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Posts posted by weeksy

  1. 8 hours ago, weeksy said:

    Firstly I'd like to say a big thank you to Reset XPDR for this tool which has really helped my enjoyment of the sim.

    In the past couple of days I have been getting the "MSFS compatibility test failed - Read only mode" message when I load into a flight (also with auto FPS). MSFS did a large mandatory update on Thursday (60+GB) and it seems to be happening since then.

    I'm on Steam beta version I have also tried reverting to but the problem still occurs with that version.

    I assume it's a problem specific to my end as I haven't seen any reports of it from other users?


    This seems to have resolved itself, I reverted back to the MSFS beta branch and excluded the Dynamic LOD folder from Windows Defender. When I started a new flight, it was working fine (I don't know if either of the changes I made were significant or it was coincidence). Anyway, back to flying 🙂

    • Like 2

  2. Firstly I'd like to say a big thank you to Reset XPDR for this tool which has really helped my enjoyment of the sim.

    In the past couple of days I have been getting the "MSFS compatibility test failed - Read only mode" message when I load into a flight (also with auto FPS). MSFS did a large mandatory update on Thursday (60+GB) and it seems to be happening since then.

    I'm on Steam beta version I have also tried reverting to but the problem still occurs with that version.

    I assume it's a problem specific to my end as I haven't seen any reports of it from other users?

    From the log file;

    2024-03-02 09:20:16.003 [INF] -----------------------------------------------------------------------
    2024-03-02 09:20:16.041 [INF] [ App:InitLog                      ] DynamicLOD_ResetEdition v0.3.8 started! Log Level: Debug Log File: ..\log\DynamicLOD_ResetEdition.log
    2024-03-02 09:20:16.245 [INF] [ App:InitSystray                  ] Creating SysTray Icon ...
    2024-03-02 09:20:16.681 [INF] [ ServiceController:Run            ] Service starting ...
    2024-03-02 09:20:16.686 [INF] [ IPCManager:WaitForSimulator      ] Simulator started
    2024-03-02 09:20:16.796 [INF] [ MobiSimConnect:Connect           ] SimConnect Connection open
    2024-03-02 09:20:16.800 [INF] [ IPCManager:WaitForConnection     ] Connection not established - waiting 30s between Retries
    2024-03-02 09:20:16.924 [INF] [ MobiSimConnect:SimConnect_OnOpen ] SimConnect OnOpen received
    2024-03-02 09:20:22.209 [DBG] [ MobiSimConnect:SimConnect_Receiv ] Sending Ping to MobiFlight WASM Module
    2024-03-02 09:20:22.320 [INF] [ MobiSimConnect:SimConnect_OnClie ] MobiFlight WASM Ping acknowledged - opening Client Connection
    2024-03-02 09:20:22.425 [INF] [ MobiSimConnect:SimConnect_OnClie ] MobiFlight WASM Client Connection opened
    2024-03-02 09:20:32.078 [DBG] [ MemoryManager:GetActiveDXVersion ] Steam MSFS version detected - DX12
    2024-03-02 09:20:32.078 [DBG] [ MemoryManager:MemoryManager      ] Trying offsetModuleBase: 0x004B2368
    2024-03-02 09:20:32.100 [ERR] [ MemoryInterface:GetModuleAddress ] Exception System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception (5): Access is denied.   at System.Diagnostics.ProcessManager.OpenProcess(Int32 processId, Int32 access, Boolean throwIfExited)   at System.Diagnostics.NtProcessManager.GetModules(Int32 processId, Boolean firstModuleOnly)   at System.Diagnostics.Process.get_Modules()   at DynamicLOD_ResetEdition.MemoryInterface.GetModuleAddress(String Name) in C:\Users\feb29\My Drive\WebContent\DynamicLOD_ResetEdition\DynamicLOD_ResetEdition\MemoryInterface.cs:line 22: Access is denied.
    2024-03-02 09:20:32.102 [DBG] [ MemoryManager:BoundaryTest       ] TLOD PC: 0
    2024-03-02 09:20:32.102 [DBG] [ MemoryManager:BoundaryTest       ] TLOD VR: 0
    2024-03-02 09:20:32.102 [DBG] [ MemoryManager:BoundaryTest       ] OLOD PC: 0
    2024-03-02 09:20:32.102 [DBG] [ MemoryManager:BoundaryTest       ] OLOD VR: 0
    2024-03-02 09:20:32.102 [DBG] [ MemoryManager:BoundaryTest       ] Cloud Quality PC: 0
    2024-03-02 09:20:32.102 [DBG] [ MemoryManager:BoundaryTest       ] Cloud Quality VR: 0
    2024-03-02 09:20:32.103 [DBG] [ MemoryManager:BoundaryTest       ] VR Mode: 0
    2024-03-02 09:20:32.103 [DBG] [ MemoryManager:BoundaryTest       ] Ansio Filter: 0
    2024-03-02 09:20:32.103 [DBG] [ MemoryManager:BoundaryTest       ] Water Waves: 0
    2024-03-02 09:20:32.103 [DBG] [ MemoryManager:MemoryManager      ] Boundary tests failed - possible MSFS memory map change
    2024-03-02 09:20:32.103 [ERR] [ MemoryInterface:GetModuleAddress ] Exception System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception (5): Access is denied.   at System.Diagnostics.ProcessManager.OpenProcess(Int32 processId, Int32 access, Boolean throwIfExited)   at System.Diagnostics.NtProcessManager.GetModules(Int32 processId, Boolean firstModuleOnly)   at System.Diagnostics.Process.get_Modules()   at DynamicLOD_ResetEdition.MemoryInterface.GetModuleAddress(String Name) in C:\Users\feb29\My Drive\WebContent\DynamicLOD_ResetEdition\DynamicLOD_ResetEdition\MemoryInterface.cs:line 22: Access is denied.
    2024-03-02 09:20:32.103 [DBG] [ MemoryManager:ModuleOffsetSearch ] OffsetModuleBase search started
    2024-03-02 09:20:35.436 [DBG] [ MemoryManager:ModuleOffsetSearch ] OffsetModuleBase not found after 1048576 iterations
    2024-03-02 09:20:35.436 [DBG] [ MemoryManager:MemoryManager      ] Boundary test failed - memory writes disabled
    2024-03-02 09:20:35.436 [ERR] [ MemoryInterface:GetModuleAddress ] Exception System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception (5): Access is denied.   at System.Diagnostics.ProcessManager.OpenProcess(Int32 processId, Int32 access, Boolean throwIfExited)   at System.Diagnostics.NtProcessManager.GetModules(Int32 processId, Boolean firstModuleOnly)   at System.Diagnostics.Process.get_Modules()   at DynamicLOD_ResetEdition.MemoryInterface.GetModuleAddress(String Name) in C:\Users\feb29\My Drive\WebContent\DynamicLOD_ResetEdition\DynamicLOD_ResetEdition\MemoryInterface.cs:line 22: Access is denied.
    2024-03-02 09:20:35.442 [INF] [ ServiceController:ServiceLoop    ] Starting Service Loop
    2024-03-02 09:20:35.442 [INF] [ ServiceController:ServiceLoop    ] Initial LODs PC 0 / 0 and VR 0 / 0
    2024-03-02 09:20:35.442 [INF] [ ServiceController:ServiceLoop    ] Initial cloud quality PC 0 / VR 0
    2024-03-02 09:20:37.480 [INF] [ LODController:FindPairs          ] Finding Pairs (onGround: True | tlod: 0 | olod: 0)
    2024-03-02 09:20:37.480 [INF] [ LODController:FindPairs          ] Setting TLOD 50
    2024-03-02 09:20:37.480 [INF] [ LODController:FindPairs          ] Setting OLOD 100
    2024-03-02 09:21:07.503 [INF] [ App:OnExit                       ] Resetting LODs to 0 / 0 and VR 0 / 0
    2024-03-02 09:21:07.503 [INF] [ App:OnExit                       ] Resetting cloud quality to 0 / VR 0
    2024-03-02 09:21:07.510 [INF] [ App:OnExit                       ] DynamicLOD_ResetEdition exiting ...
    2024-03-02 09:21:14.556 [INF] -----------------------------------------------------------------------

