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Posts posted by Joaocanada

  1. a bit off topic guys but it has to do with the ptp files. Anyone here having problems with the livery manager? when i want to install more than one livery it removes all the others. To answer your question, unzip the file, go to livery manager select the variant you are installing the livery on, click install liveries, then select the ptp archive click open and SHAZAM! it's installed

  2. Hello everyone I have a little problem with my pmdg products and, I would like to know if ou could give me a hand with it. The first problem is with the LCF I purcheased it and wehn I try to install it gives me a error of not able to find install location, the 744x is the second problem. The aircraft was working properly but I decided to uninstall because I thought my LCF wasnt working maybe with a problem on the PMDG744 or MSFSX. When I started to do the procedure to install it refuses my validation saying that itès not possible to validate and tells me to try again later. Any thoughts...Thanks in advance

  3. Nah I don't think he would leave in anyway, he can't live without us and the tons of weird stories he sees in this forum. He would just never be the same ^^ Robert, you are still doing air races right? maybe when I get a breach on my tight budget I could leave my little house here in Toronto to watch one of your races, I think it's a nice way to thank you for the hard work you've been doing for the last few years.

  4. I am from Toronto, Canada. I was born in the city of Vitoria(Victory) in Brazil, I am currently grade 12 in high school and I am studying to become a fighter pilot for the canadian forces since it's a dream since I was 5 and the only way to pursue my dream of flying since my single mother can't afford my education. If I make it I will be really happy to defend the people and the beauty from this amazing country called Canada.

  5. Hey guys I would like to know if anyone has the Pokemon Jets from All NIPPON Airways livery for the 747-400 here is a few picks from them%38%300px-Pokemon_Jets.jpg1124309.jpgANA_Pokemon_747-400_JA8962.jpg I did post on the requested repaints but that post seems to be getting old and with lots of pages so you can also use this one to make your requests and lets hope that yours and mines are heard thanks! :(

  6. Hey everyone I am so happy to see you guys working on so many nice repaints for the Queen it's nice to see her always with something new alright I would like to ask for a big big big favour there is three repaints that I need if you guys can work on it I would be really happy these are the ones :ANA NIPPON 747-400 POKEMON 1anapkemonplane.jpgANA NIPPON POKEMON IIPokemonJA8956.JPGANA NIPPON POKEMON IIIJA8962.JPGTHANK YOU SOOO MUCHHH! In advance cheers

  7. As many flightsimmers know there is a lack of high quality study sims for airbus aircraft.The closest we have is the poor wilco a320 and a buggy Airsimmer Basic.I own the wilco and havent flowen it for ages. The graphics of it are poor in FSX and the Fly-By-Wire is not realistic.I have been following the Airsimmer Project with alot of intrest over the past 12 months but it seems to be falling apart, with only the buggy basic released and the Bug-O-Meter still stuck at 62%. The forums are childish with arguments over FS9 and FSX and to be honest i have given up hope of having a A320 study sim from them for FSX.PMDG announced a few years ago that they would make an A320 but that seems to have fallen through, my guess is because the Airsimmer showed so much promise.IF The Airsimmer falls through we will once again have no promise of a high quality airbus. This means that PMDG should create one like they said they were a few years ago. When the T7 is released we will know what Airsimmer is doing and then PMDG could make a decision on wheather to proceed with their Airbus. I know that ryan has stated that he would still like PMDG to create an Airbus.
    Not this Thread again!

  8. Come on guys can you give PMDG some time off...I was so happy how so much people were happy about the triple seven...and now people are pushing them against the wall to make a Airbus, it is not their fault that Airsimmer failed to complete their task in bringing the software the way it was meant to be besides, the advanced version is not really yet so take your time and relax. I remember one day I posted something about the heavies in here and I gave my opinion against the production of the airbus family and that they should make the 747-8i, 787 and 777 guess what I win( in a way) :( ! and I congratulate PMDG for choosing the dash 8 and the T7 as their upcoming releases. What a mate posted on the beginning of this topic makes a lot of sense, PMDG is really close to boeing which makes it easy to get the information they need. And if we think about it this relationship will go further why not a 787 on mid 2011/2012 :( . Oh yeah I almost forgot! Here in Canada we have hops with triple 7s done by AirCanada CYYZ(Toronto)-CYUL(Motreal) and flying small hops with big aircraft is not an arcade it is also part of simulation, I started doing hops this month south of Brazil and I am already in France just because of small hops with the Queen Of the Skies( I totally love this aircraft), whenever I use the 747 I follow the procedures as much as I can like in any long haul I've done. Also, small hubs with these aircraft helps me to understand the plane even more since you get to practice the procedures more often.PMDG proud costumer :( Boeing All the Way! B)

  9. Sorry but Airbus in my opinion...no way, the market is already packed, and all good developers investing on Airbus is a waste of money in many ways...there is still many holes of the Boeing fleet missing on MSFS like: 777,757,787,747-8(to make the 777 and 757 would take almost a decade or more so there would be many information about the 787 and 747-8)and they could also make the Mcdonnel Douglas' "maddog" and the previous variants of the 737, and 767 is actually possible because the overhead of the 767 of leveld for fsx is creepy...lack of work on that part of the aircraft but otherwise it is a great plane I have to accept...I know there is a possibility of people being against my opinion but it is part of human rights to give my opinion...and I can complete this that I am a boeing freak...if I had an airline I wouldn't even think of a possibility from a deal with airbus...I would even deny myself to go in a A340-300 from Air Canada to Brazil on my vacations and take a flight from American Airlines with its 777s or wait until the 767-300ER from Air Canada were back into the route(and they are back!).anyways it is my opinion.

  10. PLZ!!! ask the other team about the NGX2.0 =D I am so amazed about the jetstream that I am curious about the 737 and by the way ask why the airbus as next projects...In my opinion this is crazy so many publishers are working on the AIRBUS series...I reconize PMDG for the BOEING/MACDONNEL Douglas aircrafts, please dont take me wrong airbus fans but I dont like them at all as personal opinion...There is so many Boeings that could be made that we miss so much like the 777 which is left aside waiting for a salvation or even the 767 and it's variants...I have the Flight1 product but the overhead is ridiculous...I swear I would buy any Boeing product they would make...cheers :( Joao Felipe Galon Sa

  11. Hey there guys I would like to know if there is anything new coming to the queen of the skies, any small changes to improve Fps or the weather display? new liveries?Anything?! :( tell me if you know anything. Thank You! in advance. :(

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