world. Trip wind would be included in the dispatch as an average during your cruise. DEST FOB is the remaining fuel you should have at your destination and would also be calculated in the FMC based on your inputs and fuel load given from dispatch.

    I see you reference to an A320 page so I won't go further as I fly Boeing aircraft, but when I create a dispatch with PFPX most of the info you seek is given IN the dispatch. Create an account on www.simbrief.com and dispatch a flight. It may help to sort it more for you. 🙂



  6. 1 minute ago, F737NG said:

    Similarly, it seems LM franchised the rights to develop ESP for commercial purposes.
    Microsoft are returning in the consumer entertainment segment, so no overlap there.

    Given you previous comment on here:

    and now:

    Just because you say you aren't trolling, doesn't automatically make it so.

    I don't see the point of this thread.

    the point was to ask a question and it was answered before your reply. But thanks.

    (nice to see nothing has changed here.)

  7. Just now, w6kd said:

    As Robert Randazzo of PMDG tells it, when they were considering partnering with other add-on devs to keep MSFS alive back when ACES folded, one of the provisions in Microsoft's proposed contract was that they (M$) would have the right not only to come back into the market, but to incorporate any changes made by the licensee to the core simulation if they did...and naturally, that was unacceptable to PMDG and the others.

    It all depends on what was in the contract with DT, and I'd bet good money that M$ wouldn't be going down this path if their legal team hadn't already paved the way


    Rob's word is gospel in my eyes. People that know me (of me? LOL) know that. There was a little meeting in Canada with the then AVSIM BoD, and others on the phone, when the "sale" of whatever rights was going on.  If Rob is talking about it, then my NDA doesn't apply anymore either. 🙂

    BUT, as I said, all this will do is drive me to XPlane; or out of simming (again) altogether. It may be business as usual but it's not how I do business. I don't forget and I don't forget how the community was treated, what we were promised, and what never happened. And the cycle is coming around again full circle.

    My questions are answered for now. Thanks for the quick replies.

  8. Am I the only one thinking the following: HOW is M$ bringing this back around again, as an updated version, when they sold off the rights? (or so I thought based on info I am not sure I can talk about yet)??? Didn't the education / business licenses get sold to Lockheed and the entertainment license to Dovetail? Or have I been under a rock since I left AVSIM?

    I AM NOT trolling, just curious...as I have not seen it mentioned anywhere....or did M$ pull their magic hidden text again in those contracts?

  9. how quickly we all forget HOW MS left us the first time? They claim to be all for the people, the community, then sell it off into little pieces. LM got part, Dovetail got a part, and NOW they come back? I honestly don't care if it has 90,000,000 FPS and looks like smooth glass. I would ditch Office, WIndows, etc if I didnt need it for my workplace. I feel much the same about MSFS now a days. They bailed on us and that counts for a lot in my book.

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  10. Came up with a plan, now I am hoping to find someone out here for help in the final execution. Here is the scenario:

    --Present setup includes a 42" monitor, sitting on it's original stand on a desk. Needs 28" VERTICAL clearance to get over it.

    --looking to use the newer versions of the remote software for FMC and Overhead. FMC is non-issue, I already have a touch laptop to use for that.

    --Overhead panel. Have identified touch-screen monitors in various sizes. Would use one of these for the overhead panel with the above software.


    Problem: Need to find a monitor mount, to support a 22" or 24" touch-screen OVER the existing 42". Must articulate "out" at a 30-degree angle or so, to create the simulated overhead look. (and be close enough to my chair to "touch" the controls without standing up. Follow up, plan B, I guess I could go with a non-touch monitor and still use the mouse??? Takes away the touch problem.

    However, back to the mount, anyone have ideas on a mount like I am describing? The reasoning behind this rather then an actual "hardware" overhead is then I am not locked down to one-style overhead. I can still fly Boeing and CRJ and they will switch to whatever I want.


    Thanks in advance! Just trying to find a desk-mount articulating arm that will be tall enough.


  11. It's been a while since I put my thoughts to words, and today I felt the urge that I needed to. Tom has been gone for too long already, and taken way too soon from us. But the memory of him, what he did, what we all tried to help with, lives on. Today, after an interview for my "real world" job, I found myself going back to my IT support days for Tom and this wonderful organization. But sometimes, I do feel responsible for what occurred in 2009. 😞 Had I not resigned, had I not decided that my personal life was too busy, I would have remained as the IT staff and the hack in 2009 would have never happened. It haunts me. I had the chance to talk about it with Tom before his passing, he tried to assure me I had NOTHING to do with it. but I still cant get passed it; my choice to quit caused that new person to be "hired."