  3. New beta posted;

    Learjet 35A V1.0.1 =================


    1. Fixed engine fan blade visibility timing between speeds.

    2. Fixed the visuals for the animated door on the GTN 750 model and fixed the tablet door switch.

    3. Fixed the RMI VOR/ADF needle animation as it was not an accurate direction.

    4. Fixed the Co-pilot HSI diamond center line was not matching the pilot side.

    5. Jet engine volume sound was increased, trim and N1/N2 clackers volume sounds was lowered.

    6. Fixed the sound loop issue for the annunciator test switch.

    7. Pilot camera position sits higher now.

    8. N145AJ has the tip tank livery wrong orientation.

    9. Fixed GPU sitting too low due to the suspension being lowered.

    10. Fixed the autopilot bank and pitch flight director animation scale. (This also effected the Go-Around mode. See note below)

    11. Fixed the beacon light effect from showing on the opposite side of the wing and stab surface and the windshield heater vent.

    12. Fixed GPU sitting too low due to the suspension being lowered.

    13. Fixed the Altitude hold for the TDS GTN 750.


    1. New engine fan textures.

    2. Added disable options for the tablet configuration page to disable trim or N1/N2 clacker sounds.

    3. The flood light is now a true white bulb with more intensity.

    4. The yokes now have ambient light effect based on the left, right and pedestal EL lights.

    5. The throttle qaudrant textures were updated with new detail.

    Note: The Go-Around is not supported from the WT530 or the PMS50 GTN750. This only effects the 9 degree flight director pitch up. All other mode changes will still work. So just pitch up 9 degrees and use the pitch sync button on the yoke. Note: Exterior and interior textures are getting updated over the next 3 to 4 weeks. So please be patient. Also no need to report issue. We have an in house beta team. Once we do an official release bug reporting will open. =================

    • Like 5

  4. Lovely looking bird and thanks for the post. They must be closely related to the black-winged kites we get in Southern Europe that extend down through Africa into SE Asia. I've always admired their smart markings and red eyes.

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