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Posts posted by CAPFlyer

  1. Takeoff out of CYYZ today, clean install of both the QW 787 and FS2Crew, so I know they're both fully up-to-date.  OAT was 14*C (if that makes a difference).  Even prior to departure, he was cycling the Aft Electronics Cooling Fan on and off constantly and would not let me turn on either Electronics cooling or the Bulk Cargo Heat.  While not a major issue, it's just annoying to see the EICAS memos flashing constantly.

  2. Yes, I see the mute icon when I am talking.  Just had it happen a few moments ago when I landed at Alliance Airport in Texas.  Was calling traffic and ended a transmission with "Alliance" and as soon as I un-keyed the mic and the yellow Mute cleared, the green bar said "Lights" which then turned off my taxi lights.

    As for the retrain - I built this current computer 2 months ago from scratch.  That included a new training session for voice.  It did this before the new computer.  It does it now with the new computer.  It does it no matter what microphone I have installed.  The point I think we're trying to make Bryan is that maybe it's not Speech Recognition profile that is the problem.  Maybe it's something changed in how SR is working or how FS2Crew is interacting with it that changed and is causing the issue.

  3. I'm having 2 problems similar to this.  I've confirmed several times that my mic sensitivity is way down.

    1) picks up random things when literally *nothing* is being picked up by the mic (according to the sound meter).

    2) can't seem to figure out the word "set" on the altimeter setting change or the checklist (always wants to say it's "seven").

    Both of these problems started about the same time and *only* affect the 747.  All my other FS2Crew programs work just fine.

    Also, the soft mute on the 747 doesn't seem to be working either.  Whenever I transmit on VATSIM, it picks up what I'm saying even though the soft mute shows active and I get random command changes to things like speed when I release the transmit key on my joystick and the soft mute releases.

  4. Mark, don't worry about sourcing GPU sounds.  First, your model is of a FoxCart-style GPU (battery/wall plug) so it doesn't make any diesel sound.  However, if you want to add a GPU, just let me know.  I'll send you a package of pics of our JetGo here at work and a recording of its entire start, rev to operating RPM, slow to idle, cooldown, and shutdown cycle on a quiet ramp so it'll be well isolated.  Just hit me up here or on Facebook.  I will probably get these pics and recording in the next week or so because it's been a sticking point on several add-ons that I've wanted to submit for approval.

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  5. Boeing's main objective right now is to bridge the gap until they can build the new 747-8 based 'Air Force One' airframes and fulfill these contracts. In order to do so, the production line must be kept open until then. It is already at its slowest possible rate without ridiculous costs (0,5 aircraft per month), so Boeing must do whatever it can to sell the remaining production slots to keep the line open long enough to produce the Air Force One airframes.


    They have no need to stretch it out.  The airframes for the AF1 contract have already been built per several sources, the problem is the modifications needed and funding them.  Boeing could deliver the aircraft in about 24 months from being given the "go" by the Pentagon and a wire transfer.

  6. I apologize if this has been addressed in other threads.  I tried a search and browsing the topic titles, but didn't come up with anything.


    I also understand if this is a gauge/model issue and can't be fixed.


    I have the freeware Douglas C-47 v2 and Basler BT-67 from Manfred Jahn (available from Sim-Outhouse.com and I think also from here).  Both versions use Basler's modernized cockpit that includes an updated 6-pack, new engine indicating gauges, and a GNS530 over GNS430 stack.  The stack is fully modeled in the VC and when I installed the GPS in place of the originals, the click spots appear to work fine, but the screen itself doesn't display anything but black.  It is differently a different color between the on and off states (as if the unit is powering up the screen but not the computer), so I think it's trying to work.


    I am pretty well versed in doing panel work and use both FS Panel Studio and notepad to make edits all the time for personal preference, so I did check other aircraft I have the Mindstar installed in and don't think I missed any "ghost entries".


    Any suggestion on what I might be doing wrong?

  7. Glad you got it worked out, but I wonder why you were under the impression that you needed to arm the "spoilers"?  First, the Citation II doesn't have spoilers, it has speedbrakes.  Second, even if you could arm them, they are pretty much useless on landing because they are designed to add drag only, not destroy lift, and at 100 knots, it's too slow to really be effective.  Since I've started flying the S550, I have to admit that I've not yet used the speedbrakes because I've not had to descend that fast that I hit idle thrust.

  8. No. David Drouin programmed the UNS-1F units used in Eaglesoft's CJ1+, Milviz's 737-200C, KingAir 350i, and KingAir 300.


    Further, one cannot simply "add Navigraph" functionality to any gauge (XML or C). It needs to be a complete replacement that was coded from the ground up to use the Navigraph database.


    For the modest price being promoted, that seems very fair., IMHO.



    Indeed....I think a lil perspective is needed for those who think it is too much to ask. There is a reason why the number of developers who provide Navigraph support are so low with relatively few newcomers. The programming involved in making use of such a database is immense. For starters XML (which if I mistake not has been the primary means of coding for Carenado) can only support the FSX GPS database, unless a custom module is developed to interlink with XML, which is quite frankly a programming nightmare. Vastly easier to do it using C++ only. But then again easier is a relative term. C++ offers great power and potential....But that's in proportion to the work. Simple things which XML can do are simpler in C++. But take a step up beyond those simple things and it becomes a whole new ballgame.


    FIrst - Fr. Bill, again, my mistake.  I didn't see David's name in the credits for the MilViz 737 documentation and thought you were the one who did it.