    Today, for some reason, I decided to send the hiring authority for this new job a link to the events of 2009 page still found here on AVSIM. Tom and Mrs. A were like a 3rd set of parents for me. (I am lucky enough to have parents and step parents that ALL get along, thus 3rd.) Even so much as when I developed a HUGE blister between my toes in San Diego at the SimCon there, Mrs. A went into nurse mode and assisted me before our flight back to DCA. 🙂 

    Tom and I didn't always see eye to eye, we butted heads, we argued, we shouted. But I never stopped enjoying what I did. Even my day job counter-parts will tell you that I blurt out at times, but in the long run I get it done and enjoy the work. But deep down Tom was a mentor for me. Made me smile, made me laugh way more then we ever argued. One night in a bar in the "unofficial" HQ hotel for AVSIM, after my work at the NOC, we met. Mid conversation Tom looks at me, says, "John, your problem is you don't talk enough about YOURSELF." I don't think I have ever had a larger compliment given to me. 

    You see, my adage of HOW I.T. should be done, is if we are doing our jobs right, none of you should know we are even there. It should just work. We didn't always hit that goal, but we sure as heck tried. Which I guess is why I am writing this today. I am still very proud of what we did that day and for years with AVSIM. Maybe Tom was in my mind from above today, and for whatever reason I chose to send the hack-blurb about how we helped recover this amazing site. There was so much going on BEHIND the scenes, some of which I am not now and was not then aware of. The flight sim community owes a tremendous thank you to Tom. I hope we never forget that. I know I won't. 

    And if I land this job, I am sure Tom will be smiling, and I will silently thank him for helping me get to here. So, Tom, Mrs. A, Bob K and others, thank you. I'll never forget the fun, work, sweat, tears that we all had together. 🙂 

    We miss you Tom.

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  12. Lemme try to reply, and I am going to uninstall / reinstall video now. Nothing to lose on it anyway.

    --I did remove shaders. didn't remove  cfg but I will.

    --I DID tick do a clean install of video, but I didn't remove first the old one. That is what I I am doing after I finish this reply.

    --no onboard video, and yes I checked in settings in P3D anyway, it's got the 970 picked, only video I have.


    be back later after I rip out video driver again.



    After a Driver Update,  Your first Step  (If not done already)  is to..........................


    Delete or Rename your Prepar3D.cfg and Delete your Shaders folder.  Let both files rebuild again   


    This may not solve Your Issue But its the first step 
    Location:   Local Disk (C:) ► Users ► you ► AppData ► Roaming ► Lockheed Martin ► PreparD v3  Prepar3D.cfg
    Location:  Local Disk (C:) ► Users ► you ► AppData ► Local ► Lockheed Martin ► Prepar3D v3  Shaders




    After that........


    Did you do a Clean Uninstall and Reinstall of your Graphics Driver ?   Did you either......


    Tick the box during the Driver Update "Perform a Clean Installation"  ?


    Or use a Graphics Driver Uninstalling Tool (Cleaner) like DDU Display Driver Uninstaller  to Remove all settings and Profiles from your Previous Graphics Driver ?




    Are you sure.......


    Prepar3D is Using\Taking from your NVidia 970 Card as apposed to trying to use an On-Board built it Graphics card ? 

  13. I am at the point where I was a few years ago and honestly ready to exit stage right from this hobby. :( Sounds drastic I know, but it seems this never gets better for me. I will try to be patient, if someone would be willing to assist.


    First, I am not a newb, nor am I "new" to computers. I do it for a living, manage to keep an 1,100 bed hospital imaging servers running, I would hope I can get around this, again. Now, onto the stuff.


    --Running Windows 10 64-Bit Pro.

    --NVidia 970 ASUS GTX, just got it for my birthday in July.

    --Athlon (don't shoot me) Phenom II at 3.5Ghz

    --16GB of RAM, dunno make offhand I forget but can find it need be, yes I know P3D will only see 4GB of it.

    --Saitek Yoke, pedals, TPM

    --3 Dell 17" Monitors running in surround mode, P3D trying to run across all 3.

    --P3D latest version as of Oct 1, and was freshly installed PRIOR to the last Nvidia update.

    --Only add-ons I am running is AS, ASCA, PMDG NGX, DEFAULT Scenery


    After the latest Nvidia update, I am back to less then 9FPS parked, in ATL, with default scenery. I WAS around 25-30 before the video driver update. Seems every time I remove the video driver, allow it to fresh-install the new one, I am right back to this square one. Last time I even re-installed ALL of P3D fresh.


    Someone please assist. I am ready to give remote to come in and look if someone is willing to help. Thanks again.




  14. it's not the simconnect files. I just tried those to install again, same error as everyone else. ticket opened.


    Update 942pm EST: I removed ALL of the 777 products, did a complete reinstall of just the 772. Ran P3D, same issue, same flexnet errors.


    Well I tried, wait on the ticket now. :)

  15. I wanted to write a little bit this morning, about the event, and my thoughts as a "lifetime" flight simmer, because that is what I intend to be. Yesterday I took the PMDG 777 from KMIA to EDDT as part of the titled event. just shy of 10 hours, and my computer handled it like a champ. But, more on that in a bit. First, for the event itself:


    ·         FSS stations, for the most part, were outstanding. I had ONE problem "controller" that unfortunately I had to report for his attitude on the air. All, myself included, if you cannot handle the stress of an enormous event, don't work it. If you are not prepared, don't fly it. Literally thousands of people plan for this event and it only works if everyone is prepared.

    ·         ATC, was incredible. Couldn't be happier with how it all played out!!!

    ·         The event itself, overall, was everything I remember it to be. I haven't done a cross the pond in a long while and was lucky enough to snag a slot last-minute.... well last days anyway. 


    Now for some suggestions:

    ·         VATSIM should strive to get an automatic reporting system, which i am told exists in real-world. I've never done trans-Atlantic in real life, but my dispatcher that I "use" for flight sim has, and has to do several a year to remain current with his real-world job. This would take a HUGE burden off the voice system and FSS controllers, as all they would need to do is SELCAL or voice acknowledge the position report.

    ·         System tests. yes, I know voice servers can die the day of, but EVERYONE should check their system, controllers check mic levels, USE a headset!!!!! Not a mic sitting on your desk with reverb on every transmission. I am not just preaching, the night before I loaded up the 777 in both KMIA and EDDT and made sure the scenery matched the diagrams we were all given. I also loaded in the flight plan into the FMC to make sure it matched what I needed the next morning. Again, be prepared!

    ·         Other than that, I LOVED the event, and do every time it’s that busy online.


    Now I wanted to give some feedback on what I call “chasing the system.”  For YEARS, and even with my tenure with AVSIM, I chased my system to make it better, and better, and better. Constantly moving to improve, spend what I could, upgrade. I want those of us, with less cash then we’d hope, to know this. You don’t always have to have the latest and greatest. I am an IT Analyst by trade, and it’s NOT my lack of know-how holding me back on the top-end system. I am a single dad, so flight sim has to be “what it is” and work for what I have. And thankfully yesterday was about the largest stress test I could do, and it worked. I took off, cruised, landed with ZERO issues.


    I wanted to encourage people in the same situation as me. Get your sim stable. It may not be perfect, but if it works, STOP. Don’t make major changes unless you have to, or unless it’s just that big of a bang for the buck. Then test some more. I am counter to most of what we always see on here, latest and greatest Intel CPU, video cards that could run the highest end engineering on it and still don’t push FSX the way you think it should, etc. Frame Rates, MY GOD stop worrying about them, if VISUALLY the sim looks smooth TO YOU, then stop chasing the system! I am going to give my specs below, trying to give ALL of them, every part, so that maybe I can help future and current simmers see that it’s not always what you spend, but what you can DO with it. ENJOY flying again, I do. J


    My setup:

    Main rig:

    Windows 10 Pro, 64-bit (upgrade, then fresh install), 1TB primary Seagate SATA at 7200RPM, secondary 500GB Seagate at 7200RPM, ASUS SATA-DVD ROM, AMD Radeon R7 260 with 2GB RAM, AMD Phenon II 970 at 3.5Ghz (Quad Core) with Zalmann cooler (Fan, not water), 16GB Crucial Ballistix Elite at 9-9-9-27 timing, ThermalTake SMART SP-750M Power Supply, ASUS M5A99FX Pro R2.0 MotherBoard. Three 17” Dell Monitors running from the above video. Logitech G510s Keyboard and Logitech gaming mouse. For now (until this week delivery) I am using a Logitech Extreme 3D Pro flight stick. Internet connection is a 30MBPS down, 5MBPS up with Time Warner Cable. (sorry only thing available here)

    Software as flown yesterday: FSX Steam Edition, ActiveSky Next, REX SoftClouds, GEX for ground equipment, vpilot for VATSIM connection, my VA’s ACARS software. Airport scenery was freeware from AVSIM; just enough to give me current runways and parking. WOAI installed for traffic for the above vpilot for VATSIM.


    I AM running a secondary laptop, that runs WideFs to the above system for the moving map using FSCommander. That is all it runs, along with pulling up anything PDF that I need like flight plans, charts, etc. Oh, it's also Win10 64-Bit



    Seeing a common thread in all of that? Yes, it works, but it’s in NO WAY the latest and greatest! ENJOY flying again and not worry so much about the latest and greatest. I do. J


    (Will be cross-posting this to VATSIM as well to give them feedback on their event.)

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