    Second for both Bill & Narutokun - I actually do understand on a general level the kind of effort that Carenado has gone through to make a Navigraph-compliant FMS.  I don't discount it one bit.  What I discount is charging an additional fee to the users who've already paid for a product that was advertised to have an FMS and wasn't delivered with an FMS.  If this addon covers more than just the Citation S550, then I'll happily pay the money because the "update" isn't a fix for a missing piece of the S550 by itself.  I will hesitate paying for what I was led to believe was part of what I paid for in the first place as it's CLEARLY advertised on their page to be included.  That is the only thing I have been negative about and it is what most of those who've responded on Facebook have expressed as well.

  9. Trust me, I don't normally pitch in and defend Carenado but in this case, I will definitely be happy to pay $9.95 for the Navigraph update, just to get SIDS, STARS and APP data - which is exactly what Carenado have said the addon delivers.   (Rather than extra features to the FMC as such).


    Here's the thing though - I already pay Navigraph for that data.  Now I'm paying Carenado to add it after they (in my opinion) lied about having an FMS and not a GPS skin.  What they delivered was not an FMS.  It was a performance calculator (partial) with the default GPS.  It wasn't capable of flying *any* RNAV procedures as FSX isn't capable of doing LPV, something that the UNS-1F is capable of doing.

  10. Sorry, I think I got myself mixed up this morning...


    Anyway, you're right that Fr. Bill is the coder on the UNS-1F.  My confusion was furthered by the fact that I've found that the GNS-XLS is actually more prevalent in Citation II upgrades than the UNS-1F, making the GNS a much better fit (and why I was in the process of replacing the "Universal" for my personal use before Janek did a much, much better job of it).

  11. GTN is good for the RealityXP direct replace, but if you're looking to do a 1-for-1 swap between the Carenado "default" and something better, then the ISG is better.  Also, with the ISG you're getting an entire suite that will allow you to update a lot of your freeware and older payware models with better FMS and MFD displays without a lot of manual work (as there are templates available).  While the ISG guages are designed for 2D panels and are flat in VCs, they work very well even today and I more than accept the minor loss in visual realism for the much improved navigation realism since I can update airplanes that are modeled for a specific era with no FMS to how they're operated today with at least a GPS or even FMC for no impact or loss of "immersion" in the VC itself since the FMC becomes a pop-up.

  12. Don't forget too that the MilViz UNS-1F is the ISG UNS-1 repackaged as Ernie did the programming for both.  Again I wonder why Carenado didn't just simply contact Ernie and license the technology for their own as the ISG FMS is already Navigraph compliant as well.


    As for the charge - If this is a multi-aircraft "update" to add their FMS/Navigraph to all of them for one price, then I'm okay with $10.  If it's for the Cessna only, then I'll just keep using Janek's package as I have been.  Carenado did not advertise the FMS in the Citation as a "lite" FMS.  They called it "fully functional".  That they delivered what is 95% a mask of the FSX default GPS using its internal database (which can't be updated properly due to its design), to me, is false advertising.  To then rectify that situation and expect me to pay for it, it unethical on so many levels.  I do hope that they clarify what they're releasing in short order, or they will find that this "update" will likely blow up in their face.

  13. Typically, if you have that kind of wobble, you're either too slow, too heavy, or both.  If you're above 75% payload, don't go much above FL330 until you burn off some of your fuel and make sure you're keeping your speed up.


    BTW, I've talked to a couple of real world Citation pilots and they say that the real thing is fairly sensitive to weight and the real AP does tend to hunt quite a bit when heavy.

  14. SimBrief has a Citation II profile and it seems to be pretty good.  If you're a member (free) of FlightAware.com, they have a flight planner for the United States that also includes a Citation II profile and will give you a pretty accurate fuel loading as well.

  15. Add to that the Sperry Multi-window not working at all.  Yes, right now it shows the "Altitude Alert", but it's a mutli-mode window and I find it sad that Bill & the team at Eaglesoft were able to program it to work right on their 5+ year old plane but Carenado can't even get it to work right in a single mode.  If you're going to include the gauge and show videos of it, then you need to make it work right.

  16. Thank you for doing this Janek.  I had been looking to do this myself and your solution is much nicer than I've been able to do.  I only wish Carenado had been smart enough to contact Ernie from the get-go and just license his Universal FMS and put their model on top of it instead of the FSX GPS.

  17. Venture Hawaii is a Virtual Airline operating on the FSAirlines Virtual Economy system (free for all pilots of the VA).We are currently looking to expand our VATSIM network presence and become a VA Partner there in addition to our current FSAirlines operations.We are a moderately-sized VA, but our focus is on regional operations with most flight legs being under 3 hours. Our operations are centered around a mid- to late-1970's second-tier airline using mainly classic British and European designs with some American designs mixed in. We have operations based in the Northern US, Southwest US, Alaska, Oceana (Australia, New Zealand, Indonesia, Soloman islands, and Samoan islands), and Europe. We have a small operation (called Venture Safari) that operates out of Kenya, however this operation is designed to be a "connection" from our European operations flying mainly tourists.If you are interested, please view our information on the FSAirlines website here - http://www.fsairlines.net/va/406 and our main website - http://www.britsim.com/index.php?option ... Itemid=286Right now, our forum section is a bit quiet because we've been discussing many things in the secure area of our forum, but you will see new information being put up in the near future. Once you join, you will be given access to all the secure forum areas.Please check us out if you're interested in flying some quality, older airplanes and having a little extra added challenge with ensuring that when you make a flight, you do so responsibly and profitably as much as possible!

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